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Coca Cola :ZERO: how healthy is it ?

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It's not that the diet coke makes you gain weight. But it triggers you to still want real sugar.

Most people that drink diet coke are probbaly still eating like total crap.


the holder of the trombone
So is there anyone here claiming that it's as unhealthy actually doing so from scientific studies?

I mean, I don't doubt that it is unhealthy, but using blanket statements like "it has artificial flavours" and "it's fizzy so of course it is" is about one step removed from raving about GMOs ,vaccines and chemtrails.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
just to be clear , i am not drinking this stuff like it's water ( although during my school years i came dangerously close to that )

i usually drink water or tea or juice or anything basically but occasionally i crank one of these open ( especially in Summer) it's my guilty pleasure i suppose .

And yeah i should have made the question how much is it less unhealthy ?

39g of sugar less unhealthy if you're talking a single 12 fl oz. can.
just to be clear , i am not drinking this stuff like it's water ( although during my school years i came dangerously close to that )

i usually drink water or tea or juice or anything basically but occasionally i crank one of these open ( especially in Summer) it's my guilty pleasure i suppose .

And yeah i should have made the question how much is it less unhealthy ?

I would say as long as it isn't daily you're fine. Some people treat it like its poison and they are entitled to their opinions but its just opinion.


It's not healthy, but it's not unhealthy either. It's fine to drink and much better than drinking regular coke.


I love it when GAF gets on their soapbox against soda/diet soda/fruit juice. Just don't drink so much and it's fine. Is it healthy? No, but enjoy it in moderation.


So is there anyone here claiming that it's as unhealthy actually doing so from scientific studies?

I mean, I don't doubt that it is unhealthy, but using blanket statements like "it has artificial flavours" and "it's fizzy so of course it is" is about one step removed from raving about GMOs and chemtrails.

I read a whole book about obesity and the biochemistry involved. The consensus was basically that there is no consensus. It's not guaranteed to be good for you at all..or kill you.

Sugar on the other hand.
Basically, as i have heard it. It may not have sugar. But your body still reacts as if it IS sugar. So it isn't that much better. It doesn't have the calories, but your body almost still thinks it does, and you still gain weight

This is called the compensation hypothesis and it has not panned out in studies. For the most part, diet colas seem to be overall weight neutral.

Of course, studies don't tell us much about the individual - some people might see an appetite increase, others a decrease - people have to simply have self-awareness about what they consume.
It's junk.

No nutritional value.

edit: Kidney Stones come from lack of water. Those who drink tons of soda, don't drink water.

Yes if a person is prone to it and is downing sodas and no water at all, but the fallacy is that it applies to any drink, not just sodas. It's not the sodas fault, it's the lack of drinking enough water

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't make you gain weight but it does throw your blood sugar out of whack. And plenty of people think that because they aren't drinking sugar soda they can eat other junk food.

I don't think I've ever seen anything that indicates artificial sweeteners elevate blood sugar levels independently.


A mudslide of fun!
Whole lot of nonsense in this thread.

Why try and answer a question you clearly don't know anything about?


you should try seltzer water op it's mostly what i drink since the fizz was always the part of soda to me.


Yes if a person is prone to it and is downing sodas and no water at all, but the fallacy is that it applies to any drink, not just sodas. It's not the sodas fault, it's the lack of drinking enough water


There could be an addiction element simply because of the caffeine. But it's not like coffee.

Either way, Coca Cola wants your money.


I think you asked the wrong question.
You should ask how unhealthy it is, because I doubt it does anything positive to your health.


Greatest of all time though.

