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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread

So I know it wasn't this way in the beginning (and by beginning I mean PS4 so a week and a half) but I feel like they are now giving you a squad point every game you complete. Maybe I am unlocking it some other way, but for quite a few games in a row I have gotten 1 squad point (in addition to any other ones I may get by leveling, completing field orders, etc.) Forgive me if this has been talked about, but I went back a few pages and didn't see this mentioned.

I think that if true, this is a better way to balance out squad points. At least you are getting them on a consistent basis, if nothing else...
The first few days from release it took forever to get any.
Been getting about 10 a match for a while now.

I know you get one for every headshot just about.
I miss the "You are awesome" guitar riffs. :(

The only good thing I have to say about Ghosts is that the Riley streak is awesome. Getting your own guard dog is the only time I've felt satisfied playing this game, the only time where I've said "Yeah, that's pretty cool".
BO2's were so bad, I couldn't believe they straight up ripped off MW2's Spetsnaz spawn theme.
Rangers will forever have the best spawn and victory theme.
I've put about 60hrs into MP now and this is how I see the maps (higher up the list the better/crapper)....




Prison Break

All the large maps are basically fails and miss the point of COD. I think the MP devs were trying to change the feel but there's already a little game coming out in March that will see to that.


I've put about 60hrs into MP now and this is how I see the maps (higher up the list the better/crapper)....


Prison Break



All the large maps are basically fails and miss the point of COD. I think the MP devs were trying to change the feel but there's already a little game coming out in March that will see to that.



Anybody else noticing there's a lot more camping? I'm not talking about holding down an areaof the map, but flat-out parked, ADS camping. That combined with really weird spawn points results in st least 3 deaths per match for me (tdm). Maybe I should play a different mode.

Hip Hop

Anybody else noticing there's a lot more camping? I'm not talking about holding down an areaof the map, but flat-out parked, ADS camping. That combined with really weird spawn points results in st least 3 deaths per match for me (tdm). Maybe I should play a different mode.

I notice that in every Call of Duty. I really hate that they give tools to these people, like a bunch of crap you can use to camp with like IED's and the louder footsteps perk.

Those kinds of people really ruin the flow of the game. If you can hold down an area, good for you. But these people that don't move at all and stay in a corner holding down the sight, uggghh.
Anybody else noticing there's a lot more camping? I'm not talking about holding down an areaof the map, but flat-out parked, ADS camping. That combined with really weird spawn points results in st least 3 deaths per match for me (tdm). Maybe I should play a different mode.

Moving around basically means death from some weird angle or behind you, so people are adopting their play style.
Anybody got problems getting into PlayStation 4 Domination matches right now? I see 1500 players on the list, but matchmaking just tells me for hours on end there's no matches.

Fave maps after 26 hours of playing:

absolutely awesome post filled with smart details and insight. All too rare hare. I'm so guilty of being impatient and I run around with Marathon and always reload after a kill...really trying to break those bad habits in Ghosts.

I'm getting older too, but I'm finding in Ghosts my KD is near 1.0 and I play Domination almost exclusively where you end dying quite a lot when taking over flags.

Thanks again for a great post.

Your first question has a long and complex answer, but it boils down to this: You're playing a game where 2-4 bullets are lethal, fired from guns that shoot 600-900+rpm (that's 10-15 shots per second!) Some guns will kill in one trigger pull.

Killcams are not, were not, and will not ever be an exact representation of what occured because what is happening for each player is always subject to the lag monsters. You'll note that there are barely any (are there any?) other fps games out there that show killcams. They just say X kiled you with Y and maybe show you the person who shot you.

Treat killcams as tools to see where a person was moving, how they ambushed you, or what they were using, don't use them as tools to determine why you lost a heads up firefight, that's just going to piss you off.

