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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump

Hey GAF, remember the 2064 dev thread where a lot of you shouted down everyone that said that wasn't a smart thing to do from a business standpoint and you called them racists and fascists? But now Colin says it wasn't smart and everyone is like "Yeah, 100% my thoughts exactly."


What do you mean? Very few here are in agreement with Colin. Don't stop with just the first 5 or 6 posts.

The first 15 minutes of his video were all about the economics of the game industry and how it will be affected. Nobody's disagreeing with that.

It's the last 5 minutes that's the issue.


So, according to GAF , EVERYONE on the right is a racist, bigoted Homophobic Xenophobe eh?...

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary simply because I want to see a rise for a third party.. My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about.. Now my wife is a very loving person. not racist, in the least bit. She doesn't even like racial jokes regardless who the punchline is about.. The same can be said about my mother and father.. I would love to tell you about the time growing up in New York and I said the "N" word at 6 years old .. Hell I didn't know what it meant .. I got the living shit kicked out of me by both my parents...

My wife, who's spent lot's of time and money doing charity work for United Way, March of Dimes as well as other local events.Yeah what a "bitch" right? But you know what.. According to GAF, my wife and parents are "cunts" that should "fuck off" right... This site man.. SMH...
I mean, I don't know your wife or parents personally so I can't say that they are bitches or cunts, but given that the only information I have about them is that they are incredibly politically ignorant and voted for a man who has heinous intentions for this country and is incredibly racist, I can't say they make a great first impression. It's cool they don't like racist jokes, though. Too bad they don't care as much about actual harm being done to racial minorities.


It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violent on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.


Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation

People who are extremely Pro Trump are lost causes. They will not change their minds no matter what. If you were an American and had to talk to these people every day like I, and many others have to you would understand the apathy.

They are seemingly nice people until you bring up politics and they morph into fucking monsters. It is like a damn cult.
I mean, I don't know your wife or parents personally so I can't say that they are bitches or cunts, but given that the only information I have about them is that they are incredibly politically ignorant and voted for a man who has heinous intentions for this country and is incredibly racist, I can't say they make a great first impression. It's cool they don't like racist jokes, though. Too bad they don't care as much about actual harm being done to racial minorities.

"Don't you dare say the N-word in this house, mister! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go vote for a man who wants to ban muslims and re-introduce stop and frisk because I have a total misunderstanding where the funding for abortion comes from!"


It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violence on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.

Yeah I really don't think you're getting what's going on, nor understand the gravity of what's happening.
It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violent on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.

That's an incredibly immature reading of it.

Go look at recent presidents, plenty of democratic and republican presidents have been elected. None have gotten this kind of response.

If it just reads to you as "salty" supporters you need to get educated.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Honestly though, I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say, is being attacked in this thread and called alt right because he only spent 75% of his video criticizing Trump policies, and had the temerity to say that we should have discussions and not demonize the other side.

What a dick.

A left-leaning libertarian.....who calls himself a conservative at 19:40 in the video?

And if you think the 'Registered' KKK numbers somehow means those are the literal only people in the US who share (at least on some level) those sentiments, you're either being disingenuous, or extremely naive.

It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win....

......I would love to know how you come to that conclusion.
It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violent on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.

GTFO with this "salty" shit. People's family members are being detained because of their religion and blocked from returning to their homes and you think it's people being "salty"? People's actual lives and livelihoods are under attack here, like right fucking now. Get some perspective.
"Don't you dare say the N-word in this house, mister! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go vote for a man who wants to ban muslims and re-introduce stop and frisk because I have a total misunderstanding where the funding for abortion comes from!"

This honestly sounded like a slightly more extreme version of "I have a black friend."


It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violent on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.
I think you should do a little more reading into it if that's your take away.
Seriously I think that guy just needed to let out the fact that he was abused by his parents and that he holds these negative thoughts about his wife. Really off the wall and does not support his argument that people should be empathetic to Trump supporters.

You voted for someone that told you that he will enact bigoted laws. Own it. Then when you own it, feel free to reach out TO ME AND MY SIDE.
It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violent on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.

This must be similar to me popping in a Brexit thread without truly understanding what's going on in the country and saying, "Sounds like you guys are just salty. Try again next time."

If you are in a thread about politics for a country that is not your own at least do research in good faith before you pull out a crap post.


Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation

A bunch of voters stayed home because the opposition party successfully ran a 30-year-long smear campaign against one of the most qualified candidates to ever run.


