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Coca Cola :ZERO: how healthy is it ?

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Coca Cola is not healthy for you and that should be the end of the conversation.

In binary land, maybe.
In real world, we can contine to ask: how is it unhealthy? As a diet coke addict myself, I went around and around in this issue, looked up studies, all different FDA-liker organization infos, and what I came up with is this:

- aspartame is safe to consume in the levels it is found in in diet coke, unless you have an allergy to phenylalanin
- it has no bearing on your blood sugar levels (that study relates to saccharine)
- the main coloring agent is E150, also known as caramel completely harmless (and if there were TONS of it in the diet coke, that 0g sugar would not stay at 0g ;)
- it is NOT good to consume it without caring for teeth: do not just drink soda, it helps to balance it with non-soda water consumption
- citric acid indeed is an enemy of the enamel, so either use a straw or do regular checkups and minimalize the amount of damage it can do to your teeth (and remember to leave at least 40 mins between consuming soda and washing teeth, but feel free to wash off soda with regular water)
- It has caffeine in it, ~1l of coke amounts to roughly 1 medium coffee. So take that in mind.

Aaand that is it. Caffeine is good for you in normal doses. Its acidity is not good for you. If soda makes you bloated, do not drink it, obviously. But it is not killing you with all its power.


Drink flavored sparkling water to satiate your fizzy drink desires. The unsweetened kind. There are many flavors, brands and price ranges. My personal fav is Perrier; the lime and grapefruit are amazing to me. If you drink it more for the caffeine than the fizz, then consider taking up coffee, which is proven to have numerous benefits.

That said, I still cave in and buy a soda once in a while (a few a month.) Can't help it. I guess it just reminds me of being carefree like when I was a kid and I didn't have to worry about dietary shit. It'd be better if I could kick it completely, but it's one of my few (and not very harmful) vices.

Vanilla Coke Zero is my fav right now. All time fav is Dr. Pepper. Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, which you can't find anymore.


Especially that chemical H2O, they use that shit to make cement and that, so dangerous.

Fun fact, I drink Coke Zero maybe once a fortnight, I just don't like people spreading misinformation. Please provide evidence detailing in what way zero calorie drinks are 'unhealthy'.

Zero calorie drinks are still unhealthy for your smile so I consider them the same part. Phosphoric acid is also something that COULD weaken your bonestructur - not with that amount, but if you only consume sodas you will surely get problems if you are not lucky.

I don't care about evidence or some shit, so that people will feel right in their mind. I also drink a glass of coke maybe once a week or less and people should consume in moderation.

It is not that this and that is unhealthy but rather the amount and if you only drink diet artifical shit or alcohol only you have certainly an addicition. My mum was advised to stop drinking coca cola (she only drank that since she was about 13 till 37), because she already lost her teeth and she had problems drinking other things.

Also Gohan still won't do shit in Super. 8)
Zero calorie drinks are still unhealthy for you smile so I consider them the same part. Phosphoric acid is also something that COULD weaken your bonestructur - not with that amount, but if you only consume sodas you will surely get problems if you are not lucky.

I don't care about evidence or some shit, so that people will feel right in their mind. I also drink a glass of coke maybe once a week or less and people should consume in moderation.

It is not that this and that is unhealthy but rather the amount and if you only drink diet artifical shit or alcohol only you have certainly an addicition. My mum was advised to stop drinking coca cola (she only drank that since she was about 13 till 37), because she already lost her teeth and she had problems drinking other things.

Also Gohan still won't do shit in Super. 8)
That is why these exists:



Zero calorie drinks are still unhealthy for your smile so I consider them the same part. Phosphoric acid is also something that COULD weaken your bonestructur - not with that amount, but if you only consume sodas you will surely get problems if you are not lucky.

I don't care about evidence or some shit, so that people will feel right in their mind. I also drink a glass of coke maybe once a week or less and people should consume in moderation.

It is not that this and that is unhealthy but rather the amount and if you only drink diet artifical shit or alcohol only you have certainly an addicition. My mum was advised to stop drinking coca cola (she only drank that since she was about 13 till 37), because she already lost her teeth and she had problems drinking other things.

