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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes


Clocks and Fix You are two of my favourite Coldplay tracks, followed closed by Viva La Vida, The Hardest Part, and White Shadows. X&Y was, in general, a pretty decent album.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Coldplay is fine with me, but Chris Martin is a tool

Meanwhile, mine is still in its wrapper and I'm waiting until the weekend to start it. Man, fuck working full time.
It's okay man, you also get to have disposable income. I'd rather that then getting to binge Uncharted in two days never to play it again.
I enjoyed it more than UC2 TBH it was a classier affair and DEM EASTER EGGS.

Mistake Crushing destroys pacing, seriously.
MP is amazing you shouldn't trade, also single player DLC on the way.

I know, but I want doom. Well.. I say want, I now own it and I fucking love it. Just need to find some people to play it with now because my good flatmates have gone out and I am left on my own with the northern cunt who exists solely to drag down the people within a 10 mile radius of him.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Tash, is the campaign on DOOM any good?
I'm not very far in but so far I'd say it's pretty great, if you're looking for a big campaign with lots of story telling you'd be in the wrong place.

Basically you're a space marine as per the norm that wakes up with not a single fuck to give, holograms let you in on little bits of the story and you can pick up these little data chips that also add more. Then you have this robot AI-like dude who is a bit of a dickhole but ultimately doesn't want to die so decides to help you out. There's a crazy lady who seems to think it would be awesome to open a gateway to hell, which after a while you end up falling through and you continue to slay demons. The combat is awesome, the enemies are great and also a colossal pain in the cock.
In terms of what the missions entail: go to an area, do a thing, find keycards and try not to get fucked up. It's just like the original in some ways which is awesome and it's definitely steered away from Doom 3.

But yeah, campaign is pretty fun so far

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Have any of you ever sat down and wondered how many hashbrowns can a Rubbish King eat? Because I have too, and the answer is more than 16 because I ran out before I could satisfy my hunger for hashbrowns


formerly Oynox Slider
Clocks and Fix You are two of my favourite Coldplay tracks, followed closed by Viva La Vida, The Hardest Part, and White Shadows. X&Y was, in general, a pretty decent album.

There's a few songs on X and Y which have slipped under the radar and shouldn't have, but I found it baggy and way too long. Also (I know it was intentional but) the weird synthy sheen to it sounded really thin to me. I was like "WHERE IS MY BASS?!?!"

I don't think they're dicks though. It's all music.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
SO I find myself browsing youtube for a long period of time most evenings

Is anybody else cursed by buzzfeeds never ending stream of videos that I can no longer stop myself continuously watching regardless of what it's actually about.

Well look no further, you now only need to imagine all the numbers after 16


SO I find myself browsing youtube for a long period of time most evenings

Is anybody else cursed by buzzfeeds never ending stream of videos that I can no longer stop myself continuously watching regardless of what it's actually about.

No, I just end up watching endless repeats of The Office until I fall asleep.
Just as inane, but that show comforts me a lot.


YouTube shows I like to watch in bed:

Tested One Day Builds - Adam Savage from Mythbusters builds things in a day, he's really talented and effortlessly watchable

Ammo NYC - a guy is really fanatical about washing expensive cars and makes a great living from it, it's so relaxing and you get to see him soap down flash motors, mmmm....

Retro Gamer - he buys broken electronics cheap off eBay and fixes them, he has a really relaxing Scottish voice and twiddles with stuff to make it work

Kay Plays - this bird plays video games and commentates over the top, she's really smart and analytical which is entertaining to watch and has a lovely voice

Ashens - Stuart Ashens reviews shit products filmed in POV on an old brown sofa, more amusing than it sounds

EpicNameBro - he plays Souls games like a pro and commentates really comprehensively over the top, really knows his stuff and is very personable and just makes very entertaining videos

Also, watch Better Call Saul on Netflix, it's mint.

Watch Better Call Saul.



