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Bethesda: "Please Stand By" (aka obvious Fallout teaser) [maybe not crossgen]

Which platform will you play Fallout 4 on?

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After how incredible Fallout 3 was 7 years ago, and how amazing Skyrim was 4 years ago I can't even imagine how mind blowing Fallout 4 will be with the talent and experience Bethesda has developed.
I'm prepping my mind to

I'm guessing we'll get this tomorrow


And then full gameplay demo at E3
I for one hope they retcon the lore in that the world ended in the late 80s due to Soviet/US tension and that the apocolypse shattered such records of this info but there's a ton of 80's music that was laying around in some vault and that the whole soundtrack becomes a bunch of 80's classics.
If they use an engine that fucks with my modding, it will not be purchased. Mods are more important than any graphical issue to me.
Considering Bethesda was the first company to try out paid mods, I'm sure they'll still be around in future fallout and elder scrolls games.

Dead Man

I'd rather it not be an unplayable ball of hot garbage.
I would too, notice that I only said graphical issues. I would not give up mods for an extra bit of spit and polish on the visuals. And no engine is a guarantee of less glitches, FO/ES games are massive and complicated, bugs would occur no matter the engine.
Considering Bethesda was the first company to try out paid mods, I'm sure they'll still be around in future fallout and elder scrolls games.

Indeed, I'm not worried at all on that front, just replying to the guys post. :)


They didn't have that in FO3 though as far as I recall, that was an Obsidian addition in only NV. So you didn't really have much of a choice but to use it.

Don't get me wrong I totally get it, if they go with VATs because it's ingrained in Fallout , that's understandable and I'll just go, got it, not a game for me, that's cool.

Um, I'm still confused how you were forced to use VATs in FO3. They didn't have ADS in FO3 doesn't mean you couldn't point and click. You know, like how some FPS's have you do (and some people outright prefer)? Where did you not have a choice but to use ADS? Once again, I'm really confused how you can let an optional feature keep you from playing a game. If you don't like it, don't use it! You didn't have to use it in FO3 or Vegas. Vegas just had better gunplay so it was more fun not to use it (in my opinion but I tend to prefer ADS).

Percentages isn't really a useful abstract for conversations though. In combat things are a lot more random. A superior fighter may lose against an inferior opponent because he fucks up. Dice rolls simulate that randomness. All things being equal a person tends to respond to the same words in the same way so a threshold where you know your stuff or don't works better. Also less save scumming.

Obsidian did learn that lesson for Pillars of Eternity where there's an option to toggle of metagame stuff and hide dialogue choices that aren't met which is probably the ideal way to play it.

I wonder if there's a mod that hides the tags and the red highlighting so you either see the failure dialogue option or the success one depending on skill and have to choose the right one based on that alone.

I don't like it. I don't like knowing if I choose to argue something with some one that it will automatically work or it won't. Especially when talking to strangers do you know that your argument will 100% sway them? Even with friends and family that you know well it is no gaurentee. I want that risk in dialogue. Not just to be able to look and say, "That won't work, I better not use it." I want it to be a risk that they didn't take what I said well (with the payoff that it will have better results if it does work than the safer options). And no, I don't want them to hide it if it doesn't work, once again, I want that risk that it won't work. If they show it and only hide it if it won't work, than I already know it will work.

Yeah, and sure, I can save scum (and I usually do ;) ). But I still think it's fun to at least try to make the right decision without knowing the first time or two. I'm just not good at accepting the consequences if I pick wrong ;).

And no, you're wrong. People don't always respond to the same words the same way. We're odd creatures and you're silly if you think you can predict us. Trust me, I work retail and deal with the general public everyday. You really can't predict everyone and you cannot predict how they will respond to what you tell them (or how you tell them). And sometimes what makes perfect logical sense in your head will completely confuse some one else. And even if you have people mostly figured out, some one is bound to surprise you.

i honestly like how Witcher seems to do it where you kinda have to know the character to figure out the best response to them (and they aren't going to tell you which one that is until you actually choose it). But I think that's asking too much of having decent character writing of Bethesda (if this was Obsidian that would be a different question).

I would too, notice that I only said graphical issues. I would not give up mods for an extra bit of spit and polish on the visuals. And no engine is a guarantee of less glitches, FO/ES games are massive and complicated, bugs would occur no matter the engine.

I don't even have a PC to enjoy mods :(. And I agree. I mean while I can't enjoy them, the one thing I'm jealous of PC gamers is mods for Bethesda games (and Obsidian Fallout ;) ). I wouldn't want to take that away (but I'd love it if it ever came to console. I know Bethesda was paying lip service to saying they wanted to do it on Playstation... but it was just lip service :( ).


