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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
BBC show that finish airing last week. Final episode was a bit of a snafu.
I'm just about always sunny in philly right now

so gd
Hey buddy. I have got to admit, I didn't even do the survey - I just provided links.

How's life treating you?

Pretty good man, some very new things happening and I'm grabbing life by it's arse and ploughing it like a porn star without the massive wang so I'm not sure if I'm going to be thrown off or accepted.



Pretty good man, some very new things happening and I'm grabbing life by it's arse and ploughing it like a porn star without the massive wang so I'm not sure if I'm going to be thrown off or accepted.


You are a very descriptive man. I've seen some of your posts and you look like your dealing with it very well - you still got my number?

Yeah, things are going well for me at the moment. I've not long been back from my holiday to Majorca (it feels like a life time ago after work, but memories will remain) and I'm going to pick up my new car tomorrow so I'm all excited.


What up y'all? Friday is here!
Yeah man, first full day off where I have no work commitments of any kind for nearly a month, whoooo! Just chilling in bed loving the fact that I can do whatever the fuck I want for precisely 30 hours and 9 minutes.

Big spruce of the house, trip into town to buy this new watch I've been eyeing up, catch up with a few pals for drinks and something to eat then The Hyena Kill album launch party tonight.

God knows I've earned today...

Edit: I've just remembered I've got an opticians appointment today. I can't get a minute's peace. That's it, the dream is over.
I had a visit to the dentist this morning. I swear the "hygienist" is just a made up job for out of work interrogators looking for their sadistic fix. Clawing and scraping your gums till they bleed with sharp instruments.

What kind of sociopath grows up wanting to be a dentist anyway? "No daddy, I don't want to be a fireman or an astronaut, I want to poke around in stranger's mouths and inspire fear and discomfort in them before I nag them to floss more." Fuck them to death, seriously.

Also I picked up a 3DS just to play the new Fire Emblem, but won't be able to play it till I get home at 9PM. Woe is me, my lust for waifus and turn based strategy is insatiable.


Also I picked up a 3DS just to play the new Fire Emblem, but won't be able to play it till I get home at 9PM. Woe is me, my lust for waifus and turn based strategy is insatiable.

At least you get to play it today. Mine isn't turning up till mid to late June :(


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
So my mate spotted my ex out with some bloke and turns out she's in a new relationship.
I'm over her and I did a little stalk of the fella and he's really into the same things as her, does drama, works at a theatre and loves poetry and seems like a nice guy with a cool beard. I think it gives me a bit of understanding to why it never fully worked between us, she was just so different to me but in a bad way that made it hard for us to connect when we talked about our passions. I hope she has more luck with this guy, because whilst the sex was great she was one mad cunt that wouldn't let me out of her sight. Dunno why I'm posting this here, I've certainly toned down my oversharing over the past year or so but eh. It's progress and understanding. Still don't feel like I've met anyone I'd consider dating. So I'll continue to work on myself.

You are a very descriptive man. I've seen some of your posts and you look like your dealing with it very well - you still got my number?

Yeah, things are going well for me at the moment. I've not long been back from my holiday to Majorca (it feels like a life time ago after work, but memories will remain) and I'm going to pick up my new car tomorrow so I'm all excited.
I don't man! PM me? Or maybe text, still got the same number ending in .

My year is going really well, I'm enjoying it most of the time, exam period is wrecking me though and finances as always are terrible.

Glad to hear you're having a bit of fun, what's the new motor?

What up y'all? Friday is here!
I had pancakes

It was a good time


I don't man! PM me? Or maybe text, still got the same number ending in .

My year is going really well, I'm enjoying it most of the time, exam period is wrecking me though and finances as always are terrible.

Glad to hear you're having a bit of fun, what's the new motor?

PM sent! I don't have that number, I have something different.

The new motor is a Volvo V40 R-Design. Picked it up today and I love it. Much nicer to drive than my old Polo


I was going to post in the actual topic but I feel quite dumb about it.
I don't quite understand the whole referendum and what I should vote for.
I've seen that if we leave then house prices could drop, which is beneficial to me but other than that I have no idea. Anyone got an ELI5 explanation?


I was going to post in the actual topic but I feel quite dumb about it.
I don't quite understand the whole referendum and what I should vote for.
I've seen that if we leave then house prices could drop, which is beneficial to me but other than that I have no idea. Anyone got an ELI5 explanation?



