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CBOAT's latest update

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This shit cray. If Demon's Souls 2 is even a remote possibility I will soil my panties.

1. Sony's SCEJ internal teams worked directly with FROM and Miyazaki on the first Demon's Souls. Takeshi Kajii was influential in the game's core design in fact.

2. SCEJ employees (including Kajii I believe) have said they wanted to do something with it. SCEJs management has said they regret not supporting the IP more and that they'd be interested in doing something more with it.

3. Frequent rumors from solid sources that SCEJ is working on two RPGs.

4. Recent rumors that SCEJ is working on a new internal title involving staff from the Soul Sacrifice titles.

Add the frequent rumors about Demon's Souls 2 happening and that's a lot of smoke pointing you towards the fire.

A combination of art staff from Team Ico, Soul Sacrifice, and the SCEJ people who helped on Demon's Souls would be very interesting.


Penello as a serious poster? are you kidding me?

When he posted his miracle equations and was called out by many posters here and arstechnica, he had no rebuttals and was unable to explain the "facts" he posted, If he was anyone other than Albert Penello he would have been banned for making that post and failing to provide any evidence or reasonable explaations when questioned other than "I'll have to ask someone"

this, i can't take any of Penello's PR crap because its almost all been called out.

I would know I have a tech buddy that feeds me info XD
Is that partly why Sony didn't go with IBM for next gen?

IBM truly screwed over their own customer in Sony. Its mind boggling when you hear the full story.

I wouldn't trust IBM after that and I don't think anyone possibly should unless you have lawyers draft up an unbreakable contract which would prevent "back room deals".


I highly doubt the xbox one was originally supposed to come out in 2014. They seem like they have their act together in terms release schedule.

What? Most features don't seem to be ready for launch, and the console isn't even releasing in 2013 for most of the world. Where do you see them "having their act together in terms of release schedule"?

An originally planned release date of early 2014 seems much more reasonable.


I disagree considering the reduction in release countries and how they were still tweaking the hardware a month ago.
When do you think they were going to initially release? Because as of right now, they have Ryse, Forza, and DR3 all hitting launch with another heavy hitter (Titanfall) coming early next year. Since titanfall has such a small dev team, i highly doubt it was pushed forward. Which would have meant an early 2014 release. But then Titanfall (a game ms no doubt spent millions on getting exclusive) would have been lost in the huge wave of launch date software when it released. 2013 seems like it was the target all along. The drm fiasco along with sony being more prepared than ms expected led to the situation they are in now. It wasn't a release date change


It's what i suggested in the last sentence. Disgruntled employee milking the machine and enjoying the fireworks.

Also, a developer and mid to high to have access to all the info. Not a suit/marketing because they are not smart enough to write in code.

If I were to guess I'd assume he's a producer who oversees studio developments, much like the producers Sony uses on titles like Demon's Souls, The Order 1886, etc. where they're footing the bill for the game and want to keep close tabs and be involved in the decision making process.

But then I'm not really interested in who he is, that's his own business. I just find the way he talks about some things to be indicative of that. Having detailed insight into the status of Black Tusk's game, knowing the financial arrangement for Dead Rising 3, etc.. I could completely understand feeling undercut if he's the corporate producer for the Vancouver area. Black Tusk is in Vancouver, Dead Rising 3 is being made by Capcom Vancouver. So having a lot of passion for the those projects that he's intimately involved with would keep a person motivated even while watching corporate across the border shitting up the platform that his projects are inextricably tied to. It would also motivate them to leak info and hopefully get enough grass roots opposition going to get corporate to stop making shitting decisions.


IBM truly screwed over their own customer in Sony. Its mind boggling when you hear the full story.

I wouldn't trust IBM after that and I don't think anyone possibly should unless you have lawyers draft up an unbreakable contract which would prevent "back room deals".

What are you talking about ?

IBM didn't have GPU and CPU in APU.
AMD only had it and both MS and PS4 used it. APU is reducing production cost a lot compared to normal CPU+GPU combo and reason why we get consoles for 399/499 instead of 599/699.

If you adjust console prices to inflation PlayStation 4 is cheapest playstation ever beating PS2 by few dollars.

If they would for IBM we would get at least 599 consoles.
If I were to guess I'd assume he's a producer who oversees studio developments, much like the producers Sony uses on titles like Demon's Souls, The Order 1886, etc. where they're footing the bill for the game and want to keep close tabs and be involved in the decision making process.

