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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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It's tricky, because if they let them all in on monday like nothing happened, then this story will largely fade away.

But if yesterday was the last day they were allowed any meaningful access, this would be the one of the largest stories of the entire administration, especially if russia investigations hit a dead end, which they very well might.

The Russian investigation will not go anywhere. I believe Trump's campaign or administration are too incompetent to have been able to hide their treason completely. They left a trail and investigators are on it.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Hey idiot Republicans, this is what fascism actually looks like!

Lord all that shit they talked about Obama.

Obama was a tyrant because it's tyranny to tell people not to beat up gays. That's real tyranny.


This is not wrong. They were Trump's #1 enablers and even now, I sincerely doubt any of them would be happy if Trump went away and boring news Pence/Ryan became President. They want their golden goose to stick around.

No they dont, hes a threat to the free press and democracy.
We don't have to wait for that. There won't be 2020 elections and we'll be a monarchy. Or we'll get some sort of Bannon coup.

I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.


Hey idiot Republicans, this is what fascism actually looks like!

Lord all that shit they talked about Obama.

I want to hear from all the people who've been championing the "Left is being mean and pushing people to this, we need to listen to and understand the Right. Comparing Trump to Hitler is what caused this divide, it's not facishism."

Where are they now? Will they admit they were too soft on Trump and too hard on the people connecting the dots?

I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.

Would running the gamut between a standard dictator or military dictatorship be not a cause of concern? You seen very certain that the military would A) Fight Trump and B) If they did they'd forfeit all power after doing so.

Do I hope you're right? Yes. But you sit there with a lot of confidence while chastising others for having too much for a situation that has not played out in your favor before.
We aren't there yet but I don't plan on living in a country ruled by an authoritarian dictatorship. If our leadership cannot or will not stop it, then we will or end up living under it.

What will you specifically do when you reach the "breaking point"? leave the country? to where? take up arms?
On one hand, this is fucking despicable.

On the other hand, I expect the amount of leaks to suddenly spike.

I hope everything leaks. Can only have so many holes before everything collapses on you.

I just thought, imagine the assholes who voted for this guy who has parents that fought in WWII. Talk about literally stomping and shitting all over everything those people did for this country and the world. "My dad fought Hitler in WWII. Support Trump!" I can really hear it now...


I want to hear from all the people who've been championing the "Left is being mean and pushing people to this, we need to listen to and understand the Right. Comparing Trump to Hitler is what caused this divide, it's not facishism."

Where are they now? Will they admit they were too soft on Trump and too hard on the people connecting the dots?

lol no.

These people are 'always right'.

So, basically, they 'never' said that.


I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.

Part of it is hyperbole. The rest is how bad things could get in four years based his first month mixed with the GOP doing everything they can to stay in power.

What will you specifically do when you reach the "breaking point"? leave the country? to where? take up arms?

What do you think the 2nd ammendment is really for?


For you.
I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.
Oh boy.

I guarantee you that if a Dem wins in 2020 Trump won't step down willingly. This is the fucking dude that win the election and is still complaining that there is massive voter fraud and that the election was rigged against him.
He is never going to accept a Dem victory. You can bet on it.
I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.

Pissbaby's friend get a contract to make all voting machines.


Plus this is just distraction from the last damning story that just broke about the WH asking the FBI to come out and say they did no wrong.

Literally freezing out the people who would question the WH on these very issues isn't a distraction, it's a gagging.
Oh boy.

I guarantee you that if a Dem wins in 2020 Trump won't step down willingly. This is the fucking dude that win the election and is still complaining that there is massive voter fraud and that the election was rigged against him.
He is never going to accept a Dem victory. You can bet on it.

Yeah, do people forget he was teasing that for this past election? And you think he wont now that he is in office?
Would running the gamut between a standard dictator or military dictatorship be not a cause of concern? You seen very certain that the military would A) Fight Trump and B) If they did they'd forfeit all power after doing so.

Do I hope you're right? Yes. But you sit there with a lot of confidence while chastising others for having too much for a situation that has not played out in your favor before.

