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Captain America: Civil War | Production Thread

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A little too late, don't you think? More so since Civil War starts shooting in 2 months.

It's likely going to be delayed for a few weeks while they have some room to breathe with all the contracts going on.

I could see them starting production well after AoU shatters box office records.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Robert Downey Jr talks Civil War:

Your deal was, initially, for two more Avengers films. Now you’ve signed on for more, starting with Captain America: Civil War. Why?

I’m crazy about Evans. I really am. I don’t know why or how to explain this particular kinship we have. By the way, he hasn’t called me in six months. Honestly, in order for this whole thing to have worked, I did my part, Hemsworth knocked it out of the stadium and then it fell on Cap. That was the riskiest. It was the one that had the highest degree of difficulty in making it translate to a modern audience. It was the Russos and Chris who, I think, really hit the line drive and won the series. I remember glancing through it going, “Wow, that’s a different way to go”. They said, “If we have you, we can do this or Cap 3 has to be something else”. It’s nice to feel needed.

At this point it ceases about being about announcements of contracts and deal points and Forbes and all that. And to see Chadwick being announced for Black Panther, I go, ‘Wow, man, Marvel is making all the right moves and they’re not doing it because it’s PC, they’re doing it because it’s exciting’. So why would I be the one to go, ‘I’m not going on the road. I don’t get along with the keyboardist’. Who cares? Who cares? And look, I also recognise that I’ll be turning 50 by the time I promote this movie. The clock is ticking down on the amount of memories and participation that I would allow myself and not embarrass the medium with. And when they pitched it to me and when I had a couple of ideas and when they said we like those ideas, let’s do those. Then there’s all this competition too. I don’t do this because I look at it as a competition, but I look at the marketplace and go, ‘Maybe if these two franchises teamed up and I can take even a lesser position in support, with people I like and directors I respect, maybe we can keep things bumping along here a little longer than they might have’.

There seems to be a feeling that Tony’s character may have to be recalibrated, though, for Civil War, and that he may become an antagonist.

Yeah. Again, it’s natural to change your views. The main thing to me is, and this is where I think the Russos are quite brilliant and where Kevin backed the play, is what sort of incident could occur and what sort of framework could we find Tony in? The clues are in Ultron about where we might find him next. But what would it take for Tony to completely turn around everything he’s stood for, quote-unquote, because he was the right-wing guy who could still do his own thing. When the first Iron Man came out the liberals and conservatives were both like, ‘You’re our guy’. Yes! Score! But the idea of Tony being able to march into Washington and say, ‘I’ll sign up’, wouldn’t have made sense if the political climate in the real world hadn’t shifted the way it has. It’s a little bit of things following a real world continuum in, ‘What would you do?’ There’s always the bigger overarching question, that Joss brings up all the time - it’s kind of weird that these guys would have all these throw downs all over planet Earth and it looked like a little collateral damage happened over there, and yet when the movie’s over, it’s like nobody minds. You have to figure, ‘Were you to ask the question, what would the American government do if this were real? Wouldn’t it be interesting to see Tony doing something you wouldn’t imagine?’

So, do you see Tony as a bad guy in that movie?

I wouldn’t put it that way. Ultimately it’s Steve’s story; it doesn’t say ‘Iron Man 4: Civil War’. I think that’s great too. I think Chris [Evans] has been hungry to bring even more of an underside and some shadow to that. I remember the comics - on the surface you got the sense that Cap was baseball and apple pie, but underneath there was all this churning stuff of being a man out of time. Now we know he’s made his peace with that. What’s the bigger issue? It can have a little something to do with the past, but it can be about someone becoming more modernised in their own conflict.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Don't know how much of a difference it would make, but I'm glad this isn't Iron Man 4. Seems like they're hitting the nail on the head.
They really have nailed the character development across these films for Cap and Iron Man, even if it is in slightly broad strokes.

They're both going to be incredibly different characters to the ones in First Avenger and IM1 by the time Civil War comes out.


nd to see Chadwick being announced for Black Panther, I go, ‘Wow, man, Marvel is making all the right moves and they’re not doing it because it’s PC, they’re doing it because it’s exciting’.
Not liking what I'm reading about cap3. Civil war storyline, to me, sounds really stupid. I don't the want superheroes fighting with each other. :(

I REALLY want to see superheroes fight each other. Those were my favorite parts of Anvengers 1. They need to make sure it happens for the right reasons but I have confidence in them.


Think further ahead to how much sweeter it will be to see them put all this feuding aside and join back together to face Thanos.
The sad thing is that there's like 20 super brings in the world right now. So it wouldn't had to scale of Civil War.

I REALLY want to see superheroes fight each other. Those were my favorite parts of Anvengers 1. They need to make sure it happens for the right reasons but I have confidence in them.

