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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread

explain the host migrations and dashboarded games just ending then lmao
You get what is available and best for your connection. So you will occasionally get P2P games.

But in all my 7 days of play time I've not once had a host migration on the Core playlist, and only one game has ended abruptly and when it did it and error message appeared that mentioned dedicated server, so they're there.

Two rounds is better competitively especially considering how completely one-sided a lot of Ghost's maps are. I don't understand why you would like 1 round better (unless you're always host and get the good spawn on maps).
Well, look. I solely play Domination and I'm in the top 500 - so Domination is my game and I know what works best for me. The 2-round Domination in Black Ops 2 did not work. It is why myself and many other Domination focused players didn't bother with it.

The whole 'one-sided maps' argument is flawed and it isn't the answer. The answer would be better spawns and better designed maps.

Equally, if a map is one-sided it doesn't matter how many rounds there are. So let's say a map is one-sided and you start round 1 on the good side.

You dominate and hold A and B the entire time trapping them at C. You finish at around 100 and they'll be on around 50. So that seems pretty fair right, the next round it'll be 100 to them and around 50 to you and it'll be nearly even at the end right? Nope.

Because in your opening round, as you were able to take advantage of this so-called one-sided map and trap them at C you were able to go Beast on their ass and build up your kill streaks. Then at the start of round 2 you let your killstreaks fly and they can't capture B because there's a hound of dogs running at them and swarms diving down all around so you get B and then work on up to A and flip the spawn and then you're on the good side again and it ends up being 200-something pitiful.

2-round could work, but just now how it was implemented in BO2. I did like that it gave you a greater reward for getting the opening B flag and extra points for kills whilst capturing etc. So they did some things right.

Eh. I feel like 3 lane maps have the best flow. It's not a coincidence that some of the best maps in ghost are maps like warhawk, fog, bayview, which are all 3 lane
I wouldn't say they're 3-lane maps. If you took out the smaller routes then maybe, but ultimately they have interchanges/cross roads that make them not 3 lanes and give it a more grid or circular style. What I meant by that was the rigid 3-lane maps like Slums where it was literally one lane on the left, one lane on the right and one in the middle and then each side runs from their spawn base to the centre of the map and they fight it out face-on.

I prefer maps that give you the option to work your way around the enemy a bit better.

But if you like the 3-lanes then that's of course fine by me.

Eh.. the kill/scorestreaks are nice but this is probably the least balanced COD by far. I dont' use secondaries on ANY class. It's not worth the point because it isn't balanced. I don't use more than half the perks in this game becuase it isn't worth the points.. because it isn't balanced. I don't use half the guns in the game because it isn't worth the points.. because it isn't balanced.
What do you not think is balanced? I don't see not using a secondary on any class just being down to balance.

Ultimately it is down to how you want to play the game. For some a pistol or other secondary is vital and it'll be worth the slot. Now for me, I am the same. In the way I play I have no use for a secondary, but if someone likes sniping then they will value the pistol highly for up-close situations where using a sniper rifle is going to almost certainly result in death.

And that also went for BO2, I never used secondaries there either. I only had one class with a launcher for emergency situations where the opposing team were letting lots of air-based streaks fly.

But to me, that it leaves you a slot I think is a good thing, because even in earlier CODs I never really used them, so Pick 10 and Ghost's system allows me to 'spend' that slot on something else more valuable to me.

Same for perks etc - and that's the way it has always been since they were added. It is only usually a select few that get used, but now that they have different point levels attached to them to me that makes them more balanced.

Take Extra Tactical for example. It costs one point. But in say MW2 it would have 'cost' you just as much as Stopping Power, but the most like-for-like perk to Stopping Power, Dead Eye costs you 5 points in Ghosts.


What do you not think is balanced? I don't see not using a secondary on any class just being down to balance.

Ultimately it is down to how you want to play the game. For some a pistol or other secondary is vital and it'll be worth the slot. Now for me, I am the same. In the way I play I have no use for a secondary, but if someone likes sniping then they will value the pistol highly for up-close situations where using a sniper rifle is going to almost certainly result in death.

And that also went for BO2, I never used secondaries there either. I only had one class with a launcher for emergency situations where the opposing team were letting lots of air-based streaks fly.

