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CDPR would love Xbox One+PS4 cross play for Gwent, just waiting on Sony


Anybody whos more concerned about Sonys good guy points, or the absolutely minimal effect on Sonys business rather than a unified player base across all platforms (where the friends lists wouldnt even be fully integrated!) genuinely breaks my fucking heart.
Well.. the fact Sony hasnt told them or the rocket league people "no" yet is probably a good sign.

Got to wonder what clauses MS has that allow some games to have cross play but not others like MMO's judging comments from the DCUO and FF14 devs.

A true cross platform MMO on consoles would be great because MMOs on console with zero cross play end up ghost towns after 2 months.

Seems also strange to my, why would a mmo have different clauses is it because of the monthly mmo subscription and microsoft wants a share of it?
Still i don't see a mmo a succeed anymore with monthly pay except maybe wow or a really good Warhammer40K mmo game. For the rest its better to
start f2p and have cosmetic items to sell.


Seems a lot of people are taking this personally. Yikes.

Why are people blaming Microsoft for CDPR and Psyonix releasing their own statements on the matter? I guess I missed the part where Microsoft directly called out Sony? Link please?

It's in the developers' best interest to create bigger online communities, so I understand why they're keen to see it happen.


Thats a big shame cause console mmo might need cross play because of server population
For MMOs I suspect the issue is that MS mandate that users can toggle between "all players" and "Xbox live only".

If that's a setting which can be toggled on the fly, it's not really workable for MMOs, only for games that are along the lines of short matches which go through matchmaking on a regular cycle. It's not compatible with MMO server population setups.

But we don't know if there are any other restrictions, limitations or caveats on what MS are currently allowing. Same goes for Sony, but there are at least more examples of their flexibility in terms of actually released games with cross platform multiplayer.


People seeing their announcement as goading Sony is... odd. (Unless I've missed something that was said.) Shows the state of mind some people have when it comes to this kind of thing between hardware manufacturers.

I think they are goading Sony a little, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I think they just want less walls between their fanbase, and are itching to make moves. If MS were holding things up I would expect a similar announcement and wouldn't fault them for wanting to put some pressure on them. Bring on that cross-platform play :)


I was just joking. The whole damn thing is blown out of proportion, from MS calling Sony out to Sony dragging their feet. MS didn't call them out and Sony is a large company so they need time to go through stuff. They already said they were open to the idea so I expect them to do it at some point on their schedule. But this topic allows the Warriors to come out and play so...drama.

Nice to know that you were joking. :)

I agree. This is way over the top on how people are "reacting" to what's happening. The word usage in this thread to call companies is hilarious to me.


I think they are goading Sony a little, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I think they just want less walls between their fanbase, and are itching to make moves. If MS were holding things up I would expect a similar announcement and wouldn't fault them for wanting to put some pressure on them. Bring on that cross-platform play :)

No you wouldn't. Microsoft has been a great financial partner for CDPR. Exclusive content, exclusive marketing, exclusive items, and more. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.


If you want to play on someone ele's network, and get this going... I would think the respectable thing to do is ask them. They know this takes time to set up.

But hey, you are right, MSFT does have Tier-spin PR.

I agree with you on this. If you want to open up your platform to cross-play, then go to the other platform holders (that were already open to it) and sit together to work on a standard everyone agrees with, instead of making your own rules and only telling one dev before going public. That makes it easier for developers as well.

I want Sony to say no. CDPR has always been in Microsoft's corner, they don't need special favors.

Now this is really stupid.


my hard graphic balls
The responses do not seem to reflect that. If they got an answer, then there would be a hard 'no' or hard 'yes' I would think.

Instead, we got the, 'we are open to talking with developers, etc.'.
What if they gave Microsoft an indecisive answer? Also, you're making your analysis, on whether Microsoft talked to them before hand or not, based off of PR statements. Inherently flawed.
I want Sony to say no. CDPR has always been in Microsoft's corner, they don't need special favors.

I want Sony to say no to a pro-consumer proposition because my IGN forums console wars are important to me. Filthy Microsoft supporting devs don't deserve to be heard.
I'm lost as to what folks here expect as a response. I imagine Sony is exploring and has explored the possibility since there's nothing to lose by going that path. If they came out and said "Yes, but it'll take time"? Hardly a trivial task. Sometimes there are stupid hangups to deal with before you can move forward with it, be it technical or policy. To where they can't always comment on the reasons behind decisions. Like how you can't transfer Crash and Spyro PS1 games to Vita, and we know it's down to some dumb licensing issue, but I don't believe there's been any official comment on it.
I want Sony to say no. CDPR has always been in Microsoft's corner, they don't need special favors.

Really bro? This the same type of shit I was talking about yesterday.

How could that possibly benefit you, or gamers in general?

I just don't understand...

It's unbelievable. Are people scared of like Sony/Xbox players playing against each and potentially having a good time or something?

This Benefits us people, stop caring about Sony/MS best interests for a second. It's not that hard.

Unless they pay your rent, bills, college funds, support your families, etc....carry on.


Gold Member
What if they gave Microsoft an indecisive answer? Also, you're making your analysis, on whether Microsoft talked to them before hand or not, based off of PR statements. Inherently flawed.

Isn't that what we all do on here?

Analyze the smallest of details and PR responses and run with it? Otherwise the NEO/Scorpio threads and the like would not be so large.

I could have also sworn that the RL devs said they were the only other ones to know about it before the announcement. But that may be misremembering.

