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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.

I mean, even if you were dumb enough to vote for him, after this first week and a half, if you haven't changed your mind already, i don't know what will persuade you, seeing the tanks march down Times Square?


I am on the side of game developers, there is no debate on this, we live in a wonderful multicultural world and being different is the beauty of it.

On the other hand I would love to ask game developers, in the last 40+ years of the gaming industry, how many games we had with the lead character being a muslim, a person that originated from the middle east countries, or how many games dare to touch on the issues people deal with in these war torn countries?

An how many black or latin (or other minorities) people are lead characters in games, and I don't event want to mention women.

All these minorities are usualy used as cannon fodder and presented in games as the evil of all evils in the majority of games.

So before game developers get judgmental and talk about racism, they should take a deep look inside their design decisions.

Also politics is a double edge sword, and it makes me wonder why no one reacted when Obama bombarded all these countries (and killed innocent people, plus his policy created the refugee crisis) for 8 years vs Trump just banning people from entering the US (something I strongly disagree).

And lets don't forget that Trump got elected from 60+ million people with a specific agenta, so maybe its time to listen to the voices of all these people and understand why they have their political views.

Please don't make this a Trump vs Obama, republicans va democrats, but what us people consider the right thing to do.

I consider gamers to be the smartest of people, we all have experienced some form of racism in our lifes (school, uni, community etc), and all of us together can make wonderful things if we want to.


I support trying to connect with former Republicans who didn't vote for trump, and even grudgingly those trump voters who immediately regretted their decision b/c they didn't actually think he'd go through with his awful policies. But for the rest, no fuck them. They know what they voted for and can see the results ripping the foundation of this country apart. This isn't President Romney, this isn't President McCain. This isn't even President Bush. This is a regime of the sort we literally have never seen in America.

You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.
And what does normalizing trump do?


His analysis of the problem is rather cold, dispassionate and economical instead of humane and empathetic. The business side of the gaming equation seemed to be his main focus as opposed to the human side, why not talk about the people affected gamers themselves?

See, this is the problem with fence-stragglers looking to reach out to abusers and racists.

If you voted for Trump, own it, don't start with the pontificating about your character and get all defensive playing the victim card, it's absurd.

You may not be a racist, homophobic, or sexist or fascist, but by god you are willing to let it slide for the promise of whatever you thought you were going to get out of this Orwellian nightmare.

As for Colin, what can I say, calling his show "Colin was Right" is tad self-aggrandizing, when all his 20 something minute monologue amounted to was "we're all different, so let's hold hands".

Thank you for that diatribe of nothingness, I will maul it over while you collect your 20k+ in patreon contributions in your lush San Francisco apartment.

I don't hate Colin, I am just livid at the situation and the notion of taking advice from a guy who will not be impacted in any way shape or form by shit-show that is coming.

Yep this.

I have defended Colin and these videos in the past before too, but this was some bullshit. I liked hearing from the devs though.


Sorry, but if being made aware of the anger and pain your political party causes people pushes you further into it just to spite those people for not being polite enough, you're an asshole. Trump supporters are enablers of facism, regardless of the reasons they voted for him. It's called taking responsibility for your actions, something the Republicans seem to crow on and on and on about when justifying the damage they do to entire groups of people but not a quality they themselves can seem to adopt.

How do you make people aware of that? By telling them to 'fuck off'?


I've been fucked over last time we had a thread in watching a horrible vid by that idiot.
I'm not falling for that one again.
They are hypocrites, plain and simple. They weren't about that when Obama was president. They are not about any of that. It's only a shield they use to deflect and not be challenged on their bullshit. Please tolerate my intolerance. BS.

And some on the left eat it up. There is no discussion to be had with those that peddle malicious hate on that level.

If you do, you are normalizing hate. Those are not normal disagreements you hash out, like a tax rate or what pizza toppings you like. It's fucking hate, and it shouldn't be accepted.

And they know that that's why they use the "please tolerate my intolerance" thing. The liberal philosophy in part leads to that kind of "bleeding heart" mentality that everyone is good at heart. I mean just look at some of the self-hate from portions of the left just because of this ploy.

It's that same philosophy that lead the democrats to appoint Director Comey as an olive branch, only to then get screwed royally by him. The same happened with the attempt to appoint Garland to the supreme court who is not even particularly liberal, but even that was denied. Yeah the olive branch and reaching out to the other side totally works.
How do you make people aware of that? By telling them to 'fuck off'?
Are you going to honestly tell me that you have not seen anyone showing the pain that these people have caused

Are you honestly going to be so reductive to distill this all down to the language of one tweet?

I don't know about telling them to fuck off, but I'll happily tell you to



Come on bro... close-minded about listening and bargaining with people who support racist and bigoted policy?

