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Bloodborne gameplay : The first 18 minutes


Come on now, Sony AAA WWS games tend to be at least technically impressive.

It shouldn't be too much to expect From to step up and polish their shit up on a PS4 exclusive.

The issues in this video stand out even more so than usual, due to all the excellent Order 1886 footage released lately.

The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.
Tseldora, Dragon Aerie, Shaded Woods, and Harvest Valley as "corridors"? Are you joking?

Oh, sorry, I guess I'm not viewing things critically enough!

Yeah, they are. Having dead end branches with loot cubbies doesn't make them any less corridorish.

I'm confused, what's the definition of a "corridor zone?" Because Heide's diverges into two paths halfway,

One of which is super short.

Harvest Valley has several different paths to different stuff (the cave in the poison mist near the first bonfire, the area left of the second bonfire, the room with the lockstone near the covetous demon),

The first two are just loot cubbies, and I'm not sure it's reasonable to count the stuff at the base of Earthen Peak as being part of Harvest Valley. Covetous Demon is in the Earthen Peak, even if the game doesn't flash "Earthen Peak" on your screen until after you kill him.

Iron Keep allows you to skip a boss by changing your path, and you can take a completely different path to the boss by changing the levers in the room with the collapsing platforms.

Iron Keep has an optional boss, but let's not exaggerate how far off the main path through the level he is. And "a completely different path" through the room with the collapsing platforms? That's not how I remember it.

In Shaded Woods, the mist area has several things to explore because it's fairly open and you have to find the path, and by the time you reach the first bonfire, you can jump left, right (onto the trunk) or go straight, and then you can go left, straight, or right again.

Much of Dark2's level design reminded me Demon's. I mean sheesh, outside of Tower of Latria, and 5-2, you could describe the game as being full of "corridor zones," if the definition means tight, dungeon crawling areas.

Demon's definitely has corridor levels (1-2, 4-2, 5-1 for sure fit the bill), but there's a significant difference between them and the sort of corridor you find in Dark 2. Corridors in Demon's aren't much of a problem because in that game there are no mid-level checkpoints. The point of a level like 4-2 or 5-1 is that it's extremely nervewracking to make your way through the entire thing because if you die you have to start all over. Demon's has corridor levels that are long and challenging. Dark 2 has simplistic corridor levels that are short and punctuated by generous checkpoints.


The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.

Aahaha :D Yeah in a better world it would be nice LOL

Really impressed with the atmosphere in Bloodborne, looking forward to play it.


The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.

All games on PS4 need to look at least as good as an unreleased game that's among the most graphically impressive on the system and runs at 30 FPS and sub-1080p with 4x MSAA?

You're free to want that, but you should expect to be disappointed with literally everything but a handful of first party AAA titles.
I wonder if there are guns that are legitimate weapons. Everything I've seen so far seems to point to them mainly being used to open up enemies or quickly stop an attack.
The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.

The Order 1886(not first party either) isn't open world you so can't expect that level of visuals from bigger games. inFAMOUS SS would be a better comparison.

Either way this isn't really a Sony first party game. Japan Studio must be helping ensure it meets some minimum standards of quality like stable frame rate.


I thought you said all first party games. All games period? This wasn't even worth responding.


I find graphical fidelity and progression hugely important in the gaming universe but come on the amount of bitching in this thread regarding the visuals is making me melancholic to the brink of suicide.

You just saw 18 minutes of a game created by one of the last brilliant minds in game design - FROMs games have never been graphical powerhouses, but they've never looked bad and the art direction and design is always splendid.

I'm excited for the footage, it looks so well crafted and designed that it'll surely be a joy to experience coming out of the annualized shit fest that is gaming today, here comes a bright star of creativity and excellence in design, like games used to be - fucking enjoy it please...
The Order 1886(not first party either) isn't open world you so can't expect that level of visuals from bigger games. inFAMOUS SS would be a better comparison.

Either way this isn't really a Sony first party game. Japan Studio must be helping ensure it meets some minimum standards of quality like stable frame rate.

lol i bet he did not know that.

Looking forward to Valnen response
Holy shit, so much crap in the last few pages....some must be trolling, can't be.

Eh, a lot of people either focus more on visual details than gameplay, or they are just on edge after a lot of the cases over the years of devs overselling what the final game is supposed to be.

Those comparing this to The Order though are just setting themselves up to be miserable though.


hmm i actually fell asleep watching this lol

but man From software could of done something a little different i mean ..the inventory, menu etc its all dark souls . i get that if it isn't broken don't fix it but this really is a reskin dark souls :> ..again not that it is a bad thing


Good Art™
I don't want to add to the AA drama but.. i was really pissed in the video how it kinda destroys the quality of assets and art direction.. They have that super dense/detailed architectural stuff everywhere and it's a flickering mess..

I heard in that thread that wasn't in the final build ? I'm not sure i got it.

Anyway if this is how the game looks, it's crazy how a better iq would make its beauty shine so much.
Alright so this game looks incredibly badass, but I hated Dark Souls 2 because I had absolutely no idea where to go or what I was doing. Is this game a little friendlier in terms of letting you know what you are supposed to do?


I wonder if there are guns that are legitimate weapons. Everything I've seen so far seems to point to them mainly being used to open up enemies or quickly stop an attack.

