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CBOAT's latest update

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Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Ahh Dark Souls PC. A case study in the wonders of native resolution.

disregard shitty gif limitations.

definitely noticeable, though i'm still not sure its HUGE, at 1-2'.... but basically negligible at 5+ feet away.
Heh, funny how 10 years later, the debate for the playstation console vs. the xbox console has flipped flopped.

2003: PS = gameplay Xbox = graphics

2013: Xbox = gameplay PS = graphics

Very interesting change.

Wanna throw down that gauntlet, huh?

Been a lot of "interesting changes" down in the trenches over the years. Perhaps you'd like to see my breakdown of how 2013 Microsoft fans have morphed into... well, basically 2006 Sony fans at this point?


More like you made a broad generalization based off your own persecution complex.

I wasn't trying to make a broad generalization. I used the word "fans" in my previous post to show that I didn't mean everyone who like(d) those consoles.

I honestly didn't mean for it to come that way. Wasn't my intention at all (and I again, didn't mean to derail the thread).

Pointing out the previous rationales for why a particular platform is a good place to play games over the years is completely valid, especially when you note that the justification by users couldn't possibly have been consistent if they've had the same preferences for companies over time. This applies just as much to fans of the Original Xbox who might be saying now that power isn't everything for the Xbox One.

Even if you've fallen into that inconsistency yourself, there's no need to get defensive. Accusing someone of mental gymnastics for something as simple as this will just make you look unreasonable. The language doesn't necessarily help, in that regard.

Thank you.


How is gameplay being tied to hardware??

Thats on the developers, squarely.

In theory, stronger hardware = greater gameplay potential, but doesn't guarantee it in any way.


Putting all the DRM stuff behind us the most baffling thing about the Xbone to me remains the price. I just can't believe that the console is not only more expensive than the PS4 but significantly so.

The beauty of the 360 early launch and lower price point was how blue collar it felt compared to the PS3's seemingly luxury priced hardware. The 360 became a winner off the back of Madden and COD.

If the Xbone were cheaper than the PS4 (with or without Kinect) we wouldn't be having this conversation. It would the cheaper, blue collar COD, Madden and Halo box. Who cares if it only outputs at a certain resolution? But it isn't cheaper. It's more expensive and weaker for it.

The continued mistakes of MS this generation are veering away from incompetence and heading into self destructive.

  • Development started later (compared to PS4)
  • Reveal event pushed back
  • Driver/OS not up to par
  • THIS looks just like a bunch of HTPC components thrown together
  • Launch list of countries reduced
    [*]3rd party title footage severely limited
  • Unclear policies, messaging
It's all starting to add up.

Wait..., what?! Is this still a thing? Are MS and the third parties deliberately keeping footage of Xbone multi platform titles under wraps?

Yikes if true.

I do too remember back in 2003, about similar debates of the Xbox having better graphics like in games like Splinter Cell compared to the PS2, and the PS guys arguing on their behalf.

How is it misinformed? Were your on the PS forums back in 2003 to see the "console wars"?

Man the PS forums back in 2003 were really something.

I wish you could have been there boy.

*takes draw on cigarette*


bish gets all the credit :)
definitely noticeable, though i'm still not sure its HUGE, at 1-2'.... but basically negligible at 5+ feet away.

Depends on how big the difference is. Will we get 720p on the bone, 1080p on PS4? Probably not, but here's the difference.


I still find it hard to believe that they changed launch to this year from holiday 2014 just because of Sony's February announcement.
Forget the in-house R&D - how can they manage to put in supply chain and retail in this short time? Never mind the earlier leaks showing it launching this year (some power point presentation leaked in 2012).

I think people are simply trying to justify MS fumbling the ball so badly. Unprepared for 2013 is the easiest answer but you're right it might not even be true

You guys are naive if you think the only exclusive sony has for 2014 is infamous (which is a feb game)

Considering they have the most 1st party studios out there.

Has it even been confirmed sunset overdrive and quantum break are 2014 titles?

Personally I wish Sony had released some big games around launch but I'm not buying the console for the launch titles anyways. I know Sony will release their games and they will keep releasing them until the PS5 is released. Not gonna get fooled by the front heavy MS exclusives. We all saw what happened with the 360


Dreams in Digital
Here's a better example.

Identical screenshot, one rendered at 900p stretched to 1080, one rendered at 1080p.

Native res


900p resized.


Let's be honest here, there's hardly any difference between these two screen shots and even the slight difference you see has to be highlighted to actually see it. I looked and looked and still couldn't see it until someone pointed it out. It's NOT resolution we should be worried about, it's all the other next gen techniques 'included' with that resolution. The least impressive thing about KZS is the resolution, it's the fantastic effects and lighting that make it next gen for me. CBOAT also mentioned that those effects won't be as good either, so just posting pics up of resolution is pointless. You would see a difference if it was 720p v 1080p though, so X1 fans better hope not many games use that resolution.