When you're standing stationary around a corner and someone comes blazing around the corner firing at you, on their end, their client says 'this dude is at position X' and they come around the corner, see you, shoot you, and you die. On your end, your client is still waiting for the position + firing update of the guy that came around the corner. He comes around, you fire and kill him! Then you fall flat on your face dead. wtf?! To quote a great man: "You are already dead". You just didn't know it yet.

While the specifics of how the net code has been handled have varied from cod to cod over the years (getting progressively shittier in every one after mw2 imo), the basics are the same: If you're in a situation where you're going into a coin flip face to face firefight, it's a coin flip firefight. The trick has always been to avoid getting into those situations as much as possible.

That's part one.

To answer the second part.

If you are going to get into face to face firefights frequently, you need perk muscle to survive them, and a weapon with a low enough ttk to beat whatever your opponent is using. Milliseconds matter in close range cod fights.

Relevant gunplay perks: Ready Up, Quickdraw, Focus. Faster gun up after sprint, faster ads, better stability from flinching when hit with enemy fire.

Stalker is also on that list, though it doesn't directly affect speed, it lets you stay fully mobile while ads, which can be stronger than Ready Up and Quickdraw together if used well (if you're already ads and moving around a corner, you are all but guaranteed to be faster than someone who is mid sprint, even if they have ready up and quickdraw both on an smg).

The gun you are using determines mobility and ads times. SMGs and Shotguns are fastest, ARs are in the middle, MRs and LMGs are next, Snipers are the slowest (ads wise, though there's a bunch of variance for both ads time and mobility in that class).

Ultra bad habits that will get you killed 24/7:

Sprinting constantly (Marathon is dangerous)

Reloading after a single kill (push X to spawn enemy). Sleight of Hand and On the Go both can reinforce this bad habit.

Not prepping for the second (or third) enemy as soon as you down the first. There is always another enemy around the corner. They saw you, heard you, saw their teammate die, heard your gunfire, saw the tracers, saw the skull marker on the ui, were in party chat, saw you on the minimap, saw you with an oracle, tagged you with recon, heard you with amplify, whatever. They know you're there when you kill someone nearby. Be ready for it.

And then there's stealth. The combat perks are critical in general, and if you are using a build without some combination of quickdraw/stalker/ready up/focus, you need to know what you're doing, but stealth is equally important.

A silencer on your gun, Off the Grid, Dead Silence, and to a lesser extent, Incog and Takedown are all important for protecting you from the minimap, SATCOMs, and headphones/amplify. Incog and Takedown have more subtle effects, but both are useful. Incog is notably effective at longer ranges by preventing your name from popping up from a casual ads sweep, but it can even save you in cqb if someone hesitates for even a second because they didn't see a red name. I've died a few times myself because I mistook a friendly name behind an enemy as their own!

In terms of enemy positional knowledge, Amplify is the single most important perk to take, because it alerts you instantly to nearby enemies without Dead Silence, and gives you a chance to hear enemies with Dead Silence, something you have almost no prayer of without.

Sitrep is quite useful, particularly in modes like TDM where kids like to camp in buildings with IEDs guarding them. Sitrep protects you from all types of equipment and gives away enemy positions.

Wiretap is potentially strong, but as a 3 point perk and the number of people running Off the Grid, I'm not super fond of it. That said, a build using Wiretap and Hardline with Assault SATCOM (and nothing else!) is kind of hilarious. You'll have near perfect locational info on anyone not using Off the Grid.

Also fwiw, every single one of my srs bzness builds (or even semi serious) are 1 gun, 11 perk points. Equipment is pretty crap in this game with no way to resupply it short of completing a field order, I'd rather have the 2 extra perk points. A secondary weapon does have some value on certain setups (e.g., I'll use a pistol on an lmg build for mobility), but you can often get away without one.

You'll note that in all that, I didn't make any mention at all about your personal aim or the sweet cod skillz needed to survive a close range firefight. That's because they're secondary to everything else. My k/d has been going up over the years I've played CoD, and I'm getting older, slower, and blinder every year. I'm not doing well because I can out 360 noscope the 14 year old kids that make up the cod audience, I'm (usually) doing well because I'm flanking them, shooting them in the ass, killing them with a faster weapon, or killing them at close or long range with a close or long range specialist weapon.