But to me, that it leaves you a slot I think is a good thing, because even in earlier CODs I never really used them, so Pick 10 and Ghost's system allows me to 'spend' that slot on something else more valuable to me.

You misread. I think Bo2 pick10 was balanced; ghosts is not compared to P10.

The maps. Terrible. I hear the map packs have been better, but what joke the default maps are. COD is a run and gun game, and a game with a couple choke points on each map for action. This new one, the maps were designed for a Tony Hawk skating game imo, and have way too many ways of getting hit from. People just wait in one area a lot on this one it seems.

Oh well...

You can still run and gun mainly due to the god-tier MTAR but the playstyle is a lot more like run-gun-camp. What I do is I play aggressive, get into their spawn guts kill 2-4 people really fast then hide in a corner and wait for them to come back for me. Kill them when they run past then go ultra aggressive again after they get their revenge spawn and immediately start sprinting. Sometimes I'll kill the same guy like 4 times in a row in the span of 40 seconds. Game is broken.


It plays just like a CoD game should play, not having choppers, air strikes and missiles spaming already makes this one of the best CoD gsmes. The maps are the weak spot but there are still good maps there and the new ones are great except for ignition which is meh.

Maybe people are just tired of playing the sane gane every year but i have a great time playing with my friends, i almost never play solo.

I play solo, wish I had some people to play with but I agree, this is one of the better COD games, I love that the killstreaks have chilled out, no death streaks. I hate a couple of the maps but there are some good ones. People just love to hate on COD, its pretty funny

E92 M3

I've played COD since part 3 day and night. One of the biggest COD fanboys there is. I bought it for my Day One Xbox. I played it. I tried it. Its the worst COD in a long time imo. Terrible. Terrible. So bad that this is the first time I've ever seen them do this.




I will download the free map weekend. I want to give the new maps a chance. Let's see how they go. But times must be tougher than they thought. Never seen them do free maps like this. Wonder how many people that have COD, didn't buy a map pack this time,. First time ever that I have never bought any of the map packs. I buy those day one when they come out always to play with my clan. Not this time. Not this COD. They have Neversoft part of the maker of this game it says on the back? Ya.. can tell. Those maps are huge skate park maps that would be great to play on with a skateboard.

That's what I'll be doing to keep me distracted till it's time for robots to rain from the sky.


Unconfirmed Member
I will say that I really think they nailed the feel of the shotguns in this game. Sometimes I feel cheap spamming the Bulldog in somebody's face, but aside from that, none of them feel OP like the R870, and I have a lot of fun running around with the FP6 or the Tac 12.

I feel like I'm outplaying an AR/SMG user when I can outmanuever them and kill them.


What makes you say this one is the worst CoD?

I think this is best one since COD4. No overpowered kill streaks, no deathstreakes, no BS. Just gun on gun, winning is based on awareness and map control.

But Black Ops 2 had all of that PLUS you didn't die so outrageously quickly.
Plus it's kill streaks were far better done (you actually were rewarded for playing the objective).
I will say that I really think they nailed the feel of the shotguns in this game. Sometimes I feel cheap spamming the Bulldog in somebody's face, but aside from that, none of them feel OP like the R870, and I have a lot of fun running around with the FP6 or the Tac 12.

I feel like I'm outplaying an AR/SMG user when I can outmanuever them and kill them.
Cuz you are! Ps4??
But Black Ops 2 had all of that PLUS you didn't die so outrageously quickly.
Plus it's kill streaks were far better done (you actually were rewarded for playing the objective).

Ghosts kill times are fast because the netcode isn't awful like Black Ops 2. I also hated all of Blops 2 generic maps. (not saying ghosts maps are much better)


I will say that I really think they nailed the feel of the shotguns in this game. Sometimes I feel cheap spamming the Bulldog in somebody's face, but aside from that, none of them feel OP like the R870, and I have a lot of fun running around with the FP6 or the Tac 12.

I feel like I'm outplaying an AR/SMG user when I can outmanuever them and kill them.
I think they did a very poor job with the shotguns since their viability is only made possible via rubberbanding.
What does rubber banding mean in terms of this game?
Rubber banding is when you're running along and you get shunted back.

So you're running along taking say 3 steps forward, only to go 1 step back then 3 steps forward and 1 back. This can often happen in blazing speed. Like a rubber band would flex.

