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Call Of Duty: WWII Reveal Thread

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I mean the game still sold well and you can still find matches easily.

Hell it still outsells Battlefield 1 currently and that's not even with the MWR bundle which seems to have dropped off in sales.

If the game was so hated, it would be doing a lot worse. Hence why I mentioned the bias. Cause there's difference between the reality and what is being perceived.

Unless your going to argue that IW sells well because of the SP which has no evidence to support it.

I doubt IW has more than 90k players total
I mean the game still sold well and you can still find matches easily.

Hell it still outsells Battlefield 1 currently and that's not even with the MWR bundle which seems to have dropped off in sales.

If the game was so hated, it would be doing a lot worse. Hence why I mentioned the bias. Cause there's difference between the reality and what is being perceived.

Unless your going to argue that IW sells well because of the SP which has no evidence to support it.

You may not like it, but Infinite Warfare still has an active community. Maybe not as large as others, but still a sizable community.

It's COD. Google COD sales and the first 10 results give you reasons why COD IW sales were poor.


I'm hoping that the campaign mode will showcase some of the other historical battles that go beyond D-Day (and the European campaigns/eastern front, in general).

The Pacific Theater is tragically overlooked, and you can build a mission that focuses on Chinese militants derailing supply trains.


I mean I know CoD IW sold less but it still outsold everything else.

I truly do think the hate against IW is overblown.

Not how the market sees it though, the franchise is in clear decline and they will need to try anything to stop the bleeding until it's too late.


I'm hoping that the campaign mode will showcase some of the other historical battles that go beyond D-Day (and the European campaigns/eastern front, in general).

The Pacific Theater is tragically overlooked, and you can build a mission that focuses on Chinese militants derailing supply trains.

Yes, please! I don't get why the Pacific Theater is always overlooked. It's just as fascinating as the rest of the war, I think. You could really do something to showcase Unit 731 or something. At least World at War did that and managed to change up the gameplay between that half of the campaign and the Russian.

They could do some cool stuff, but they don't and I really am confused.

Daffy Duck

I mean I know CoD IW sold less but it still outsold everything else.

I truly do think the hate against IW is overblown.

So what if it outsold everything, sales wise it didn't perform against the last year installment, that's not good enough for Activision and yes it's only a conspiracy theory of mine but I bet it's half the reason microtransactions got added to MW:R to make up the drop in revenue as people were playing that game opposed to IW.

Just because a game sells millions does not mean millions play the multiplayer, there's also a reason why they now hide player numbers behind percentages.

Everything points to a downward turn for CoD, I dare say as well the community are sick of the constant milking, people like to throw around the billions in microtransaction sales but that's across all their franchises, I wonder how much the supply drop sales have dropped for CoD games and how much they have been picked up by other games under them.


I haven't owned a CoD game since around the 3/4 era, and I haven't followed the series since AW, but for some reason I'm actually really excited to see what this brings. Especially now that I've studied the World Wars, and the excitement from BF1 and how much technology has improved since WaW I'm really excited to see how they do WWII what is now 2 console generations since the last WWII CoD.

The only thing that could deter me is a classic American story from D-Day to VE-Day. The thing with going back to the World Wars is that there are so many interesting battles from many different fronts and sides of the war, it'd be a shame if they ignore these stories for a classic feel good 'Murica saves the day campaign.

If we get a story following a few countries across a couple fronts I'll be really happy, but as long as they don't ruin the historical aspect I'll probably pick it up anyway.


I mean the game still sold well and you can still find matches easily.

Hell it still outsells Battlefield 1 currently and that's not even with the MWR bundle which seems to have dropped off in sales.

If the game was so hated, it would be doing a lot worse. Hence why I mentioned the bias. Cause there's difference between the reality and what is being perceived.

Unless your going to argue that IW sells well because of the SP which has no evidence to support it.

You may not like it, but Infinite Warfare still has an active community. Maybe not as large as others, but still a sizable community.

Did I miss something? Activision broke down IW sales by bundle?


Junior Member
Honestly I think this would be a cool mission.

You start off as a nazi soilder in a battle, people get outraged by this of course but you start by following orders. Then a cutscenes appears where you are talking to your buddy about how fucked up the whole situation is. Then u get sent to a consentration camp for the first time. Call of duty shows emotion for once and the nazi soilder shades some tears and rants about how fucked up this is with his buddy and how they should do something.

