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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


The hate is mostly because of the last part of the video. It may have been coming from a good place, which is suspect because of past comments by him, but it comes across as really tone-deaf when you consider the fact that there are actual people suffering right now because of Trump's policies and they're being asked to reason with and reach out to the people who basically told them "fuck your rights, I want some tax cuts".

That doesn't sound like what he was saying at all.

He was just telling people to act like professional adults. He supported the insomniac video, but said baseless insults like that tweet won't accomplish anything.
I agree with most of his video, but I think the end part is incredibly naive and tone-deaf, and much easier to say from a position of privilege. Empathy and understanding goes both ways, and I'm pretty sure the onus on the racists, xenophobes, Islamaphobes etc. to sort their crap out.

People could tone down the insults in this thread :p (yeah he's made some stupid ass tweets, but I don't think insulting him is the way to go).
The weird thing is the devs actually said to Colin they have no problem with conservatism or liberalism and this is about a con man working with white nationalists to steal our country. Colin say he's conservative and the devs don't want him playing their game.

Maybe Colin is just being honest with us or he's mistaken.

Oh really? Do you have a link?

Does it matter if he dismisses GAF?

I was mostly just stating the pattern. It doesn't actually matter I guess, but it is kind of disappointing for someone who is still a fan despite shit like this and loves GAF.


That doesn't sound like what he was saying at all.

He was just telling people to act like professional adults. He supported the insomniac video, but said baseless insults like that tweet won't accomplish anything.

For the 500th time, I refuse to give these people the courtesy of an open discussion. That validates their beliefs, as if they are an acceptable position for a human being to hold.

Besides, they don't want discussion. They just want to regurgitate the usual Drudge Report or Info Wars headline and parrot "I'm just asking questions" or "look at the sources"
baseless insults like that tweet

but was it? or was it a reaction to the fear and emotions that policies being put in place by this new administration are creating? Policies that have been given the opportunity to be enacted by those who voted for him?

You don't have to like how direct it was, but the pain that caused the tweet can't be denied.


That doesn't sound like what he was saying at all.

He was just telling people to act like professional adults. He supported the insomniac video, but said baseless insults like that tweet won't accomplish anything.

Because of things he's said in the past, it's hard to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially when at the end he makes himself the victim of that tweet even if he supposedly didn't vote for Trump. Plus a lot of people are just tired of the left having to always compromise, being told to extend an olive branch and all that while the right are free to act like children. Really hard to act like a professional adult when the other side's opinion is "your rights don't matter".


Gold Member
For the 500th time, I refuse to give these people the courtesy of an open discussion. That validates their beliefs, as if they are an acceptable position for a human being to hold.

Besides, they don't want discussion. They just want to regurgitate the usual Drudge Report or Info Wars headline and parrot "I'm just asking questions" or "look at the sources"

Well within your rights to do so.

If I may, consider a few things.
(1) Nobody truly challenged InfoWars, Drudge..name a few...over the past few years...and we still got Donald Trump. And while Clinton lost the popular vote by 3 million votes...it really isnt THAT much. Essentially "WE" did ignore the far right echo chamber...and look what happened.

(2) Fighting the good fight takes an incredible amount of patience. In person or online, rarely are you going to "Mea Culpa" someone. There will be no resolution. At the end of a conversation you likely wont hear "yup, you are right...I believe everything you do now." Instead, to change the minds of these people...its a slow process. This stuff is not a light bulb turning on. Its a chisel and rock.

(3) A simple adage...two wrongs don't make it right.

Again. you are well within your rights to completely ignore these people. I would never tell anyone how to think or act.

More than likely to change the minds of some of these folks who have been mislead....its going to take both patience and persuasion of some folks.
It's in the video.

It's in the last 1/4 of the video in the OP

Saw it, surprisingly great statement from Conn and fair of Colin to give him props for it. And in some ways I get what Colin is saying. At least for now I don't automatically hate anyone who supports Donald (the same can't be said about /r/the_donald), but at this point I have some serious questions. Unfortunately I just think too many people are brainwashed into feeling they have to support the president in office with the R next to his name.


That doesn't sound like what he was saying at all.