We are going to see a lot of dismissals (from delusional people) of the obvious benefits of native 1080p when next gen game comparisons start showing up on digital foundry face-offs and such. Non native resolutions on fixed pixel displays will always look like shit.
Let's be honest here. There's hardly any difference between these two screen shots and even the slight difference you see has to be highlighted to actually see it. I looked and looked and still couldn't see it until someone pointed it out. It's NOT resolution we should be worried about, it's all the other next gen techniques 'included' with that resolution. The least impressive thing about KZS is the resolution, it's the fantastic effects and lighting that make it next gen for me. CBOAT also mentioned that those effects won't be as good either, so just posting pics up of resolution is pointless. You would see a difference if it was 720p v 1080p though, so X1 fans better hope not many games use that resolution.


the 900p version looks muddy as fuck, easily notcible
Let's be honest here. There's hardly any difference between these two screen shots and even the slight difference you see has to be highlighted to actually see it. I looked and looked and still couldn't see it until someone pointed it out. It's NOT resolution we should be worried about, it's all the other next gen techniques 'included' with that resolution. The least impressive thing about KZS is the resolution, it's the fantastic effects and lighting that make it next gen for me. CBOAT also mentioned that those effects won't be as good either, so just posting pics up of resolution is pointless. You would see a difference if it was 720p v 1080p

I think the giveaway for me is that the colors aren't as vibrant on the 900p, but you're right besides that it's hard to notice. I have a 60" TV though, I wonder if the difference would be more noticeable on a screen that size.

Also, in a game like Red Dead Redemption, the PS3 version was at a lower resolution compared to the 360 version and that to me was much more noticeable. Maybe that's not relevant in this case. Not sure.


Let's be honest here, there's hardly any difference between these two screen shots and even the slight difference you see has to be highlighted to actually see it. I looked and looked and still couldn't see it until someone pointed it out. It's NOT resolution we should be worried about, it's all the other next gen techniques 'included' with that resolution. The least impressive thing about KZS is the resolution, it's the fantastic effects and lighting that make it next gen for me. CBOAT also mentioned that those effects won't be as good either, so just posting pics up of resolution is pointless. You would see a difference if it was 720p v 1080p though, so X1 fans better hope not many games use that resolution.

I must have an eye for these things because I can clearly tell the difference. The top is sharp and has more detail whereas the bottom is blurry as heck.


Dreams in Digital
I think the giveaway for me is that the colors aren't as vibrant on the 900p, but you're right besides that it's hard to notice. I have a 60" TV though, I wonder if the difference would be more noticeable on a screen that size.

Also, in a game like Red Dead Redemption, the PS3 version was at a lower resolution compared to the 360 version and that to me was much more noticeable. Maybe that's not relevant in this case. Not sure.

Yes, you'd probably see a bigger difference on a larger TV but on a PC it looks a little nit-picky lol


Are people really needing to compare resolutions?

It's my number one pet peeve. I can the difference between native 720P games and that upscaled BS we got with some games this gen. The CoD games look blurry as hell.

As for 1080P vs 720P, the difference is as plain as day.

I'm glad I've got a PC now. I can force all games to be the resolution I want.


Felium Defensor
i'll probably get laughed at (or tag quoted) but i'm ok with this difference. if x1 games look, feature for feature, the same as ps4 games but at this drastic resolution difference, i'll be ok.
Will you also be ok if PS4 games run at a higher native resolution AND have better physics, lighting, particle effects and etc on top? Because I can guarantee you that 3 years down the line we'll still be having this conversation. :)


Are people really needing to compare resolutions?

It's my number one pet peeve. I can the difference between native 720P games and that upscaled BS we got with some games this gen. The CoD games look blurry as hell.

As for 1080P vs 720P, the difference is as plain as day.

I'm glad I've got a PC now. I can force all games to be the resolution I want.

Apparently some people cannot tell the difference and it's baffling to me. But then my Father swears he cannot tell the difference between standard and HD and even though he's into electronics he still does not have a blu-ray player because of it.


Dreams in Digital
Are people really needing to compare resolutions?

It's my number one pet peeve. I can the difference between native 720P games and that upscaled BS we got with some games this gen. The CoD games look blurry as hell.

As for 1080P vs 720P, the difference is as plain as day.

I'm glad I've got a PC now. I can force all games to be the resolution I want.

But resolution alone isn't what makes next gen look next gen. This is what I'm trying to point out with these comparisons. It's things like volumetric lighting, soft-body physics, insane particle effects, sub-surface scattering ... etc. If any of those are effected on the X1 even at 900p, THEN we can post pics up to prove a point.
Let's be honest here, there's hardly any difference between these two screen shots and even the slight difference you see has to be highlighted to actually see it. I looked and looked and still couldn't see it until someone pointed it out. It's NOT resolution we should be worried about, it's all the other next gen techniques 'included' with that resolution. The least impressive thing about KZS is the resolution, it's the fantastic effects and lighting that make it next gen for me. CBOAT also mentioned that those effects won't be as good either, so just posting pics up of resolution is pointless. You would see a difference if it was 720p v 1080p though, so X1 fans better hope not many games use that resolution.

