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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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CNN can report on multiple things at a time. They've been doing it well for a while lately. They'll probably get a few new sources out of this, because it would hurt trump the most.


Plus this is just distraction from the last damning story that just broke about the WH asking the FBI to come out and say they did no wrong.

Is it distraction tho if media isn't biting? Like I said at least CNN is focusing on big headlines what I have been glancing at their broadcast while treating this ban as another story to cover, but not focus on.


If there's a revolt, the military will step in. I mean, end of story. After that, more uncharted waters, who knows what will happen.

Even then we don't really know. The military imprisoning or murdering the citizens of world power would have a massive response from other world powers. Plus, I think we'd end up more in a civil war over it as opposed to military action being it. Or...you know, we could sit back and just pretend like everything is fine and our emperor god king has our best interests in mind while we toil for his benefit.


Sucks at poetry
The one thing that gives me hope in this darkness is that the longer Trump is in power, and the more the GOP refuses to resist him in any area, the more the GOP actually becomes the party of Trump.

This is gonna stick with them for a long, long time... assuming we get out of this administration unscathed (and at this point, that's assuming a lot), but if we do, the Republican party is going to be seriously damaged by this association. A lot of people are going to see them for who they are.


The Toronto Star called this in January:

Toronto Star said:
To my U.S. media colleagues battening down the hatches for Hurricane Donald — some advice from a reporter who weathered the Toronto political tempest that was Rob Ford:

1. Lack of shame is a political stun gun: Public officials caught in lies usually duck, weave and when pressed, apologize. Trump is remarkably Ford-like in his ability to boldly lie and shrug off unwelcome facts, dumbfounding reporters. Your only defence is to keep asking key accountability questions over and over and over, wherever you can, and refuse to let him dictate the story. After the Star revealed Ford was impaired at a military ball, I had to interrupt softball questions after a ”Key to the City" ceremony in 2013 to ask him if he was battling alcoholism.

2. Don't count on your competitors: Freezing out and even demonizing specific media outlets while giving preferred access to rivals is effective — divide and conquer works. It's great that a Fox anchor stuck up for CNN, but don't expect mass boycotts or co-ordinated demands for equal access by competitive media outlets covering the biggest newsmaker in the world. When Ford froze out the Star, some rivals helped informally, passing on press releases or notices of events when they remembered. Others actively took advantage of our disadvantage.

3. Being blackballed has its benefits: As Bob Dylan sang: ”When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose." Most great stories come from sources and documents, not news conferences and press releases. While it was inconvenient and unfair to be cut off from mayoral communications, it was also incredibly freeing not to have to worry about keeping the pipeline open More importantly, the flow of leaks and brown envelopes increased amid the Ford Freeze because we were seen as the outlet holding him to account. Also, some politicos felt sorry for us.

4. Don't get sucked into ”war" games: An enduring myth, propagated by Ford and his allies, is that the Star and Ford were at war. We covered him just as we would have any mayor who did the things he did. What we refused to do is lower the bar for behaviour. Readers can give him a pass, I would say, but they can't give him a pass if they don't know what he is up to. Claiming a news outlet has a vendetta or campaign, or is at war, is a politician's attempt to delegitimize the source. Trump will say you and your ”failing" outlet are trying to tear him down. In response report, report, report!

5. Video or it didn't happen: The Washington Post's anonymous ”Deep Throat" put Nixon on the ropes. The Star learned, with Ford's crack tape, that 21st century readers won't believe serious allegations unless they can watch the video or see the document themselves — and maybe not even then. After reporters from the Star and Gawker wrote about viewing the recording, but didn't have it, many Torontonians refused to believe it existed. Now, when anyone can watch it on YouTube, there are still doubters. Whether people care (see Trump's ”grab" tape) is another matter. Few will thank you for your hard work, so let me do it in advance. Shine a light, and good luck!]



For you.
Totally not a fascist tho, no sir!

It's time for people to take fucking action, march on Washington and throw out those motherfucking cunts.


Call your local representatives.

My Congressman 'wasn't aware' of what happened... But he'll get back to me as soon as he finds out more!

People should be bombarding the lines. Don't let this go unchecked.


Now the WH is going to have terrible press over this AND the escalating russia situation. I really don't think ongoing Russia investigations can be derailed by distractions.


If Donald Trump thinks this will force "nicer" treatment from the press or stop a leaky government, oh my. I mean, shouldn't he know better? He probably loved giving the New York tabloids stuff when he felt piqued. No one like that should be surprised that people in the government are pissed enough to do it to him. Whoever wins, the coming war between the government and the press is going to be raucous.


This is some real fucking dictatorship shit here. Hope the Press decides to finally grow a backbone and report all the shit going on because of this though.


Just thinking that you guys had Obama three months ago breaks my heart. :(

How can a society disintegrates itself and its initial values so quickly.
Fuck CNN and fuck the press in general. Maybe they should report some more about Hillary's emails since Trump is still talking about the election. They enabled the idiot, karma's a bitch.
This is destructive dictatorship that Trump is doing now. Free press is something you should not touch. Making enemies out of the press is one of the dumbest things you can do, despite the fact if you are the president of the US.


That doesnt really make sense.

The courts die when their rulings stop being enforced by the authorities

If people willfully breaking the law caused the courts to die they would have died a long time ago.