I'm not very far in but so far I'd say it's pretty great, if you're looking for a big campaign with lots of story telling you'd be in the wrong place.

Basically you're a space marine as per the norm that wakes up with not a single fuck to give, holograms let you in on little bits of the story and you can pick up these little data chips that also add more. Then you have this robot AI-like dude who is a bit of a dickhole but ultimately doesn't want to die so decides to help you out. There's a crazy lady who seems to think it would be awesome to open a gateway to hell, which after a while you end up falling through and you continue to slay demons. The combat is awesome, the enemies are great and also a colossal pain in the cock.
In terms of what the missions entail: go to an area, do a thing, find keycards and try not to get fucked up. It's just like the original in some ways which is awesome and it's definitely steered away from Doom 3.

But yeah, campaign is pretty fun so far
Sounds good to me. So good, in fact, I picked a copy up from Tesco for £40. I'm a sucker for no-nonsene run 'n' games, even more so when weird ass aliens are involved. I loved Doom 3, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't the Doom I know and love. DOOM looks like a return to form, so can't wait to play it later.







Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Sounds good to me. So good, in fact, I picked a copy up from Tesco for £40. I'm a sucker for no-nonsene run 'n' games, even more so when weird ass aliens are involved. I loved Doom 3, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't the Doom I know and love. DOOM looks like a return to form, so can't wait to play it later.

Mate are you on ps4
Have any of you ever sat down and wondered how many hashbrowns can a Rubbish King eat? Because I have too, and the answer is more than 16 because I ran out before I could satisfy my hunger for hashbrowns


Sorry if this is a bit late, but I was a bit underwhelmed by A Moon Shaped Pool. Burn The With felt out of place, as the rest of the album fell into the same ethereal tone as Daydreaming. I'd like to have seen a bit more energy carry through, but alas. I appreciate where Radiohead have come to, but I'm so used to the abstract, emotional drive of Kid A and Amnesiac that I can't help but feel a little disappointed. The album felt like a sum of parts instead of a variety like it should have done, I think.
I'll give it a second listen soon. Maybe I'll appreciate it more a second time.


Übermatik;203707299 said:

Sorry if this is a bit late, but I was a bit underwhelmed by A Moon Shaped Pool. Burn The With felt out of place, as the rest of the album fell into the same ethereal tone as Daydreaming. I'd like to have seen a bit more energy carry through, but alas. I appreciate where Radiohead have come to, but I'm so used to the abstract, emotional drive of Kid A and Amnesiac that I can't help but feel a little disappointed. The album felt like a sum of parts instead of a variety like it should have done, I think.
I'll give it a second listen soon. Maybe I'll appreciate it more a second time.

I don't think it's an album that really sinks in before you've listened a few times.
After a dozen or so listens, I think it's one of my favourites now.


Übermatik;203707299 said:

Sorry if this is a bit late, but I was a bit underwhelmed by A Moon Shaped Pool. Burn The With felt out of place, as the rest of the album fell into the same ethereal tone as Daydreaming. I'd like to have seen a bit more energy carry through, but alas. I appreciate where Radiohead have come to, but I'm so used to the abstract, emotional drive of Kid A and Amnesiac that I can't help but feel a little disappointed. The album felt like a sum of parts instead of a variety like it should have done, I think.
I'll give it a second listen soon. Maybe I'll appreciate it more a second time.

I felt the same, but yea, give it more time a few more listens and it'll really click. It's an incredible album.


Knows the Score
Listened to it fully yesterday, Quite happy with it other than True Love Waits at the end. Had it finished on Tinder Tailor Title is very long I think I would have enjoyed it a little more.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Übermatik;203707299 said:

Sorry if this is a bit late, but I was a bit underwhelmed by A Moon Shaped Pool. Burn The With felt out of place, as the rest of the album fell into the same ethereal tone as Daydreaming. I'd like to have seen a bit more energy carry through, but alas. I appreciate where Radiohead have come to, but I'm so used to the abstract, emotional drive of Kid A and Amnesiac that I can't help but feel a little disappointed. The album felt like a sum of parts instead of a variety like it should have done, I think.
I'll give it a second listen soon. Maybe I'll appreciate it more a second time.