In other news, new DLC pack info.


Dome is the re-imagined map this time, as was known before.


Rubber banding is when you're running along and you get shunted back.

So you're running along taking say 3 steps forward, only to go 1 step back then 3 steps forward and 1 back. This can often happen in blazing speed. Like a rubber band would flex.

In other news, new DLC pack info.


Dome is the re-imagined map this time, as was known before.

I actually rather liked the look of the stuff they showed there. Extinction definitely looks like it's growing after what was essentially a test run in Point of Contact.
I'm going to voice something here, and I will not post here again.

As a COD veteran, I am going to say this is the worst version I have ever played, and I cant find one redeeming quality about it.

It doesn't even feel like a COD game, the maps are the worst in the series. To quote my best friend "This feels like I am playing a kids game compared to B*4"

I was truly crushed by MW3, but this game makes that seem like a dream game.

I truly hope they find their way back. Its always good to have online MP.

Things that broke my heart.

1) Maps. They don't even look pretty, and the design might be the worst I have ever seen.

2) Why has next gen made partying up together and sticking together so hard?

3) Graphics on Xbox one seem worse than Blops 2 I also hate the super bright colors.
Rubber banding is when you're running along and you get shunted back.

So you're running along taking say 3 steps forward, only to go 1 step back then 3 steps forward and 1 back. This can often happen in blazing speed. Like a rubber band would flex.

In other news, new DLC pack info.


Dome is the re-imagined map this time, as was known before.
Ah the alien field order on Dome map is awesome, as is the Mayan temple.

I'm not too sure about the other two maps right now.

Ripper looks awesome, and it's available today supposedly.


So, the update. Took away Free Fall playlist and adds a big ass KD chart. Thanks for taking away the playlist that lets me to play the map I preordered the fucking game for/that's halfway enjoyable and giving us another way to show off our pointless KD ratios that players obsess over.

Nori Chan

So, the update. Took away Free Fall playlist and adds a big ass KD chart. Thanks for taking away the playlist that lets me to play the map I preordered the fucking game for/that's halfway enjoyable and giving us another way to show off our pointless KD ratios that players obsess over.
But it was added to every playlist now.

And now everyone has it with the update. So idk what you're complaining about.


But it was added to every playlist now.

And now everyone has it with the update. So idk what you're complaining about.

Because I was basically getting on that map 3 times out of 4 when the playlist was up. Didn't have to wait for it to go up.

I just enjoy unlocking camos for my guns and that was the easiest map to get kills for it.

Point Blanks- Close quarter
Leans- Lots of walls, etc.

I think he is talking about balancing. If this guns not balanced everyone would use it because it's an smg but also has good damage from a distance like an assault rifle. I agree the gun is stupid as far as balancing goes. But inferior ward are the devs who brought us the stupid dogs and IEDs.
I think he is talking about balancing. If this guns not balanced everyone would use it because it's an smg but also has good damage from a distance like an assault rifle. I agree the gun is stupid as far as balancing goes. But inferior ward are the devs who brought us the stupid dogs and IEDs.
Well, I don't have an Xbox Season Pass so I can't comment on how it actually performs but one would assume that when in SMG mode the gun acts like an SMG acts, ie. high rate of fire, early damage drop off and then in AR mode it will have a slower rate of fire and better damage at range.

I don't see an issue with this because it is only one or the other. You're not going to get hit across the map with it when it is in SMG mode, they'll have it in AR mode and so how does that make it any different to if they were using a different AR gun?

I'd imagine it is probably gimped in some way too, as a penalty for it's versatility.


Wow, hadn't played mp in a while (been messing around with extinction) and I see they finally dropped the stupid "you can only do these challenges now" stuff where you had to use squad pts or wait days for them to change? I got like four different patches in my first match and was thinking 'wtf?' until I checked and saw every challenge was available.

Even knifed and killed a maniac, :lol.


Neo Member
I was surprised to see Free Fall and not in a good way. That map is such a hectic bag of random hell I definitely didn't miss it. Having all the operations active at the same time is amazing and I'm glad IW finally did something right with this game.


Anyone around that accepts applications to the GAF clan ? Not very good, but rather plan in a group. PSN name is LOLduke, have both ps3/4
How can you obtain the free fall map now? Picking up a PS4 this afternoon and a copy of Ghosts.
Free Fall was added in the last patch, so once you've downloaded the patch - you've got it.

