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Bioshock Infinite | Official Spoiler Thread |


I'm at the final battle in 1999 mode and I'm having a lot of trouble. What should I be doing in order to make things a lot easier?

Use Return to Sender mines and place them around the core. Then, save your Songbird summons for when patriots come, or the turret ships. Zeppelins are no trouble to take down by yourself (use the hooks to get to them).


You see his eye beginning to crack in that sequence, and then you see the songbird withdraw in fear.

I will grant that this is true (I just rewatched that scene) but why is it that Booker keeps waking up in totally different places? It is the same as when he dies in-game. He never respawns to where you just died, he respawns to a different moment and a different place (in this case, the knee high water that i was remembering).


Every other time literally means every other time except for when someone else brings you to the office. Why does songbird just leave you at battleship bay instead of killing you in your version of things?

Because it can't handle water...his eye cracks. It was foreshadowing the ending.


They make a point out of this..


Sorry if I speak out of turn, but a couple questions... is there significance to Booker helping Elizabeth into the pipes to kill Fitzroy? Is it nothing but a nod to the Big Daddy/Little Sister dynamic?

And also, when was Shiny Happy People played?

Also, is some of the alternative timeline and choices being shown to us at the end of the game... with infinite possibilities and locations... is that a nod to game replayability with choice based themes, or is it possibly referring to so many different people playing a game differently than others so that in a stretch, my Elizabeth and DeWitt is different than your Elizabeth and DeWitt? I want to get a message like that of the first game: that there ultimately was no choice to the player of a game, versus this one: infinite choices.

Also, why did it appear that the people in Comstock House were phasing in and out of reality?


Steroid Distributor
I'm at the final battle in 1999 mode and I'm having a lot of trouble. What should I be doing in order to make things a lot easier?

Maybe Vampire, charge, shock fist or some combination that gives you health for melee kills.
Wait. I can't even remember what the last battle is.


Also, is some of the alternative timeline and choices being shown to us at the end of the game... with infinite possibilities and locations... is that a nod to game replayability with choice based themes, or is it possibly referring to so many different people playing a game differently than others so that in a stretch, my Elizabeth and DeWitt is different than your Elizabeth and DeWitt? I want to get a message like that of the first game: that there ultimately was no choice to the player of a game, versus this one: infinite choices.

The bolded is my belief.

I think it's specific to water, otherwise the air pressure alone would do a number on it.

The higher up you are, the lower the pressure.


I want more music/sounds from the game. What about the audio of the opening sequence at the lighthouse where the sky turns red?


So what does everyone think happens to the Lutece twins after the story? Are they still together or seperated into their respective timelines?

I'm at the final battle in 1999 mode and I'm having a lot of trouble. What should I be doing in order to make things a lot easier?

Lay lots of traps and try to engage enemies at the bow. If you kill them before they can reach the generator it'll make things go smoother.


So what does everyone think happens to the Lutece twins after the story? Are they still together or seperated into their respective timelines?

Well if Columbia is never created I'd imagine that is saying that they never built (and thusly died) in their tear machine. I also think they are both brilliant and probably ended up building the machine with or without the existence of Columbia so I'll say they still end up together.


Steroid Distributor
I will grant that this is true (I just rewatched that scene) but why is it that Booker keeps waking up in totally different places? It is the same as when he dies in-game. He never respawns to where you just died, he respawns to a different moment and a different place (in this case, the knee high water that i was remembering).

The water could simply be his lifeless carcass floating. And I think it's reasonable to that the other times is that we are playing a video game and we need to respawn in a safe place. As much as we want to bring clarity and reasoning to it I think its possible its just a gameplay element.


The water could simply be his lifeless carcass floating. And I think it's reasonable to that the other times is that we are playing a video game and we need to respawn in a safe place. As much as we want to bring clarity and reasoning to it I think its possible its just a gameplay element.

Levine goes out of his way to explain dying and respawning in both Bioshock 1 and Infinite, I doubt we can just chalk it up to simple gameplay elements.

In my defense, I am a dumbass. :p

Haha no you're not. When I first read what you said, I thought I was retarded took me a second to rationalize it back :p


I will grant that this is true (I just rewatched that scene) but why is it that Booker keeps waking up in totally different places? It is the same as when he dies in-game. He never respawns to where you just died, he respawns to a different moment and a different place (in this case, the knee high water that i was remembering).

Let's be honest:

It's mostly just a game mechanic.

They don't want you to respawn in a location where you may be surrounded by enemies and instantly killed again.

I think it's very admirable that they worked in a story explanation for the respawning mechanic, but be careful not to read to much into it.


Let's be honest:

It's mostly just a game mechanic.

They don't want you to respawn in a location where you may be surrounded by enemies and instantly killed again.