Also Gohan still won't do shit in Super. 8)

Drinking gasoline is healthy for you.

How?.....because I said so.
I am always stunned by how many otherwise smart people parrot the "artificial stuff is just as bad as regular sugar" line without doing the least bit of research.


I am always stunned by how many otherwise smart people parrot the "artificial stuff is just as bad as regular sugar" line without doing the least bit of research.

It just shows that we are all capable of showing irrationality when something is not related to our field of expertise. Human nature.


I am always stunned by how many otherwise smart people parrot the "artificial stuff is just as bad as regular sugar" line without doing the least bit of research.

It's a decent rule of thumb.

For example, for decades, trans fats were widely considered to be healthier than their natural counterparts (butter, lard). Now, the opposite is true. Who's to say that, a few decades from now, we won't hold a similar opinion of artificial sweeteners? We have no real evidence that they're harmful today, but a few decades honestly isn't that much time in the grand scheme of things. I drink 1-2 diet sodas every day, but I wouldn't scorn anyone who wanted to avoid them.

I've pretty much made this my defacto drink when it comes to coca cola .

It looks like regular cola and it's taste is indeed ( for me ) indistinguishable from the classic coke.

it also sports zero calories and no sugar on the label.
if i take them at there word i technically could drink a gallon of it and not gain any weight

the question i have been pondering over for a while is : is this coke really that much less unhealthy compared to classic coke ?

Man, wish that was the case for me. It has this lame vanilla aftertaste for me.

Weird thing - for me, pepsi max is the best cola diet drink, while coke is the best sugar cola drink.

Diet cherry cola/dr pepper drinks don't have that problem, probably because of the heavier flavour.


Drinking gasoline is healthy for you.

How?.....because I said so.

People said smoking was healthy for years. Coca Cola is a company which doesn't have the best reputation so it wouldn't surprise me if they change things here and there with some money - not that I don't believe all these studies, but just drink less soda people - America has a soda problem. Drink your diet sodas as long as you want if you like to, but then please pay attention to your teeths and your body.


What does "a small glucose kickstart" do other than cause you to crash and become extremely hungry an hour or two later?

Also, what are you replenishing? I guarantee you did not deplete your glycogen stores over the course of a night's sleep. Nor should most people always be looking to keep their glycogen stores topped up, but that's somewhat of a separate topic.

You don't crash if your actual breakfast has good value. The piece of fruit or the fruit juice is only an extra source of vitamins and energy.

While not in the same capacity as post workout, glycogen stored does take a hit during the night (especially when you had a workout during the day). The small insuline spike helps to get your body out of it's catabolic state and kickstart your metabolism.

On a more anecdotal level: never had a crash.

I don't do it every day though. Green tea is with a teaspoon of honey is still my favorite, taste wise :)

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
You know, not going to the gym could have lead to weight loss. You kinda ruined your experiment by also making that change.

Nah, not after 2 months.

I just had 2 months off for the birth of my child, so no gym and my diet wasn't great and my weight stayed constant. 74kg.

But during my time off, I was drinking more real Coke as opposed to Pepsi Max.

You don't lose 6kg of muscle in 2 months.
To everyone saying drink water, got a couple of questions:

1) Is orange juice particularly bad for you? I thought it's quite healthy so I've been having one every morning at work. (330ml).

2) How about diluting juice? This may be called something else in USA. It's where you have like 90% water and you add in this flavoured juice which dilutes in the water. I've been trying to drink this instead of fizzy juice.


To everyone saying drink water, got a couple of questions:

1) Is orange juice particularly bad for you? I thought it's quite healthy so I've been having one every morning at work.

2) How about diluting juice? This may be called something else in USA. It's where you have 90% water and you add in this flavoured juice which dilutes in the water. I've been trying to drink this instead of fizzy juice.

1) do you mean homemade or bought from a store? Homemade is good, store juices are garbage.


It's a decent rule of thumb.

