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Bethesda: "Please Stand By" (aka obvious Fallout teaser) [maybe not crossgen]

Which platform will you play Fallout 4 on?

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Is there any chance this first trailer will give the release date? That's virtually all I care about right now. I know the game will be amazing. I just want to know whether or not I can play it this year.


Am I alone in wanting them to get rid of VATs? Couldn't get into FO3 because of that.

Why? You never had to use it. It totally was optional. Which also begs the question why do you want to get rid of it when you don't have to use it and all getting rid of it would do was make the game worse for those who liked it?

I mean I actively avoided it in New Vegas. It didn't harm me having it in New Vegas. I just preferred not to use it cause the gunplay was a lot more fun than using VATs.

I honestly thought it was kinda a creative solution to the old school fallout fans who didn't like them making it not turn based.


Well that's boring.

They should go to another continent. Show what a post apocolyptic Norway is like
To me Fallout and it's lore seems to have always been centred around the U.S. I personally think a lot of the game's charm comes from the fact that it's a retro-futuristic mock of 1950s American culture and such. I'm sure others will have different opinions though depending on how you view the game.

I don't live in the US (I live in Australia), but I'd rather the game stay in the US. That's just my opinion.


Is there any chance this first trailer will give the release date? That's virtually all I care about right now. I know the game will be amazing. I just want to know whether or not I can play it this year.
I doubt it. I'm expecting at least a Doom level teaser, and at most a Fallout 3 level teaser. If a date is revealed, it'll be at E3.
Nope, I don't ever use VATS either. I was fine with playing the games, but I just ignored the whole VATS part of combat.


I always play on Very Hard so it required VATS. I loved hardcore mode too, plus no HUD. THat's how you play :D IMO but it's cool you can have such a different experience

Maybe we will get Fallout: London with no VATS

Hey if Fallout can't leave the US then it definitely can't get rid of VATS

Locking onto someone's arm and blasting it in half is Fallout.

Maybe we will get Fallout: London with no VATS


Why? You never had to use it. It totally was optional. Which also begs the question why do you want to get rid of it when you don't have to use it and all getting rid of it would do was make the game worse for those who liked it?

I mean I actively avoided it in New Vegas. It didn't harm me having it in New Vegas. I just preferred not to use it cause the gunplay was a lot more fun than using VATs.

With New Vegas they replaced it with ADS which I liked... I like to know that my aim is direct indicator of if I hit or not. How did you use guns in FO3 without VATs? Weren't you wasting a lot of bullets?

I honestly thought it was kinda a creative solution to the old school fallout fans who didn't like them making it not turn based.

Yeah, I totally get the reasoning behind it, but I've just never found it interesting to be honest.


Am I alone in wanting them to get rid of VATs? Couldn't get into FO3 because of that.
As much as I never use VATs, it's part of the game's character. You remove that and you remove one of the things that's made the games so unique and special. It's part of the game's soul!
Well that's boring.

They should go to another continent. Show what a post apocolyptic Norway is like

No way. Fallout is about 50's Americana. Its what the franchise IS. It's identity.

Now that being said I would totally be down with expansions that took us to new continents and places, but the main games themselves should take place in the US.
As much as I never use VATs, it's part of the game's character. You remove that and you remove one of the things that's made the games so unique and special. It's part of the game's soul!

Also VATS was one of the biggest and coolest links that transitioned from 2D to 3D. It was one of the fundamental transfers Beth had to nail down when they attempted to resurrect the franchise. I'm just interested in the improvements, I have faith that they are going to offer something very cool
Why? You never had to use it. It totally was optional. Which also begs the question why do you want to get rid of it when you don't have to use it and all getting rid of it would do was make the game worse for those who liked it?

I honestly thought it was kinda a creative solution to the old school fallout fans who didn't like them making it not turn based.

I agree. VATS is also the only way the girlfriend is going to play Fallout; it allows her to control the tempo and not get overwhelmed. I'm sure they'll keep it around and I'm happy for the option.


With New Vegas they replaced it with ADS which I liked... I like to know that my aim is direct indicator of if I hit or not. How did you use guns in FO3 without VATs? Weren't you wasting a lot of bullets?

Yeah, I totally get the reasoning behind it, but I've just never found it interesting to be honest.

Wasn't there still an aiming mechanic in Fallout 3? Regardless, I played on PC mostly and mods added aiming down sights.


Also VATS was one of the biggest and coolest links that transitioned from 2D to 3D. It was one of the fundamental transfers Beth had to nail down when they attempted to resurrect the franchise. I'm just interested in the improvements, I have faith that they are going to offer something very cool

That's what I'm hoping for, like the next evolution of VATs that would pull me in. I mean it will be 7-8 years since Fallout 3.


Also VATS was one of the biggest and coolest links that transitioned from 2D to 3D. It was one of the fundamental transfers Beth had to nail down when they attempted to resurrect the franchise. I'm just interested in the improvements, I have faith that they are going to offer something very cool
Yup. I hope it never goes away. I barely use it, but it's a goddamn unique feature to have in a game. I'd go so far as to say it's a symbol of the game...
Shit I'm going deep now, someone pull me out.

Dead Man

With New Vegas they replaced it with ADS which I liked... I like to know that my aim is direct indicator of if I hit or not. How did you use guns in FO3 without VATs? Weren't you wasting a lot of bullets?

Yeah, I totally get the reasoning behind it, but I've just never found it interesting to be honest.

You realise that would mean getting rid of the gun skills, yeah? It's a bloody RPG, not a FPS.