Avengers was about 45% the heroes fighting each other. And it wont be like the comics.

I guess I just like seeing them all team up and kicking butt. Lol It was cool in Avengers 1 when they first met and they were fighting but, I thought since they learned how to work together they wouldn't be fighting with each other anymore, well besides the hulk going crazy now and then. Lol


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I guess I just like seeing them all team up and kicking butt. Lol it was cool in Avengers 1 when they first met and they were fighting but I thought since they learned how to work together they wouldn't be fighting with each other anymore, well besides the hulk going crazy now and then. Lol

Superheroes fighting each other before they take on the bad guys is pretty much a Marvel trope.

Ein Bear

The problem I have with Civil War, and having the heroes fight one another, is that it kind of feels like they're skipping over everyone actually being friends and getting along.

About 75% of the first Avengers movie is everyone arguing all the time and not getting along. Then you've got Age of Ultron which, from the trailers and various plot details, sounds like is going to have a large portion of it dedicated to in-fighting amongst the team and Tony fucking up hard in creating Ultron. And now Civil War.

I guess it would just be nice to have a film where the heroes are actually bros.
The problem I have with Civil War, and having the heroes fight one another, is that it kind of feels like they're skipping over everyone actually being friends and getting along.

About 75% of the first Avengers movie is everyone arguing all the time and not getting along. Then you've got Age of Ultron which, from the trailers and various plot details, sounds like is going to have a large portion of it dedicated to in-fighting amongst the team and Tony fucking up hard in creating Ultron. And now Civil War.

I guess it would just be nice to have a film where the heroes are actually bros.

I think if they were two regular people, Tony and Steve probably would be bros. It's just their ideologies and the position they're in makes that impossible.


The problem I have with Civil War, and having the heroes fight one another, is that it kind of feels like they're skipping over everyone actually being friends and getting along.

About 75% of the first Avengers movie is everyone arguing all the time and not getting along. Then you've got Age of Ultron which, from the trailers and various plot details, sounds like is going to have a large portion of it dedicated to in-fighting amongst the team and Tony fucking up hard in creating Ultron. And now Civil War.

I guess it would just be nice to have a film where the heroes are actually bros.
I disagree. There are friends within the group but they don't get along as a whole all the time. Captain America has Black Widow, Iron Man has Banner, and Thor is a little left out as far as close Avengers go but he also doesn't really deal with the others too much.
I disagree. There are friends within the group but they don't get along as a whole all the time. Captain America has Black Widow, Iron Man has Banner, and Thor is a little left out as far as close Avengers go but he also doesn't really deal with the others too much.

Poor Hawkguy :c
Seriously Captain America Iron Man alone already assured this being a hit but adding Black Panther and the hype of Spider-Man showing up? I wouldn't be surprised if this movie did Avenger numbers.


If this thing *only* does Avengers numbers it's gonna be a disappointment.

1.6-1.8 Billion.

I'm calling it.

Nelo Ice

Seriously Captain America Iron Man alone already assured this being a hit but adding Black Panther and the hype of Spider-Man showing up? I wouldn't be surprised if this movie did Avenger numbers.

Speaking of which, I think I'll lose it if they have a poster with all 4 of them.
Avengers was $1.5 billion. If Civil War did Avengers numbers, that would be incredible.

I realize that, yes.

But really come on now.

Spider-Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, AND Cap in the same film, filled with glorious action scenes, and it's essentially Avenges 2.5?

The writing is on the wall for this to be a monster hit

If the movie is genuinely fantastic? There's no telling where it can't end when all is said and done.
Since Iron Man is in this, I dont think that at least Iron Man 3 boxoffice numbers are to far fetched.

I realize that, yes.

But really come on now.

Spider-Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, AND Cap in the same film, filled with glorious action scenes, and it's essentially Avenges 2.5?

The writing is on the wall for this to be a monster hit

If the movie is genuinely fantastic? There's no telling where it can't end when all is said and done.

I think it'll make a lot of money, but I don't think Civil War "only" doing Avengers numbers will be seen as a disappointment.


You guys know what fatigue is?

I believe it will start setting in a day or two after antman comes out.
That's such an odd prediction if the hype of Civil War and Spider-man is anything to go by people are ravenous for more Marvel movies.


You guys know what fatigue is?

I believe it will start setting in a day or two after antman comes out.

The MCU has been going on for 7 years now with multiple movies released each year and just now people are going to get fatigued? I guess if AoU sucks then yeah, I can see it, but momentum doesn't look to be slowing down any - especially considering what GotG just managed to do.


The problem I have with Civil War, and having the heroes fight one another, is that it kind of feels like they're skipping over everyone actually being friends and getting along.