A big chunk of that comes down to map knowledge, mode knowledge, and whether or not you're playing with a party.

Playing cod solo is way, way harder than playing in even a small group, and similarly, certain modes are much more difficult when solo.

Domination is a really good example - in a fully organized team, you cap two points, and have players covering all possible approaches to your two points. You never push into their spawn. As a result, the spawns are stable, you don't get shot in the ass, and it's fairly easy to lock down an area. Worst case they break out and back cap you, you rotate and resume facing the other direction.

Contrast that with public game Domination where players run all over the fucking place, and move across the map in a straight line from their spawn point until they hit the far enemy flag and then do a 180 like some sort of mindless rifle armed pong ball.

In that case, enemies spawn all over the goddamn place, you get shot in the ass constantly, control points flip constantly, and the game is generally a mess. The worst of these matches on some maps just make you want to hide in a corner and not move at all.

Unfortunately I don't have any great advice for that last part. The only way to improve in that respect is to play more, learn the maps cold, and figure out where people move in each game mode, and where people like to camp. This is how you develop the sixth sense that protects you even in the absence of a uav sweep/amplify/etc, and lets you hunt enemies as they spawn instead of being hunted or spawn killed.

And on your last query, the damage is the same as its ever been. ARs kill in 3 bullets, 4 or more at long range. SMGs kill in 3 bullets up close, 4-6 very quickly at longer ranges. Same with LMGs, just a longer distances. MRs can kill in 2 bullets or 1 headshot at shorter ranges. Snipers and Shotguns can kill in one shot. Pistols can kill in two up close, one with an accurate upper chest/head magnum shot.

It feels super fast partly because the netcode isn't garbage in this game, and partly because the way that damage is 'delivered' can make it feel instant - ie in your screen you fire a bunch of rounds into a dude and you know you missed some and hit him 3-4 times, then he died. On his screen he saw you and then exploded instantly. It's just the way lag works.

If you're trying to analyze how they're killing you so fast but you're not, or how you're losing those face to face firefights, you're sort of looking in the wrong direction - you need to back up and look at your perk setup, your weapon, your streaks, and most importantly, your movement and your map knowledge.

Unless your build is intentionally designed to get up into peoples faces and win the fight (shotguns, some smg setups), in most cases you don't want to get into those fights in the first place. This isn't Halo or Quake. You don't get into 10-15 second duels with people. You spot someone, you open fire, they die nearly instantly. It's hide and go seek writ large.

Anyway, that's a lot of words. Cod's a tough game to play well, and every year we get a new cod with new maps and a new of gun/perk/streak balance and people suffer as they have to relearn the map flow and what sorts of builds are effective.

Best advice, play with friends and relax doing stupid shit. If you want to improve your game otherwise, look for some quality streams on twitch and see how the solid players play. Don't look up cherry picked youtube videos, a handful of amazing games can come from hours of mediocre footage (e.g., I have a back to back double loki video clipped that came from a night of play where I'm sure I had plenty of 20-20 rounds and lots of dying around it). See how they play moment to moment - what builds they use, where they move on any given map in any given game mode, etcetc.

edit: And turn your sens down. Only time high sens is a good idea is if you're using kontrol freex or your aim is stellar. High sens lets you spin fast up close, but it harms your mid to long range accuracy, which you need to do well. Aiming up close is easy either way, and spinning 180 will save you/get you some kills occasionally, but not as many as the kills you'll lose from poor aim at a distance, imo anyway!

I really appreciate the time you put into your post. After consistently having an incredibly frustrating time with the game I switched things up and tried to follow your advice. I'd been averaging a .9 KDR in most matches and immediately jumped to a 2.0.