Broken link. Good job Mike! (Love you)


well it actually makes the point of all the misinformation bullshit better than if you'd actually seen the gif to be fair.
At least I didn't spend £9,000,000 sending you that link.

my opinion is that the EU has given us a lot & we're better off trying to improve it from within than cutting ourselves off and hoping for the best.

I'm also not comfortable with any big decision which hands more power into the hands of UK politicans, as I've not seen one I trust having a real say over anything for quite a few years.


I was going to post in the actual topic but I feel quite dumb about it.
I don't quite understand the whole referendum and what I should vote for.
I've seen that if we leave then house prices could drop, which is beneficial to me but other than that I have no idea. Anyone got an ELI5 explanation?

To be honest if house prices dropped it would only be if the economy went to shit which probably wouldn't be good for anyone.

It's not like a Tory government would be taking sensible long term action to regulate house prices down slowly.

Honestly there's two questions I think you should ask yourself -

1) Dropping out of Europe concentrates power in the hands of our Parliament. Do you think that's a good thing because they're directly elected and more accountable or a bad thing because they're all short termist, irrational bastards under a crooked electoral system?

2) What's better, maintaining a relatively tolerable status quo or taking a complete punt on something which might be better or worse?

I've honestly tried to keep those questions fairly neutral. But basically your answer to those two probably identifies a reasonable path for you to determine your vote if you don't want to do a lot of looking into the detail.
To be honest if house prices dropped it would only be if the economy went to shit which probably wouldn't be good for anyone.

It's not like a Tory government would be taking sensible long term action to regulate house prices down slowly.

Honestly there's two questions I think you should ask yourself -

1) Dropping out of Europe concentrates power in the hands of our Parliament. Do you think that's a good thing because they're directly elected and more accountable or a bad thing because they're all short termist, irrational bastards under a crooked electoral system?

2) What's better, maintaining a relatively tolerable status quo or taking a complete punt on something which probably has might be better or worse?

I've honestly tried to keep those questions fairly neutral. But basically your answer to those two probably identifies a reasonable path for you to determine your vote if you don't want to do a lot of looking into the detail.
I like this post. 1up for you, my friend.

All this stuff about house prices dropping, family holiday prices increasing etc. it's just mud-slinging from both sides. A bit of scare-mongering.

I'm stuck in the middle too, but I think I'll vote to remain. I like being able to travel in Europe without any visas (I'm assuming we'll need them if we leave the EU).

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I change my mind every week about what I'm going to vote.

I'm thinking out for now, but part of me feels like I might regret it for the rest of my life if it goes wrong


formerly Oynox Slider
Part of me wants to vote out just for the novelty.

It's a big deal in my job. Lots of economic briefings and the like.

Still thinking about voting out for the novelty and partially because I'm already sick of the bloody discussions. Nothing really ever changes.


Knows the Score
Part of me wants to vote out just for the novelty.

It's a big deal in my job. Lots of economic briefings and the like.

Still thinking about voting out for the novelty and partially because I'm already sick of the bloody discussions. Nothing really ever changes.

Do it for the lulz!

(I'm out of the country for too long to be able to vote, but I'd vote for chaos.)


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Part of me wants to vote out just for the novelty.

Please tell me it's not the brain part - pleeeese.

In other news, despite not being a proper lawyer I somehow ended up spending much of April defending a suspected drug dealer. Amazing what you can get away with with some blagging at the police station. My client is free without charge, the other eight are bailed to Crown Court. Victory!


eggs last pretty well.

you can make sure they're OK to eat by putting them in a glass of water, if they float, they're off.

there are so many great things to make with eggs, tashington

for breakfast tomorrow, make yourself some fried eggs:

butter in pan with plenty of paprika, melt the butter and mix in the paprika so it's like a buttery sauce, then crack the eggs into the pan and fry as normal, but keep splashing them with that paprika butter goodness

when they're about done, give those babies a little sriracha/tabasco kiss

that's what I'll be doing tomorrow morning


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Hey guys remember P90x and insanity workouts? Well this fucker is back on the gains train

Fitness Tash is coming back, but with more gains and less root symbols for ticks!
eggs last pretty well.

you can make sure they're OK to eat by putting them in a glass of water, if they float, they're off.

there are so many great things to make with eggs, tashington

for breakfast tomorrow, make yourself some fried eggs:

butter in pan with plenty of paprika, melt the butter and mix in the paprika so it's like a buttery sauce, then crack the eggs into the pan and fry as normal, but keep splashing them with that paprika butter goodness

when they're about done, give those babies a little sriracha/tabasco kiss

that's what I'll be doing tomorrow morning


I thought you were banned
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