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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Noooo Neil, don't fall for Colin's white moderate 'why can't we come together with the nazis' bullshit




I'll never be seated for a civil discussion with individuals who wish to peddle hate. They can continue to shout in their echo chamber for all eternity.


Maybe I am mising the point? All I see is a reporter doing a piece on how policies may effect the game's industry.

All I see is a bunch of gaffers with pitchforks calling for blood because 'He just did't go deep enough into it'.

Is there something I'm missing? I DID make some coffee while the video played, but Kcups are pretty fast and easy..

Did you miss the entire second half when he started talking about the 2064 devs? He's telling people to play nice with Trump supporters. Someone telling minorities to get along with the ones that want to strip us of our rights is not going to go over well.
The first six or so posts, including mine, alluded to the fact that even though the video is insightful, the thread would quickly devolve into a repeat of happens in every Colin Moriarty related thread, and here we are.
Disagreeing with a video and discussing it != devolving


Did you miss the entire second half when he started talking about the 2064 devs? He's telling people to play nice with Trump supporters. Someone telling minorities to get along with the ones that want to strip us of our rights is not going to go over well.
That's the part of the video I have an issue with. The first half was pretty decent but the second half is terrible and the biggest problem.


I wish I could find the video where he attacked the Tea Party for calling Obama a nigger/muslim/communist tyrant etc.



The first six or so posts, including mine, alluded to the fact that even though the video is insightful, the thread would quickly devolve into a repeat of happens in every Colin Moriarty related thread, and here we are.

Junior Member
(Today, 10:35 PM)


I wish I could find the video where he attacked the Tea Party for calling Obama a nigger/muslim/communist tyrant etc.


well, they did reach out. Show us your birth certificate - long form please - and we shall doubt your citizenship a little bit less. Reasonable, if you ask me.


Maybe I am mising the point? All I see is a reporter doing a piece on how policies may effect the game's industry.

All I see is a bunch of gaffers with pitchforks calling for blood because 'He just did't go deep enough into it'.

Is there something I'm missing? I DID make some coffee while the video played, but Kcups are pretty fast and easy..

The last part of his video, specifically the deal with ROM, is where he loses it.

Trotting out the idea that a developer shouldn't be telling certain people they can't play their game, or that pushing away opposing ideologies is counterproductive to the goal of achieving unity.

Like I mentioned before, in a perfect world where all sides were arguing in good faith, this might be a reasonable stance to take.

But Trump supporters are proving more and more rapidly that they are not. They really, really do not care at all what you have to say, or how you feel. It's their way or no way. They will fight and persecute you to your death.

And coming from Colin, someone who is the picturebook definition of what privileged is in the US, only makes the "moderate" stance more insulting to hear.

He's going to make the "We need to come together and work things out" stance because at the end of the day, he's not being directly affected by it. He's not the one in fear of losing his job, his home or even his life because of the color of his skin, or his sexual orientation.

At no point is Colin going to see, or even make an attempt to see, what the "other side" is like, or understand why the "We just need to listen to them" stance is not going to work.

All of this can be gleamed from this "reporter piece" you seem to think we're overreacting to.


I only wish I could've seen what face I was making when It got the part about the 2064 devs, especially considering the tone of the opening page.


Not all Trump supporters are racist, sexist, xenophobes. Perhaps not even most.

All Trump voters however, agreed that being a racist, sexist, xenophobe was not a deal breaker in securing their vote.

At best, all Trump supporters are enablers.

I understand this and share the viewpoint, but it's important to recognize the massive difference between someone who is acting indifferent or apathetic in the fight against racism vs actively racist people, I think.


I understand this and share the viewpoint, but it's important to recognize the massive difference between someone who is acting indifferent or apathetic in the fight against racism vs actively racist people, I think.

So, those who voted Trump versus those who didn't vote at all?


People called Romanes they go the house?
While on some level, I do agree that there needs to some greater bonds of empathy formed to get people to realize the suffering of those currently targeted by the current administration, and that there was some interesting info in the first bit, Colin's attempt at being political in the second half of the video is clumsy at best, and near tone-deaf at worst.