My main class is now a silenced AR with nothing but perks. I don't have all of the ones you listed but the ones I do have are really making a difference.

In terms of actual tactics, expecting that second or third enemy after a kill is very very good advice. Frequently going prone after each move (thinking of it like a Gears of war snap to cover between movements) and never sprinting is making a huge improvement.



I love seeing cod fans hating the big maps. While I love them. It's a strange world we live in. Is Stonehaven the big old castle with the satellite? That map is mint on hardcore domination/kill confirmed


Unconfirmed Member
Wasn't removing Theatre mode supposed to get rid of at least some of the lag? It's been the exact same, or worse than BOII.


Unconfirmed Member
I find myself still going back to COD4 and BLOPS 1 for my COD fix when I take the fancy. I love those games and still enjoy playing them. Ghosts multiplayer is ok (I still think MW3 is the worst it's ever been) but I do really like Extraction. I wish there was more to it. I'd love DLC for it but only a pack dedicated to it, no interest in multi maps.
The game is overrun by Off the Grid users, and what I call those in training (ie, all the stealth perks but they haven't unlocked OTG yet). Most of them running with a Honey Badger.

I can't count how many times I've been shot today by someone laying in a corner using that setup. :/
The game is overrun by Off the Grid users, and what I call those in training (ie, all the stealth perks but they haven't unlocked OTG yet). Most of them running with a Honey Badger.

I can't count how many times I've been shot today by someone laying in a corner using that setup. :/

If they keep shooting you, you're the one in training :p
I didn't say they kill me from the same spot repeatedly.
I get what you're saying, especially in Domination. One person can hold down a point on certain maps and build up their killstreaks easily with a stealth setup.

On Chasm C flag, you can cap it and then camp behind the dumpster or go prone in the doorway in the building next to it. Before you kill them, let them cap it enough until it goes neutral and then take them out. You just added two more points to your killstreaks and with hardline, it get ridiculous.


Thanks (that's the word today, right?) for the kind words folks.

It really can't be emphasized enough, you should be playing to have fun, because joylessly hunting for meaningless stats is no way to have a good time.

That said, it's nice to have some plans in your pocket so you don't spend every match chewing dirt...

But efficiency aside, spend some games with a riot shield and smoke stealing B, running around with a full danger close explosives build, or knife running with a tac knife. Use a shotgun or a sniper if you use neither. Camp in one building or rush nonstop if you don't do either. Go for lean kills, get some silly reticle sights, complete some camos, unlock some neat patches, go for some goofball first class operations, do some clan wars. Play some HCTDM or some Hunted.

The three times I most enjoy CoD are, in no particular order, playing with friends, goofing around, and competing in a really close tough match against evenly matched opponents. That last one is vanishingly rare, but the first two are always available.

I just completed my gold Overlord badge (150 kills with the Loki), and while I'm satisfied to have earned it, it was making me far angrier in matches I had no business being annoyed in because I died a few kills off earning one. These are games I'd go 40-50+ kills and 10-15 deaths and feel like I had a terrible match.

Conversely I'd go 10-20 running around like an idiot delivering ups c4 christmas packages and laughing like an idiot.

Setting your goals unrealistically high (either too high for your personal skill or too high based on some utterly meaningless bar set by someone you saw on twitch or youtube) is just setting yourself up for a bad time.

Happy holidays, please return to regularly scheduled complaints about spawn kills and/or maps :D

E92 M3

I find myself still going back to COD4 and BLOPS 1 for my COD fix when I take the fancy. I love those games and still enjoy playing them. Ghosts multiplayer is ok (I still think MW3 is the worst it's ever been) but I do really like Extraction. I wish there was more to it. I'd love DLC for it but only a pack dedicated to it, no interest in multi maps.

Been playing that too - tons of fun and the maps are great. I wish another COD game had as many snow-based maps. Loved those.

Also, it would be great if they had a Nuketown 24/7 hopper - but I digress.