Wow, hadn't played mp in a while (been messing around with extinction) and I see they finally dropped the stupid "you can only do these challenges now" stuff where you had to use squad pts or wait days for them to change? I got like four different patches in my first match and was thinking 'wtf?' until I checked and saw every challenge was available.

Even knifed and killed a maniac, :lol.
Yeah I earned to much XP in my first post-patch game it was crazy.

Nice to actually see weapon challenges now rather than seeing one pop-up in a game and thinking well I had no idea that existed.

tj hazuki

Someone should make the CoD Regionals OT thread.

Who do you guys have making out? I have

Curse LV
Optic Gaming
Team Kaliber

Final Boss

Last one is a toss p for me.

E92 M3

So I downloaded the demo to try to hold me over till TF and discovered the game is just boring. As many said the maps suck, class system is not intuitive, and gun fights are not satisfying. I have seriously been spoiled by Titanfall lol.


I've hit 10th prestige in CoD4, MW2, MW3 and Black Ops II. I got reasonably close in Black Ops 1 and didn't play World at War.

By way and far, this is easily the worst Call of Duty game yet.
The spawns are awful and the killstreaks are plain boring (and the 5 kill dog gets more kills than the 15 kill laser satellite. Wtf?)
You definitely die much faster, and it can't just be the netcode. Fast time-to-kill combined with choppy spawns mean you never have much of a chance unless you camp like a beast, which is how nobody wants to play CoD. Camping is rampant in this game.
As a plus, the maps are pretty good, bar the couple that are infested with snipers.

I sold this game and never even made the second prestige. It really is not up to par, especially when compared to the multiplayer offerings on other games. CoD has to step itself up, or its decline will increase tenfold.


Just played the Xbox One mp demo. I really want to know why one of these devs making COD won't change that goofy looking gun bobbing animation when sprinting. It looks so damn stupid. And with that out of the way, this style of mp still isn't for me. Too small and I don't like kill streaks rewarding players with CPU controlled helos and dogs.

Oh and the game is ugly and the sounds are still pathetic. The graphics and audio programmers need to step their game up.


Battlefield 4 and Titanfall (Beta) are so much better than this game. I deleted the demo after 3 matches -_-


« generous god »
To me Ghost is the best call of duty since MW no fucking bullshit killstreak hit detection is almost perfect.


Based on the demo, the game is pretty bad (on 360).
It is ugly.
The maps are small and bad. Spawns especially. Join game, spawn, die instantly because i spawned in front of an enemy player.
Gameplay is awful. You die fast even for Call of Duty...
The game is over-complicated, there's a lot of random shit that takes forever to get. And most of it is kind of pointless.
The game lacks the simplicity CoD4: Modern Warfare had (for a COD), though arguably so do other post-MW1 CoDs.
So, they added casual (easy) mode to local Extinction matches, and online Solo, but not to private online matches?

That seems silly. Unless I missed something.

Mr Moose

Just played the Xbox One mp demo. I really want to know why one of these devs making COD won't change that goofy looking gun bobbing animation when sprinting. It looks so damn stupid. And with that out of the way, this style of mp still isn't for me. Too small and I don't like kill streaks rewarding players with CPU controlled helos and dogs.

Oh and the game is ugly and the sounds are still pathetic. The graphics and audio programmers need to step their game up.

It looks quite nice to me (Although I play the PS4 version, if that makes a difference).

I'm hoping the next CoD is really good (I quite like Ghosts though, I seem to me in the minority lol).
Playing the demo right now, last cod I spent a long time playing was MW2.

This game so far feels just like every other cod game, like with fifa and pga golf games I see no reason to buy yearly releases then the changes are minimal.
This game gets more buggy with each patch. That's not how it's supposed to work.

I log on after each new patch hoping they get the framerate back to where it was at launch. No dice. Same for the strange bug where it loads up your single player save file upon booting the game. That bug showed up a few patches ago. Still there.

With the latest patch I'm now seeing some shadow bugs, where off shadows are cast occasionally from players, and distant shadows pop in where they didn't before. Infinity Ward continues to embarrass themselves with this game, and I'm so glad I never bought any DLC for it, as Titanfall will replace this game for many people come Tuesday.
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