"I just don't quite comprehend the strategy behind it (the ROM2064 tweet".

Gee Colin, I dunno, maybe it's not about the bottom line, and maybe, just maybe, they're trying to elevate their principles instead of making themselves more money.

Ugh, and here comes the 'we should be striving for unity' plea....which falls apart when you realize the Dems tried that for the last 4 years, and got shit on at pretty much every single response from the Republicans.

Yet now that the Right is in power, it's time to the old call to 'settle down and compromise' and 'appeal to common interests'.....riiiiiight.

They're not limiting their art by telling people to fuck off, Colin. They're limiting the message implicit therein, perhaps, but that very tweet is also an 'expression of their art'.

'Maybe I'm just a naive optimist...'

Yep, that must be it. Definitely not at all related to the fact that you're not affected by little, if any, of the criteria for targets on Executive Orders being issued by the White House.

And then he sneaks in a 'I'm going to be so bummed out' moment at the end re: playing the game. Yep, I'm sure that making yourself look like a victim (compared to, oh, say the actual refugees being deported) really drive your 'unity!' point home.

The first six or so posts, including mine, alluded to the fact that even though the video is insightful, the thread would quickly devolve into a repeat of happens in every Colin Moriarty related thread, and here we are.

It's almost like someone's past perspectives, including outspoken political views, might color their commentary on a future issue.


He's telling people to play nice with Trump supporters. Someone telling minorities to get along with the ones that want to strip us of our rights is not going to go over well.

He did? I thought he was saying that telling someone to fuck off doesn't do much to change things and so didn't understand what they hoped to accomplish. He asked them, btw, and read their response.


Neo Member
Did you miss the entire second half when he started talking about the 2064 devs? He's telling people to play nice with Trump supporters. Someone telling minorities to get along with the ones that want to strip us of our rights is not going to go over well.
You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.


Did you miss the entire second half when he started talking about the 2064 devs? He's telling people to play nice with Trump supporters. Someone telling minorities to get along with the ones that want to strip us of our rights is not going to go over well.

That's not quite what he said though.. The point he was making is that there are people on the right that aren't supporting Trump's behavior . Those are the people he's talking about.. He even said himself that he knows people that voted for him, but aren't fascist racists , and you know what? I know quite a few too . Hell I even know a few Dems that refused to vote for Hillary..

THESE are the people he's talking about.. I thought it was quite clear....


That's not quite what he said though.. The point he was making is that there are people on the right that aren't supporting Trump's behavior . Those are the people he's talking about.. He even said himself that he knows people that voted for him, but aren't fascist racists , and you know what? I know quite a few too . Hell I even know a few Dems that refused to vote for Hillary..

THESE are the people he's talking about.. I thought it was quite clear....

Those people don't exist. Voting for Trump is a racist action.
You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.

They're adults and should deal with the consequences of siding with bigots. If it pushes them to become bigots themselves then it's on them, not the minorities their party oppresses.


That's not quite what he said though.. The point he was making is that there are people on the right that aren't supporting Trump's behavior . Those are the people he's talking about.. He even said himself that he knows people that voted for him, but aren't fascist racists , and you know what? I know quite a few too . Hell I even know a few Dems that refused to vote for Hillary..

THESE are the people he's talking about.. I thought it was quite clear....