For example, for decades, trans fats were widely considered to be healthier than their natural counterparts (butter, lard). Now, the opposite is true. Who's to say that, a few decades from now, we won't hold a similar opinion of artificial sweeteners? We have no real evidence that they're harmful today, but a few decades honestly isn't that much time in the grand scheme of things. I drink 1-2 diet sodas every day, but I wouldn't scorn anyone who wanted to avoid them.

Aspartame is the most studied food additive in the world by far. The research is conclusive. It isn't bad for you in normal amounts (ie not several dozen cans a day). At this point, believing aspartame is bad for you is like believing homeopathy works.


Basically, as i have heard it. It may not have sugar. But your body still reacts as if it IS sugar. So it isn't that much better. It doesn't have the calories, but your body almost still thinks it does, and you still gain weight

Someone doesn't understand how the body works.


Coca Cola Zero or Healthy, choose one, you can't have both.

It also tastes absolutely vile, no difference from normal coke? Just...what?


Aspartame is the most studied food additive in the world by far. The research is conclusive. It isn't bad for you in normal amounts (ie not several dozen cans a day). At this point, believing aspartame is bad for you is like believing homeopathy works.

There's a fundamental difference here.

Homeopathy is making a claim: that engaging in some sort of nonsense will result in some event (a cure from a disease, perhaps). The burden proof is thus on the homeopathy proponent to provide evidence for their claims.

The opposite is true for taking a skeptical attitude towards artificial sweeteners. It's not advancing a claim, just expressing skepticism of the claims made by artificial sweetener proponents (that they're healthy). Just because we haven't found any evidence that they're harmful yet, doesn't mean that we won't eventually -- they may be harmful in some way we cannot currently detect. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Of course, we do know for certain that regular soda is harmful in the sense that it introduces excess, empty calories. And thus I would disagree with someone that says "don't drink diet soda -- drink regular."

But drinking plain old water and nothing else is the safest course of action.


There's a fundamental difference here.

Homeopathy is making a claim: that engaging in some sort of nonsense will result in some event (a cure from a disease, perhaps). The burden proof is thus on the homeopathy proponent to provide evidence for their claims.

The opposite is true for taking a skeptical attitude towards artificial sweeteners. It's not advancing a claim, just expressing skepticism of the claims made by artificial sweetener proponents (that they're healthy). Just because we haven't found any evidence that they're harmful yet, doesn't mean that we won't eventually -- they may be harmful in some way we cannot currently detect. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Of course, we do know for certain that regular soda is harmful in the sense that it introduces excess, empty calories. And thus I would disagree with someone that says "don't drink diet soda -- drink regular."

But drinking plain old water and nothing else is the safest course of action.

Actually, that is not what the FDA's "safe for human consumption" means. Not at all. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but studies concluding it has no harmful effect on the human body IS evidence. It is not absence of evidence.

It's a decent rule of thumb.

For example, for decades, trans fats were widely considered to be healthier than their natural counterparts (butter, lard). Now, the opposite is true. Who's to say that, a few decades from now, we won't hold a similar opinion of artificial sweeteners? We have no real evidence that they're harmful today, but a few decades honestly isn't that much time in the grand scheme of things. I drink 1-2 diet sodas every day, but I wouldn't scorn anyone who wanted to avoid them.

Also, this.... it was not about transfats, because trans fats provide a VERY small amount of the margarins and other hydroginated oils. It was about the markup of the fats you consume (ie. saturated / unsaturated). And turns out that while that part is right, but some processes done to them result in transfats, which is not the case with butter, for example. Totally different argument.

Also someone mentioned smoking. No. Bullshit. Doctors were not supporting smoking, there was clear evidence of decreased lung capacity even weeks after starting smoking. So that was the opposite. If there were toxic side effects of aspartame, there is no amount of money that would be able to suppress the evidence popping up by now.
It's a decent rule of thumb.
It really isn't. Sugar is horrendous for the body as far as inflammation and calorie intake is concerned. The current obesity epidemic in Western nations can be largely attributed to our increased consumption of it. As grumble mentioned, aspartame has been studied out the ass. Even if it is secretly causing some cancer epidemic that we haven't identified yet, it can't possibly come close to the harm sugar does on an individual and macro level. Telling people who want to reduce their calorie intake and perhaps be healthier (emphasis on the -er) that they're just as better off drinking normal sugar-filled Coke is doing them a great disservice.