It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win.... I don't think I would have voted for Trump and already he has done some things that my countries government has gone 'wtf' at. That is democracy though, the people voted and Trump won. The fact that there are protests that turn violent on both ends is pretty disgraceful and goes against how a democratic society should behave. Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.

This isn't a football game. This is not about winning vs. losing. My team vs. yours. This is about violation of basic human rights, the systematic discrediting of the free press, laying the groundwork for a less democratic United States and towards a more autocratic nation. Everyone should be against Trump if they truly valued the American democracy. The ones that stick with him are blinded by the whole idea of "being on the winning team again"
I mean, I don't know your wife or parents personally so I can't say that they are bitches or cunts, but given that the only information I have about them is that they are incredibly politically ignorant and voted for a man who has heinous intentions for this country and is incredibly racist, I can't say they make a great first impression. It's cool they don't like racist jokes, though. Too bad they don't care as much about actual harm being done to racial minorities.

Really what it comes down to.

I'm a conservative (a black one at that). I love shooting for sport, I think most of gaf is ignorant in regards to many conservative viewpoints, but even still, there was no way in hell I could stand with the people that voted for trump and find common ground. I couldn't support what he stands for or the majority of his supporters stood for. I think liberals are getting pretty bad themselves in some ways, but I can't fault ppl who just want equality for everyone.


It honestly just reads that a lot of people are salty their candidate didn't win....

If that's what you've gotten out of this then you haven't been reading people's arguments nor observing the real-world effects of our administration's governance, ranging from unconstitutional deportations, the deterioration of our diplomatic relations, unprecedented ignoring of court orders (which depletes the power from the judicial branch) and undermining of our news media, and ridding of rules and laws meant to preserve the environment.

But nah, we did this to score points.
...I can't say they make a great first impression. It's cool they don't like racist jokes, though. Too bad they don't care as much about actual harm being done to racial minorities.


Frankly I think if people can't even protest peacefully then there are bigger problems with the world than just Trump.

Some might argue that when protests don't work at all and people's livelihoods are in jeopardy, they do rash things.


Canadians burned my passport
Hey GAF, remember the 2064 dev thread where a lot of you shouted down everyone that said that wasn't a smart thing to do from a business standpoint and you called them racists and fascists? But now Colin says it wasn't smart and everyone is like "Yeah, 100% my thoughts exactly."


None of what you are saying happened in this video or this thread, like, at all? What are you talking about?


Unless I'm wrong and missed something, Colin never said "please establish a dialogue with white supremacists, they'll understand!"

He simply said that it's important to remember that the vast, VAST majority of people can and do change their minds, and that they can be swayed. Just because someone voted for Trump or Hliary doesn't mean they agree with 100% of their politics. Yelling at them calling them all nazis or pieces of shit will not suddenly make everyone see the light. The idea that it's impossible to establish a dialogue with ANYONE who voted for Trump is false and dangerous, according to him. I just think it's important to understand that.
My wife however feels very strongly about abortion and planned parenthood in general. Same with my father. He feels that his tax dollar shouldn't support something he feels so strongly about..

Why is this different from voting for Trump because you want to build a wall to stop Mexicans? I'm not even being funny - removing rights from minorities? Awful. Removing rights from women? Completely fine. That's the stance here, it's removing rights from people because you don't agree with them. So in addition to voting for someone who takes rights away from women, they've done it off the back of someone who is racist, who is a bigot, who is sexist and is unapologetic about it. That's not a defensible position to take either.
Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation

If everything that spewed from Trump's mouth during the election wasn't enough to convince certain people not to vote for him, then there was truly no hope for them in the first place.

Like trying to teach a brick wall gymnastics. Fuck them.


Why is it that the left is always lectured to offer an olive branch. Where the hell are the people on the right to police themselves?
Unless I'm wrong and missed something, Colin never said "please establish a dialogue with white supremacists, they'll understand!"

He simply said that it's important to remember that the vast, VAST majority of people can and do change their minds, and that they can be swayed. Just because someone voted for Trump or Hliary doesn't mean they agree with 100% of their politics. Yelling at them calling them all nazis or pieces of shit will not suddenly make everyone see the light. The idea that it's impossible to establish a dialogue with ANYONE who voted for Trump is false and dangerous, according to him. I just think it's important to understand that.

Myeah, that's what I'm getting too to be honest. But apparently nuance is considered sacrilege in these parts.


