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Borderlands: The Handsome Collection |OT| All Jacked Up


Heard it gets worse but so far so good

It gets much worse unfortunately. I had a positive first impression of BL2 on PS4, but then once I got to Sanctuary it started going to shit. It's still very playable, but just don't expect a solid 60 fps.
I guess I am just not sensitive to framerate changes in general. I have made it to sanctuary with 2 characters now and have not noticed any problems on the PS4.
It gets much worse unfortunately. I had a positive first impression of BL2 on PS4, but then once I got to Sanctuary it started going to shit. It's still very playable, but just don't expect a solid 60 fps.

See, I haven't had that experience yet and I'm probaly 15 hours in at least. I'm not sure why some experience these issues and not others.
So did they ever change end game grinding for TPS? I was big into BL2 but skipped TPS after hearing people complain how you have to use the weapon grinder to get legend guns and you can't farm bosses anymore.


So how does TPS run on XBO? Played a ton of BL2 on 360 already, so I would only bite for that one.

I've played the first mission before you get to the moon and there is screen tearing.
It's worse during cut scenes but it is there during gameplay.
Apparently they are going to patch it out, so depending on how you feel about screen tearing you might want to wait.


My copy finally arrived, having spent so many hours into BL2 on PS3 and playing the game in 60fps is a joy, and I'm also going to be able to play as Krieg at least , I wish I didn't have to dl that patch, I want to play online and import my chars : (
I just hope Borderlands 3 contains as much content as vanilla Borderlands 2. They really got it right from a value perspective - especially when it comes to DLC.
So I'm playing Borderlands 2 for the first time, it's great but a little overwhelming. Definitely one of those games where I feel like I'm missing a lot of things or that I'm not quite sure if what I'm doing is the best thing to do. Also, can anyone tell me why I'm just able to fast-travel all over the map?


Junior Member
It gets much worse unfortunately. I had a positive first impression of BL2 on PS4, but then once I got to Sanctuary it started going to shit. It's still very playable, but just don't expect a solid 60 fps.

And people were giving the Vita shit for being 20~ fps and not maintaining 30 fps when you arrive to Sanctuary when the PS4 itselft can't maintain 60 fps. lol.


Just beat the Tiny Tina DLC and wow...that has to be the best dlc I've ever played. The storytelling, music, atmosphere/locations, etc. was all amazing. I want a whole game like that.


So I'm playing Borderlands 2 for the first time, it's great but a little overwhelming. Definitely one of those games where I feel like I'm missing a lot of things or that I'm not quite sure if what I'm doing is the best thing to do. Also, can anyone tell me why I'm just able to fast-travel all over the map?

Pretty much all the BL2 DLC is self-contained and so after it is installed you immediately unlock the fast-travel options that take you to where you play those campaigns. They only level scale in brackets; IIRC the first two DLCs will scale between 15-30 and the following ones are higher than that.

As far as feeling overwhelmed, I can definitely understand. There's so much content in BL2 now that the game is just massive. The nice thing though is that there are three separate playthroughs, so your first time around you should feel free to do whatever you want. None of the item quest rewards will be relevant from the first playthrough later on, and I don't think there are any permanent character upgrades that you can miss and not go back for; you can choose which playthrough you are loading into every time from the main menu later to clean up anything you find out you missed.

I'd say take your time and soak up everything the first playthrough. It'll inform you on what content you'd prefer to use to level up and what quest rewards you will want higher level versions of for the following playthroughs. Plus you get to experience all of the details and writing in the game, which is absolutely worth it. Few games have as enjoyable, rich and plain fun world as BL2. Nearly every inch of it is worth experiencing if not just to listen to the characters.


See, I haven't had that experience yet and I'm probaly 15 hours in at least. I'm not sure why some experience these issues and not others.

i think some people are just "fortunate" to be less sensitive to sub-60-FPS

that doesn't mean people complaining are nit-picking, neither should anyone who doesn't themselves perceive the issues claim that there aren't any.

I guess that with a history of always having a low-to-mid-tier PC (leftover parts from when my big brother upgraded), i got used to shitty framerates. I notice that 60fps look super smooth, but i don't really notice drops into the 40-50 range.

insofar that i was pretty shocked how much of a supposed "framerate mess" people considered FarCry 3 and GTA V on the 360, both of which i enjoyed thoroughly on said console.

So, yeah. Sanctuary's fine to me. Except for the annoying claptrap.


i'm still kinda frustrated how bad the badass challenges list still is in BL2.

it should just put challenges of the region you're currently in on top. but they all get sorted straight to the bottom as it's DLC -> GUNS -> OTHERS -> REGION
i'm still kinda frustrated how bad the badass challenges list still is in BL2.

it should just put challenges of the region you're currently in on top. but they all get sorted straight to the bottom as it's DLC -> GUNS -> OTHERS -> REGION

I can't remember what options it gives you but you can sort the list in different ways right? Still kind of annoying.


I redeemed the shift code for 25 keys yesterday in TPS, played for a bit and then went back to Bloodborne. Now today those 25 keys are missing, in the main menu it still shows the redemption. I have no idea where those keys went, is this a known issue, or did i screw something up.


