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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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They don't need to prevent elections. Little voter suppression here, little gerrymandering there. Some more Russia interference, baby you got a stew going.

But do they really need any more of that? I think this last election it hit its apex and worked out well for them.
Why are these media outlets not condemning the racist presidency?

They keep accepting the ass kicking from Trump. These media outlets need to go on the attack. But they wont. They have so much power and do nothing with it.

They need to stop treating Trump like a fucking president.
Why are these media outlets not condemning the racist presidency?

They keep accepting the ass kicking from Trump. These media outlets need to go on the attack. But they wont. They have so much power and do nothing with it.

They need to stop treating Trump like a fucking president.

I'd argue they have to START treating him like a president, instead of this oh ho what's ol' donny done this time? that scamp!


Why are these media outlets not condemning the racist presidency?

They keep accepting the ass kicking from Trump. These media outlets need to go on the attack. But they wont. They have so much power and do nothing with it.

They need to stop treating Trump like a fucking president.

Leave the attack dogging for the opinion pages. The New York Times and Politico have been leading with fact-based reporting picking apart the president's statements and actions. It would betray their mission if the news half of their organization turned into the Huffington Post or whatever.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Havent there been actual instances where there was actual fake news generated towards this adminstration though? I mean I hate Trump and this move is despicable but I'm really just asking generally.

Are there stories broken which may initially get some accidentsl details wrong that are subsequently acknowledged and corrected? Yes. But that's not fake news. That's just the news cycle. That's just journalism. You get information. You try to confirm it. You report it. You amend it as more information comes in.

When the right refers to fake news, they are referring to news that paints them in a bad light, or the news cycle itself.

Not blatant lies.
Tapper rips in.

.@jaketapper: "The White House does not value an independent press. There is a word for that: Un-American." + video: https://twitter.com/TheLeadCNN/status/835235381666799616/video/1


This is the same Jake Tapper who admonished the Obama White House for its treatment of "one of our sister networks [Fox]."


I honest to god am fearful if a civil war happens because those of us not on trumps side would flat-out lose in a civil war. The side in the war that would go against trump has been spending their lives reading books, going to college classes, curing diseases, inventing new things, etc.

The side that would be in defense of trump has been shooting cans of f pickup trucks in their backyard for their entire lives. we don't have that level of practice with small arms how can we possibly win? I'm legit shook.
I honest to god am fearful if a civil war happens because those of us not on trumps side would flat-out lose in a civil war. The side in the war that would go against trump has been spending their lives reading books, going to college classes, curing diseases, inventing new things, etc.

The side that would be in defense of trump has been shooting cans of f pickup trucks in their backyard for their entire lives. we don't have that level of practice with small arms how can we possibly when? I'm legit shook.

I think other countries would come to the aid of the smart people.


This is the same Jake Tapper who admonished the Obama White House for its treatment of "one of our sister networks [Fox]."

And? Isn't it good thing to keep everyone honest and check them? I know GAF loves to shit on Fox News and most likely would love to see it closed, but I don't think this is issue where we can go "Well as long I get mine I don't care what happens to other one that I don't really like anyways".


Neo Member
Havent there been actual instances where there was actual fake news generated towards this adminstration though? I mean I hate Trump and this move is despicable but I'm really just asking generally.

It depends on where you look and what you want to see. People have convenient ways of interpreting things.



This is the same Jake Tapper who admonished the Obama White House for its treatment of "one of our sister networks [Fox]."

"I hate what you say but Ill die to defend your right to say it"

As he should

Oppo sides of the media turning against each other is one of the things this sort of strategy needs.


The side that would be in defense of trump has been shooting cans of f pickup trucks in their backyard for their entire lives. we don't have that level of practice with small arms how can we possibly when? I'm legit shook.

The you can win through a war of attrition. The side that supports Trump also distrusts science, libtards and vaccines, so they'll die off of lack of sufficient medical treatment, since doctors are "libtards with them ee-joo-kay-shun thingies that only gays and Muslims put any stock in."

It's going to be urban versus rural anyway, and I don't think the rural guys will want to drive all the way out to "them big cities," so mostly it's just liberals/democrats living in towns that will be the victims of the witch hunts. The cities will be safe for a while longer.


Beat EviLore at pool.

This is the same Jake Tapper who admonished the Obama White House for its treatment of "one of our sister networks [Fox]."

Yeah makes sense seems to be his feelings across the board on this subject. Even some Fox News guys are saying the same. They might not agree on stuff but they are in this together.


i never thought id see someone go full facist american president... and people lapped it up just like nazis

im sure itll get blocked by good people but its becoming morbidly fascinating watching the facist playbook being run
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