I don't know. My eyes are kinda bad for this kind of thing, but I can clearly notice the difference. To me it's most striking in the details of the armour, so try looking there if you can't see it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Will you also be ok if PS4 games run at a higher native resolution AND have better physics, lighting, particle effects and etc on top? Because I can guarantee you that 3 years down the line we'll still be having this conversation. :)

you can guarantee?

yeah, i dunno. by then though i'll have my halo, forza 6, horizon 2, etc, and likely wont care - much like how today i completely admit that ps3 first party games look significantly better then the best of 360's.


Dreams in Digital
What resolution do you run your desktop at? That can make a difference in viewing screenshots. To me, on a 1080p monitor the 900p screen looks awful.

Yeah, I do concede that and my laptop isn't the best :) But we must move away from the resolution debate and talk about what makes next gen next gen, and it ISN'T resolution. This is why EA, Ubisoft and Activision are going to be able to get away with current gen games on a higher resolution. We're playing into their hands with this debate.
Oh come on now, it doesn't look as muddy as hell lol. I'm a Sony fan and always have been. I will be buying a PS4 and dislike how MS treat their customers, but I'm straight up and the difference is minimal.

Native 1080p looks sharper, more vibrant, 900p looks muddy and darker. The difference is there (if you have an eye for it)
Yeah, I do concede that and my laptop isn't the best :) But we must move away from the resolution debate and talk about what makes next gen next gen, and it ISN'T resolution. This is why EA, Ubisoft and Activision are going to be able to get away with current gen games on a higher resolution. We're playing into their hands with this debate.

It's not a one or the other thing. You can want both, and we do want both.


Resolution would be the least of X1 multiplat fears, stuttering framerates, missing details and effects would be bigger deals for me at least. I even expect 30fps (X1) to 60fps PS4 difference in some cases.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Resolution would be the least of X1 multiplat fears, stuttering framerates, missing details and effects would be bigger deals for me at least.

it absolutely is the least of mine.

still not sure if a 1080p -> 900p (or even ->720p) resolution drop in x1 makes up that difference alone or if other things will be meaningfully impacted as well
Let's be honest here, there's hardly any difference between these two screen shots and even the slight difference you see has to be highlighted to actually see it. I looked and looked and still couldn't see it until someone pointed it out. It's NOT resolution we should be worried about, it's all the other next gen techniques 'included' with that resolution. The least impressive thing about KZS is the resolution, it's the fantastic effects and lighting that make it next gen for me. CBOAT also mentioned that those effects won't be as good either, so just posting pics up of resolution is pointless. You would see a difference if it was 720p v 1080p though, so X1 fans better hope not many games use that resolution.


I didn't have anyone point anything out and I immediately noticed how crisp the texture on the armor was as compared to the blurriness of the second capture.


Dreams in Digital
Resolution would be the least of X1 multiplat fears, stuttering framerates, missing details and effects would be bigger deals for me at least. I even expect 30fps (X1) to 60fps PS4 difference in some cases.

Bingo! And that's what we should be discussing. People are trivialising the problem by focusing on resolution alone. This is why we get pointless discussions about Forxa 5 being in 1080p/60fps, because people are just using resolution alone to prove a point.


Felium Defensor
you can guarantee?

yeah, i dunno. by then though i'll have my halo, forza 6, horizon 2, etc, and likely wont care - much like how today i completely admit that ps3 first party games look significantly better then the best of 360's.
The conversation, yes I can absolutely guarantee. And I understand where you're coming from with your answer considering those games are system exclusives. Multiplatform games will probably be a different ball game though. Interesting times ahead. Hopefully we'll get some kick ass games out of next gen(1st party & 3rd party).


I wish someone could do a comparison between DmC's Club level between the different resolutions. I played it 1080p on PC and loved it. Watched a friend play it on 360 and wanted to gag.


Are people really needing to compare resolutions?

It's my number one pet peeve. I can the difference between native 720P games and that upscaled BS we got with some games this gen. The CoD games look blurry as hell.

As for 1080P vs 720P, the difference is as plain as day.

I'm glad I've got a PC now. I can force all games to be the resolution I want.

Agreed, the difference in resolution between WipEout HD and something like MotorStorm is obvious to me. The same goes for RFOM and R3, of which the former is native 720p.

E92 M3

I am legally blind, so resolution is the least of my concern (as long as it's HD) next gen lol. New physic engines, framerate, water effects, and gameplay elements matter more to me.
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