People that vote for Trump don't have to be racist themselves, that's why they voted for Trump. They can elect a fascist bigot and then point at the new rules for justification for terrible exclusionary behavior.

So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...


Neo Member
This logic.

If someone tells a Trump voter, that is in the middle and regret their vote, to fuck off that Trump voter is then going to vote against their best self-interest again?

So would you call this person stupid?

Since Blacks and other minorities have been told to "Fuck off and not bring up race to divide us" by liberals and we don't come out in mass to vote for Republicans out of spite and screw ourselves over [more].
People flip-flop all the time. This is the same country that elected Obama twice. My overall point is that we should focus on attracting those in the middle to vote Democrat instead of burning any sort of bridge for them to change their mind


Move far enough to the right and the center will come with you. Shame.

So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

Does it make you feel uncomfortable that people would hold you and your family in lower regards for supporting people that want to take away our rights?

"Hmm people are upset by this thing we've enabled that hurts them hmm... maybe they're the ones who are wrong?"


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

More power to them, hopefully they can sleep at night knowing the man they elected is working toward dissolving gay rights, championing a police state, and closing our borders to people because of their religion or ethnicity.

Don't feel bad, my dad's a cunt too
So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

if your wife voted for Trump then your wife decided that she was willing to overlook the muslim ban, willing to overlook millions of poor people losing their healthcare, willing to overlook how much more difficult the kind of rhetoric Donald Trump had spent spewing for 18 months was going to make life difficult for immigrants and women and minorites and gays/lesbians. So you tell me what that makes her? Cause those are simply the facts, bub.


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

well, i shall reach out then:
Your wife voted for someone who is going to ruin actual living people's lives, not just American, but on a worldwide scale mainly because she didn't want American women who chose to have an unwanted fetus removed from their bodies to receive a proper low-risk medical procedure.
The damages to the environment that Trump's policies are most likely going to cause, will lead to children - that haven't been born yet - losing their homes due to floodings, their livelihoods destroyed, living in sickness and hunger due to global warming which will make certain crops harder to grow. Entire species of animals and plants will go extinct.

I would ask her to reevaluate her priorities please.
So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

Well they surely do care more about their abortion beliefs than things like equality for people. They voted for government to be able to forbid people from doing something that is not illegal. A vote in the other direction wouldn't have forced anyone who is against abortion to get abortions. A vote in the other direction would have let anyone in your family choose to go through with a pregnancy even if a doctor told you the mother would have a 100% chance of dying.


I mean hundreds of legal residents were turned away at our borders and sent to turbulent areas that are not their homes but that pales in comparison to some anonymous stranger saying something mean about a voting block.


How do you make people aware of that? By telling them to 'fuck off'?
It's one way to express yourself, yeah. And instead of dogpiling them for being rude maybe we could try and empathize with what they might've been feeling and what motivated them to decide to use vulgarity to vocalize their pain. Seeing as we're all so keen on asking minorities to look beyond all of the damage Trump and his supporters are doing to them and have respectful discourse, maybe we could ask Trump supporters to have some degree of campassion and look beyond being told to "fuck off" and understand the harm they are enabling.

Oh wait, I forgot about the double standard we've all just accepted that says we need to coddle the right and not offend them, otherwise they'll retaliate by taking our rights away. And somehow THAT'S the vision of a population united: the silent oppressed and the content oppressors.


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?

There is no difference between actively aiding evil and passively enabling it in terms of the end results.

Let's say we're in a situation where an election was being hosted between someone who was going to bring back lynchings of black people and another who wasn't. Let's say you know people who are voting for the pro-lynch candidate, for any reason. Let's say you didn't vote for the anti-lynch candidate because you had an issue with their e-mail server.

As a result, the pro-lynch candidate wins. The end result is still that I'm gonna get strung up for being black. What the fuck is the point in me engaging in ethical nuance between what each voter may or may not have been thinking when pulling the lever when the end result of all of those proactive reasons and collective apathy mixed together is that my neck still gets broken?


Neo Member
Move far enough to the right and the center will come with you. Shame.
My overall point is that we should be focusing on attracting the middle. You may not be able to convince those who voted for Trump to vote Democrat in 4 years, but you can convince those who didnt vote because both candidates were awful.


Deep into his 30th decade
I am sorry people are looking down on your wife. but that's better then having her refused back in the country and cut off from you because of where she was born, right?

get some perspective.
When people find themselves defending, siding and voting with bigots and racists and not even trying to use their supposedly great discussion skills to get them to change their minds or openly denounce what they are doing then yes, that comic is pretty fucking apt. If you find yourself identifying more with racists and bigots than those denouncing racists and bigots then maybe their isnt anything more to discuss. What is there to discuss?