As someone who's barely played Fallout 3 but hated the VATS system from the little I played can someone explain the love I see for it here? From the little I played it trivialized combat but was necessary because shooting without it felt even more janky. There was barely any strategy to it because all you did was select head basically every time right? I really want to understand so can someone explain its merits?


As someone who's barely played Fallout 3 but hated the VATS system from the little I played can someone explain the love I see for it here? From the little I played it trivialized combat but was necessary because shooting without it felt even more janky. There was barely any strategy to it because all you did was select head basically every time right? I really want to understand so can someone explain its merits?

It's really not a fair system for an RPG. It's basically Dead Eye from Red Dead. It's fun?


As someone who's barely played Fallout 3 but hated the VATS system from the little I played can someone explain the love I see for it here? From the little I played it trivialized combat but was necessary because shooting without it felt even more janky. There was barely any strategy to it because all you did was select head basically every time right? I really want to understand so can someone explain its merits?

It was hilarious, watching peoples heads explode and body parts fly off is funny. The rag dolls are also hilarious.

And why wouldn't they wait to release this at their E3 conference? Unless they are going to show GASP...gameplay.
As someone who's barely played Fallout 3 but hated the VATS system from the little I played can someone explain the love I see for it here? From the little I played it trivialized combat but was necessary because shooting without it felt even more janky. There was barely any strategy to it because all you did was select head basically every time right? I really want to understand so can someone explain its merits?

Bethesda have always wanted their games not to be straight forward, but rather open-ended, and that was reflected in VATS. The original fallout had very open ended gameplay where you could do many things with your action points. With VATS, you can pull off impossible shots, and do creative things with the game. And no you don't always shoot in the head (even though most of the time that's the best place, as reflected in one of the quest names in NV), sometimes the legs are the best to take out first if its a powerful enemy, or a wing, or whatever the situation calls for. It's a different appraoch to combat that brings back the old play-at-your-own-pace stuff and allows you to strategize and calculate in the heat of battle


If you don't like VATS then Fallout isn't for you. Go play one of the other hundreds of shooters. I think they need more roll playing elements, not less.


Good lord people actually play Fallout games as a FPS? No VATS?!!

Punching/cracking people slo-mo is one of the most satisfying and hilarious things in gaming!
Bethesda have always wanted their games not to be straight forward, but rather open-ended, and that was reflected in VATS. The original fallout had very open ended gameplay where you could do many things with your action points. With VATS, you can pull off impossible shots, and do creative things with the game. And no you don't always shoot in the head (even though most of the time that's the best place, as reflected in one of the quest names in NV), sometimes the legs are the best to take out first if its a powerful enemy, or a wing, or whatever the situation calls for. It's a different appraoch to combat that brings back the old play-at-your-own-pace stuff and allows you to strategize and calculate in the heat of battle

This is a great answer too, btw.
Isn't it supposed to have been hit directly with a nuke or something during The Great War though?

Have it set in New Jersey or one of the boroughs. The destroyed Manhattan would be the skybox. Possibly an underground Enclave base in Manhattan if you really wanted to use it.

It could work.


With New Vegas they replaced it with ADS which I liked... I like to know that my aim is direct indicator of if I hit or not. How did you use guns in FO3 without VATs? Weren't you wasting a lot of bullets?

Yeah, I totally get the reasoning behind it, but I've just never found it interesting to be honest.

Ok, so? How does having it ruin your experience? Just don't use it. That's what I did in New Vegas when I liked their ADS (vs the point at the thing and click that 3 had that totally didn't make me feel like I was shooting a gun or give me this feeling of simulating shooting a gun). Having VATs didn't at all ruin my experience in New Vegas despite the fact I didn't want to use it cause I liked aiming better.

So why would you want to get rid of it and make the game worse for those who did like it when it has no bearing on letting you shoot yourself.

Personally I think it's pretty cool they tried to find a way to make both camps happy. And honestly they leaned more towards the real time action fans more than the turn based (I just don't see how you would even rely on VATs fully and make it a pure turn based by using it but you can ignore VATs and make it a pure action based combat game). How would you feel if people who liked it started saying they should get rid of real time shooting in the game instead and go to VATs only?
People hating on VATS? I actually hope the combat remains shitty so that VATS is required. Playing Fallout like a shooter sounds like the worse thing ever.
Fallout 4 and if there is a remaster will both be day one for me! Can't Wait!

Also how can you guys not like VATS. Blowing body parts off in slo-mo is one of the greatest things about Fallout.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I do hope that vats is improved though. Not enough situations would require you to target anything but the head. And targeting the eyes/groin should return from the older games.


I'm actually surprised at the amount of people who don't play Fallout like it's a first person shooter. I didn't know the janky combat was something people grew accustomed to. I've been sitting here for years hoping they'd announce improvements on real time gunplay. Something more akin to RAGE.

Although, according to all my friends I don't play Fallout like I'm 'supposed to' because I don't use the radio or companions either. Different strokes, I guess.
Okay think objectively here. Bethesda games are probably the buggiest of all games. This gen has been a patch fest so far. I want the game but buying at launch would be insane.
I'm actually surprised at the amount of people who don't play Fallout like it's a first person shooter. I didn't know the janky combat was something people grew accustomed to. I've been sitting here for years hoping they'd announce improvements on real time gunplay. Something more akin to RAGE.

Although, according to all my friends I don't play Fallout like I'm 'supposed to' because I don't use the radio or companions either. Different strokes, I guess.
I never thought of Fallout as an FPS and so I never played it like it was one. Even when they introduced aiming in New Vegas, I still used VATS.
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