I redeemed the shift code for 25 keys yesterday in TPS, played for a bit and then went back to Bloodborne. Now today those 25 keys are missing, in the main menu it still shows the redemption. I have no idea where those keys went, is this a known issue, or did i screw something up.

I haven't got far enough myself but this was a reply from yesterday.

Are you going to the Shift Station in Concordia to apply them to your character? It's different in TPS than BL2.

I think I'll start entering codes now.
Should I hold off on the DLC areas until beating the game? On the 360, I just entered every new area as it was released. Never beat the game back then, either.


I went to Concordia to enter the code, as well as collected all 25 keys. I feel like they just weren't saved somehow.


I redeemed the shift code for 25 keys yesterday in TPS, played for a bit and then went back to Bloodborne. Now today those 25 keys are missing, in the main menu it still shows the redemption. I have no idea where those keys went, is this a known issue, or did i screw something up.

Once you put in shift codes, you have to go to that shift terminal in Concordia and take the keys out individually. That is the point where your account has golden keys. It works differently than BL2 where the code just gives you the keys.

Not sure why they added that extra step to the process in TPS.


Once you put in shift codes, you have to go to that shift terminal in Concordia and take the keys out individually. That is the point where your account has golden keys. It works differently than BL2 where the code just gives you the keys.

Not sure why they added that extra step to the process in TPS.

Look at the post 2 above yours. haha
So how does TPS run on XBO? Played a ton of BL2 on 360 already, so I would only bite for that one.

I've played the first mission before you get to the moon and there is screen tearing.
It's worse during cut scenes but it is there during gameplay.
Apparently they are going to patch it out, so depending on how you feel about screen tearing you might want to wait.



Good Lord!

My eyes!


Pretty much all the BL2 DLC is self-contained and so after it is installed you immediately unlock the fast-travel options that take you to where you play those campaigns. They only level scale in brackets; IIRC the first two DLCs will scale between 15-30 and the following ones are higher than that.

Do you have to get to lvl 15 for it to show up? Playing on ps4 and there is nothing in the downloadable content menu for me.


There's a very small amount of tearing in the PS4 version as well; it looks like adaptive v-sync, so when the framerate takes enough of a dip it'll disable v-sync until the framerate comes back. For example you can see it in PS4 pretty easily if you ignite something big like a Bullymong and get right up next to it, it'll be almost that bad but only very briefly. Sounds like the framerate just isn't as stable on XB1 so it's happening in a lot more scenes. Hope they can get it taken care of because that is some vicious tearing.

Do you have to get to lvl 15 for it to show up? Playing on ps4 and there is nothing in the downloadable content menu for me.

That menu from the main menu is for DLC you don't yet have installed; the Handsome Collection has everything pre-installed, so it's already active in your game. It will scale to whatever extent it is set to be able to when you zone into the area. I think the scaling is per-zone and not campaign-wide as well. To start one of the DLC campaigns you just need to fast travel to the area it begins from the waypoint menu.


That menu from the main menu is for DLC you don't yet have installed; the Handsome Collection has everything pre-installed, so it's already active in your game. It will scale to whatever extent it is set to be able to when you zone into the area. I think the scaling is per-zone and not campaign-wide as well. To start one of the DLC campaigns you just need to fast travel to the area it begins from the waypoint menu.

Ok that doesn't make sense for this compilation but also makes sense now that you explained it. Thx. I just assumed it was listed or accessible from that menu.


Should I hold off on the DLC areas until beating the game? On the 360, I just entered every new area as it was released. Never beat the game back then, either.

In Normal mode the level scaling goes:

Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty - levels 15 to 30
Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage - levels 15 to 30
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt - levels 30 to 35
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - levels 30 to 35

In TVHM, they scale to whatever level you are up to level 50.

So I'd say do Scarlett & Torgue early on, then do the other two after finishing your first play through of the main story.


Though the Pre-Sequel is chronologically first, everyone is recommending playing 2 first. Pre-Sequel contains spoilers for 2.
It is told as a flashback, so it begins after 2, but the actual gameplay is before 2
Thanks. Was thinking of trying the pre-sequel as from what I've read it's less like the first one than the second game is. I can't imagine it really matters as the plot isn't really important in these games but I think I will start on 2.



I don't know if the Pre-Sequel is easier or if Handsome Jack is OP, because I am halfway through it and haven't had any trouble with Bosses or Badasses.


The music in the Tiny Tina DLC is so damn good. And this one too. Completely caught me off guard with how great it is, because it's nothing like the music in the base game (which is also awesome, but more upbeat & electronic focused).


Having a ton of fun with borderlands 2. I didn't get to play s ton of games last gen so this is one of the games I missed. It really scratches that fallout/ skyrim itch for me( I know they aren't exactly alike).

Also for me it just further reaffirms that frame rate is the most important thing imo. The game is not a locked 60( I only ran into 1 spot so far where it dipped to around the high 40's-50's maybe), but I'd rather my games be slightly lower res and details but with 60 fps than 30


I don't know if the Pre-Sequel is easier or if Handsome Jack is OP, because I am halfway through it and haven't had any trouble with Bosses or Badasses.

A "Virtual" Army does help. If you want a challenge play as Athena, her action skill sucks until you can get a bunch of points into it
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