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Captain America: Civil War | Production Thread

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I honestly don't think this movie will be like an Avengers movie, where we see superheroes team up or fight each other for the majority of the time. I think it'll be a Captain America movie first and foremost, and that the plot will focus big time on the governing of these heroes.

We'll probably see Cap and Iron Man fight each other, and maybe Black Panther comes in to calm everything down, and other heroes will be in the background of the plot.


The heroes are already listed in the OP:

Captain America
Iron Man
Black Panther
Black Widow
Winter Soldier

And maybe Hawkeye.

I don't think we should expect any more than that.

They won't turn up in Civil War. Iron Fist won't even have had his own Netflix show at that point, and probably not Luke Cage either.
I hope Hawkeye shows up, and my dream addition would be Mockingbird as well. She's amazing on SHIELD.


I honestly don't think this movie will be like an Avengers movie, where we see superheroes team up or fight each other for the majority of the time. I think it'll be a Captain America movie first and foremost, and that the plot will focus big time on the governing of these heroes.

We'll probably see Cap and Iron Man fight each other, and maybe Black Panther comes in to calm everything down, and other heroes will be in the background of the plot.

Sounds like a safe bet. It's a Cap movie after all, I imagine he'll be the primary focus or else IM would be in the title, too. Then again I could see a title change to "Captain America vs. Iron Man: Civil War" depending on how the script shakes out.
I honestly don't think this movie will be like an Avengers movie, where we see superheroes team up or fight each other for the majority of the time. I think it'll be a Captain America movie first and foremost, and that the plot will focus big time on the governing of these heroes.

We'll probably see Cap and Iron Man fight each other, and maybe Black Panther comes in to calm everything down, and other heroes will be in the background of the plot.

I suspect Black Panther is going to be there because AoU contains an international incident with American-invented technology.


Since the new Spider-Man is releasing on July 28 2017, it seems the character is a lock for Captain America: Civil War.

This just got that much more interesting.




I remember the writer saying adding Spiderman to the script would just add more problems. If anything, I think he'd just have a cameo. Plus,
it's hinted Wakanda plays a role in AoU, so shifting focus to Spidey in CW would undermine that.


Since the new Spider-Man is releasing on July 28 2017, it seems the character is a lock for Captain America: Civil War.

This just got that much more interesting.

Insanity. This might be bigger than Avengers 2 at this point.

Cap + Iron Man + Spidey > Cap + Iron Man + the rest of the Avengers. definitely in the eyes of the general public.


People are acting like Spider-Man is going to replace Black Panthers "third man" role, jumping the gun a tad. I mean the film is supposed to start filming next month, it's at the end of preproduction, but they're going to design the MCU Spider-Man, completely rewrite the film, and then cast Spider-Man all in that time?

A small role, maybe, but no way is he getting a leading role without big delays to the production of CW.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I doubt he has a major role in CW. I'm also super duper curious how they integrate him into the MCU. Has he been operating under the radar this whole time?
People are acting like Spider-Man is going to replace Black Panthers "third man" role, jumping the gun a tad. I mean the film is supposed to start filming next month, it's at the end of preproduction, but they're going to design the MCU Spider-Man, completely rewrite the film, and then cast Spider-Man all in that time?

A small role, maybe, but no way is he getting a leading role without big delays to the production of CW.

They probably had a script in place and some pre production in case the deal went through. If what RDJ said in interviews is true, they also had a script ready without him in it.

Robert Downey Jr. said:
“They said to me, ‘If we have you, we can do this, or Cap 3 has to be something else. It’s nice to feel needed. And at this point it’s about helping each other, too. I look at it as a competition and I go, ‘Wow, maybe if these two franchises teamed up and I can take even a lesser position, with people I like and directors I respect, maybe we can keep things bumping along.”

They had plans in place if certain deals didn't work. Gotta be prepared.


Here's to hoping:

Captain America
Iron Man
Black Panther
Winter Soldier
Black Widow

Avengers 2.5, srsly guys.


I can see Spiderman just being a stinger at the end of the movie, as an example of a new hero that the government has to sign up or control.

And yeah this movie does seem like Avengers 2.5 at this point.


Since the new Spider-Man is releasing on July 28 2017, it seems the character is a lock for Captain America: Civil War.

This just got that much more interesting.

My body may not be ready.

Captain America is chasing Crossbones through New York. Crossbones knocks over support beams from a crane, falling toward an unsuspecting pedestrian. Cap saves the pedestrian before the beams crush him.

"Wow! Captain America!" The pedestrian (no older than 18) yelled out. "Can I get your picture? For the school paper?"

Then we get a brief glimpse of an ominous-looking building, the pedestrian then heads over to Oscorp.

Kevin Feige:



Civil War is gonna be a box office monster, now. And this isn't even mentioning Infinity War.
I can honestly see it doing better or just as well as Age of Ultron if they market it right.

Here's to hoping:

Captain America
Iron Man
Black Panther
Winter Soldier
Black Widow

Avengers 2.5, srsly guys.
And its leaving out boring ass Thor. Superior movie confirmed.
They probably had a script in place and some pre production in case the deal went through. If what RDJ said in interviews is true, they also had a script ready without him in it.

I won't say it's impossible, I'm not working on this film or anything, but I suspect you're underestimating just how much work goes into pre-production of an FX-heavy blockbuster and just how wasteful it would be to do it for two different scripts concurrently.

Bottom line: I could be wrong, but I don't see Spidey getting more than a cameo without a significant delay to the start of production.


I can honestly see it doing better or just as well as Age of Ultron if they market it right.

Does seem likely this will be the first non-Iron Man, non-Avengers MCU film to crack a billion. That's good growth between Cap 1, 2 and 3 to say the least.
I won't say it's impossible, I'm not working on this film or anything, but I suspect you're underestimating just how much work goes into pre-production of an FX-heavy blockbuster and just how wasteful it would be to do it for two different scripts concurrently.

By pre production I was meaning concept art and script work.
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