It really isn't. Sugar is horrendous for the body as far as inflammation and calorie intake is concerned. The current obesity epidemic in Western nations can be largely attributed to our increased consumption of it. As grumble mentioned, aspartame has been studied out the ass. Even if it is secretly causing some cancer epidemic that we haven't identified yet, it can't possibly come close to the harm sugar does on an individual and macro level. Telling people who want to reduce their calorie intake and perhaps be healthier (emphasis on the -er) that they're just as better off drinking normal sugar-filled Coke is doing them a great disservice.

Oh yeah, I agree with you 100%. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I'm only defending the viewpoint of those who advocate for water only.

Actually, that is not what the FDA's "safe for human consumption" means. Not at all. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but studies concluding it has no harmful effect on the human body IS evidence. It is not absence of evidence.

Also, this.... it was not about transfats, because trans fats provide a VERY small amount of the margarins and other hydroginated oils. It was about the markup of the fats you consume (ie. saturated / unsaturated). And turns out that while that part is right, but some processes done to them result in transfats, which is not the case with butter, for example. Totally different argument.

For decades, the FDA considered artificial trans fats safe for human consumption, citing a lack of evidence of harm. I'm not saying this will happen for artificial sweeteners. Only that it could.


For decades, the FDA considered artificial trans fats safe for human consumption, citing a lack of evidence of harm. I'm not saying this will happen for artificial sweeteners. Only that it could.

But aspartame has undergone WAY more studies than that, it is not only FDA but the european, australian, asien health boards that deem it safe as well. It is the most tested artificial sweetener on this planet.


But aspartame has undergone WAY more studies than that, it is not only FDA but the european, australian, asien health boards that deem it safe as well. It is the most tested artificial sweetener on this planet.

Sure. It's probably 100% safe.

But there's no health benefits to be gained by drinking Coke Zero in place of water. There's no upside. But there is downside, even if it's highly unlikely.


For me personally I have to drink almost no diet sodas. I've found that when I drink them my desire for sweet stuff goes up and I end up putting on weight as a result. It's probably physically harmless but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a psychological component to drinking something that tastes sweet that has no calories.

That's just me though. I've looked into diet and health a lot since I was diagnosed with type 2 beetus and the one constant I've found is that one size definitely does not fit all.


Sure. It's probably 100% safe.

But there's no health benefits to be gained by drinking Coke Zero in place of water. There's no upside. But there is downside, even if it's highly unlikely.

There is no upside? It is a sugar replacement.
Compared to SUGAR, it is better for you.

And there is no downside. You can speculate whether it has a downside or not, but there is no known downside.

Judge tools on what they accomplish. People like tastes in their mouths. Aspartame (and sugar replacements) are used by diabetic people and people who try to lose weight without giving up the taste we get when eating sugar.

This is a tool for that. It is not a tool designed to replace drinking pure water.
Sure. It's probably 100% safe.

But there's no health benefits to be gained by drinking Coke Zero in place of water. There's no upside. But there is downside, even if it's highly unlikely.

Upside is it satisfies a craving for something sweet if used in moderation and provides a little caffiene.

Not bad if one of your 8 8oz things you drink a day is a diet coke, the rest are water/tea.


People said smoking was healthy for years. Coca Cola is a company which doesn't have the best reputation so it wouldn't surprise me if they change things here and there with some money - not that I don't believe all these studies, but just drink less soda people - America has a soda problem. Drink your diet sodas as long as you want if you like to, but then please pay attention to your teeths and your body.

Science was also not as advanced at that time and that combined with the fact that artificial sweeteners have been available since the 50's means that comparison doesn't make sense.


OP said he could drink a Gallon of this stuff if he could. Sounds like sugar addiction to me.
If it helps him get off real sugar that's great. It might be fake sugar but that's why we drink it.
Well also the caffeine with a bit of sodium for that perfect combo.