About 75% of the first Avengers movie is everyone arguing all the time and not getting along. Then you've got Age of Ultron which, from the trailers and various plot details, sounds like is going to have a large portion of it dedicated to in-fighting amongst the team and Tony fucking up hard in creating Ultron. And now Civil War.

I guess it would just be nice to have a film where the heroes are actually bros.

Obviously what we need is a new TV show similar to Dexter's Lab's Justice Friends. With Marvel Characters.
You guys know what fatigue is?

I believe it will start setting in a day or two after antman comes out.

Spiderman. RDJ Iron Man. And Cap. Respectfully as possible, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about man.

One post-credits scene with a teen getting bit by a radioactive spider and it won't even matter how Ant-Man turns out.


Brand Fatigue won't really set in until Marvel releases a couple of duds. With the amount of money invested going forward I don't think they will let it happen. What I do see as an issue, is if they'll bother making more movies once infinity war is finished.

As this is a Civil War thread - I'll admit to being uncertain about how effective a film it can be. The comic version was told over the course of a year with dozens of comics included. How many more characters will really be around in the Marvel cinematic universe by then and how many of those will be fighting for screen time ?

Avengers 2 - Probably a sure thing at this point. Status Quo will be maintained. Box office prediction - 1 Billion + (70% from overseas)

Ant Man - A guilty pleasure spin-off, will neither tarnish nor excel the brand. Box office prediction - 350 million (50/50 split WW/NA)

Cap 3 Civil War - Uncertainty , if it's actually really good I suspect it will be on par with Cap 2's gross. 600 million + (60% overseas)

Dr Strange - A smaller film , the character isn't as well known and in the sea of competition I suspect it will get lost. Probably a safe failure though, if they lose a bit on this one it won't effect the larger whole. 250 million (50/50 split)

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - I see great things here, guardians 1 was basically a nicely built fan version of star wars and I suspect the sequel will continue that trend. People really liked the first one and I think the second one will outdo it. It's lack of "super heroes" will save it from any kind of stagnation. 700 million + (60% overseas)

NEW spiderman film - this is going to get 2 years of promotion , not to mention the possible appearance in Civil War and I think it will be the biggest spiderman has ever been. 1 billion (65% overseas)

Thor 3 - I can see it maintaining the quality of the other 2 thor films, nothing more. 500 million (60% worldwide)

Black Panther and Captain Marvel - of anything that's been announced I'd be most worried about these getting cancelled. Word on the street is that , thanks to spiderman a handful of the newer properties got pushed back. Right now Avengers 3 is due out before either of these films but you'd think marvel would want to introduce these characters more formally to include them in the infinity war wouldn't you ? If they do make it out I'm thinking 300-400 million each worldwide.

Avengers Infinity war parts 1/2 - This one is a pretty safe bet, it will be made no matter what. The scope of who ends up being included in it is what could change. I'm thinking it will earn 2 billion world wide (between both films)

Finaly, The inhumans - this may be saved for post avengers 3 has a way to reboot the marvel universe. Or, much like black panther and captain marvel it could end up in limbo. If anything, since black panther is due to appear in civil war , perhaps his movie should still come out and captain marvel get's a delay until post avengers 3.

This way, marvel could make a NEW avengers with a different cast. Maybe toss out a she hulk film ?
Dr Strange - A smaller film , the character isn't as well known and in the sea of competition I suspect it will get lost. Probably a safe failure though, if they lose a bit on this one it won't effect the larger whole. 250 million (50/50 split)

Yeah, no.


It's not like they cast Will Wheaton in this or something.


Yeah, with Spiderman in Civil War, Batman Superman stands no chance.

Well they are more than a month apart in terms of release date. Don't see it making any difference tbh.

I can see them dropping Captain America from the title in the overseas areas like they have done in some areas before. I think it will do a billion easily, probably more.


Dr Strange - A smaller film , the character isn't as well known and in the sea of competition I suspect it will get lost. Probably a safe failure though, if they lose a bit on this one it won't effect the larger whole. 250 million (50/50 split)

Black Panther and Captain Marvel - of anything that's been announced I'd be most worried about these getting cancelled. Word on the street is that , thanks to spiderman a handful of the newer properties got pushed back. Right now Avengers 3 is due out before either of these films but you'd think marvel would want to introduce these characters more formally to include them in the infinity war wouldn't you ? If they do make it out I'm thinking 300-400 million each worldwide.

This way, marvel could make a NEW avengers with a different cast. Maybe toss out a she hulk film ?

I doubt either of the two will get canned. They'll likely plant the seeds around now and their release. Plus, people have been clamoring for something different. Strange is the interesting one but it'll likely involve a Gem so it'll be a key film leading to Infinity. Carol/T'Challa need to be in the MCU because Marvel will need new heroes once Hemsworth/Downey/Evans finish off their contracts.
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