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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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god fucking damnit! (I don't know what you're on about)


When is your birthday: 31 May
Where do you live: Bournemouth
Where are you from: Bournemouth
What do you do: Customer Tech rep for Google and Groupon and as for my private life, I'm a retro gaming fanatic
What is your quest: To end up with...like, someone right for me.
Favourite actor/actress: Alan Rickman
Favourite band/artist: Radiohead
Favourite TV show: Breaking Bad/24/Blackadder (can't choose!)
Favourite crisps: Brannigan's Ham and Mustard.
Favourite biscuit: Digestive with cheddar cheeese!
Least favourite Pokémon: Fucking magikarp.
Stalactites or stalagmites: The one that doesn't poke my fucking eye out
How do you cut your sandwiches: Horizontally with a fuck off massive knife.


Well, I don't know whether it's good or bad. We're not 'talking' until tomorrow night.
Are you sure her sore throat will have cleared up by then?

(I know that doesn't narrow it down much at a Pixies gig :p). Yeah, it was a good gig. They always have a bunch of energy, and they don't even let you catch your breath between songs. New Kim did a great job, but I guess she didn't want to do any lead singing.

I told you before man, no deal.

I always preferred The Breeders anyway:

The Breeders - I Just Want To Get Along

The Breeders - Hellbound

The Breeders - Divine Hammer

And she wrote some of the best Pixies tracks too:

The Pixies - Gigantic

What's up Mush?


Should I go to the next britgaf meetup?

I know it's in the OP, but still. When is it? Should I book it off? wut?
god fucking damnit! (I don't know what you're on about)

Well if you must know, I was supposed to be meeting someone in Camden tomorrow for a few drinks. I've been really looking forward to it all week, and this evening I receive a message from them bailing.

No cool bro, not cool.


Well if you must know, I was supposed to be meeting someone in Camden tomorrow for a few drinks. I've been really looking forward to it all week, and this evening I receive a message from them bailing.

No cool bro, not cool.

If I was in London, I'd unbail that shit myself.

Like, turn up and stuff. But I'm miles aways, alas.


This is The Pixies for me:

Bone Machine:



Motorway to Roswell:

New Pixies isn't really doing it for me...
All awesome choices. Tame and Hey are two of my favs. I'd never heard Motorway to Roswell before.

Have you heard his stuff as Black Francis?

Black Francis - The Seus

I love the really lazily strummed discordant riff. And he's almost rapping on the verses.

So good man, I love this track!

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
All awesome choices. Tame and Hey are two of my favs. I'd never heard Motorway to Roswell before.

Have you heard his stuff as Black Francis?

Black Francis - The Seus

I love the really lazily strummed discordant riff. And he's almost rapping on the verses.

So good man, I love this track!

I have but not that song. I love the guitar! Great choice.

I imagine if Eminem was a rock star, that wouldn't to far off from what he'd be doing XD

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

This is so so so so good. For all At the Drive-in fans (and fugazi fans too).

They were this good when I saw them. Mind was exploded.

Omar is not only best guitarist ever etc but also a really interesting and thoughtful man.

Edit: you can go straight to 8 mins 34 for the best song!

Now THAT is how to do a live gig. Amazing. My three favourite songs too. Cheers!

Ungrateful little moo. ;P


I'm watching Star Trek Into Darkness, about halfway through. I'm really enjoying it, it's exciting, well paced and looks typically lush as you'd expect from JJ. Man, he loves to bleed those lights across the screen though, shiny horizontal lines everywhere!

Plus, Zoe Saldana...
I have but not that song. I love the guitar! Great choice.

I imagine if Eminem was a rock star, that wouldn't to far off from what he'd be doing XD
That's exactly what I said. That part with the "he's not mine, he's not mine!" Is totally Eminem! But good, SSLP/MMLP era Eminem.

This is so so so so good. For all At the Drive-in fans (and fugazi fans too).

They were this good when I saw them. Mind was exploded.

Omar is not only best guitarist ever etc but also a really interesting and thoughtful man.

Edit: you can go straight to 8 mins 34 for the best song!
Man, I just listened to the first song while I had a cig, holy fuck balls! Really good stuff, I'll listen to the rest after the film. I've heard of them, just yet another band I've never gotten around to. Big thumbs up from me.

I can totally see the Fugazi connection, angry shouty math rock mane!


I'm watching Star Trek Into Darkness, about halfway through. I'm really enjoying it, it's exciting, well paced and looks typically lush as you'd expect from JJ. Man, he loves to bleed those lights across the screen though, shiny horizontal lines everywhere!
Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness are probably in my top films of the last decade or so. As much hate as they both get, I thoroughly enjoyed them and always recommend them when people ask for a film to watch, regardless of whether they're 'Trekkies' or not. I particularly enjoyed JJ's use of lens flare in the films, really bought the action scenes to life. Cumberbatch was great as Khan in Into Darkness.


Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness are probably in my top films of the last decade or so. As much hate as they both get, I thoroughly enjoyed them and always recommend them when people ask for a film to watch, regardless of whether they're 'Trekkies' or not. I particularly enjoyed JJ's use of lens flare in the films, really bought the action scenes to life. Cumberbatch was great as Khan in Into Darkness.

I agree with this a lot. I'm not a Trekkie but I thought they were both fantastic films.

Son Of D

Whilst not the biggest fan of the Abrams Star Trek films I was seriously impressed with the visuals. Eager to see where the next one will go, since it's no longer Abrams directing.


formerly Oynox Slider
Man, I just listened to the first song while I had a cig, holy fuck balls! Really good stuff, I'll listen to the rest after the film. I've heard of them, just yet another band I've never gotten around to. Big thumbs up from me.

I can totally see the Fugazi connection, angry shouty math rock mane!

So glad you like! The big record is called 'Relationship of Command', it's one of the best albums I've ever heard. Sales pitch alarm! Honestly love them.


Ah, misinterpreted what you said, that's fair enough!

Definitely gets the blood pumping! Nothing quite like it.

On that note, Ode to Joy is like a legal high.

Yeah I know, Can't afford to go though. Won't be able to afford to do anything this year :(

Here's a link to some of Neil's stuff


Thats a shame, saving up for something? Going to concerts are so expensive when you throw in the travel, food, alcohol etc... would love to go more.

Cheers, will check it out. :)

I've posted that before a long time ago. It's my mate's band. Or rather was before he decided to quit.

Wow, that is crazy, found them randomly on a youtube clicking adventure. Didn't even realise they were British lol, not very observant apparently. So you are in a comic, you have a band, you know a band famous enough that another GAF'er mentions them, you like NIN... yep, very cool person. Play the guitar as well by any chance?

I was wide awake last night at about 4am, fixing myself something to eat in the kitchen. It's always that piercing silence that gets me, you know? It puts you in thinking mode and there's nothing to interrupt the sound of your own thoughts; you're stuck with that voice in your head and you just have to listen to it. Randomly started thinking about stuff in the past and I realised something about someone else in regards to myself and now I feel kind of weird. I just remember this situation a couple of months ago, where I was sitting at a train station with some people. Something that happened during a conversation we had never actually seemed weird to me, but last night I realised that this persona I've built up over the years - keeping in mind this is like bottle I've kept closed for fucking YEARS in order to stop other people getting too close - had a hole in it. It took me two months to realise that someone managed to pinpoint my biggest insecurity and stop someone else from denting at it by accident. One of the reasons I've always bottled stuff up is so that I can stop these kinds of insecurities getting played on, but the one time that someone realised it was there, they stopped someone else from accidentally playing on it.

I'm not sure how to feel about it, honestly. I'm pretty open when there's a keyboard in front of me, but in person? Naw.

I do that in bed when trying to sleep, always had varying levels of insomnia, but its mostly that I always have like 3-4 thought threads going in the day with doing physical things and when in bed I have like 10. And they all go off in tangents and then merge at points (mostly about serious crap) and you can't escape your own thoughts, can get annoying. For clarity though, awesome for moments like yours.

Seems like you are already opened up to this person so won't make a difference in you showing it more except to let them know you don't mind. Hard to know what to suggest if its a girl, guy, love interest, colleague etc. but some kind of get together couldn't hurt.


Well if you must know, I was supposed to be meeting someone in Camden tomorrow for a few drinks. I've been really looking forward to it all week, and this evening I receive a message from them bailing.

No cool bro, not cool.

Bro, I'm sorry - I'm trying to find a workaround now :(
Should be able to grab a drink or two on the cheap, but I really am going to have to keep it to one or two - my month isn't looking great financially.


Seems like you are already opened up to this person so won't make a difference in you showing it more except to let them know you don't mind. Hard to know what to suggest if its a girl, guy, love interest, colleague etc. but some kind of get together couldn't hurt.

They're only a friend, it's nothing more than that. I'm just shocked that someone saw through the facade.
Thats a shame, saving up for something?

Yep, saving up to have a baby

Wow, that is crazy, found them randomly on a youtube clicking adventure. Didn't even realise they were British lol, not very observant apparently. So you are in a comic, you have a band, you know a band famous enough that another GAF'er mentions them, you like NIN... yep, very cool person. Play the guitar as well by any chance?

They're actually Gibraltarian but live in London. Except Paul who's gone back to Gibraltar, hence quitting the band.

And yeah I do play guitar, but quite badly. I'm better on piano.

And thanks!