Why is this different from voting for Trump because you want to build a wall to stop Mexicans? I'm not even being funny - removing rights from minorities? Awful. Removing rights from women? Completely fine. That's the stance here, it's removing rights from people because you don't agree with them. So in addition to voting for someone who takes rights away from women. That's not a defensible position to take either.

Well, to be fair, the argument would be about "the unborn child's right to live". In the eyes of an abortion-opposer, the woman is merely the host, the child is the person to be protected. The woman has no 'right to end the child's life' to begin with.

So, by that logic, you can't really argue inconsistency here. Just as a sidenote.

Myeah, that's what I'm getting too to be honest. But apparently nuance is considered sacrilege in these parts.

The thing with colin and nuance is ... he's very vocal and very outspoken about so many things. ("Grow up", "Vote with your wallet", "Fuck off", "Stop being fucking babies", "Stop being overdramatic") Some even consider him arrogant. But when it's about 'treating Trump voters with respect', all of the sudden it's all about nuance. At the very least, that's super inconsistent.


Myeah, that's what I'm getting too to be honest. But apparently nuance is considered sacrilege in these parts.

It's not nuance, it's the moderate trying to reason with fascism and bigotry. "Come on guys, let's just come together and talk this out" is something I might have tolerated 6 months ago. Today... nah.
Well, to be fair, the argument would be about "the unborn child's right to live". In the eyes of an abortion-opposer, the woman is merely the host, the child is the person to be protected. The woman has no 'right to end the child's life' to begin with.

So, by that logic, you can't really argue inconsistency here. Just as a sidenote.

That leads us down a whole other dark path that I don't think this thread really needs though, so I'll bow out having said my piece.


We're seeing the largest protests we've ever seen in this country, and instead of asking the people who are currently in control of the major seats of power to try and understand the anger and fear of those protesting, "moderate" voices are asking the protesters to tone it down a bit because it's upsetting. Boo-hoo. Protest is literally all anyone left of hard-right has right now to actualize their concerns.
Unless I'm wrong and missed something, Colin never said "please establish a dialogue with white supremacists, they'll understand!"

He simply said that it's important to remember that the vast, VAST majority of people can and do change their minds, and that they can be swayed. Just because someone voted for Trump or Hliary doesn't mean they agree with 100% of their politics. Yelling at them calling them all nazis or pieces of shit will not suddenly make everyone see the light. The idea that it's impossible to establish a dialogue with ANYONE who voted for Trump is false and dangerous, according to him. I just think it's important to understand that.

You didn't miss anything. It's still a poor argument to make on account of Trump voters, whom claim not to be racist or fascist yet remain still and silent. An Edmund Burke quote can explain whats wrong with that scenario.

Myeah, that's what I'm getting too to be honest. But apparently nuance is considered sacrilege in these parts.

nuance talk from dude with sweeping generalizations. Cool.


It's not nuance, it's the moderate trying to reason with fascism and bigotry. "Come on guys, let's just come together and talk this out" is something I might have tolerated 6 months ago. Today... nah.

So... are you saying a majority of people who voted in America are racists who will never change their minds no matter how many debates they have?

That's insanely scary if correct.
I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say

The idea of left-leaning libertarianism is kinda mind-boggling. I mean, the closest thing (if you can call it close) to that would be straight anarchism and no, Colin definitely isn't one of us. That would require him taking a deep look into how capital is at the heart of most socio-political forms of oppression and, thus, the curtailing of personal freedom.

He's just a Conservative with some socially liberal views and poorly conceived notions of how the market works.


So... are you saying a majority of people who voted in America are racists who will never change their minds no matter how many debates they have?

That's insanely scary if correct.

Racism has been a staple of the American experience since before this country's inception.

Why do you think it's possible to be fixed in this lifetime?
Interesting question. I don't think it would be possible without similar circumstances to 1920s Germany.

So, we would need two years of literal starvation immediately following a horrific 4 year long world-wide war that Americans lost; the imposition of onerous war reparations on American taxpayers and the loss of a couple of states, e.g. Texas and Ohio; then two economic collapses (hyper inflation and a depression); and finally a change in child rearing policies that encouraged child abuse.

That is if you assume America should be analogous to Germany, and would require the same controls. American nazis in 2017 have the benefit of the internet, and right wing propaganda via Fox News et al have softened up enough of the populace for them to step in and take advantage, as Bannon has done very effectively. Violence isn't as useful or necessary for nazis in 2017 America. Propaganda has evolved alongside technology.


