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Bethesda: "Please Stand By" (aka obvious Fallout teaser) [maybe not crossgen]

Which platform will you play Fallout 4 on?

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Okay think objectively here. Bethesda games are probably the buggiest of all games. This gen has been a patch fest so far. I want the game but buying at launch would be insane.

I need to check myself in then, because I will own this day one without question. Not that you are wrong, mind you. I'm sure it will be an infestation.


I took a break from work and just noticed this thread. Glorious.

VAT is not well received because it's originally designed for the turn based games of Fallout series before 3.

"Not well received" is probably not an accurate assessment of VATS. By and large it was one of the most well received mechanics of FO3, even with all of its problems.


I need to check myself in then, because I will own this day one without question. Not that you are wrong, mind you. I'm sure it will be an infestation.

Yep. Me too. I'm sure it will be horrible but I don't think I can make myself wait. Hopefully it won't ruin the game for me (To be fair, every Bethesda game I've played was really old by the time I played it so haven't experienced the launch day bugginess of Bethesda games. By the time I play them they are as patched up as Bethesda is going to make them. But then I've also played them on the worst platform possible to play them on, the PS3. So maybe that evens things out somewhat?).


I do hope that vats is improved though. Not enough situations would require you to target anything but the head. And targeting the eyes/groin should return from the older games.

Bullettime VAT would be something I'd very much want, more player skill, less RNG, and would make for more fun combat imo.
Okay think objectively here. Bethesda games are probably the buggiest of all games. This gen has been a patch fest so far. I want the game but buying at launch would be insane.

Just pray the inevitable ensuing patch doesn't break the character that you rack lots of hours up on with your $60 beta version


VATS is the best part about the combat for me. I love picking body parts and having the percentages. Anxious to see what they bring to the table with it this time.


Yep. Me too. I'm sure it will be horrible but I don't think I can make myself wait. Hopefully it won't ruin the game for me (To be fair, every Bethesda game I've played was really old by the time I played it so haven't experienced the launch day bugginess of Bethesda games. By the time I play them they are as patched up as Bethesda is going to make them. But then I've also played them on the worst platform possible to play them on, the PS3. So maybe that evens things out somewhat?).

Same here. Well I played New Vegas about 2 months after the release but the other games were at least several months after. I won't be waiting this time though. Such a looong wait already.

I also played them all on my ps3. So many frozen screens and manually turning off the console I lost count, even to this day (looking at you New Vegas). Didn't stop them from being my favorite games last gen. It's why I pray this is not crossgen. This game needs to be on a machine that can handle it.


I just saw someone bring up a good point on Reddit; If it's set in Boston, then there HAS to be a super mutant companion.

A... Green Monster, if you will.



Ok, so? How does having it ruin your experience? Just don't use it. That's what I did in New Vegas when I liked their ADS (vs the point at the thing and click that 3 had that totally didn't make me feel like I was shooting a gun or give me this feeling of simulating shooting a gun). Having VATs didn't at all ruin my experience in New Vegas despite the fact I didn't want to use it cause I liked aiming better.

So why would you want to get rid of it and make the game worse for those who did like it when it has no bearing on letting you shoot yourself.

Personally I think it's pretty cool they tried to find a way to make both camps happy. And honestly they leaned more towards the real time action fans more than the turn based (I just don't see how you would even rely on VATs fully and make it a pure turn based by using it but you can ignore VATs and make it a pure action based combat game). How would you feel if people who liked it started saying they should get rid of real time shooting in the game instead and go to VATs only?

They didn't have that in FO3 though as far as I recall, that was an Obsidian addition in only NV. So you didn't really have much of a choice but to use it.

Don't get me wrong I totally get it, if they go with VATs because it's ingrained in Fallout , that's understandable and I'll just go, got it, not a game for me, that's cool.
I do hope that vats is improved though. Not enough situations would require you to target anything but the head. And targeting the eyes/groin should return from the older games.

Ok, here is a stance I can get behind (improvements, not the balls thing^^). I love VATS, but adding in more nuances and making you learn different strategies and targeting for different foes would be pretty great^^


Well I don't care about Fallout the same way I do/did Elder Scrolls, but I guess this bodes well that Fallout is first this time since it'll serve as a nice prototype to test whatever Engine they'll likely use for the next legitimate Elder Scrolls game.

I did really enjoy Fallout 3 just fine however.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Well I don't care about Fallout the same way I do/did Elder Scrolls, but I guess this bodes well that Fallout is first this time since it'll serve as a nice prototype to test whatever Engine they'll likely use for the next legitimate Elder Scrolls game.

I did enjoy Fallout 3 just fine however.