Colin supposedly left the Republican party, why didn't his magical reason and discussion skills work on them to change their minds? Where did he actually try to change their minds? Where is he actually trying to change their minds right now instead of lecturing liberals to sit down and shut up and take it while he votes for Johnson doing nothing to fight against Trumps ideals? What are you accomplishing?

Yep, points completely missed in posts like this. Here's a little secret: The KKK, 5,000 members in the US. No one panders to them because there is no fucking point. The Alt-Right, the real fucking alt right with assholes like Spencer? On the day of their greatest fucking victory, when they had their big get together? 200 of them. There were more protesters outside their event than there were inside. The biggest Neo-nazi group in the US? Around 400 people IIRC.

So let's assume that those numbers are far too low, and let's say that it's a grand total of 50,000 white supremacists across the country. That's minuscule. At 500,000 that's still a TINY number when you consider our population. But yeah, everyone is on the side of the racists. I

Honestly though, I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say, is being attacked in this thread and called alt right because he only spent 75% of his video criticizing Trump policies, and had the temerity to say that we should have discussions and not demonize the other side.

What a dick.
Just to echo others, great video until the last statement. I don't believe for one second that Colin likes Trump overall but he does like some of his policies and is absolutely trying to normalise him and his supporters.


I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

Oh poor you.

Should I tell you about the time I got my 7 year-old head bashed against the sidewalk because I looked like a "fucking arab"? Or the time my fat, white neighbor threatened to shoot the nigger's son (me) when I accidentally bounced my ball into his yard?

I'm sorry if I can't muster any sympathy for someone who voted for a man who supports racism and bigotry.


Honestly though, I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say, is being attacked in this thread and called alt right because he only spent 75% of his video criticizing Trump policies, and had the temerity to say that we should have discussions and not demonize the other side.

What a dick.

I strongly disagree with doing this, too. I guess it's an easy joke to make in combination with the title of the show - but that's actually slander and utterly counterproductive. If anything, Colin's naive and not blessed with empathy. He's not alt-right. Let's not make that term lose meaning, too.
Yep, points completely missed in posts like this. Here's a little secret: The KKK, 5,000 members in the US. No one panders to them because there is no fucking point. The Alt-Right, the real fucking alt right with assholes like Spencer? On the day of their greatest fucking victory, when they had their big get together? 200 of them. There were more protesters outside their event than there were inside. The biggest Neo-nazi group in the US? Around 400 people IIRC.

So let's assume that those numbers are far too low, and let's say that it's a grand total of 50,000 white supremacists across the country. That's minuscule. At 500,000 that's still a TINY number when you consider our population. But yeah, everyone is on the side of the racists. I

Honestly though, I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say, is being attacked in this thread and called alt right because he only spent 75% of his video criticizing Trump policies, and had the temerity to say that we should have discussions and not demonize the other side.

What a dick.
And yet, despite these "fringe groups" being so small in number, a huge portion of the country voted for a far right white supremacist. Priorities!

Edit: also lol at Colin being "left leaning". He regularly complains about PC culture on twitter and said that he would vote for dump over Hillary if he had to.
Yep, points completely missed in posts like this. Here's a little secret: The KKK, 5,000 members in the US. No one panders to them because there is no fucking point. The Alt-Right, the real fucking alt right with assholes like Spencer? On the day of their greatest fucking victory, when they had their big get together? 200 of them. There were more protesters outside their event than there were inside. The biggest Neo-nazi group in the US? Around 400 people IIRC.

So let's assume that those numbers are far too low, and let's say that it's a grand total of 50,000 white supremacists across the country. That's minuscule. At 500,000 that's still a TINY number when you consider our population. But yeah, everyone is on the side of the racists. I

Honestly though, I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say, is being attacked in this thread and called alt right because he only spent 75% of his video criticizing Trump policies, and had the temerity to say that we should have discussions and not demonize the other side.

What a dick.

Wait do you really just believe that racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and misogynistic people are only those things if they are registered with some group or willing and able to attend meetings?

Or was that sarcasm I'm missing.



"Hmmm, the far right just won a sweeping election. The left should be more moderate!"

And I think Trump is living proof that's not the case. When Romney lost there were lots of calls that the Republican party would have to be more liberal, to accept the changing social landscape of the country. Then boom Trump who makes Romney look like Bernie Sanders happens. American voters are fickle. We just need to give it time.