Well you decide at night that you need to gather as much Jews as you can and let them out. So then u have a stealth level in the vain of hacksaw ridge where you keep setting Jews free then going back to capture more. But when u finally get caught u are killed by no other then the guy from inglorious basterds who I'm blanking a name on :(

I think this would be a cool mission and would show that some nazis were just following orders and didn't want to do what they were doing. Then it would also establish how evil they were by them killing the soilder in a terrible way. I homage to shindlers list I would say :)


As much as love a return to WW2, which I've been craving- I just don't trust this game to break away from the mold well enough. This franchise needs something risky, groundbreaking, and refreshing. And a setting change back to WW2 just isn't good enough IMO. They need to break away from the current habits-

- maps the size of an apartment
- a perk system that no longer feels like it has any impact, or weak at best
- progression that just feels old hat now
- paid Map DLC that splits players
- micro transactions ON TOP of all that
- AND they're RNG, so it's just a time waste-money pit

These are my quirks with the game. And I just don't see them changing it. Until it's too late


Honestly I think this would be a cool mission.

You start off as a nazi soilder in a battle, people get outraged by this of course but you start by following orders. Then a cutscenes appears where you are talking to your buddy about how fucked up the whole situation is. Then u get sent to a consentration camp for the first time. Call of duty shows emotion for once and the nazi soilder shades some tears and rants about how fucked up this is with his buddy and how they should do something.

Well you decide at night that you need to gather as much Jews as you can and let them out. So then u have a stealth level in the vain of hacksaw ridge where you keep setting Jews free then going back to capture more. But when u finally get caught u are killed by no other then the guy from inglorious basterds who I'm blanking a name on :(

I think this would be a cool mission and would show that some nazis were just following orders and didn't want to do what they were doing. Then it would also establish how evil they were by them killing the soilder in a terrible way. I homage to shindlers list I would say :)


Did I miss something? Activision broke down IW sales by bundle?

Nah, but the overall player count number via leaderboards for MWR hasn't changed much since launch. You can infer that sales with MWR included aren't selling as often post-launch.


Junior Member
Nah, but the overall player count number via leaderboards for MWR hasn't changed much since launch. You can infer that sales with MWR included aren't selling as often post-launch.
Well I would buy it buts it's till 75 bucks haha like at least drop the bundle to 50 Mabey even 60 and I would consider it


Junior Member
Please good multiplayer footage and maybe a snippet of the bonus mode. (Hoping for aliens not another zombies sick of it)


So what will be the idiotic reason for the campaign of down voting the trailer this year?

People don't hate on Call of Duty for no reason. They've disliked the direction of the franchise, and Call of Duty WWII shouldn't have that problem if it's a return to form.
SP or MP?

Black Ops 3 MP is my favorite CoD of all time with Blops 2 being a close second. Blops 2 had awful lag and input lag and BLOPS 3 was probably the most responsive and lag free cod game ever made. The only thing i disliked was the specialist abilities but it kinda balanced the game because the really good players like me couldnt go on streaks all the time.

I played like 2 minutes of SP and never touched it again.

MP. As everyone knows sp is abysmal for bo3


Nah, but the overall player count number via leaderboards for MWR hasn't changed much since launch. You can infer that sales with MWR included aren't selling as often post-launch.

Not an unreasonable assumption, but I'd want hard figures.

Just anecdotal, but I have IW/MWR on PC but I won't be on the leaderboards for MWR. I only ever played the campaign. But I know I'm an anomaly.
Honestly I think this would be a cool mission.

You start off as a nazi soilder in a battle, people get outraged by this of course but you start by following orders. Then a cutscenes appears where you are talking to your buddy about how fucked up the whole situation is. Then u get sent to a consentration camp for the first time. Call of duty shows emotion for once and the nazi soilder shades some tears and rants about how fucked up this is with his buddy and how they should do something.

Well you decide at night that you need to gather as much Jews as you can and let them out. So then u have a stealth level in the vain of hacksaw ridge where you keep setting Jews free then going back to capture more. But when u finally get caught u are killed by no other then the guy from inglorious basterds who I'm blanking a name on :(

I think this would be a cool mission and would show that some nazis were just following orders and didn't want to do what they were doing. Then it would also establish how evil they were by them killing the soilder in a terrible way. I homage to shindlers list I would say :)

That sounds tasteless as fuck


People don't hate on Call of Duty for no reason. They've disliked the direction of the franchise, and Call of Duty WWII shouldn't have that problem if it's a return to form.

If WWII ends up simplifying the gameplay possibilities, I wouldn't be so sure.
As someone who lost interest in CoD a few games ago, I gotta say I am a little excited to see the reveal. I wouldnt mind a WW2 shooter.


People don't hate on Call of Duty for no reason. They've disliked the direction of the franchise, and Call of Duty WWII shouldn't have that problem if it's a return to form.

Yeah but last year's debacle of downvoting was essentially a meme. "Wouldn't it be funny if...!" turned into "How high can it go??" and it was dumb. A not-small portion of people were downvoting simply because "OMG BOWIE COVER SUXXX" and never had any intention of playing the game anyway.