If there's one thing consistent about Trump, it's his behavior, pre and post election.
I've been liking these Colin was right videos tbh. And I think the name is funny.
Good video but I don't agree with the "be nice to trump supporters" thing as many in this thread have already said. Normally I would agree not to dehumanize people with different values, but this time its different. Their "values" are trash. Yeah yeah not everyone who voted for trump is racist, etc. Same tired ass points being made.
I guess Colin thinks he's being reasonable by saying that, but nah. Easy to say as a privileged white dude and I don't completely blame him but some empathy would be nice.
I'm not gonna jump to conclusions and assume he doesn't like muslims or whatever because he only talked about the economic aspects of the ban. The video and channel is still a gaming channel so it's expected (though it does come off a little as though he doesn't really care about the actual fact that muslims are being banned from entering a country).
That said, I still think Colin is overall a cool guy who makes good content. It's kinda a shame that it always has to devolve into "he's libertarian, so he sucks" over here. I think libertarianism is stupid but here's where I agree with Colin on not saying "duck you" to someone because of their political views.
That's not quite what he said though.. The point he was making is that there are people on the right that aren't supporting Trump's behavior . Those are the people he's talking about.. He even said himself that he knows people that voted for him, but aren't fascist racists , and you know what? I know quite a few too . Hell I even know a few Dems that refused to vote for Hillary..

THESE are the people he's talking about.. I thought it was quite clear....

It's an ethical dilemma: do you judge people by their intent , impact, both? Many will on impact alone. You can't get off running over someone by insisting " BUT IM A NICE GUY! I DIDNT MEAN TO!"

Trump voters have fucked us hard and we have to deal with that fallout, not how fucking nice the voters are.

If anything, Colin's argument should be that the Right need to do what they can to reach out to those affected by their vote. Not the other way around. That you think I fucking owe you any decency is mind boggling.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The first six or so posts, including mine, alluded to the fact that even though the video is insightful, the thread would quickly devolve into a repeat of happens in every Colin Moriarty related thread, and here we are.

I see you lcolin.


The last part of his video, specifically the deal with ROM, is where he loses it.

Trotting out the idea that a developer shouldn't be telling certain people they can't play their game, or that pushing away opposing ideologies is counterproductive to the goal of achieving unity.

Like I mentioned before, in a perfect world where all sides were arguing in good faith, this might be a reasonable stance to take.


This is the main issue with Colin's beliefs.
Many highly intelligent, yet somewhat antisocial (i feel that's what he kind of identifies as, right? he's always mr. "i hate people", and he is pretty smart) always argue how things should work (given a perfect world). he definitely lacks emphaty, proudly so :/

Just like the whole 'the market will self regulate' idea - no. Market failure is a thing. Corporation induced market failure. It constantly happens. The invisible hand is a myth. Just like Ayn Rand style objectivism cannot work. Because that's not how society / people work.
There is something ironic about radicalized alt-right/white supremacists/conservatives preaching communication and understanding, meanwhile their reaction to radicalized muslims is an all out muslim ban.


You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.
It's interesting how apparently nothing manages to push these people further left.
You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.

This logic.

If someone tells a Trump voter, that is in the middle and regret their vote, to fuck off that Trump voter is then going to vote against their best self-interest again?

So would you call this person stupid?

Since Blacks and other minorities have been told to "Fuck off and not bring up race to divide us" by liberals and we don't come out in mass to vote for Republicans out of spite and screw ourselves over [more].
You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.

"How dare you call me a racist. I'll show you, by becoming more racist!"


You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.

I'll reiterate: If you (general you not AkimboChainz specifically) voted for Trump then you determined that being a racist, sexist, xenophobe was not a deal breaker. Trump voters may not like any of those things, but not enough to stop them from voting for Trump.
This is why the far left is looked down upon. I'm not sure who's more closed minded nowadays.

If I come over to shake your hand and suck you off, what are you going to do to help me get my Syrian friends and family here stateside?

Or are you simply entitled to a blowjob?

Bold One

His analysis of the problem is rather cold, dispassionate and economical instead of humane and empathetic. The business side of the gaming equation seemed to be his main focus as opposed to the human side, why not talk about the people affected gamers themselves?

See, this is the problem with fence-stragglers looking to reach out to abusers and racists.

If you voted for Trump, own it, don't start with the pontificating about your character and get all defensive playing the victim card, it's absurd.

You may not be a racist, homophobic, or sexist or fascist, but by god you are willing to let it slide for the promise of whatever you thought you were going to get out of this Orwellian nightmare.

As for Colin, what can I say, calling his show "Colin was Right" is tad self-aggrandizing, when all his 20 something minute monologue amounted to was "we're all different, so let's hold hands".