And I'll say this before I jump out of this thread. Your vote is your voice in this country. I know lots of libertarians or moderate republicans that claim to love science, believe in climate change and social changes in society but still vote a straight ticket. You can call yourself pro science, pro women, pro LGBT, pro social change, pro downtrodden all you want, but if you don't vote that way then you might as well be Ted Cruz. It's not what people want to hear but it's the stone cold truth. You can hide behind your well beings, your want to extend a hand and come in corporation but at the same time be indiscernible from David Duke in the voting booth.
So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...
This is the most self serving garbage to try and save face that I've ever seen

And your use of quotatives makes it look as though people here have called her a bitch and a cunt, which is just not true

Your wife may have strong views about abortion, but that doesn't excuse the fact that she voted for someone who ran on a blatant platform of hate and xenophobia

If she felt so strongly about abortion she should have known that her tax dollars *weren't* going towards abortions, as they are not federally funded. She threw her vote in for a hateful and extremely underqualified candidate because he spoke about *an* issue that she cares about. She doesn't get to ignore the rest of it. She, like all Trump voters, need to be held accountable for what they've done and who they've supported


Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation


Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation

Trump voters aren't the ones democrats need to reach. It's the massive amount of people that wither stayed home or spoiled their ballot.


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

I love these types of posts. Do you understand how statistics work? Your anecdotal evidence of 'not all Trump supporters' doesn't matter when realistically, the majority of his base does support these ideologies.
I have no doubt there are people that voted for Trump that do not share his ideals on race, foreign and domestic policy, or religion to name a few. But they are the minority of his supporters. And if they do not feel that they should be lumped into dare I say, that majority basket of deplorables because it doesn't mesh with their self image? Well, perhaps they should've voted differently.
So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

Gold Loot

Here's the thing. We all fall into this habit , rightly or wrongly...We just do..., of pointing the blame onto other rather than take any fucking responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

In any given administration and cabinet, regardless of politics, there will be winners and losers. The reason why we are so divisive is because neither party , whether winners or losers, will step up and speak out against events perpetuated by their "side" and call it out. Here, for example, we have real people whose lives are at risk and have already been negatively impacted by what's going on. The winners are not entitled for us to come out and extend an olive branch.

To Colin's point, if we want solidarity in our country again, people need to know when to step the fuck up. If someone is upset that they are victim in a situation, you don't go to that person and ask them to deal with it and to connect with the subject of their pain. Empathy doesn't work that way. That your mom and dad and wife voted this way or not is irrelevant to this point.

What is relevant by the bringing up your family is notion that they don't believe in racism, etc. This is what needs to be discussed outloud and it starts with THEM reaching out to those negatively impacted by Trump, not the other way around.

Insisting one side be responsible for extending that olive branch to people who have oppressed them is inhumane.

We'll talk with anyone who insists this is not what they wanted. We're just waiting. Otherwise we have to presume that their inaction speaks to their support of the current circumstances.

Here's an example of solidarity: "yes, I voted Trump. Yes, I hate racism. Yes, I hate what is happening. What can I do to help?"
Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation
Dump ran a campaign of alienating and name calling and won. Just an observation
So your wife is a single issue voter that believes the propaganda about Planned Parenthood so she voted for a candidate that ran on bigotry?

Aaand your parents verbally and physically abused you?

So I shouldn't call them cunts and bitches even though I never did?---you did that pretending that others did.


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

regaling a story about how your parents beat the living shit out of seven year old you probably isn't the best way to prove their upstanding nature


Hey GAF, remember the 2064 dev thread where a lot of you shouted down everyone that said that wasn't a smart thing to do from a business standpoint and you called them racists and fascists? But now Colin says it wasn't smart and everyone is like "Yeah, 100% my thoughts exactly."



Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation

Problem there is that Hillary won the popular vote by around 3 million. You tell me how rational law-abiding citizens are supposed to reconcile that. Just an observation


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

It's your wife's and your dad's prerogative to vote how they want based on the relative value they assign to things like abortion. It's short-sighted and incredibly selfish if that's the reason they voted for Trump, ignoring all of the other distressing factors that came with him, and were either uninformed or so willing to screw so many other people for a belief that doesn't even personally affect them. Disagreement works both ways and I absolutely will judge them for making a choice like that. So you telling us what your wife and parents have done or however saintly you think they are doesn't make me respect their choice; it makes me think of them as hypocrites.


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...

If your parents kicked the shit out of you, well yeah, that's pretty fucked up. If two grown adults beat up a kid, and someone called those people 'cunts' I can't say I'd correct them or try to emphasize how totes not racist they are.
regaling a story about how your parents beat the living shit out of seven year old you probably isn't the best way to prove their upstanding nature
"My mother and father are good people! When I was seven years old and yelling racial slurs they physically abused me!"
Hey GAF, remember the 2064 dev thread where a lot of you shouted down everyone that said that wasn't a smart thing to do from a business standpoint and you called them racists and fascists? But now Colin says it wasn't smart and everyone is like "Yeah, 100% my thoughts exactly."

(that's not what's happening here)
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