I normally at least rent the newest Ghost, but Ghost's looks completely bland. I also felt the same about MW3; couldn't even level up all the way in that one.


I love CoD multiplayer, but this game is a turd. It's like they completely forgot what makes these games fun. They took a run and gun shooter and turned it into an all out camouflaged camp fest with unlimited camping areas. All the maps are awful, just completely littered with garbage for people to hide. 1 out of every 3 killcams, you actually see the enemy spawn almost directly behind you for a free kill. The maps have no flow to them. This is the last time I will ever buy anything from Infinity Ward. And this is coming from someone who has a minimum of 10 days of playtime in every single CoD MP. I might give BF4 a try since I need a shooter fix until Titanfall.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I love CoD multiplayer, but this game is a turd. It's like they completely forgot what makes these games fun. They took a run and gun shooter and turned it into an all out camouflaged camp fest with unlimited camping areas. All the maps are awful, just completely littered with garbage for people to hide. 1 out of every 3 killcams, you actually see the enemy spawn almost directly behind you for a free kill. The maps have no flow to them. This is the last time I will ever buy anything from Infinity Ward. And this is coming from someone who has a minimum of 10 days of playtime in every single CoD MP. I might give BF4 a try since I need a shooter fix until Titanfall.

I know it's not IW as it is currently composed, but I still lol'ed. Hope Titanfall is good for ya in all seriousness


I might give BF4 a try since I need a shooter fix until Titanfall.

Despite that games' own bug issues, it's infinitely better than Ghosts in almost every way that I can conceive, from a gameplay perspective. I love it.

Even just from an Infantry TDM perspective, BF4 is still better in every way. Better graphics, MUCH better sound, better maps, better spawns, better mechanics/weapon handling, better performance, better weapon balance, better unlock system (although I'm pretty sick of MP Unlocks in general), and no stupid fucking killstreaks.

And that's to say nothing of the more standard BF modes, such as Rush and Conquest.


Gold Member
Well, the game is COD, a very safe COD at that. Some issues:

  • Fuck the dog, it doesn't even have to be near you to kill you, it's just dumb but whatever we could tell that from the videos.
  • Weapons do too much damage? I think... seems more-so than in previous games, I don't know if it's lag or what, been a while since I played COD so it could just be that.
  • Squads stuff seems like a chore.
  • Most of the "customisation" is locked out by challenges, very limited selection to choose from at the start (everyone looks the same, what's the point?).
  • Too many perks. I said damn.
  • Maps are too big. I don't like when the maps are too small, but too many paths, too big, at least for SnD.
  • Aiming down sights with shotgun at close range is still 50/50, sometimes you kill them, other times you don't. Lol ok.
  • Where is the Free Fall map? I redeemed my code but have yet to play it.
But it's COD, so you know what to expect. Based Treyarch save us. Rainbow Six please? I see no hope for the modern shooter.

Should have gotten BF3.1 instead. I wasn't going to get Ghosts initially but Watch Dogs got delayed and I wanted something to keep playing in my PS4 for the next few months until Infamous and Driveclub.

Despite that games' own bug issues, it's infinitely better than Ghosts in almost every way that I can conceive, from a gameplay perspective. I love it.

Even just from an Infantry TDM perspective, BF4 is still better in every way. Better graphics, MUCH better sound, better maps, better spawns, better mechanics/weapon handling, better performance, better weapon balance, better unlock system (although I'm pretty sick of MP Unlocks in general), and no stupid fucking killstreaks.

And that's to say nothing of the more standard BF modes, such as Rush and Conquest.

But if you didn't pre-order don't you miss out on some maps?


Hey guys wanna play on PC with me?


No this is not my video, after getting stomped by the 6th hacker today (and Steam not letting me post anything about it in their discussion forums, and seeing the same users do it since launch, and this being dead on PC, I decided to find out what they're doing).

At least for now, stay FAR away from the PC version. It's getting hacked to hell and back. And since IW and Steam have not done a single thing since launch, I'm so disgusted I don't even want to play anymore.