It IS a cause of concern. We know that the military is largely conservative and generally in favour of Trump.

I'm not certain that the military will do A or B. I don't know what the military will do.

I'm just trying to get people in a mood that encourages others to be more active than less active.
Whines about "fake news" because the media won't kiss his ass, only to ban said media and boss around the rest of the media to put out fake news to make him look great.

Typical Trump jackass tactics.


They will literally do anything to make sure they stay in power and keep the public suppressed.

Eh. He's still in the grace period right now... Plus, they need him to pass their shit policy.

But if his approval rating stays in the mid 30's, they'll jump ship when they are running for their seats again.


Junior Member
Eh. He's still in the grace period right now... Plus, they need him to pass their shit policy.

But if his approval rating stays in the mid 30's, they'll jump ship when they are running for their seats again.

I'm not so sure, that 30% is a cult of personality and is what got him and many others elected down ticket in 2016.


I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.
Hyperbole, panic, and outrage oh my!


Hyperbole, panic, and outrage oh my!

I mean, I do see this being an issue if he goes that route. A decent chunk of the military are Trump supporters (since most are GOP supporters for some dumb fucking reason), so I can see some infighting going on within the military if it were to come to that.


This is straight up unamerican behavior. I hope the press rakes him over the coals for this, he deserves every bit of bile coming his way.
Oh boy.

I guarantee you that if a Dem wins in 2020 Trump won't step down willingly. This is the fucking dude that win the election and is still complaining that there is massive voter fraud and that the election was rigged against him.
He is never going to accept a Dem victory. You can bet on it.

THIS, is what I'm really concerned about, but let's worry about it when a Dem actually does win in 2020.

Right now people should focus on the midterms.

Pissbaby's friend get a contract to make all voting machines.

Can he really do this? What's the process for setting these voting machines up in America?

Do you really think he can't plan something like this without somebody in his administration leaking it beforehand?
Damn, you got FN coming to the defense. If you have FN turning you got problems....

Fuck off, Fox. Giving panelists and bigoted commentators on your platform to question Obama's country of birth, insinuate that he is Muslim or that he is anti-semitic and racist is not comparable to publishing leaks and quotes from insiders. This is a network that has earned it's name for fear-mongering, and zeal-like nationalism masked as patriotism; that has enunciated President Obama's middle name as a dog whistle; they have no credibility. Brett Baier could only wish to be associated with a paper like the New York Times. Instead, he's associated with Murdoch and Roger Ailes.


Eh. He's still in the grace period right now... Plus, they need him to pass their shit policy.

But if his approval rating stays in the mid 30's, they'll jump ship when they are running for their seats again.

Nah. Again people under estimate the surge in trumps favor. They will ride this shit till the end because honestly only he is currently capable of keeping the momentum. Trump merges shiftiness with likeability that only years as a an entertainer can train you to do IMO
I wish people would stop saying that "NO MORE ELECTIONS" is now a guarantee.

I mean, how do you think that's going to go down? Realistically?

You think Trump's gonna say: "Oh, I'm gonna be President forever! Can't stop me! Lalalalalala!" and have the military all automatically bow to his whim or something?

I get that this is the mindset a lot of people have right now due to being scared shitless and acting like chickens with their heads cut off and just typing and posting whatever scary thought comes to their minds, but you need to understand that real-life doesn't play out EXACTLY like it does in your heads.

They don't need to prevent elections. Little voter suppression here, little gerrymandering there. Some more Russia interference, baby you got a stew going.


THIS, is what I'm really concerned about, but let's worry about it when a Dem actually does win in 2020.

Right now people should focus on the midterms.

Can he really do this? What's the process for setting these voting machines up in America?

Do you really think he can't plan something like this without somebody in his administration leaking it beforehand?

Willingly stepping down is worth being concerned about, but I don't think election rigging of the corrupted-voting-machine variety is. Machines still have to go through certification through an independent election agency and many states all have their own rigorous certifications.
Havent there been actual instances where there was actual fake news generated towards this adminstration though? I mean I hate Trump and this move is despicable but I'm really just asking generally.
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