Non American here, you guys all believe in democracy right.... Trump did win the election like it or not. Wouldn't time be better spent educating people why there are better candidates instead of Trump so next election you can make a difference by Voting... You know... the democratic way? I don't think name calling Trump voters and alienating them will help the cause. Just an observation
Trump actually recieved less votes by one of the widest margins in voting history. He's really not a very popular candidate. To your second point, it's been proven (through roundabout studies done on vaccine deniers, but I think the results extend to other parts of human psychology) that providing people who've already come to their own conclusions with information that disproves their bias doesn't actually convince them of anything.

Not to mention, this election cycle was plagued by flagrantly false news, perpetrated to destabilize the conversation and make it impossible to reach out to people convinced of things like...say, that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt politician who wanted to use a private email server to sell your information to wall-street.

I know plenty of people, myself included, were very dismissive of your post. But you need to understand that you DON'T understand the situation. You don't understand why Trump won, you don't understand what the consequences are of his win, and you don't understand why this makes so many people upset. It affects you more than you think, so do yourself and others a favor and look into it a little harder before writing everyone off.


So... are you saying a majority of people who voted in America are racists who will never change their minds no matter how many debates they have?

That's insanely scary if correct.

Nah, definitely not. The majority of people in America who voted actually voted for Hillary.

But the people who voted for Trump, and continue to defend him even today, are exactly the type of people we've spent decades trying to convince the world don't exist here.
So... are you saying a majority of people who voted in America are racists who will never change their minds no matter how many debates they have?

That's insanely scary if correct.

The republican party the past 50+ years has been BUILT on racism.


We're seeing the largest protests we've ever seen in this country, and instead of asking the people who are currently in control of the major seats of power to try and understand the anger and fear of those protesting, "moderate" voices are asking the protesters to tone it down a bit because it's upsetting. Boo-hoo. Protest is literally all anyone left of hard-right has right now to actualize their concerns.

I am, too, a bit baffled by this.

Isn't it usually the ones in power that should be asked to reach out to those who are unhappy with how things are?

If i keep picking on my little brother, is my mom not going to ask me to reach out to him, and be a little nicer to him? Isn't the principal going to ask the football team jock to go easy on the chess club geeks, and not the other way around?
How come it's still the liberals - i.e. the one's who aren't represented by a majority anywhere in the government - that should need to 'reach out'? :/


How come it's still the liberals - i.e. the one's who aren't represented by a majority anywhere in the government - that should need to 'reach out'? :/

Again, it's because people ultimately sympathize more with Trump supporters than they do progressives and liberals either because they agree with their views, don't see their regressive social views as anything other than a "different political opinion," or have friends and family who would be included under the label of deplorables and they're uncomfortable with that. There's no other explanation that makes sense.
The republican party the past 50+ years has been BUILT on racism.

If the conversation has shifted to the causes of Trump's election, the discussion is about the purveyors of racial tension and white supremacist views- Fox News. It was Fox News who in 2014 spent the better part of a week playing a video clip of two black men standing near a polling place in Philadelphia and selling it as evidence of widespread black militias intimidating white people from voting. Megyn Kelly was at the forefront of this. Trump referred to it during the 2016 election and was the foundation of his call for polling watchers.


Racism has been a staple of the American experience since before this country's inception.

Why do you think it's possible to be fixed in this lifetime?

I just... I don't think this makes any sense at all. Was Obama just a dream? Was the majority of the population just asleep in 2008 and 2012?

Maybe I'm just crazy and too "optimistic", and I don't want to offend anyone here, but I really truly don't believe that the majority of people who voted for Trump are racist extremists. I disagree with pretty much all of Trump's policies (I think the GOP said they'd repeal FATCA at some point and switch to Residence-based taxation, that's the one thing I'd personally like to see done, everything else that I know of I've disagreed with), but I think a lot of people who voted for him voted either selfishly in SPITE of his more controversial policies, or they simply didn't believe they would have the impact they are already proving to have.

I also think it's pretty much a certainty that a lot of people are already being swayed in the other direction, and shaming them and calling them nazis or idiots can be tempting, but I also think it's a terrible idea.

But what say do I even really get in this, I'm a Canadian anyway.


Neo Member
How come it's still the liberals - i.e. the one's who aren't represented by a majority anywhere in the government - that should need to 'reach out'? :/
The same thing was said about the Republican party after 2008 and 2012. The Republicans currently control the White House, Senate and the House of Representatives. They arent worried about reaching out because they won
Let's throw him under the same bus we threw Neil Druckmann!

Here is actually a pretty cool video you guys should check out by the way. Particularly pay heed to the words of Peter Tatchell.
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