. In the victorian era, guns were very slow and inaccurate and Miyazaki wants to stay true to that. Though, there pictures like these:


So expect variety like in every souls game, though I don't know if things like the gatling gun above will be quick enough to be incredibly useful in the hast-paced combat.
The enemies (excluding the Cleric Beast) definitely seem toned down. It makes sense since that area is the first place in the entire game.


inFAMOUS SS would be a better comparison.

Either way this isn't really a Sony first party game. Japan Studio must be helping ensure it meets some minimum standards of quality like stable frame rate.

That's a good standard for exclusive PS4 games.

If From can work in some of that Sucker Punch magic AA @ solid 30fps in the final build, then this game will be golden.

Nah, haven't you heard? Anti-aliasing is the new be-all-end-all measure for image quality.

No, but good IQ goes a long way :3


The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.
I wish.

But it's unfair for a Japanese developer to be compared to the likes of Ready at Dawn and Sony Santa Monica. There's no way From can produce graphics on that level, of that quality.
Haven't watched any footage since the "Project Beast" leak, which wasn't even twenty seconds long... But I just watched this, and wow. The game looks amazing, first of all. I was really impressed with the visuals, especially once the Hunter made it out into the Dream Refuge. The setting is on point, and I really liked what I saw of it in the video. The gameplay itself looks as fun as ever. (The back-stabs even look to be more satisfying!) Oh, and the music. Perfect. Loved what can be heard during the fight with the Cleric Beast. When the game was confirmed, I knew I would get it; I have a PS4, it's an exclusive, and it's a Souls successor, so this seems like THE game to get in terms of exclusives. That said, my hype for Bloodborne just shot through the roof after watching this gameplay demonstration! Also, this will be the first game I've bought a Collector's Edition for in five years - the soundtrack and art book are more than enough incentive!
Some of you have got to be kidding me if you don't agree that the lack of AA is pretty distracting in that footage. The beautiful art is spoiled by flickering edges on the entire screen. I can't recall the last time a console game with aliasing that bothered me that much.

Don't get me started with all that "You don't play From's games for graphics hur durr!". We're talking anti aliasing here. Every trashware developer can add such a thing to his games.
The enemies (excluding the Cleric Beast) definitely seem toned down. It makes sense since that area is the first place in the entire game.

Well the player ran away from most enemies

The dogs

The licker type dudes

and the player did not encounter the big hunched back enemies with hammers equipped which were in the alpha


I wish.

But it's unfair for a Japanese developer to be compared to the likes of Ready at Dawn and Sony Santa Monica. There's no way From can produce graphics on that level, of that quality.

Probably would have been possible if they had built a new engine from the ground-up like RAD, but that sounds costly.
Getting this day one, don't want to spoil anything. Regarding the AA discussion, how expensive would a technique such as that used in Second Son be? I thought it did a fantastic job on most objects.
The Order: 1866 should be the bare minimum standard in visual quality for PS4 games going forward.
You might as well say every game going forward should be a linear over the shoulder shooter.

Anyways, there was surprisingly very little spoilers, if you skip the first couple of minutes and the last couple as well, it's pretty much the alpha test at a different time of day.

That being said, the spoilers got me HYPE. This is it. This is definitely the successor to DEMON'S SOULS. It even sees the return of
the nexus style home base
! Oh and the UI menus look sexy, very clean, I like it.


I wish.

But it's unfair for a Japanese developer to be compared to the likes of Ready at Dawn and Sony Santa Monica. There's no way From can produce graphics on that level, of that quality.

In FROM can't do it by themselves, I expect Sony to offer assistance. I'm sorry but the aliasing is downright distracting, especially in the
It looks REALLY bad.


Looks great, but I'm not going to speculate on less than 20 min. of gameplay. I'll find out in 7 weeks myself if this was worth the wait for me.
Anyone have any guesses what the "Bold Hunter's Mark" item given to you by the Raven Hunter does...? You get four of them. Multiplayer related? Likes like you don't get summoning ability until you defeat the first boss like in Demon's Souls.


hmm i actually fell asleep watching this lol

but man From software could of done something a little different i mean ..the inventory, menu etc its all dark souls . i get that if it isn't broken don't fix it but this really is a reskin dark souls :> ..again not that it is a bad thing

I really don't get this. Are you saying that the defining characteristic of Dark Souls, the reason everyone loves it, is because of its menu design? Are you high or something?


Good Art™
I wish.

But it's unfair for a Japanese developer to be compared to the likes of Ready at Dawn and Sony Santa Monica. There's no way From can produce graphics on that level, of that quality.

I don't believe that as it's more a problem of optimization and tech than production value here. The game has nothing to be ashamed of in term of production value.


I love Pokken!
Gotta admit i lost some hype after seeing this footage. Mainly because from what it was shown
the world's structure looks like a hub world and not an inter-conected world.

Still this is a Souls game in all but name confirmed.


Getting this day one, don't want to spoil anything. Regarding the AA discussion, how expensive would a technique such as that used in Second Son be? I thought it did a fantastic job on most objects.

Second Son is using SMAA T2x, whose performance impact is greater than your average post-processing technique but still fairly modest overall. I agree that the results are quite good.
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