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CBOAT's latest update

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It's more than that. Just off the top of my head I can remember at least four in the last year...

- PoP for E3

- Indie developers only getting 3GB app partition for games

- PS4 launch date

- Contradicting himself with saying there is a Sept. surprise not Kinect-less SKU related then saying the surprise was MS considering a Kinect-less SKU

Still, most of this stuff can be excused in some way (PoP may have been confused with Halo, Indie program was never finalized etc...). I don't think cboat's leaks should be taken as Gospel, but I agree his track record certainly isn't bad.

PoP existed. Seems like it was meant to be shown at E3 until it was pulled. If I had to guess, it was because AC4 got bumped to being a mainline title and thus there was no need for PoP.
I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically. While Panello has been a solid poster around here and is forthcoming, there is nothing like the juice that Cboat spills out.


I think Panello posting here and xbox dev posting on reddit and the army of fake accounts on gaf and probably other site like reddit are down to MS wanting to get in front of all that post E3 bad press and "control the message".

I dont think Cboat had anything to do with Panello on GAF as much as GAF being a large website a lot of people read and trust so MS wants to try and control the message coming out of here leading up to the release


I still find it hard to believe that they changed launch to this year from holiday 2014 just because of Sony's February announcement.
Forget the in-house R&D - how can they manage to put in supply chain and retail in this short time? Never mind the earlier leaks showing it launching this year (some power point presentation leaked in 2012).

I don't necessarily agree with the 2014 target plan, but the argument is that the Xbox One is largely using off-the-shelf htpc parts in a large htpc style box. Pretty easy to put together quickly.


This thread is a bit of a Circle-Jerk now, regardless of CBOAT being correct or not.

What was he wrong about?

Panello lost credibility during PR gate. Many of the things he said (was fed) were shot down as bullshit and discredited as such. Maybe it was his lack of understanding of the technical side of the machine, but the damage was done.

He was most likely wrong by proxy since most of his parrot points were the same as what Mnelson and every other MS PR mouth piece were spewing. A paycheck is a paycheck, though.
CBOAT is a Sony ninja paid to infiltrate MS, position himself at a high level, and then unload negative information upon a hungry GAF community . CIA vs KJB kinda shit...
*this is a joke.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Wasn't somebody up high at MS admitting that their developement tools weren't up to snuff. Which is kinda ironic, because of directX.

You know if you add everything up that has happened this last year, it seems not that far from the truth that MS weren't ready for a 2013 release. Have to wait for the release to see how far along they actually are.


I think the 2014 comment is because the hardware/software isn't ready for prime time even though it's literally off the shelf parts stuck in an oversize case


I still find it hard to believe that they changed launch to this year from holiday 2014 just because of Sony's February announcement.
Forget the in-house R&D - how can they manage to put in supply chain and retail in this short time? Never mind the earlier leaks showing it launching this year (some power point presentation leaked in 2012).

I think imagining that they had holiday 2014 planned as a launch window may be pushing it, but I can see an early Q1/Q2 2014 launch being in the realms of possibility. One more holiday season of 360 and kinect, and then a new console launching with Halo 5 being ready at launch (or near launch window).

Absolute pure conjecture on my part, and I guess we'll never know. But with their mis-steps recently it is conceivable that the PS4 announcement got them to push their plans forward.


I feel like they dispatched Panello due to Cboat; someone to counter the insider leaking info basically. While Panello has been a solid poster around here and is forthcoming, there is nothing like the juice that Cboat spills out.

Penello was probably wrong about stuff more often than the buttocks, is he now a biased lying liar?
Xbox One was always planned for Winter 2013 just like the PS4 was both companies knew that it was practically common sense especially after the 2012 E3 started showing next gen games like Watch Dogs and 1313. I don't think CBOAT is disputing that in his post he is just saying xbox one made a lot more sense to come out in 2014.

I think what really is to blame is Microsofts incompetence they are letting MBA's and marketing people put together this system rather than actual engineers and game designers. I don't understand how after seeing the Wii U flop out of the gate by not having any killer games at launch and gimmicky hardware they decided to do the same thing. It's also a headscratcher that they thought Sony was sleeping and wouldn't be competitive with their offerings. But then again those are the reasons matrick was fired and balmer is on his way out the door (hopefully he will take everyone involved with xbox one with him)

Here is what I predict. I still predict Xbox one will end up roughly like the sega Saturn (or at best the xbox 1 (lol)) and be abandoned in 3 years for a brand new xbox console (assuming MS decides to stay in gaming).


Ms is clearly not ready for a console launch this year .. But you don't need a supposed leak to see that. rumors of sparse tools and bad drivers are a clear indication.
feels more like an "I told you so", he probably disagrees with the decisions the leadership has made and well, do you blame him?

I don't but if he is an employee then he's being extremely disloyal and biting the hand that feeds him.

I hope he isn't as it's difficult to have respect for someone that would act to the detriment of their employer like this. It's not like a whistle blower exposing illegal practice, it's just someone working against their employer and helping their main rivals. .