No downside != no known downside.

But you literally said "it has a downside". As a standin for "it miiiiiiiiight have a downside, dunno, cant rule this out".

Please realise that if a believer would use the exact same argument in favor of a supernatural being, he/she gets ridiculed, instantly.
In binary land, maybe.
In real world, we can contine to ask: how is it unhealthy? As a diet coke addict myself, I went around and around in this issue, looked up studies, all different FDA-liker organization infos, and what I came up with is this:

- aspartame is safe to consume in the levels it is found in in diet coke, unless you have an allergy to phenylalanin
- it has no bearing on your blood sugar levels (that study relates to saccharine)
- the main coloring agent is E150, also known as caramel completely harmless (and if there were TONS of it in the diet coke, that 0g sugar would not stay at 0g ;)
- it is NOT good to consume it without caring for teeth: do not just drink soda, it helps to balance it with non-soda water consumption
- citric acid indeed is an enemy of the enamel, so either use a straw or do regular checkups and minimalize the amount of damage it can do to your teeth (and remember to leave at least 40 mins between consuming soda and washing teeth, but feel free to wash off soda with regular water)
- It has caffeine in it, ~1l of coke amounts to roughly 1 medium coffee. So take that in mind.

Aaand that is it. Caffeine is good for you in normal doses. Its acidity is not good for you. If soda makes you bloated, do not drink it, obviously. But it is not killing you with all its power.
Thanks for all the info.
I really appreciate the information and explanation I really do :)

But I'll stick with my OG statement all soda is bad for you inlc, zero or any other marketing BS they try on people.
People are being extremely disingenuous - chicken also "might have some unknown risks" that we just aren't aware of because we don't do health studies on chicken outside of basic food safety. You could easily use this "unknown unknown" argument to rationalize any position on food science.

The Food Babe science continues I guess.

People said smoking was healthy for years.

Yes, before any research was done. Aspartame has been researched. Poor analogy.


I read a study once (can not remember where from) and it said the majority of problems diet coke give is the Gym syndrome

People think because they drink diet coke they can eat more, just like those people who go to the gym and afterwards have a mocha with cream. It also stated there may be evidence it makes you crave sweet things, but it could not be proved.
Well, that's depressingly close minded.
When it comes to what I think is bad for your health I really am.
And if I'm 100% wrong that is fine no problem you all enjoy your soda nothing wrong with that.
But for me soda is one of the worst things you can drink for you health (No shit that you can drink stuff that will make you deadly ill, but you get my point).


Well, that's depressingly close minded.

It's not like this train of thought is hurting him personally. There is no drawback.

Maybe others are missing out on that Coke Zero Vanilla though

'It was healthy the whole time brother!"


When it comes to what I think is bad for your health I really am.
And if I'm 100% wrong that is fine no problem you all enjoy your soda nothing wrong with that.
But for me soda is one of the worst things you can drink for you health (No shit that you can drink stuff that will make you deadly ill, but you get my point).
But that's now how science works. Something isn't true for you, it's just true.

And calling the difference between regular soda and diet soda "marketing BS" is just confusing. Are you saying you think diet soda actually does contain calories?


It's not like this train of thought is hurting him personally. There is no drawback.

Maybe others are missing out on that Coke Zero Vanilla though

'It was healthy the whole time brother!"
I think it would be easy to make the argument that promoting false science on this topic certainly can have a negative effect.


But you literally said "it has a downside". As a standin for "it miiiiiiiiight have a downside, dunno, cant rule this out".

Please realise that if a believer would use the exact same argument in favor of a supernatural being, he/she gets ridiculed, instantly.

Not at all. You're trying to shift the burden of proof here.

I'm not making any claims. You are. It is thus incumbent upon you to prove that aspartame is healthy. I do not need to prove that it is unhealthy.

You can say that we've studied it for decades, and run all these studies, and none of them show any evidence of harm. I would retort that it's only been around for a few decades -- a mere moment in the history of the human species.

I will conceded that, more likely than not, aspartame causes no harm. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't cause harm. Nutrition is a complex subject that we frankly don't understand very well.
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