I'm not saying people weren't disappointed in another futuristic entry to the franchise, but it was hardly a true representation of that. What's dumb is that some trolls elsewhere are gonna take "credit" for changing the course of the franchise, when in reality this game was in development when AW was done, well before any YT video downvoting meme started.


They usually don't talk about multiplayer much, if at all, during the first reveal for a CoD game. It usually sets the stage for the story and types of levels we'll see. An introduction to some of the weapons and the game mechanics we'll run into, stuff like that. That's what I'm expecting here. Introducing the main character and his buddies, a snippet of a campaign level, a brief discussion about stuff like co-op or zombies or whatever else might be in the game. If we see anything MP related other than a mention of "no more boosting around because we're back to boots on the ground!" then I'll be shocked. Hopefully the reveal is long enough to give us more than that though. But I'm sure they're saving stuff for E3 and for the future full blown MP reveal.
Honestly I think this would be a cool mission.

You start off as a nazi soilder in a battle, people get outraged by this of course but you start by following orders. Then a cutscenes appears where you are talking to your buddy about how fucked up the whole situation is. Then u get sent to a consentration camp for the first time. Call of duty shows emotion for once and the nazi soilder shades some tears and rants about how fucked up this is with his buddy and how they should do something.

Well you decide at night that you need to gather as much Jews as you can and let them out. So then u have a stealth level in the vain of hacksaw ridge where you keep setting Jews free then going back to capture more. But when u finally get caught u are killed by no other then the guy from inglorious basterds who I'm blanking a name on :(

I think this would be a cool mission and would show that some nazis were just following orders and didn't want to do what they were doing. Then it would also establish how evil they were by them killing the soilder in a terrible way. I homage to shindlers list I would say :)
I dont trust CoD to pull off something like that with an ounce of the tactfulness and care needed to make it work
COD= Sales. It doesn't matter if it's a good installment or not.

True... but that's not always going to be the case...

I dont trust CoD to pull off something like that with an ounce of the tactfullness and care needed to make it work

Every with care that scenario wouldn't work. Using the Holocaust as a cheap emotional ploy in a game about shooting people by making a Nazi solidier a fictional savior of Jews is so absurdly tacky.

If a WW2 shooter were to try and humanize the Nazi side, they should craft the story about a solider who has to struggle with following orders and duty to country, all while knowing he's complicit. No heroics, just internal struggle. That way you get a sympathetic, believable, and complex side of a German soldier without devolving into exploitative hokum.
Early predictions:

The set pieces, sound, and guns will look great.

The opposition (bad guys) will still be cartoon-ey no matter how well the main cast in the campaign is written.

I will buy this.


Seems like it will be Zombies for WW2.

We first had a hint with the new Sledgehammer employee having their twitter account mention them adding Zombies to the new CoD and now we have MrDalekJD who is known pretty well in the Call of Duty Zombies community, co-hosting the WW2 reveal.


Seems like it will be Zombies for WW2.

We first had a hint with the new Sledgehammer employee having their twitter account mention them adding Zombies to the new CoD and now we have MrDalekJD who is known pretty well in the Call of Duty Zombies community, co-hosting the WW2 reveal.




Should be Mr.Rolfwoffles tbh
From the marketing we've seen, it's apparent that D-Day and the Normandy Invasion are heavily featured in the single player campaign. It is unknown if there will be other theaters included, but tomorrow should shed more than a little bit of light on that subject.

I'd love it if some developers would take on the complete cock up that was the US Africa campaign as an intro into WWII. We learned a lot from that but it is still an interesting piece of WWII history that many people are completely unaware of.

Not to mention the US Italian campaign..which hardly ever gets love from WWII games.

There's lots of unexplored territory I feel like for a new action FPS set in WWII..interested to see which path they take and I hope that we don't all end up on Normandy yet again.
Seems like it will be Zombies for WW2.

We first had a hint with the new Sledgehammer employee having their twitter account mention them adding Zombies to the new CoD and now we have MrDalekJD who is known pretty well in the Call of Duty Zombies community, co-hosting the WW2 reveal.

Don't care about zombies but they'd be insane for leaving it out, especially considering that's a big part of their season pass now.


Don't care about zombies but they'd be insane for leaving it out, especially considering that's a big part of their season pass now.

Yup. While I would like something new. There's no denying that the Call of Duty zombie community is huge. There's a decent amount of people who ONLY buy the games for Zombies.


People thought it was referring to Exo Zombies but the guy just began working at Sledgehammer this January.

Oh shit


As much as I love Treyarch's straight up Historical Fantasty/Sci-Fi Zombies, I'd love to see something a little more contained to WWII a la WAW.

Please be good. 'Cause Exo-Zombies was mehhh. Huge waste of a good cast.
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