But then I'm not really interested in who he is, that's his own business. I just find the way he talks about some things to be indicative of that. Having detailed insight into the status of Black Tusk's game, knowing the financial arrangement for Dead Rising 3, etc.. I could completely understand feeling undercut if he's the corporate producer for the Vancouver area. Black Tusk is in Vancouver, Dead Rising 3 is being made by Capcom Vancouver. So having a lot of passion for the those projects that he's intimately involved with would keep a person motivated even while watching corporate across the border shitting up the platform that his projects are inextricably tied to. It would also motivate them to leak info and hopefully get enough grass roots opposition going to get corporate to stop making shitting decisions.

But CBOAT has been around for 8+ years. What was driving him then?
I'm only up to page seven, but I remember MS saying that system could detect when it was over heating and down clock itself to avoid damage. Maybe the up clocks have made this happen more often, which would cause performance issues.


Gold Member
How? How did MS get scooped my Sony so easily when they had a longer time to work on Xbox One than Sony with PS4 (numerous PS3/PSP iterations and the freaking Vita between 2005-2013)?

It truly baffles me that a company would screw up this much.

It all comes down to the business direction the company overall is pursuing and then primarily to your engineering/design team.


What? Most features don't seem to be ready for launch, and the console isn't even releasing in 2013 for most of the world. Where do you see them "having their act together in terms of release schedule"?

An originally planned release date of early 2014 seems much more reasonable.
I'm talking games.


Gold Member
If I were to guess I'd assume he's a producer who oversees studio developments, much like the producers Sony uses on titles like Demon's Souls, The Order 1886, etc. where they're footing the bill for the game and want to keep close tabs and be involved in the decision making process.

But then I'm not really interested in who he is, that's his own business. I just find the way he talks about some things to be indicative of that. Having detailed insight into the status of Black Tusk's game, knowing the financial arrangement for Dead Rising 3, etc.. I could completely understand feeling undercut if he's the corporate producer for the Vancouver area. Black Tusk is in Vancouver, Dead Rising 3 is being made by Capcom Vancouver. So having a lot of passion for the those projects that he's intimately involved with would keep a person motivated even while watching corporate across the border shitting up the platform that his projects are inextricably tied to. It would also motivate them to leak info and hopefully get enough grass roots opposition going to get corporate to stop making shitting decisions.

Yep that adds up. I am not interested in his/her actual identity and appreciate the info, but also think it is important to try and understand the context and motivation in providing it.

With all the bone headed decisions NCL makes I am surprised we don't have a Treehouse mole.


Why forza can be 1080p and other games just 900p?

Because Forza isn't doing anything particularly special in any other sense. It uses last gen techniques across the board. Baked lighting, almost definitely art assets carried over from Forza 4, etc. etc..

Compare that to DriveClub on PS4, which might end up as a 1080p 30 fps game, but will wind up there with high poly count cars, dynamic lighting and shadowing, more detailed environments, etc. etc..

Could Forza 6 have 1080p, 60fps and do dynamic lighting? We'll have to see, but MS is avoiding such a technological step forward at launch in order to assure they're at 1080p, 60fps, we do know that. Meanwhile all the XB1 games that are pushing new graphics techniques are also cutting resolution (typically resolution and framerate) to make that happen.


Why forza can be 1080p and other games just 900p?

Because it uses Image Based Lighting and almost everything is baked. It is the same reson why there won't be weather or night racing in Forza5. Lighting shadows etc are just baked into textures. There are dynamic shadows and few dynamic lights but game doesn't do that much. Also tracks doesn't even look comparable to for example Driveclub tracks.

For Forza 6 they will probably move to different lighting engine.

Also Forza5 being 1080p is yet to be confirmed. Devs/pannelo says that it is 1080p but we don't have any direct feed 1080p nor footage we have indicate via IQ that this is trully 1920x1080. It may be situation like GT5 where it was 1280x1080 game so 1080p but not 1920x1080.

Simply we need to wait for DF article after launch or they will release direct feed 1080p footage.


I think the issue some people have with cboat's PoP post is why did he/she guess PoP? They most likely didn't see the whole Halo trailer and the guess was probably made going off the PoP reboot rumors around the time. What I I infer from this, is that cboat is not immune to having to using rumors and leaks where he/she is not the primary source and in and of itself this is not a bad thing. But it begs the question when else has cboat done this? For me an obvious answer would be the with the Sony stuff, but is that it? On another note, what does issues mean? Anyone else would be asked to elaborate. From that post anything bad that happens with the the Xbox One hardware from now on (whether isolated or not) can be spun to be an issue or a risk.


This shit cray. If Demon's Souls 2 is even a remote possibility I will soil my panties.