Thank you for that diatribe of nothingness, I will maul it over while you collect your 20k+ in patreon contributions in your lush San Francisco apartment.

I don't hate Colin, I am just livid at the situation and the notion of taking advice from a guy who will not be impacted in any way shape or form by shit-show that is coming.


The last part of his video, specifically the deal with ROM, is where he loses it.

Trotting out the idea that a developer shouldn't be telling certain people they can't play their game, or that pushing away opposing ideologies is counterproductive to the goal of achieving unity.

Like I mentioned before, in a perfect world where all sides were arguing in good faith, this might be a reasonable stance to take.

But Trump supporters are proving more and more rapidly that they are not. They really, really do not care at all what you have to say, or how you feel. It's their way or no way. They will fight and persecute you to your death.

And coming from Colin, someone who is the picturebook definition of what privileged is in the US, only makes the "moderate" stance more insulting to hear.

He's going to make the "We need to come together and work things out" stance because at the end of the day, he's not being directly affected by it. He's not the one in fear of losing his job, his home or even his life because of the color of his skin, or his sexual orientation.

At no point is Colin going to see, or even make an attempt to see, what the "other side" is like, or understand why the "We just need to listen to them" stance is not going to work.

All of this can be gleamed from this "reporter piece" you seem to think we're overreacting to.
Exactly. Unity begins with a mutual interest from both sides. Trump literally built his campaign on the notion that there's no compromising with your opponents and the only way to get things done is to burn the system to the ground, a promise he is keeping into his Presidency.

And because of this, the ones who suffer the most won't be his supporters. Minorities, the poor, the sick. Those are the groups that will pay the heaviest price for Trump's election. The very existence of his supporters hurts these groups and enables his administration to damage them. And yet, leftists are the ones who need to reach across the aisle and build these bridges? Why does the burden of taking the moral high ground always fall on the shoulders of the people speaking out from a position of vulnerability?

You can't negotiate with your oppressors, and anyone suggesting we should is presenting a flawed narrative and disrespectfully disregarding the struggles people who are going to be hurt (which is pretty much everyone, but that's beside the point) by the Trump admin over the next few years.


The last part of his video, specifically the deal with ROM, is where he loses it.

Trotting out the idea that a developer shouldn't be telling certain people they can't play their game, or that pushing away opposing ideologies is counterproductive to the goal of achieving unity.

Like I mentioned before, in a perfect world where all sides were arguing in good faith, this might be a reasonable stance to take.

But Trump supporters are proving more and more rapidly that they are not. They really, really do not care at all what you have to say, or how you feel. It's their way or no way. They will fight and persecute you to your death.

And coming from Colin, someone who is the picturebook definition of what privileged is in the US, only makes the "moderate" stance more insulting to hear.

He's going to make the "We need to come together and work things out" stance because at the end of the day, he's not being directly affected by it. He's not the one in fear of losing his job, his home or even his life because of the color of his skin, or his sexual orientation.

At no point is Colin going to see, or even make an attempt to see, what the "other side" is like, or understand why the "We just need to listen to them" stance is not going to work.

All of this can be gleamed from this "reporter piece" you seem to think we're overreacting to.
That's a more insightful way of putting it without sounding overly dramatic. Thanks for that.

I do however think the push back in this thread is a bit heavy handed though. As well as reaching. It doesn't help the conversation much at all.
His analysis of the problem is rather cold, dispassionate and economical instead of humane and empathetic. The business side of the gaming equation seemed to be his main focus as opposed to the human side, why not talk about the people affected gamers themselves?

See, this is the problem with fence-stragglers looking to reach out to abusers and racists.

If you voted for Trump, own it, don't start with the pontificating about your character and get all defensive playing the victim card, it's absurd.

You may not be a racist, homophobic, or sexist or fascist, but by god you are willing to let it slide for the promise of whatever you thought you were going to get out of this Orwellian nightmare.

As for Colin, what can I say, calling his show "Colin was Right" is tad self-aggrandizing, when all his 20 something minute monologue amounted to was "we're all different, so let's hold hands".