The God

What obvious reasons? Clearly I'm missing something here..

I don't really see a difference between partying with people in game, and finding them randomly in matchmaking. The only difference is it won't be a random person but I don't see how that would change things.

I'm not saying so you can invite ps4 people to an xbox one party chat or whatever if that's what you think, it'd all be done from within the game and never reach a system level.

Edit: For example, you load up Rocket League and there's a new menu called Friends. You go into Friends and you have your PsyNet friendslist and are given a PsyNet ID based on your gamertag with random numbers (for example RocketLeague#938 if your GT is RocketLeague). In here you can add people from any platform as long you have have their PsyNet ID - in this case we'll go with PS4, say your friends PSN ID is also RocketLeague, the system gives him the PsyNet ID of RocketLeague#939, which you can add to your PsyNet friendslist and invite him to your party this way). As far as I'm aware this would never reach a system level, it'd all be done from within the game so why would MS or Sony have an issue with it, if they'd already allow cross play?

because in your original scenario where this is supported by all games, it lessens the need to buy a certain system over another


I want Sony to say no. CDPR has always been in Microsoft's corner, they don't need special favors.
"Always" began when they released TW2 on 360 because it was a successful console that was easier to develop for than the PS3.

Companies aren't console fanboys.
I don't really care how this goes. I prefer to play single player games so it doesn't really effect me. Kind of weird to see companies going to the media with these statements though.


I am as well, but they need to say something if they are, like "were looking at it" like just anything. It wouldnt harm them.

They don't need to say anything. I'm sure they are looking at how to implement this. Potential risks etc.

If anything they'll just announce it one day once everything is in order.


I want Sony to say no. CDPR has always been in Microsoft's corner, they don't need special favors.

The only reason they have to do this is to be pro-consumer. I highly doubt that they will, though, because there isn't money in it for them.

Could be a pretty bad move for them not to because of the PR.
They've already said they'd be open to cross platform play, so it looks pretty bad if they go back on that now.


Gold Member
I don't really care how this goes. I prefer to play single player games so it doesn't really effect me. Kind of weird to see companies going to the media with these statements though.

Follow the bread crumbs, lol. ;)

I have like two friends that owns a Bone so it would be really great if Sony can get on this.

Sadly, you would not be able to party with them, I believe it is matchmaking only.


I remember back when Portal 2 released there was console Steam integration and crossplay and it all sounded amazing. Then the PSN hack killed it and then Valve never really made games anymore to share and it all went by the wayside. Crossplay coming back big.


I have like two friends that owns a Bone so it would be really great if Sony can get on this.
Is there even a possibility to have any social interaction between different platform players? Chat, friend lists, searching players etc.. Barebones random matchmaking seems to be what you'd get out of this.
Hahaha, you make them sound so innocent.

Microsoft saw how long and complex it was to get their policies in the place for this, and came out on stage in front of the internet gamers (the majority paying attention to those PR announcements), and 'called out' Sony, without having the business decency to contact them first saying, 'Hey, this is what we want to do. We want to have cross-play which includes you, so lets get this to work for the gamers.', instead announced they are allowing it on all platforms and consoles, without even telling console platform holders first.

Are MSFT execs in highs school? They can't pick up the phone, you know, for the gamers and do a business handshake like adults and shit?

They knew the PR internet fighting it would cause for however long it takes to draw up policies, be it legal, etc..

You don't announce "we are bringing cross play to all platform and consoles" without at least having the decency to contact said consoles first knowing the policies and procedures that needs to be done.

But hey, it's a PR win, and that is what MSFT has been leading with this gen.

Is everything you've said there factual or are you just going with a gut feeling, do you have insider knowledge or something?

I've seen you mention 'MS PR' playing some sort of game in a few threads but isn't that they're job? I'm sure the Sony 'how you share your videogames' video at E3 is celebrated and rightly so, it was ingenious. This isn't a war to these guys but it is a business and you to anything you can to gain the upper hand. I remember Phil Spencer talking about cross platform play back at the Xbox Spring showcase event, so it has been out in the open.

Let's wait and see what happens before jumping to he said she said conclusions.


Gold Member
Microsoft asked them to do it? I guess that would make sesnse.

I am not ready to assume that fully with only 2 for 2 marketing partners... but we have yet to hear from marketing neutrals on the press level, yet.

Was being more cheeky.

Is everything you've said there factual or are you just going with a gut feeling, do you have insider knowledge or something?

I've seen you mention 'MS PR' playing some sort of game in a few threads but isn't that they're job? I'm sure the Sony 'how you share your videogames' video at E3 is celebrated and rightly so, it was ingenious. This isn't a war to these guys but it is a business and you to anything you can to gain the upper hand. I remember Phil Spencer talking about cross platform play back at the Xbox Spring showcase event, so it has been out in the open.

Let's wait and see what happens before jumping to he said she said conclusions.

Purely gut feeling based on their PR tactics/wordings for some time.

I never once ever claimed anything 'insider' or the like, and my speculations are no different than anyone else from this thread to the Neo/Scorpio ones, coming from other people who do not claim to be insiders.

The RL devs saying they were the only other ones to know about the MSFT cross-play before the announcement, as well as how they word their own, 'we briefed Sony and are waiting' (in the other recent thread) in so many words just adds to it, to me.


Junior Member
PSN can play with Steam users depend on titles and devs. So it is up to MS allow Xbox with Steam too.
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