Gold Member
Hey guys wanna play on PC with me?


No this is not my video, after getting stomped by the 6th hacker today (and Steam not letting me post anything about it in their discussion forums, and seeing the same users do it since launch, and this being dead on PC, I decided to find out what they're doing).

At least for now, stay FAR away from the PC version. It's getting hacked to hell and back. And since IW and Steam have not done a single thing since launch, I'm so disgusted I don't even want to play anymore.

Do people actually pay for this software? I can understand some troll making it to piss people off, but why would anyone buy it for personal use? It's not like you can take your "super" skills to a tournament...
Hey guys wanna play on PC with me?


No this is not my video, after getting stomped by the 6th hacker today (and Steam not letting me post anything about it in their discussion forums, and seeing the same users do it since launch, and this being dead on PC, I decided to find out what they're doing).

At least for now, stay FAR away from the PC version. It's getting hacked to hell and back. And since IW and Steam have not done a single thing since launch, I'm so disgusted I don't even want to play anymore.

I'm actually fascinated by the psychology of what allows people to get off on that sort of thing. Are these the same people who walk around every day telling people they graduated from colleges they didn't graduate from?
I notice that in every Call of Duty. I really hate that they give tools to these people, like a bunch of crap you can use to camp with like IED's and the louder footsteps perk.

Those kinds of people really ruin the flow of the game. If you can hold down an area, good for you. But these people that don't move at all and stay in a corner holding down the sight, uggghh.

Flank and/or make a Sitrep loadout. The end. Revenge killing is so easy dude. If they move every time you try to revenge kill and get you, congrats, you were killed by the smarter player. They have all the same tools you have and everything can be countered except raw skill. If someone can lock down an area solo and you can't get in try working on a different area of the map or get your team to help you. Its easy to get frustrated in these games and make excuses, I've been there.
My experience on PS4 has been really good so far. Started off getting my ass handed to me but I'm learning the maps quickly so I'm doing well now.

The only wierd thing that happened to me was when I put a full clip into a guys back from 4 feet away and hit nothing. Not a single bullet hit him even though I was aiming straight at him. Not had anything else like that though.

The squad point system is ok and seems quite daunting at first but it's easy to get to grips with and I pretty much unlocked what I wanted and left the rest for now
I love CoD multiplayer, but this game is a turd. It's like they completely forgot what makes these games fun. They took a run and gun shooter and turned it into an all out camouflaged camp fest with unlimited camping areas. All the maps are awful, just completely littered with garbage for people to hide. 1 out of every 3 killcams, you actually see the enemy spawn almost directly behind you for a free kill. The maps have no flow to them. This is the last time I will ever buy anything from Infinity Ward. And this is coming from someone who has a minimum of 10 days of playtime in every single CoD MP. I might give BF4 a try since I need a shooter fix until Titanfall.

CoD has alway been a campfest. Always. If you want to play a shooter with no (very little) camping try Halo 4.


Yah, COD is all about the camping, but the game tried so hard to counter it, it ended up making it worse. Its insane how many kill cams ive seen that literally could have been a picture frame. As time goes on and you learn the maps better, things get better and im doing a lot better, but its insane how badly people camp in this game. Its funny that cranked was designed not to camp, but people camp to get their first kill to get cranked, then if they get killed, camp again to get it again, rinse/repeat. What can you say, it is sadly crack like in nature, hard to put the game down even with how bad things get.


I'm hesitant to disperse this suggestion as I have an irrational fear of it catching on and having the game to turn into a MW2 tube-fest, but I've come up with a class my friends and I use when we find ourselves weary of flushing out entrenched campers.
-Assault rifle of choice w/ grenade launcher attachment (second attachment optional)
-Grenade launcher secondary (The first launcher, forget the name)
-Perks: Danger close, Sleight of hand, and Recon (feel free to mix and match w/ preferred perks, although DC is really the only must-have)

The delicious, vitriolic, rage-induced PMs I've gotten from 'splodin' the droves of corner-dwelling human auto-turrets that infest this game are mana from heaven.