I get this stuff in the Freestyle machines. Nectar of the goddamn gods.


it's not healthy in that you are going to get any nutritional value out of it, like say, eating an apple or something, but it's not unhealthy like eating a big bag of doritos.

it's a zero calorie drink. i love it personally.
All I know on the matter is that I used to drink up to 2 liters of it a day at times. Then I switched form that to water with a spritz of lemon or lime in it, and I lost weight by only removing diet soda from my life. Not sure how that happened, but seriously lost 10 pounds or so within 2 months.


slightly altered the question in the op to make it clear i understand it is not healthy for you , but i was wondering if it was better then drinking the classic stuff .


i stay away from most strange syntheses, but i need caffeine and hate coffee so coca cola is my gal

what would warren buffet do?

stay active, walk 10,000 steps / rotation, do push ups, sit ups, pull ups.

slightly altered the question in the op to make it clear i understand it is not healthy for you , but i was wondering if it was better then drinking the classic stuff .

In the case, the answer is easy - yes.

All things being equal, if you drink a can of sugar-sweetened beverage every day for a year it will account for ~10 lbs. gained (not intended to be a rigorous estimate). Consuming something calorie free would have an obvious benefit. Of course - the key operational word is "all things being equal" - if you say "well, I'm drinking a diet soda so it's okay to grab that extra slice of cake" then there's no benefit and may even be detrimental.


It's soda, so just go ahead and assume it is not healthy in the slightest.

Pribably better than slamming the Dew, though.


No, it's simply not. Waking up and pounding 20+ grams of sugar is not how anyone should start their day.

He's better off with the 0 sugar Coke Zero if he must have something sweet.

Quick carbs are actually justified in the morning. Carbs are not the devil.
Also, home-made orange juice can be pretty sour.

Starting your day with the nutritional black hole in a can that is coke zero is a far worse alternative.


Well, it's not awesome for your teeth, but I don't think you can say it's much worse than that. I don't drink soda unless I'm out with friends at places where you can't realistically have water instead, so I do drink diet sodas in these situations. I don't believe it's healthy, but it's sure as heck better than literal liquid candy that leaves my throat slimy for some reason.


the holder of the trombone
Quick carbs are actually justified in the morning. Carbs are not the devil.
Also, home-made orange juice can be pretty sour.

Starting your day with the nutritional black hole in a can that is coke zero is a far worse alternative.

At that point just eat an orange for the fibres.
Its my go to drink If I'm craving Pop. I mostly drink water/green tea, but Im not gonna keep myself from enjoying a nice cold coke zero every once in awhile..Like right now as I'm typing this lol!!!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Quick carbs are actually justified in the morning. Carbs are not the devil.
Also, home-made orange juice can be pretty sour.

Starting your day with the nutritional black hole in a can that is coke zero is a far worse alternative.

Explain your reasoning, then. Why are they justified?

"Nutritional black hole" is just hyperbole. Devoid of nutrients it may be, but so is water for the most part, yet that's the best drink with which to start your day.
Please tell me which disease(s) I will die from if I continue drinking diet soda.

There was a study published with convincing evidence that artificial sweeteners change your bacterial flora, resulting in higher blood sugar levels, which could give you diabetes or make you fat over time.


the holder of the trombone
There was a study published with convincing evidence that artificial sweeteners change your bacterial flora, resulting in higher blood sugar levels, which could give you diabetes or make you fat over time.

My diabetic granduncle has been drinking diet sodas for ages, and most studies say that they don't raise your blood-sugar levels, so...

Unless there are more studies in general it's best not to take one study in isolation.


Explain your reasoning, then. Why are they justified?

"Nutritional black hole" is just hyperbole. Devoid of nutrients it may be, but so is water for the most part, yet that's the best drink with which to start your day.

For the same reason quick carbs are justified after a workout: to replenish. The reasons for replenishing are different of course, but after laying dormant for 8 hours, a small kickstart works wonders.

Of course, you need to eat something substantial with it as well. It's not an isolated glass of juice and that's it.


I got grudge sucked!
I'd rather just drink the regular if I'm going to have a soda. I can't stand how COke Zero tastes. That aftertaste is yeech


Diet Soda fucks you up just as bad as regular soda. Either go with sugar soda (a la Pepsi co. throwback brands, Sierra Mist, Jones) or better yet, water.

Of course, everything is healthier than drinking sports drinks sans exercise.
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