I haven't listened yet because I'm miserable and allergy ridden. I'll save it for when I'm travelling


sploatee, shorty, acrid and other assorted hip-hop heads, do yourself a flavour and check out this record, it's so good:


Murs - The Scuffle

The beat is like the most glorious snare shuffle ever. And he's a top lyricist too:

"'Cos everybody in the house came to watch what we do,
Since your rhymes are as fly as a fuckin' Emu,
So even if I only make MTV2,
It's better than me stuck in a rut being you,"

(I may have already linked this but if you had to be told twice then shame on you)
Holy shit, Stansted Airport is terrible. It's like a masterclass in how not to design an airport. What the fuck were they thinking?

To add some context, I've just spent much of an afternoon there waiting for a flight home.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
One of these days he'll reincarnate as a good poster

Unlikely, I can understand him wanting to rid himself of the reputation but what is the point if he continues posting like an utter tool.

"Guys I know #Blacklivesmatter, but that's the same way #Whitelivesmatter"

*Insert inevitable shitstorm here*




formerly Oynox Slider
Unlikely, I can understand him wanting to rid himself of the reputation but what is the point if he continues posting like an utter tool.

"Guys I know #Blacklivesmatter, but that's the same way #Whitelivesmatter"

*Insert inevitable shitstorm here*



Is that why he was banned?

I'm still puzzled by his PSN name. Is the V a substitute for an A?


In other news, fueienisgskzoyebagwysjdlw.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Summer job fell through as the language school couldn't get the numbers to have a base in my city.

Back to the search.
Is that why he was banned?

I'm still puzzled by his PSN name. Is the V a substitute for an A?


In other news, fueienisgskzoyebagwysjdlw.

No doubt about it, the guy brought up a highly controversial issue and was hella ignorant in thread that had SFA to do about it. He then proceeded to play innocent.


formerly Oynox Slider
Summer job fell through as the language school couldn't get the numbers to have a base in my city.

Back to the search.

No doubt about it, the guy brought up a highly controversial issue and was hella ignorant in thread that had SFA to do about it. He then proceeded to play innocent.

BritGAF are the craziest GAF. Easily.

You're making me want Doom btw. And I have a massive backlog.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Started training with my flatmate who hasn't an ounce of fat on him. I love powerlifting but hot fucking damn this guy is a machine. Started boxing and doing his workouts and I am already dead, need to kick this fat.

No, that honour goes to PopGAF.
Nah, popGAF are crazy dramatic online and just "xD" a lot.

We LEGIT fuck shit up on the reg in our own daily lives, don't need no pop to facilitate our insanity.

BritGAF are the craziest GAF. Easily.

You're making me want Doom btw. And I have a massive backlog.
Mate just get it, it's mindblowing awesome and yet simple. There's nothing stopping you from putting it down though which I like, I can sit and play it all day or just have a 30 minute destress where I fuck up some Barons of hell or smash some children on multiplayer.

Oh yeah those little bastards don't stand a chance playing something like this, I might be shit but not a single 12 year old is teabagging my mum with a side of quickscopez.


BritGAF are the craziest GAF. Easily.

You're making me want Doom btw. And I have a massive backlog.

RIP AND TEAR until your backlog is done.

Or prioritize your backlog with whichever games allowing you to shoot the legions of hell in the face with a shotgun as top priority.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Hello again brits, its me again. Wanted to make a second and final plea for any help filling out a survey for my university work. At this point anyone can fill it out as long as I can get a few more replies. Takes about 10 minutes, I appreciate your help


I'll sort you out fellow student, but you'll have to link the survey and not your results.
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