Bro, I'm sorry - I'm trying to find a workaround now :(
Should be able to grab a drink or two on the cheap, but I really am going to have to keep it to one or two - my month isn't looking great financially.

You know I love you Mike, I wasn't trying to guilt trip you. But if you can make it that would be awesome, I really have been looking forward to this all week.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
They're only a friend, it's nothing more than that. I'm just shocked that someone saw through the facade.

It is easy to think that you can hide your own insecurities/feeling, but spend enough time with someone and they will probably figure it out. It is very hard to actually deny yourself. Not worth the effort either.


It is easy to think that you can hide your own insecurities/feeling, but spend enough time with someone and they will probably figure it out. It is very hard to actually deny yourself. Not worth the effort either.

It probably helps that I live with them. That's a fact that I kind of forgot. I should probably just forget about what was said that day, really. No point in dwelling on something so trivial that hasn't changed anything since it happened.

Time for some real music:



You know I love you Mike, I wasn't trying to guilt trip you. But if you can make it that would be awesome, I really have been looking forward to this all week.

It's alright
To tell me
What you think
About me...

Seriously though, we're good and I've sorted it :) I found out I'm actually working in Barking today too, so I definitely won't be late!


Knows the Score
g'morning folks, it's Friday, how is everyone today?

Happy it's Friday, aced the presentation that was preying on my mind this week and planning to disappear^Wwork from home at lunchtime as I need to build a bed for my son. Found a bottle of Patron Cafe last night in the beer shop so I'm planning to experiment with that over the weekend. Also will probably spend a while idly clicking Google's Music timeline thing :




It's alright
To tell me
What you think
About me...

Seriously though, we're good and I've sorted it :) I found out I'm actually working in Barking today too, so I definitely won't be late!

I used to work in a pharmacy in Barking. Random fact of the day.

Edit: Forgot to say Good Morning. How rude of me.

Jedeye Sniv

Continuing last night's theme of headsick and rage, feeling pretty glum this morning. Tired and a bit headachy anyway but I think what's really pissed me off and got me thinking is this social obligation we've got to go to tomorrow.

Basically, got these folks we used to be very tight friends with, saw them multiple times a week and all that. The guy in the couple used to be the drummer in my band, but he flaked out for pretty lame medical reasons a couple of years back which put a pretty big tear in the friendship. The girl in the couple is technically my wife's 'best friend' but in the past year we've maybe seen them 4 times, mostly on birthdays. They live mayyyyyyyybe 10 mins walk from my house, moved house in September and we've still not been invited over to hang out.

Frankly, it's fairly obvious that neither of us gives two shits about the other any more. If we cared enough we would have got in touch ourselves, but our lives have been fun and full of great stuff this year. These people, while nice company, are fucking boring people and do nothing with their lives. The guy is super talented but depressive and so does nothing (making me feel a bit guilty for having done lots of things lately) and the girl - if you ask her "how have you been?" will tell you about her shitty job for an hour.

So, yesterday we get a text from her - it's her birthday, do we want to go out for a meal and drinks on saturday? Well actually, no. Because it's January and I'm skint and you gave us a couple days notice and frankly I don't give two shits. Friends you only see on your birthday are not good friends. And frankly, now the relationship has dropped this far I don't even want to see them on my birthday any more. Needless to say, Mrs say we should go because it will be nice. Was suggested if we can't afford the meal then we should go for drinks which sounds even worse - wait for a call about 10 to say where they are? Meet up with folks on an entirely different energy level at that time of the night? No.

So yeah, I'm fed up with this shit. Needed to brain dump. Need new friends :p


Knows the Score
Continuing last night's theme of headsick and rage, feeling pretty glum this morning. Tired and a bit headachy anyway but I think what's really pissed me off and got me thinking is this social obligation we've got to go to tomorrow.

Basically, got these folks we used to be very tight friends with, saw them multiple times a week and all that. The guy in the couple used to be the drummer in my band, but he flaked out for pretty lame medical reasons a couple of years back which put a pretty big tear in the friendship. The girl in the couple is technically my wife's 'best friend' but in the past year we've maybe seen them 4 times, mostly on birthdays. They live mayyyyyyyybe 10 mins walk from my house, moved house in September and we've still not been invited over to hang out.

Frankly, it's fairly obvious that neither of us gives two shits about the other any more. If we cared enough we would have got in touch ourselves, but our lives have been fun and full of great stuff this year. These people, while nice company, are fucking boring people and do nothing with their lives. The guy is super talented but depressive and so does nothing (making me feel a bit guilty for having done lots of things lately) and the girl - if you ask her "how have you been?" will tell you about her shitty job for an hour.