When people including law enforcement, US marshalls, police and customs agents are directly asked by Trump to disobey court rulings to start enforcing executive orders is when the judicial branch dies. Not a couple of people on the run from the law. But a cult of personality that answers only to Trump.


Do you actually still believe in checks and balances?

The only way Republicans have power is that people believe in the systems that give them unequal power. If you say that it doesn't matter then there is no reason to recognize Trump's powers under rule of law. The US has a relatively weak federal government, if there is any dissolving catalyst it becomes a 50 state free-for-all, as states are capable of running themselves like mini-countries.
Even then we don't really know. The military imprisoning or murdering the citizens of world power would have a massive response from other world powers. Plus, I think we'd end up more in a civil war over it as opposed to military action being it. Or...you know, we could sit back and just pretend like everything is fine and our emperor god king has our best interests in mind while we toil for his benefit.

Like i said, it's inevitable at this point that we are heading for a civil war like event. I don't know what shape that will ultimately take, but it's coming, and I'm actually beginning to think it's coming a lot sooner than expected (I was thinking we'd hit it in a decade, but I think we could easily see it if Trump hits a second term).

Make no mistake, though, the military is going to be involved in it one way or another. That is guaranteed.
Thankfully he can do nothing about independent polling. He can conduct and release his own skewed and favorable polls - he might even try. But only Breitbart and infowars would play along. I doubt even Fox News would go for that.

Didn't Trump re-release his "press accountability poll" because he said the results indicated that the poll was polluted by liberals and the opposition press?

Statistical accuracy means nothing to these people. Numbers that don't agree with their agenda = fake numbers.
Did happen across this on twitter:


The fox news TV report seems pretty critical, outside of reporting Trump's side of "fake news" as if it's a serious counterpoint.

God, half this fucking country is a bunch of drooling morons. Reading all the responses about how "thank god they got rid of the fake news outlets" and when people point out shit its "same old talking points" and then "fire shep" because he is calling this shit out.


When people including law enforcement, US marshalls, police and customs agents are directly asked by Trump to disobey court rulings to start enforcing executive orders is when the judicial branch dies. Not a couple of people on the run from the law. But a cult of personality that answers only to Trump.


But there is a BIG difference between law enforcement and just regular people.

I just think that is a distinction that should be made
So at this point do any of you honestly still think that if he's still alive in 2024 he'll willingly step aside and let the next winner take office

Because the evidence has to be dwindling by the day


Aftershock LA
What scumbags.

Liberals, I really hope you get off your asses and vote during the mid terms in 2018 to at least try to mitigate some of the damage Trump's administration is wreaking on the country. I mean, we're fucked, but if our liberal allies don't start to practice what they preach, we're in trouble.

It's clear that lifelong Republicans will not abandon their party. There is no reasoning or debating them with facts and civilized discourse. Our only recourse is to unify and do more than spam social media with out disgust.

That meme about Trump and the Hunger Games seems a lot more possible each passing day. I hope the press bands together and stops playing softball with this administration. Theres no working with these "people."
Fuck CNN and fuck the press in general. Maybe they should report some more about Hillary's emails since Trump is still talking about the election. They enabled the idiot, karma's a bitch.

This is not wrong. They were Trump's #1 enablers and even now, I sincerely doubt any of them would be happy if Trump went away and boring news Pence/Ryan became President. They want their golden goose to stick around.


So at this point do any of you honestly still think that if he's still alive in 2024 he'll willingly step aside and let the next winner take office

Because the evidence has to be dwindling by the day

We don't have to wait for that. There won't be 2020 elections and we'll be a monarchy. Or we'll get some sort of Bannon coup.


So at this point do any of you honestly still think that if he's still alive in 2024 he'll willingly step aside and let the next winner take office

Because the evidence has to be dwindling by the day

I'm expecting Trump Jr. in 2024, with the elections rigged Russia style.

Hope Canada starts taking in American refugees too. Or maybe Calexit will be a thing by then.


Unconfirmed Member
I think they're trying to bury the recent FBI story in a backlash they have more control over.

It's tricky, because if they let them all in on monday like nothing happened, then this story will largely fade away.

But if yesterday was the last day they were allowed any meaningful access, this would be the one of the largest stories of the entire administration, especially if russia investigations hit a dead end, which they very well might.


Ok, for the people who keep whining about "free speech" when it comes to Milo et. al, THIS right here is what you need to be complaining about. THIS is what the first amendment is meant to prevent.

This fucker in the White House is shitting on the constitution and I expect everyone regardless of their political affiliation to recognize how dangerous this is.

Sample questions from future briefings:

How amazing is it that you won the election by such a wide margine?

Now that you have successfully begun to stop the fake media from attending these briefings, what are the next steps you are going to take towards freeing us from the shackles of oppression caused by other fake media outlets? Hail Trump.


Sample questions from future briefings:

How amazing is it that you won the election by such a wide margine?

Now that you have successfully begun to stop the fake media from attending these briefings, what are the next steps you are going to take towards freeing us from the shackles of oppression caused by other fake media outlets? Heil Trump.


And after that one video from last year, I'm being literal
I'm expecting Trump Jr. in 2024, with the elections rigged Russia style.

Hope Canada starts taking in American refugees too. Or maybe Calexit will be a thing by then.

Don Jr. apparently has the same alcoholic gene that his uncle Fred and his Great-Grand-Father Friedrich had
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