Maybe I've missed something, but why is Demon's Souls is such a big thing? Everyone just keep posting about how awesome it is.

Not intended to derail (from where) the thread.


after running it through 50 times over...

"mnodessls' u odo2 wo. atuy ?int"

works quite well ;)




When do you think they were going to initially release? Because as of right now, they have Ryse, Forza, and DR3 all hitting launch with another heavy hitter (Titanfall) coming early next year. Since titanfall has such a small dev team, i highly doubt it was pushed forward. Which would have meant an early 2014 release. But then Titanfall (a game ms no doubt spent millions on getting exclusive) would have been lost in the huge wave of launch date software when it released. 2013 seems like it was the target all along. The drm fiasco along with sony being more prepared than ms expected led to the situation they are in now. It wasn't a release date change

I'm pretty sure Ryse and DR3 both began development as 360 titles.


Simply we need to wait for DF article after launch or they will release direct feed 1080p footage.

That will always make me chuckle. "I need some experts to tell me if that game looks good". You'll be able to see the game for yourself. If you can't tell if it's 1080p or not, it means that being 1080p doesn't really matter.


Yep that adds up. I am not interested in his/her actual identity and appreciate the info, but also think it is important to try and understand the context and motivation in providing it.

With all the bone headed decisions NCL makes I am surprised we don't have a Treehouse mole.

I'd imagine the Nintendo kool-aid is an exceptionally intoxicating beverage. They've had a tight relationship with DigiPen for example, where you can sip that Nintendo drink every day all day without much interruption if you so choose. Employee indoctrination is likely incredibly powerful within the Mushroom Kingdom.
Because it uses Image Based Lighting and almost everything is baked. It is the same reson why there won't be weather or night racing in Forza5. Lighting shadows etc are just baked into textures. There are dynamic shadows and few dynamic lights but game doesn't do that much. Also tracks doesn't even look comparable to for example Driveclub tracks.

For Forza 6 they will probably move to different lighting engine.

Also Forza5 being 1080p is yet to be confirmed. Devs/pannelo says that it is 1080p but we don't have any direct feed 1080p nor footage we have indicate via IQ that this is trully 1920x1080. It may be situation like GT5 where it was 1280x1080 game so 1080p but not 1920x1080.

Simply we need to wait for DF article after launch or they will release direct feed 1080p footage.

No, we have conformation from developers and a recent video released at 1080p. Whether you want to believe them is a different matter.

Here is link to gamersyde http://www.gamersyde.com/news_forza_5_gameplay_video-14670_en.html

and youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14_S7fWk0JI


The fact that MS doesn't have a clear strategy with the Xbox One and the focus on Kinect had a negative impact on the design of the product as a game console is obvious.
The fact that many games won't run at 1080p until developers get more comfortable with the architecture is resonable.
But thinking that the upclocks they have made are at the cost of reliability is absolutely crazy, it's really hard to believe that. If there are widespread hardware issues with this console, the market won't forgive.


I think the issue some people have with cboat's PoP post is why did he/she guess PoP? They most likely didn't see the whole Halo trailer and the guess was probably made going off the PoP reboot rumors around the time. What I I infer from this, is that cboat is not immune to having to using rumors and leaks where he/she is not the primary source and in and of itself this is not a bad thing. But it begs the question when else has cboat done this? For me an obvious answer would be the with the Sony stuff, but is that it? On another note, what does issues mean? Anyone else would be asked to elaborate. From that post anything bad that happens with the the Xbox One hardware from now on (whether isolated or not) can be spun to be an issue or a risk.

Not it at all. I was under the impression that Ubisoft pulled the PoP announcement somewhat last minute. There is still a PoP game in development - we'll probably see it next year.


Why forza can be 1080p and other games just 900p?

Not to stir up a hornets nest, but Forza 5 is kinda like turning the sliders from 'med-high' to 'ultra' of Forza 4 (to use PC speak).

If Forza 4 ran as well as it did on 360, the xb1 is still a sizeable jump over that hardware despite its issues with trailing the ps4, so one would expect the game to run that well. And it looks good.

It would be like taking The Last of Us or GTAV, and porting it to PS4 (or xb1 in GTAVs case), it would have better resolution and frame rate, maybe a few AI tweaks ot something, but its not going to be a far different experience, just an improved one.