I'm hesitant to disperse this suggestion as I have an irrational fear of it catching on and having the game to turn into a MW2 tube-fest, but I've come up with a class my friends and I use when we find ourselves weary of flushing out entrenched campers.
-Assault rifle of choice w/ grenade launcher attachment (second attachment optional)
-Grenade launcher secondary (The first launcher, forget the name)
-Perks: Danger close, Sleight of hand, and Recon (feel free to mix and match w/ preferred perks, although DC is really the only must-have)

The delicious, vitriolic, rage-induced PMs I've gotten from 'splodin' the droves of corner-dwelling human auto-turrets that infest this game are mana from heaven.
Sounds awesome. Does the 9 Bang reveal enemy locations with Recon?


Hey guys wanna play on PC with me?


No this is not my video, after getting stomped by the 6th hacker today (and Steam not letting me post anything about it in their discussion forums, and seeing the same users do it since launch, and this being dead on PC, I decided to find out what they're doing).

At least for now, stay FAR away from the PC version. It's getting hacked to hell and back. And since IW and Steam have not done a single thing since launch, I'm so disgusted I don't even want to play anymore.

I got hit with this on Domination the other day. Sickening.


Hey guys wanna play on PC with me?


No this is not my video, after getting stomped by the 6th hacker today (and Steam not letting me post anything about it in their discussion forums, and seeing the same users do it since launch, and this being dead on PC, I decided to find out what they're doing).

At least for now, stay FAR away from the PC version. It's getting hacked to hell and back. And since IW and Steam have not done a single thing since launch, I'm so disgusted I don't even want to play anymore.

Just like MW3 and MW2. Hell Treyarch did do a better job with BLOPS 1 and 2. They even have a dedicated team banning people who cheat. And PCdev reply's on twitter are hilarious when it comes to people who say there innocent.

Goddamn IW you suck or that former shell of a name who made a good FPS.

I am staying away from it. My only hope is titanfall but for now i am gonna play CS:GO and BF4 (at least when the fixes are there).


Visually I'm struggling to see the difference between Ghosts on 360 and PS4. I moved my PS4 from the living room to a 720p TV, but still.
Whats the best mode to gain xp fast for a bad player. I'm only level 20 and leveling seems much slower than mw3 and blops 2 even with this 2x xp.
Visually I'm struggling to see the difference between Ghosts on 360 and PS4. I moved my PS4 from the living room to a 720p TV, but still.

The PS4 version is really clean and crisp on a 1080p TV, the Xbox version is not. Outside of the resolution bump, I don't think they did very much to the game. Still, it looked much better than FIFA or Madden.


I was palying on a 55 inch for the first week or so that had tremendous input lag.

I traded my parents for their 46 inch and havent looked back. I can actually get a kill streak now.

This game definitely isnt the best COD, but its not as bad as everyone says either. Its just your generic ass plain old call of duty. Which, at this point, what do you expect?

The visuals are pretty underwhelming. The lighting is nice, but at times it becomes overly saturated with their need to show off how their lighting looks on new hardware.

Oh and sniper douches are the worst.
I was palying on a 55 inch for the first week or so that had tremendous input lag.

I traded my parents for their 46 inch and havent looked back. I can actually get a kill streak now.

This game definitely isnt the best COD, but its not as bad as everyone says either. Its just your generic ass plain old call of duty. Which, at this point, what do you expect?

The visuals are pretty underwhelming. The lighting is nice, but at times it becomes overly saturated with their need to show off how their lighting looks on new hardware.

Oh and sniper douches are the worst.

Yeah, low input lag is a big deal. Funny to think how few people know their TVs are making them play worse.

I agree the game is just another COD. I'm of the opinion that even the worst COD is better than most online shooters.
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