But I reckon they don't work for ms, they wouldn't be that stupid.
Here is what I predict. I still predict Xbox one will end up roughly like the sega Saturn (or at best the xbox 1 (lol)) and be abandoned in 3 years for a brand new xbox console (assuming MS decides to stay in gaming).

I think Microsoft leaves gaming if Xbox One tanks, to be honest. They may stay on the software side or something.

I don't think it's going to happen but I don't think they'll try again if this fails that bad.


Some, actually many people in this thread are very delusional.
Fucking LOL at those trying to downplay CBoaT and/or finding a reason why (s)he does this, even if it's pretty obvious for months now that MS was not ready to launch the Xbone this year and initial plan was to push for a "tvtvtvtv/kinect/who gives a fuck about core gamers" box.


I'm not doubting on CBOAT or anything, but I'm new to GAF (only a year) so I don't really know what stuffs he leaketh upon us. Anybody kindly enough to enlighten this ignorant soul with summary of what CBOAT have done to GAF?


Xbox One was always planned for Winter 2013 just like the PS4 was both companies knew that it was practically common sense especially after the 2012 E3 started showing next gen games like Watch Dogs and 1313. I don't think CBOAT is disputing that in his post he is just saying xbox one made a lot more sense to come out in 2014.

I think what really is to blame is Microsofts incompetence they are letting MBA's and marketing people put together this system rather than actual engineers and game designers. I don't understand how after seeing the Wii U flop out of the gate by not having any killer games at launch and gimmicky hardware they decided to do the same thing. It's also a headscratcher that they thought Sony was sleeping and wouldn't be competitive with their offerings. But then again those are the reasons matrick was fired and balmer is on his way out the door (hopefully he will take everyone involved with xbox one with him)

Here is what I predict. I still predict Xbox one will end up roughly like the sega Saturn (or at best the xbox 1 (lol)) and be abandoned in 3 years for a brand new xbox console (assuming MS decides to stay in gaming).

Can't even follow the logic behind that statement. They have some pretty good games for launch, arguably better than the competition. And although gamers don't care for it, a Kinect-controlled UI isn't gimmicky. Even modern TV's are being released w/ motion-controlled menus. At some point it will catch on.


I think imagining that they had holiday 2014 planned as a launch window may be pushing it, but I can see an early Q1/Q2 2014 launch being in the realms of possibility. One more holiday season of 360 and kinect, and then a new console launching with Halo 5 being ready at launch (or near launch window).

Absolute pure conjecture on my part, and I guess we'll never know. But with their mis-steps recently it is conceivable that the PS4 announcement got them to push their plans forward.
Launching any product post-holiday in the US would have been a bad idea. I still think they were caught off guard with the 2gb > 4gb > 8gb bump that Sony managed and their focus on TV+ app functionality cost them the spec war.


And although gamers don't care for it, a Kinect-controlled UI isn't gimmicky. Even modern TV's are being released w/ motion-controlled menus. At some point it will catch on.

Most people don't want to waive their hands at the TV, game or not. Buttons are efficient. Kinect and 'motion control' is absolutely a gimmick.
So there's gonna be multi-plat games that are a higher res on PS4?

God I hope so. Would suck to have a 1080p capable console held back by the incompetence of the other guy. Plus since I always buy all consoles it would make it very easy for me to decided on my multiplat title platform of choice.

Right now Ubi is helping make that decision for me with 1 extra hour of content on PS4 titles.


after running it through 50 times over...

"mnodessls' u odo2 wo. atuy ?int"

works quite well ;)

This is a cruel tease. It's "Demon's Souls" and then "odo2 wo. atuy int?"
So, Demon's Souls 2, odo wo atuy int..

EDIT: "Demon's Souls 2. Do you want it?"


The Xbone is halfbaked and underpowered.

Compared to PS4, yes I guess so. But to be fair, in the big picture they are both (Xbox One and PS4) plenty underpowered straight out of the gate. If having the fastest gaming hardware is what's most important then consoles are not for you.
Here is what I predict. I still predict Xbox one will end up roughly like the sega Saturn (or at best the xbox 1 (lol)) and be abandoned in 3 years for a brand new xbox console (assuming MS decides to stay in gaming).

This or MS decides to upgrade the hardware V2+ models and overclock the snot out of the launch consoles to compensate. Won't be the first time XB early adopters got screwed.


Compared to PS4, yes I guess so. But to be fair, in the big picture they are both (Xbox One and PS4) plenty underpowered straight out of the gate. If having the fastest gaming hardware is what's most important then consoles are not for you.

I see a lot of people say this, but I dunno that we've seen enough to make that determination from either camp.

I think in the case of the PS4 and probably the XB1 as well, there's a lot of power that isn't being used at launch that will become more relevant in a couple of years when games going into development after finalized specs will start coming out.

Anyone jumping up to call this next gen a failure out of the gate needs to sit back down for the next 2 years, then let's have that discussion again.
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