Thank you for that diatribe of nothingness, I will maul it over while you collect your 20k+ in patreon contributions in your lush San Francisco apartment.

I don't hate Colin, I am just livid at the situation and the notion of taking advice from a guy who will not be impacted in any way shape or form by shit-show that is coming.

Also 62 million voted for Trump, 60 million are probably all great people! I don't even know where the hell he comes up with this shit.

It's funny he also exposes what his true beliefs are regarding the support of Trump. The quote from Midboss even acknowledged that it's fine that there are both liberals and conservatives. Their comment only applied to Trump supporters. But somehow Colin takes it as some condemnation towards him that they don't want him to play the game.

"I'm a little bummed and maybe you are too".

Well yeah you'd be a little bummed if you secretly supported Trump (despite "not voting for him"), and felt that that tweet directly referred to you. A normal Republican who didn't support Trump or his policies wouldn't have felt slighted at all by that tweet.
You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.
I don't really see an issue with a Muslim, for example, telling someone who voted for someone that wants to keep people of his faith out of the country (and now HAS signed an executive order doing exactly that), to fuck off.
Even if the person doesn't actually want Muslims out of the country themself.


This is why the far left is looked down upon. I'm not sure who's more closed minded nowadays.

Come on bro... close-minded about listening and bargaining with people who support racist and bigoted policy?

People that vote for Trump don't have to be racist themselves, that's why they voted for Trump. They can elect a fascist bigot and then point at the new rules for justification for terrible exclusionary behavior.


It's interesting how apparently nothing manages to push these people further left.

That's the kicker. None of the name-calling, shit-stirring, and outright hatred that the right displays on the daily towards minorities and their allies ever pushes people to our side. The left can't ever be underdogs, can't ever be victims of a hostile, bullying environment, nor can we return the sentiment back in kind because that would be an indictment of character. But where is the indictment of people on the right? Why do I have to understand them when they won't understand me?

All that says to me is that people are more likely to sympathize with bigots than they are with actual oppressed minorities, probably because a lot of these people either don't want to personally deal with the difficult questions of what it means to be associated with a demographic that elected Trump (this is mostly white people's fuck up), or they have friends and family that have dipped their toes into the far-right/white supremacist Kool-Aid and they don't want to associate people they love with movements of lacking moral character.
There is something ironic about radicalized alt-right/white supremacists/conservatives preaching communication and understanding, meanwhile their reaction to radicalized muslims is an all out muslim ban.

They are hypocrites, plain and simple. They weren't about that when Obama was president. They are not about any of that. It's only a shield they use to deflect and not be challenged on their bullshit. Please tolerate my intolerance. BS.

And some on the left eat it up. There is no discussion to be had with those that peddle malicious hate on that level.

If you do, you are normalizing hate. Those are not normal disagreements you hash out, like a tax rate or what pizza toppings you like. It's fucking hate, and it shouldn't be accepted.


That's a more insightful way of putting it without sounding overly dramatic. Thanks for that.

I do however think the push back in this thread is a bit heavy handed though. As well as reaching. It doesn't help the conversation much at all.

I mean again, tensions are running sky high, and while I really can't speak for some of them (as I'm straight/white myself), I have to imagine that anyone who is in the position of being affected a little more directly by all this is going to have a much more kneejerk reaction to yet another straight white person telling them how they should be acting towards people who, in turn, give zero fucks about them, and helped vote the very person hellbent on destroying their lives into power.


You don't have to get along with everyone, but telling all Trump voters to "fuck off" does nothing but push those who are in the middle who dont like Trump either but still voted for him further and further to the right.
Sorry, but if being made aware of the anger and pain your political party causes people pushes you further into it just to spite those people for not being polite enough, you're an asshole. Trump supporters are enablers of facism, regardless of the reasons they voted for him. It's called taking responsibility for your actions, something the Republicans seem to crow on and on and on about when justifying the damage they do to entire groups of people but not a quality they themselves can seem to adopt.
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