I think it's very admirable that they worked in a story explanation for the respawning mechanic, but be careful not to read to much into it.

It's the new Booker getting close to the same area where the last failed Booker left off. That's not even looking that deep, that is exactly what they intended.


It's the new Booker getting close to the same area where the last failed Booker left off. That's not even looking that deep, that is exactly what they intended.

Yeah, it's exactly what they intended: game mechanic wise. It's pretty clear from the last couple of games that Ken Levine doesn't believe in punishing the player to heavily for death.

I'm fairly certain the mechanic came first, and then the explanation came second. It's a good explanation, I really like it. But I'm not going to let myself be carried away by it.


Steroid Distributor
Levine goes out of his way to explain dying and respawning in both Bioshock 1 and Infinite, I doubt we can just chalk it up to simple gameplay elements.

Well what did he say about where we respawn when we die in the game? Is there really a reason for it?

Yeah, it's exactly what they intended: game mechanic wise. It's pretty clear from the last couple of games that Ken Levine doesn't believe in punishing the player to heavily for death.

I'm fairly certain the mechanic came first, and then the explanation came second. It's a good explanation, I really like it. But I'm not going to let myself be carried away by it.

Ok that's cool.


can anyone please point out what I'm supposed to be hearing at the fitzpatrick video please?

Sorry if I speak out of turn, but a couple questions... is there significance to Booker helping Elizabeth into the pipes to kill Fitzroy? Is it nothing but a nod to the Big Daddy/Little Sister dynamic?
oh shit


Let's be honest:

It's mostly just a game mechanic.

They don't want you to respawn in a location where you may be surrounded by enemies and instantly killed again.

I think it's very admirable that they worked in a story explanation for the respawning mechanic, but be careful not to read to much into it.

But joining mechanics and story is part of what this is all about. Stuff that are only gaming mechanics (like healing bulletshots by eating enough bananas) are not touched upon.
This is, so it matters like any other piece of Lore.


Steroid Distributor
Yeah I never noticed the reference to Bid Daddy helping a Little Sister into the pipe thing. But I don't see how it isn't one now that its been pointed out.

I am enjoying the game even more the second time through. Even the smallest things are more interesting, like when the twins ask Booker to flip the coin and its always heads. And one of them makes a comment about how next time it will be the same too.


man, those were some giant scissors that Elizabeth used to kill Fitzroy. It went right through her chest.


See above

And I will let myself get carried away by it. He set it as a rule in his universe.

Fair enough, I don't agree (about the opening baptism = death) but everyone can believe as they wish. I think our discussion probably ends here.


man, those were some giant scissors that Elizabeth used to kill Fitzroy. It went right through her chest.

It also cut down all my expectations for the Vox plotline to go anywhere interesting. It must be some kind of quantum scissors.


I found the elevator ride I was looking for: It's after the first battle in the chapter titled, "Worker Induction Center."

Took some screens, although it's impossible to capture Liz's various expressions in stills, so I stuck mostly to scenery.


Dat side profile:


Dat propaganda:


Dat self-indulgent statue:


Dat needlessly fancy clock:


Dat hustle:


Dem silhouettes:


Dat... um, door:



It also cut down all my expectations for the Vox plotline to go anywhere interesting. It must be some kind of quantum scissors.

yea, it felt like they cut stuff out or maybe the DLC will expand upon it. The Vox Populi angle was somewhat of a waste.


yea, it felt like they cut stuff out or maybe the DLC will expand upon it. The Vox Populi angle was somewhat of a waste.

Yeah, that's really the only part of the story that felt a bit undercooked to me. Would it have been better if they saved Fitzroy for the final fight? Though I guess you'd miss out on the emotional moment when Liz kills her.


It would've been cool if at the end it's revealed the hummingbird in the garden at the start engineered the whole space-time fiasco.

No one suspects the hummingbird.


Well if Columbia is never created I'd imagine that is saying that they never built (and thusly died) in their tear machine. I also think they are both brilliant and probably ended up building the machine with or without the existence of Columbia so I'll say they still end up together.

That's what I was thinking too.

Is it just me or does the ending sort of justify Fitzroy's tactics?

No, very little of what she does is justified.


That's what I was thinking too.

If their Wounded Knee happened the same year as ours, female Lutece was able to suspend an atom in mid-air before it ever happened. That's more than enough to score some sweet grants from a rich steel magnate or whatever. They were well on their way to building tears before the baptism and primary branch that drove the entire plot.


If I start a new game on a higher difficulty, I don't lose my Chapter Select entries for the lower difficulties, do I?
So maybe they broke the 4th wall and the reason she warped you to Rapture, is because she can see into all the doors now, and she can see that you... the player has already visited Rapture! A giant city under water. So she knew that water hurt songbird.... man love endings like these :D
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