Plus, Skyrim was by far Bethesda's biggest success. This is going to be their first game since then, and it's taken longer than usual to be announced/revealed. Skyrim came out nearly four years ago, New Vegas five years, and Fallout 3 seven years.

I'm stoked.


I'm actually surprised at the amount of people who don't play Fallout like it's a first person shooter. I didn't know the janky combat was something people grew accustomed to. I've been sitting here for years hoping they'd announce improvements on real time gunplay. Something more akin to RAGE.

Although, according to all my friends I don't play Fallout like I'm 'supposed to' because I don't use the radio or companions either. Different strokes, I guess.
I always played it in third person. It felt limited to play in first person.


Plus, Skyrim was by far Bethesda's biggest success. This is going to be their first game since then, and it's taken longer than usual to be announced.

I'm stoked.

In a world Post Dark Souls/Dark Souls II, I'm curious how the new generation of Bethesda RPGs will be influenced, it would really help some of my issues with these games.


We're less than 10 hours away from finally having official info about Fallout 4. That's insane. I've been waiting for this for at least the last 3 years. Every gaming event has been a disappointment, and ever hoax even worse, but it's finally happening.




I'm not surprised Gamecube is right behind PC. I've always felt that the Gamecube controller is the more authentic experience for Fallout games.


We're less than 10 hours away from finally having official info about Fallout 4. That's insane. I've been waiting for this for at least the last 3 years. Every gaming event has been a disappointment, and ever hoax even worse, but it's finally happening.



I know. I can recall people getting hyped back at the 2012 video game awards, and me right with them. It's been years with lots of disappointments in between. It's hard to believe it's finally happening.

I guess I need to go to sleep. I really don't want to oversleep and miss it.


I know. I can recall people getting hyped back at the 2012 video game awards, and me right with them. It's been years with lots of disappointments in between. It's hard to believe it's finally happening.

I guess I need to go to sleep. I really don't want to oversleep and miss it.
Same here, but I have a feeling I won't be able to sleep. Between wanting to play The Witcher and this, it's a lost cause.


I like percentages better cause it feels more like traditional roleplaying. Higher skill gives you higher chance. Not that you'll instantly succeed. It also means even high skill means it still is a chance you'll fail and i like that if you choose certain options they may have better outcomes but there is a risk attached to them (regardless of how skilled you are).

But, failing that, Obsidian should have at the very least not told you what you needed your skill/stat at to pass the test. At least then I could still wonder (long as I didn't look it up) and risk that maybe my check wasn't high enough.

Percentages isn't really a useful abstract for conversations though. In combat things are a lot more random. A superior fighter may lose against an inferior opponent because he fucks up. Dice rolls simulate that randomness. All things being equal a person tends to respond to the same words in the same way so a threshold where you know your stuff or don't works better. Also less save scumming.

Obsidian did learn that lesson for Pillars of Eternity where there's an option to toggle of metagame stuff and hide dialogue choices that aren't met which is probably the ideal way to play it.

I wonder if there's a mod that hides the tags and the red highlighting so you either see the failure dialogue option or the success one depending on skill and have to choose the right one based on that alone.
It never felt like the percentages in VATS meant anything to me, especially when if you chose to use VATS in an awkward spot your shots would miss no matter what.


Crossgen would kill me.... after how Fallout 3/New Vegas ran on the PS3. I can't even comprehend another release on last gen platforms.

Last gen consoles will just hold the games back at this point.

That said..... I can't wait for the reveal! I actually replayed FO3 somewhat recently and it is still a great game. I need to replay New Vegas again soon.


Honestly just hope whatever tech they used hasn't eaten up too much of their time.

Bethesda RPG's are some of the most intricate games ever created, if not patently THE MOST intricate games; the amount of missions you can do, the order at which you can do them, the way they can affect each other.. the way killing/stealing/etc. can affect what you can do, etc. Then you have the sheer amount of objects/bodies/etc. that are left around the world, most of them indefinitely.

I would be completely fine with them using their old engine with some new effects / higher resolution assets baked in.

Skyrim w/ mods for instance still looks phenomenal when you take into account the scope of the game. Happening upon fights between trolls and dragons.. shit is nuts!
We're less than 10 hours away from finally having official info about Fallout 4. That's insane. I've been waiting for this for at least the last 3 years. Every gaming event has been a disappointment, and ever hoax even worse, but it's finally happening.



You know, I have no idea why this exact moment in particular did it, but this post suddenly made it sink in that this is real. Like I knew it was, obviously. This things been blowing up all day. I mean I even raged at the thought of cross-gen and thought to myself "Todd Howard, if you dare put this thing on that old hardware........I'm coming for you."

But through all of that it never really hit me. But shit bro's, we are about to see Fallout Fucking 4 in like less than 10 hours.

What a time to be alive eh?
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