I don't like it. I don't like knowing if I choose to argue something with some one that it will automatically work or it won't. Especially when talking to strangers do you know that your argument will 100% sway them? Even with friends and family that you know well it is no gaurentee. I want that risk in dialogue. Not just to be able to look and say, "That won't work, I better not use it." I want it to be a risk that they didn't take what I said well (with the payoff that it will have better results if it does work than the safer options). And no, I don't want them to hide it if it doesn't work, once again, I want that risk that it won't work. If they show it and only hide it if it won't work, than I already know it will work.

Yeah, and sure, I can save scum (and I usually do ;) ). But I still think it's fun to at least try to make the right decision without knowing the first time or two. I'm just not good at accepting the consequences if I pick wrong ;).

And no, you're wrong. People don't always respond to the same words the same way. We're odd creatures and you're silly if you think you can predict us. Trust me, I work retail and deal with the general public everyday. You really can't predict everyone and you cannot predict how they will respond to what you tell them (or how you tell them). And sometimes what makes perfect logical sense in your head will completely confuse some one else. And even if you have people mostly figured out, some one is bound to surprise you.

i honestly like how Witcher seems to do it where you kinda have to know the character to figure out the best response to them (and they aren't going to tell you which one that is until you actually choose it). But I think that's asking too much of having decent character writing of Bethesda (if this was Obsidian that would be a different question).

It's just that the percentage combined with unchanging dialogue is a terrible way to go about the uncertainty of a dialogue option working.

I've worked in retail as well... People respond differently but a person will do the same thing in the same situation.


Hopefully the old gen version is being done by a different team or something, I don't want the effect of the PS3's RAM rubbing off on it.
If this is cross-gen I am seriously going to wonder why. There is more than enough fanbase for the Xbone, PS4 and PC so why would they hinder themselves in the progress of development for it to make it run on the PS3/360?


The idea that cross-gen is even in the discussion scares the hell out of me. The only thing Bethesda games really have for me now is that they have gorgeous open worlds. At the very least, the game needs to look better than the Witcher 3 which it can't if it's held up by last gen.

Even if it's just current gen, I honestly won't get my hopes up unless we get something like "and we've contracted Obsidian to do the writing". Another Bethesda game with a massive open world, but no real interesting story to speak of would kill all my interest in them. Granted, Fallout has always gotten by on its insanity and charm, but I'm not sure if that'll be enough for me to spend another 60+ hours in one of those games. I know for a fact I can't take another Elder Scrolls game in the current style.
I bought a Xbox 360 for Fallout 3. I'm ready to experience the wastes again. Hype level is max.

I hope Three Dog comes back and gets into DJ battles with other stations.
I bought a Xbox 360 for Fallout 3. I'm ready to experience the wastes again. Hype level is max.

I hope Three Dog comes back and gets into DJ battles with other stations.

Yeah I caved in and bought a 360 as well for Fallout 3, I was actually waiting for Wrath of the Lich King and fell ill. A virus left me unable to move or walk for several weeks but Fallout 3 saved me from falling into deeper depression, cannot wait for the countdown to reach zero.


Please no cross-gen. This is all I care about. I want a Vegas or a Boston or a DC that actually feels like a city.


Please no cross-gen. This is all I care about. I want a Vegas or a Boston or a DC that actually feels like a city.

Oh man, imagine if the open world that was just one giant, realistically proportioned city. That'd be such a cool and different setting. Walking around a dilapidated city with these massive, mostly empty skyscrapers towering over you could lead to some amazing moments. That might actually get me really excited.
Oh man, imagine if the open world that was just one giant, realistically proportioned city. That'd be such a cool and different setting. Walking around a dilapidated city with these massive, mostly empty skyscrapers towering over you could lead to some amazing moments. That might actually get me really excited.
Bethesda has a magical ability to never take a hit for bugginess in reviews.

One time a journalist was complaining about bugs in XCOM and Saint's Row, and when people pointed out that he championed Skyrim for GOTY, his response was that those two games could have bugs that hurt your enjoyment to the point you'd stop playing but Skyrim's glitches were "funny or endearing."


Anyone else hoping for some proper shooting mechanics?

Yup, for all the good stuff about Fallout, I'm just hoping for a solid engine that doesn't feel like absolute garbage to play and a relatively polished technical experience. So basically I hope it's not janky, half-broken shit like Bethesda's PS3 games.
One time a journalist was complaining about bugs in XCOM and Saint's Row, and when people pointed out that he championed Skyrim for GOTY, his response was that those two games could have bugs that hurt your enjoyment to the point you'd stop playing but Skyrim's glitches were "funny or endearing."

Nothing says endearing like 0fps.


One time a journalist was complaining about bugs in XCOM and Saint's Row, and when people pointed out that he championed Skyrim for GOTY, his response was that those two games could have bugs that hurt your enjoyment to the point you'd stop playing but Skyrim's glitches were "funny or endearing."

That's the word I think most people would use to describe Skyrim PS3. Endearing.
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