So, yesterday we get a text from her - it's her birthday, do we want to go out for a meal and drinks on saturday? Well actually, no. Because it's January and I'm skint and you gave us a couple days notice and frankly I don't give two shits. Friends you only see on your birthday are not good friends. And frankly, now the relationship has dropped this far I don't even want to see them on my birthday any more. Needless to say, Mrs say we should go because it will be nice. Was suggested if we can't afford the meal then we should go for drinks which sounds even worse - wait for a call about 10 to say where they are? Meet up with folks on an entirely different energy level at that time of the night? No.

So yeah, I'm fed up with this shit. Needed to brain dump. Need new friends :p

"It's January and we're skint" is reason enough not to go out IMO, disregarding any friendship failings.

Jedeye Sniv

"It's January and we're skint" is reason enough not to go out IMO, disregarding any friendship failings.

Yeah that's my standby reasoning. It's gotta suck having your birthday in January but jeez, give people more notice or think outside of the box. My 30th birthday cost people nothing more than the price of beer and a homemade costume, not like £60 worth right after xmas. twats.
Continuing last night's theme of headsick and rage, feeling pretty glum this morning. Tired and a bit headachy anyway but I think what's really pissed me off and got me thinking is this social obligation we've got to go to tomorrow.

Basically, got these folks we used to be very tight friends with, saw them multiple times a week and all that. The guy in the couple used to be the drummer in my band, but he flaked out for pretty lame medical reasons a couple of years back which put a pretty big tear in the friendship. The girl in the couple is technically my wife's 'best friend' but in the past year we've maybe seen them 4 times, mostly on birthdays. They live mayyyyyyyybe 10 mins walk from my house, moved house in September and we've still not been invited over to hang out.

Frankly, it's fairly obvious that neither of us gives two shits about the other any more. If we cared enough we would have got in touch ourselves, but our lives have been fun and full of great stuff this year. These people, while nice company, are fucking boring people and do nothing with their lives. The guy is super talented but depressive and so does nothing (making me feel a bit guilty for having done lots of things lately) and the girl - if you ask her "how have you been?" will tell you about her shitty job for an hour.

So, yesterday we get a text from her - it's her birthday, do we want to go out for a meal and drinks on saturday? Well actually, no. Because it's January and I'm skint and you gave us a couple days notice and frankly I don't give two shits. Friends you only see on your birthday are not good friends. And frankly, now the relationship has dropped this far I don't even want to see them on my birthday any more. Needless to say, Mrs say we should go because it will be nice. Was suggested if we can't afford the meal then we should go for drinks which sounds even worse - wait for a call about 10 to say where they are? Meet up with folks on an entirely different energy level at that time of the night? No.

So yeah, I'm fed up with this shit. Needed to brain dump. Need new friends :p

You have us now!

But yeah, fuck that noise. Tell them you already have plans.

Jedeye Sniv

You have us now!

But yeah, fuck that noise. Tell them you already have plans.

I was actually thinking the same. I have not only seen you more than them this year, but had actual fun times that stand out in my memory instead of just glumly hearing how shit it is to work in Claire's Accessories.

edit: I can't tell if this is sad or awesome. I'm going with awesome. We've had awesome times this last year innit
I was actually thinking the same. I have not only seen you more than them this year, but had actual fun times that stand out in my memory instead of just glumly hearing how shit it is to work in Claire's Accessories.

edit: I can't tell if this is sad or awesome. I'm going with awesome. We've had awesome times this last year innit

We have, I've really enjoyed myself hanging out with you lot the last two years.

I have no useful advice for you Jed.

This post was pointless.

A post from you is never pointless Dave.

Baby due soon innit?


"It's January and we're skint" is reason enough not to go out IMO, disregarding any friendship failings.
Yup, it's a stock "yeah, I'm not going" excuse.
I was actually thinking the same. I have not only seen you more than them this year, but had actual fun times that stand out in my memory instead of just glumly hearing how shit it is to work in Claire's Accessories.
To be fair, Claire's Accessories is a bit shit.

Accessorize is the new hotness.


Morning all.

Sorry to hear your having a glum day today, Jedeye. It's times like this where one can always fall back on that tried and test consolation - it's Friday.

Jedeye Sniv

Yup, it's a stock "yeah, I'm not going" excuse.

To be fair, Claire's Accessories is a bit shit.

Accessorize is the new hotness.

She works there as well I think... or is it Monsoon? I dunno. But I do know that if you've been working that same shitty retail job for 16k for 6 years then you're a fucking dipshit and I don't want to hear the bitching any more :p

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better now. Just threw some unsolicited love at my bandmates, remembering my warm fuzzies from you lot. Remembering that we're probably not supposed to have the same mates at 30 we did when we were 20.


formerly Oynox Slider
Morning everyone. It's all glum in here on the day I feel quite chirpy. You sad sacks.

Jed, I don't really know you but have some free warm and fuzzies from me. Consider this a hug from a stranger :)

And anyone else who wants one can have one too.
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