Perhaps the bleeding edge engines and effects will suffer though on XB1 games (this isnt confirmed despite the buttocks saying so), and not suffer on PS4?? I.e. Ryse being 900p vs. Infamous being 1080p (are they both 30fps?, if not thats a bad comparison)


The games feel rushed too. OS isn't finished. KI seems rushed with lack of characters. Forza seems rushed with huge initial download, because they'll be too late to get gold cert.
KI is an xbla game and releasing early 2014 would allow them to add one extra character at best. Turn 10 deciding to continue to add to forza during cert isnt that crazy either. It's a launch game, this stuff happens.


KI is an xbla game and releasing early 2014 would allow them to add one extra character at best. Turn 10 deciding to continue to add to forza during cert isnt that crazy either. It's a launch game, this stuff happens.
They are not adding to the game, they are literally finishing it in that time. The game does not work without that download. That is unprecedented, as far as I know.

Perhaps the bleeding edge engines and effects will suffer though on XB1 games (this isnt confirmed despite the buttocks saying so), and not suffer on PS4?? I.e. Ryse being 900p vs. Infamous being 1080p (are they both 30fps?, if not thats a bad comparison)
I would not do that. Infamous is open world :p


Not it at all. I was under the impression that Ubisoft pulled the PoP announcement somewhat last minute. There is still a PoP game in development - we'll probably see it next year.
If PoP shows at E3, it will be on a Sony stage. I don't believe it was scheduled for MS E3. I don't even think they have anything they could show right now to be honest.


Not it at all. I was under the impression that Ubisoft pulled the PoP announcement somewhat last minute. There is still a PoP game in development - we'll probably see it next year.
But we don't know this for sure, no other insider hinted at a PoP announcement to my knowledge.


Not it at all. I was under the impression that Ubisoft pulled the PoP announcement somewhat last minute. There is still a PoP game in development - we'll probably see it next year.

Has there been confirmation from official sources that a PoP game actually is in development? Last I heard, earlier this year, Ubisoft confirmed that they were looking into next gen entries in multiple franchises but didn't specifically mention that a next gen PoP was actually in development.


Well the 360 and the PS3 are both in their Gravy years. All profit .....

If Microsoft had released this Xbox One in 2012 it would have been only comparable to the Wii U it would have dominated for sure....

Instead they opted for another year of gravy on their 360 and they got burned

what games would it have?


KI is an xbla game and releasing early 2014 would allow them to ad one extra character at best. Turn 10 deciding to continue to add to forza during cert isnt that crazy either. It's a launch game, this stuff happens.

Denial is one of the early stages. I hope you make it to the next step.


Anyone else thinking MS will more than likely try and cut the gen short by releasing a new system much sooner than stated? I think MS was really hoping for the 10 year cycle, but may cut it short and pull a Nintendo.

Not sure if Sony would follow suit or hold their cards. It's be really weird if consoles weren't released around the same time anymore.
IBM truly screwed over their own customer in Sony. Its mind boggling when you hear the full story.

I wouldn't trust IBM after that and I don't think anyone possibly should unless you have lawyers draft up an unbreakable contract which would prevent "back room deals".
I wonder if the full story wil ever come out, Sony learned a ton of hard lessons last gen at every level.
Anyone else thinking MS will more than likely try and cut the gen short by releasing a new system much sooner than stated? I think MS was really hoping for the 10 year cycle, but may cut it short and pull a Nintendo.

Not sure if Sony would follow suit or hold their cards. It's be really weird if consoles weren't released around the same time anymore.

I think that was the plan all alone TBH.

Heard plenty of times that MS wanted to move xbox into a mobile style upgrade cycle with hardware upgrades every 2 years or so.


Junior Member
But thinking that the upclocks they have made are at the cost of reliability is absolutely crazy, it's really hard to believe that. If there are widespread hardware issues with this console, the market won't forgive.

Upclocking with the yield issues means higher chance of hardware not capable of running the amount of power that is available, and that could result in hardware failing. Any upclock, no matter what yield, should theoretically increase the amount of defects, lest the clock was set so low that there were big enough margins. The point is that an upclock has to be a calculated risk. You can't predict how the entire manufacturing will go, so you have to say "there's now a good chance that all consoles will be able to withstand an upclock of x Hz", which might turn out not to be true, and create defects.
Anyone else thinking MS will more than likely try and cut the gen short by releasing a new system much sooner than stated? I think MS was really hoping for the 10 year cycle, but may cut it short and pull a Nintendo.

Not sure if Sony would follow suit or hold their cards. It's be really weird if consoles weren't released around the same time anymore.

I believe that MS will be hoping for bandwidth on internet speeds to have increased enough to make streaming games truly viable as a primary model for gaming. Sony would like the same seeing the purchase of Gaikai. I still think that we may get one more generation of boxes before that becomes a reality though
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