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Breaking News: Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21, 10:00 A.M. PST, Livestreamed

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I disagree with their decision to wait right before E3 to show this off.
It depends how kinect focused this event is and E3 is. It could be like Nintendo directs or even like the ps4 event. Focus on the stuff we on this forum tend to care about and have all the casual stuff at E3.


I'll just post some of the gif I created for the other thread. Feel free to use whatever whenever.






Not going to lie, a new PGR at launch would SERIOUSLY tear at my soul. I've never bought a console for a single game. But that would make my wallet twitch for sure.


so any word on if it GT will be streaming this as well?

their PS4 meeting stream was practically flawless.

The fact that it's being aired on SpikeTV is indicative that it'll be on GT. SpikeTV's game coverage is all through GTTV (both are under the Viacom umbrella), and they usually stream all their stuff online for big pressers.


It depends how kinect focused this event is and E3 is. It could be like Nintendo directs or even like the ps4 event. Focus on the stuff we on this forum tend to care about and have all the casual stuff at E3.

I don't think it's entirely based on kinect, after all they've got the show the hardware and present their whole strategy.
And they might present the 99$ 360 version which will also be time consuming.

Kinda hard to press this all into 2 hours and still having their annual CoD presentation.
Therefore it's smart to present the hardware in an event before the E3.
I don't expect our fears being alleviated.

I kind of expect some specifications, a lot of OS, and a few games. Almost mirroring the Sony reveal.
On the dash as well.

Im really excited to see how the buzz goes around compared to Sony

Sony's PS4 video has 28 Million views. Sony ironically has a much more solid online presence with their PSBlog, Youtube page-- even their Facebook page trumps Xbox in terms of fans.

But MS is a marketing machine, and having this on the dash + broadcasting on Spike is going to generate a lot of attention.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably not a coincidence that today is the day that Paul Thurrot said new xbox was originally meant to be revealed.
No it shows you cherrypick, because MS can also do playful and have done in the past, you're just talking irreverent crap.
Since this a forum, I can state whatever I feel, which I did. It seems like a fair thing to do to compare the announcement of an announcement between two competing companys, so I did exactly that. I know it's not important and it will mean jack shit if MS brings out their big guns and blow everyone away. I know they have the potential and the power. But since it is still a month away, we can only discuss what we have available.

On top of that the original comment included a smiley, so I wasn't completely serious about it anyway. You are the one who sounds butthurt here now.
Exactly! That whole year was a plethora of funny.



...or something...


I love the amount of:
that goes on with all this stuff.
End of the day Sony and MS have flaws. Sony had a nice reveal that was very informative, MS would do well to take some things on board but also learn from mistakes.

The idea Sony are any less 'suit' like than MS is a myth put out by people who share the view that 'Sony loves gamers' and they're their best friend or something.

There is a problem of MS's culture but its not the reveal, its how much the other parts of MS are getting involved in Xbox and trying to turn it into something its not and something not designed with the consumer in mind.

It'll be disastrous, dangerous and disappointing if this happened. I hope not...but it is MS...

For the alternative; whenever Jack Tretton speaks, I no longer want a PS4 or to be apart of any of that stuff. I hate the culture around Sony and their games.


NOW lets all ride the meltdowns, stay safe and have ourselves a wee 2013 console launching party.
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