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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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I can 100% guarantee that there is nothing "unconstitutional" about this.

People REALLY need to start learning a bit more about the Constitution and what does or does not stem from it before they start throwing around the words "constitutional" and "unconstitutional".

It would certainly help, yes.


This list is super insane too. LA Times sure, Republicans hate LA, 'liberal bias' is an easy cry to make there. CNN is Trump's favorite to hate, so sure. But the NYT is one of the biggest and most respected papers. And politico...I'm not even aware of them being considered "biased" beyond "not literally fox news".

I really need to stop reading twitter replies. Place has become a cesspool of fascist morons.

Yeah they all follow CNN et al to propaganda it up. Lots of bots too


Unconfirmed Member
I am also hoping foreign press like the BBC boycott the White House. In fact I want no Press anywhere to publish ANYTHING from the White House. It won't happen but I can dream.

Yeah good idea let the white house get away with anything it wants without pesky liberals paying attention.

boiled goose

good with gravy
They're not being prevented from reporting on what happens there, they're just being prevented from entry. Again, that's fucked up but not strictly illegal.

It's not clear whether it is legal or not. It's something that can be interpreted as illegal. Here is some language from general 1st Amendment interpretations:

Although state and local governments may not limit or deny the public or the media access to public forums, they may impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on activities taking place on public property. For example, a city government reasonably could grant a parade permit that restricted a group from marching through the business section of town at rush hour.

But these restrictions must be content neutral, be narrowly tailored to serve a significant government interest, and leave open alternative channels of communication.

Government agencies generally succeed in limiting media access to nonpublic forum public property where they showed that newsgathering would interfere with the normal operation of facilities.


I think these organizations can sue under equal protection and 1st amendment arguments. If the government can not demonstrate that these restrictions are non arbitrary and content neutral I think it can be views as a violation of the Constitution.
I am also hoping foreign press like the BBC boycott the White House. In fact I want no Press anywhere to publish ANYTHING from the White House. It won't happen but I can dream.
I don't get this logic, is the dream unchecked power. He's our president not an annoying prick, if our goverment is working against us I want to know about it.





HahahahahahahahahHHahrgdh :) so bcc f 's gnvj ha fknvd an no

...ahem. I hope they're prepared to go to war.


I expected this White house to move to a kisha club system before too long, I didn't expect it to get this extreme, this quickly.


they haven't been stopped from doing any of those things (yet)

Nowhere in that quote, which isn't the actual text of the amendment mind you, does it say the press has to be invited to the white house. It says right there that it is about expression and dissemination of information, not collection of it

That's from a Supreme Court opinion...

My opinion is that it would be hard to argue but I'd imagine a good lawyer could make a case that would at least get in front of a judge. Trump and the administration has called out news outlets as fake news many times, especially CNN directly. The Press Briefing is access to the white house for the press. I'd like to think you could argue that Trump and the administration is unhappy with CNN's reporting and therefore took action against them by taking away their access to the white house.

Legally I have no idea how well this stands up, but in my non expert opinion that's what you do...


Unless the White House is compelled by the First Amendment to provide these briefings - and they aren't - then there's no violation here.

Not exactly, they can terminate press credentials. But if they can't provide sufficient reason, it could be argued that them being denied access is for the purpose of censoring the free press which could be considered a violation of freedom of the press. This would probably have to go the Supreme Court but I could totally see even a conservative court finding in favor of the press.
Yeah, while I fear for the future of our democracy (and lives in general) I don't feel a bit sorry for the media. They invited this by putting ratings above decency and honesty during the campaign. Next time don't spend the last two weeks of a presidential campaign reporting almost exclusively on right wing propaganda in order to create a fake horse race and drum up viewership.

While I agree, I think the results of the election prove that it was always a horse race.
Is WaPo allowed in? Would be shocked if they weren't included too since WaPo, NYT, and CNN seem to be ground zero on the most damning stories.
What the media needs to do is keep showing what Trump says and go into complete overdrive by attacking him with his own words and the effects of his policies. Never mind some shady stuff the IC found, never mind some leaks here and there, they need to SHOW what Trump says rather than SAY he did this. His supporters will spin it however they like, but just as Trump got his supporters to believe his lies by spamming his bullshit over and over again, maybe outlets like CNN should do the same thing with their "fake news".

But the facts need to be more than people just citing sources and stuff that people said. Seeing is believing. People need to SEE him say horrible things and SEE what the effects of those horrible things are. You can say they already do this, but they need to do MORE of this. I mean, this needs to be on a constant, non-stop basis.

It's easy for someone to call FAKE NEWS at some article with cited sources. It's less easy for people call it when they're actually SEEING that fake news with their own eyes.

Of course, they'll spin it as hard as they can until the cows come home, but that's why the media needs to constantly throw this stuff at people over and over again to exhaust them.

The left are exhausted right now finding so many things to protest against, so let's exhaust them by giving them so many things for them to spin.


It's more about delegitimizing the press we know and to establish a new reality where there are no facts to report, just blogs and "alternative" "media" outlets and their perspectives which we have to consider the same way as the NYT for example. If Trump continues to attack quality media outlets and to speak in favor of Breitbart and co. his supporters will start to only believe Breitbart and TrumpTV and whatever he tweets.

Give him some time and everybody will read alt-right sources.

Essentially, this is already the case. Just compare Fox News' ratings to every other network.

Conservatives have a media empire.
We all said the same thing about the election and look at how that turned out. A lot of people are really stupid and easily duped.

No we didn't
His base is not enough to attempt these kind of things, he already tried it once with the Muslim ban and got shut down

he's in his incredibly small bubble. dude is clueless how this will affect him long term.

fuck it, time to find out
What the media needs to do is keep showing what Trump says and go into complete overdrive by attacking him with his own words and the effects of his policies. Never mind some shady stuff the IC found, never mind some leaks here and there, they need to SHOW what Trump says rather than SAY he did this. His supporters will spin it however they like, but just as Trump got his supporters to believe his lies by spamming his bullshit over and over again, maybe outlets like CNN should do the same thing with their "fake news".

But the facts need to be more than people just citing sources and stuff that people said. Seeing is believing. People need to SEE him say horrible things and SEE what the effects of those horrible things are. You can say they already do this, but they need to do MORE of this. I mean, this needs to be on a constant, non-stop basis.

It's easy for someone to call FAKE NEWS at some article with cited sources. It's less easy for people call it when they're actually SEEING that fake news with their own eyes.

Of course, they'll spin it as hard as they can until the cows come home, but that's why the media needs to constantly throw this stuff at people over and over again to exhaust them.

The left are exhausted right now finding so many things to protest against, so let's exhaust them by giving them so many things for them to spin.
We aren't exhausted. We aren't letting up. It's not happening.
The free press needs to slaughter them in the headlines day in day out. There is no way the WH can beat them in this fight. Their small propaganda "news" and opinion sites can't stand up to the media at large.

They stood up fine during the election, at least based on the results of it. Scary times we live in.


WHCA includes Fox News, who in this sense is going to side with the other media if this continues. It is one thing they actually stick together on really well. Wonder how Trump will like that...

One thing back when the Obama administration criticized Fox News, the other media outlets circled the wagons in their support.

Hopefully Fox News does the same here. They're bad, but they're not the radioactive sludge that is Breitbart.
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