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Broken Age SPOILERS Thread


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I had always understood the characters to only be thematically linked before I played this, so at the end of Vella's story (which I played first) I was surprised to see that the two worlds actually were linked. I thought maybe Shay had been long dead since The Dead Eye god mentions how his mission started 300 years ago.

I didn't see the twist coming at all. The whole game I thought that Marek was just the Dad side of the computer making up a more engaging fake-mission to entertain him. There were all sorts of little hints that Marek is just the computer. I think even Shay kinda caught on too. There's a section at the end of his first night with Marek where Shay tricks him into saying "Yeah, I bet she will notice you're awake." When an alarm is going off, which seemed to indicate the alarm was actually fake. I still feel like Marek is the Dad side of the computer's personality.

Those stupid grabbing minigames I thought were just a representation of a videogame in world that the computer cooked up to make Shay feel like he was controlling the ship.

Crazy stuff. I'm definitely going to replay it since it another runthrough is a very short time investment.

Broken Age p1 is probably the best new game I've played in the last year or so. I really liked it. It felt very fresh.


finished act 1, damn this game is amazing. The puzzles might not be especially challenging, but I'm hooked on the characters and setting. I have no idea what just happened at the end


Nearly all the controls on the ship are fake. They're all plastic buttons that don't really do anything. What if that's also true for the space weaver? How does such a contraption even make sense? This goes back to me thinking that the Ship computers are fully aware and maybe controlling the Wolf, and it's all planned together to get Shay to do certain things. The "use your instincts" for the maidens feast collection may be them picking out a mate for him?


Just finished and utterly loved the ending. I played through Vella's part first so I was expecting it already, but it was very well handled story wise. But Act 2 has many loose ends to tie so I hope it comes soon enough hehehe. I stuck on the helmet puzzle as I didn't pick the helmet on the trophy room so I was just going back and forth on the teleporters hoping that the machine finally put a helmet on my head. Had to check that one on the net. And I didn't know that I could check the star map for Prima Doom on my inventory just by clicking it so I was a bit frustrated on that one too, until I accidentally clicked on it and then it was just a matter of knitting the right pattern.
Just beat the game. Did Vella, then Shay. Holy shit at that ending. Didn't see it coming AT ALL.

After I finished Shay, it switched back to Vella lying on the beach. When I saw Mog Chothra there...it all came together. My jaw dropped.

So incredibly well done. Cannot wait for Act 2!


Just finished it, a bit lttp. Did not see the ending coming, but I wasn't really thinking too hard about it, either. I was just suspicious throughout the entire process. The part where you "save the creatures" totally makes sense in hindsight, but as plenty of you have pointed out, they left a lot of questions unanswered.

Had a great time, game looks and sounds beautiful, characters were fantastic. Game had a great flow to it, too. Not too easy, not too frustrating.

Act 2 can't come soon enough.
Okay, just finished the game. I played Shay's part first, then waited a couple of weeks before playing Vella's part. I totally did not see the twist coming. It was awesome.


I wonder how the end of Act 1 would have played out before the game was split into two acts.

The last scene with Shay and Vella switching places didn't have any VA (or even any grunting noises etc. from what I remember) so I assume it was added pretty late in the process.

Would it have forced you to finish half the game as Shay and Vella before you could access the second half? Or would it have let you play the full game as one character and then the other?
Obviously reiterating alot of felling that have already been posted but Act 1 was fantastic and I didn't expect the twist at all. I assumed at first that Alex (The Dead Eye God) was Shay when he was revealed. But me being wrong just leaves more questions that I really want answers for in Act 2. Waiting but not patiently.


Seems like they wanted to make you think Alex was Shay. Alex clothes looks like Shay's. When you ask Alex how his ship crashed, he says, "I think it was my fault. I tried to take over the ship and then some crazy stuff happened.", which is just like Shay. Shay even says to Mom computer, "I'm going back to taking over the ship now" at one point.

Alex says his ship was buried in the crash except for that one little room. I wonder if he was in a mog and just still doesn't know it.


Seek victory, not fairness
I picked this up during the Steam sale. (hopefully not too ancient of a bump here)

I really enjoyed playing through the story and thought it was fine for the sale price. Vella's voice acting and animation were great. I especially liked that little animation where she starts to fall through the clouds and flails at the end.

I started with Shay and got totally stuck on the train level, thinking that I must have been expected to switch over to Vella at that point to progress the story. I had tried everything on that bridge man except simply clicking on him again.

I was a bit annoyed by the story crossover because we see the same ship through both characters' eyes, and according to what we see the player "knows" it can't be the same thing. Even when they saw each other on the beach and switched places, it made no sense to me at the time. I was thinking "is this a time travel portal or something?".

However, I can see that it's supposed to represent how things look different through different people's eyes. Maybe someone living on that planet who isn't used to space ships sees a monster instead. I wonder if the monster on the beach will suddenly look like a space ship when viewed through Shay's eyes, and if the ship will look any different to Vella from the inside. I just wish I had figured it out earlier, rather than being thrown off by those conflicting details (fist vs tentacle, etc) so I could have started watching for parallels earlier in the story. The awkward pauses from the wolf in response to certain questions are probably explained by these things.

I expect that the "surprise" room that Mom has been working on probably has the other maidens (maybe the ones who passed quarantine?), or maybe a wedding chapel or something.

Looking forward to part 2.

What's the deal with the snake? I must have spent about 30 mins screwing around with that thing in total.

I expect that all the loose ends like this from act 1 will come into play in act 2.
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