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Captain America: Civil War | Production Thread

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I doubt he has a major role in CW. I'm also super duper curious how they integrate him into the MCU. Has he been operating under the radar this whole time?

Leaked Sony emails suggested they have been in talks for quite some time. Marvel definitely wanted Spidey in Civil War, and I'm sure they have a great story to tell that involved Spidey for them to be this serious.

I personally think it'll be a cameo of some sort. I hope not.


I find myself getting hyped for this, especially if it turns out a fresh Marvel-driven take on Spider-Man is a big part of it. Going to be interesting how they deal with what is arguably their biggest character being introduced in a feud between their now mega-popular film versions of Cap and Stark. I can't see them having him fall on the side of law and order if he's just being introduced, but hopefully it's a fun story either way.


I'm not even sure how this is gonna b possible outside of a small cameo. With establishing the conflict between Cap and Tony, introducing Black Panther and Spider-Man, as well as continue Bucky's story from Winter Soldier. Just seems like a lot of story lines to be juggling in this movie I mean don't they shoot in April? I don't even think Spider-Man has even been cast yet and the current script is probably locked at the moment.

I just hope Spider-Man's inclusion doesn't feel shoe horned in.


I hope Spidey is just a cameo. Or an extended cameo. Even if it is THAT moment, I dunno... starting off Spidey in the MCU with Civil War is kinda crazy, but I really don't want them to push other characters out of the way for Peter.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
ughhh, this movie is going to get too crowded with Spidey. the writers have said that beibg forced to shoe horn Spidey in would just cause problem.

who cares about box office money? i just want another great Cap movie and a rad BP intro.


ughhh, this movie is going to get too crowded with Spidey. the writers have said that beibg forced to shoe horn Spidey in would just cause problem.

who cares about box office money? i just want another great Cap movie and a rad BP intro.

It won't cause any problems.

The only character they'll introduce here is Black Panther. Everyone else, including Spider-Man, is a known quantity already.


Online Ho Champ
ughhh, this movie is going to get too crowded with Spidey. the writers have said that beibg forced to shoe horn Spidey in would just cause problem.

who cares about box office money? i just want another great Cap movie and a rad BP intro.

nah too late its fuggin happening.
I know the source is the Wall Street Journal but "according to a person knowledgeable on the matter" doesn't instill a whole lot of faith. Does the Journal typically have dependable sources for these kinds of rumors?


I know the source is the Wall Street Journal but "according to a person knowledgeable on the matter" doesn't instill a whole lot of faith. Does the Journal typically have dependable sources for these kinds of rumors?

I think Varity is the only 100% reliable source when it comes to Marvel Studios stuff. I personally dont trust other sources blind.
I cant remember WSJ beeing that reliable...


Junior Member
If Spidey is actually in Civil War in any significant fashion, doesn't that mean they pretty much need him casted...now?
The SonyGate leaks indicate that Marvel already had someone in mind (Logan Lerman), as these talks date as far back as October 2014. They apparently also had another version of the Civil War script with Spidey in it. Marvel has this covered.
If Spidey is actually in Civil War in any significant fashion, doesn't that mean they pretty much need him casted...now?

People have speculated that his scenes could potentially be done in reshoots but I don't really see how they get around the action CGI stuff. I have no way of knowing how long and difficult that stuff is to do right but I'm under the impression that the heavy CGI work is typically worked on to some extent before shooting even begins.

Someone with more knowledge of the process, feel free to enlighten.
The SonyGate leaks indicate that Marvel already had someone in mind (Logan Lerman), as these talks date as far back as October 2014. They apparently also had another version of the Civil War script with Spidey in it. Marvel has this covered.

Ah, interesting.

I feel like theres a pretty obvious narrative that can be made out of this. After Ultron, Cap and Tony are disagreeing about how the Avengers are run. Do they answer to an international body/government or do they do their own thing? Who pays for the kind of damage caused by something like Ultron fighting the Avengers around the world?

We're introduced to T'challa perhaps as the head of the international body being put forward to run the Avengers. He's the head because Wakanda was attacked in AoU(?). He appears as Black Panther to break up a brief skirmish that breaks out as Cap and Stark argue.

New masked superhero appears on the scene. Spiderman. Perhaps he's clearly juvenile and inexperienced. Maybe he makes a mistake and someone dies/gets hurt. Who's he answer to? Who looks after him. Who is he? Tensions escalate.

Seems pretty clear no? perhaps too obvious/easy.


Aren't you forgetting someone? :/


I feel like theres a pretty obvious narrative that can be made out of this. After Ultron, Cap and Tony are disagreeing about how the Avengers are run. Do they answer to an international body/government or do they do their own thing? Who pays for the kind of damage caused by something like Ultron fighting the Avengers around the world?

We're introduced to T'challa perhaps as the head of the international body being put forward to run the Avengers. He's the head because Wakanda was attacked in AoU(?). He appears as Black Panther to break up a brief skirmish that breaks out as Cap and Stark argue.

New masked superhero appears on the scene. Spiderman. Perhaps he's clearly juvenile and inexperienced. Maybe he makes a mistake and someone dies/gets hurt. Who's he answer to? Who looks after him. Who is he? Tensions escalate.

Seems pretty clear no? perhaps too obvious/easy.

Yeah, that's been my thinking. People keep asking how Peter can for into his role like in the comics when i think he'll actually be the speedball of the movie so to speak. He'll be the impetus for the argument of bringing in unrelegated and masked superheroes, especially with all his bad PR. Expect the Daily Bugle to be a key force to the pro side (if marvel was indeed forward thinking enough to have an alternate script with Spidey crap in it)


With such a quick release schedule, do you think they've already cast the role and are just waiting to announce who the next Spider-Man is?
With such a quick release schedule, do you think they've already cast the role and are just waiting to announce who the next Spider-Man is?

Not a doubt in my mind.

Hollywood NDAs are some serious ass shit. He's already cast. It's just a closely guarded secret.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if WHEDON himself didn't know who it was.


Junior Member
With such a quick release schedule, do you think they've already cast the role and are just waiting to announce who the next Spider-Man is?
I'm sure Marvel has someone in mind. The SonyGate leaks did show that Marvel was looking at Logan Lerman.


Not a doubt in my mind.

Hollywood NDAs are some serious ass shit. He's already cast. It's just a closely guarded secret.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if WHEDON himself didn't know who it was.

Pretty rad in any case. I like that this news broke and we don't have to wait very long to see the results.


You ca say anything you want about Sony, but nothing will top their Comic Con Panel where Garfield showed up in costume and in character.


I think Marvel will try and get out ahead of any potential leaks,as you can bet the hounds are already on the trail trying to find out who's been cast as the new Spiderman.

Someone will talk...
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