He was just telling people to act like professional adults. He supported the insomniac video, but said baseless insults like that tweet won't accomplish anything.

When the right finally sees what fools they're being played for, maybe we can come together. But if they are still blind and deaf to the sirens and red flags everyone else sees,

Fuck em.
His Twitter handle is "notaxation" and his picture is "Don't tread on me". You bet he believes in tax cuts lol.

While I can't comment on his usage of that flag (and what it represents), I think his Twitter name is derived from the motto of Washington, D.C., which is "No taxation, without representation". The citizens of the city are required to pay the same taxes as every other American, but have no one to represent them in Congress, as it's a district and not a state. That's not exactly fair considering they all pay the same taxes, yet get less in return. During the 2016 elections, the citizens overwhelmingly voted for D.C. statehood (one possible name floated was New Columbia, which I don't think will work, due to North Carolina existing). And yes, Colin has said he'd like fewer taxes, but I recall him saying it's ridiculous when people call for the removal of all taxes. He said many taxes are just too vital to the running of the country.


While I can't comment on his usage of that flag (and what it represents), I think his Twitter name is derived from the motto of Washington, D.C., which is "No taxation, without representation". The citizens of the city are required to pay the same taxes as every other American, but have no one to represent them in Congress, as it's a district and not a state. That's not exactly fair considering they all pay the same taxes, yet get less in return. During the 2016 elections, the citizens overwhelmingly voted for D.C. statehood (one possible name floated was New Columbia, which I don't think will work, due to North Carolina existing). And yes, Colin has said he'd like fewer taxes, but I recall him saying it's ridiculous when people call for the removal of all taxes. He said many taxes are just too vital to the running of the country.

Just google the phrase. You'll find all the answers you are looking for.


Well within your rights to do so.

If I may, consider a few things.
(1) Nobody truly challenged InfoWars, Drudge..name a few...over the past few years...and we still got Donald Trump. And while Clinton lost the popular vote by 3 million votes...it really isnt THAT much. Essentially "WE" did ignore the far right echo chamber...and look what happened.

(2) Fighting the good fight takes an incredible amount of patience. In person or online, rarely are you going to "Mea Culpa" someone. There will be no resolution. At the end of a conversation you likely wont hear "yup, you are right...I believe everything you do now." Instead, to change the minds of these people...its a slow process. This stuff is not a light bulb turning on. Its a chisel and rock.

(3) A simple adage...two wrongs don't make it right.

Again. you are well within your rights to completely ignore these people. I would never tell anyone how to think or act.

More than likely to change the minds of some of these folks who have been mislead....its going to take both patience and persuasion of some folks.

1) Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million. It is by far the largest gap in US history with regards to candidates losing the election but winning the popular vote.

2) We've been trying to "change their minds" in this country since the 1800s. It looks like it's not working.

3) How is fighting against and turning a deaf ear to fascists and bigots "a wrong"? Fuck those people. Again, trying to reason with them only validates their stance as something acceptable in our society. It's not.

And people weren't "misled" because Trump never tried to hide his agenda or what he stood for. He laid it out plainly for everyone. His followers either agreed with him or were complicit.
Alright guys, lets keep it easy with the insults or non-GAF KF fans are going to tweet at him "that GAF thread huh?" and then he will be able to continue to dismiss the site.
I'm ok with Kinda Funny fans not liking this GAF thread lol. If he wants to go all Cliffy B on us, that's fine too! :D


While I can't comment on his usage of that flag (and what it represents), I think his Twitter name is derived from the motto of Washington, D.C., which is "No taxation, without representation". The citizens of the city are required to pay the same taxes as every other American, but have no one to represent them in Congress, as it's a district and not a state. That's not exactly fair considering they all pay the same taxes, yet get less in return. During the 2016 elections, the citizens overwhelmingly voted for D.C. statehood (one possible name floated was New Columbia, which I don't think will work, due to North Carolina existing). And yes, Colin has said he'd like fewer taxes, but I recall him saying it's ridiculous when people call for the removal of all taxes. He said many taxes are just too vital to the running of the country.

uh...no? no taxation without representation and the gadsden flag are both from the american revolution. people living in washington dc most definitely pay taxes, so their motto is taxation without representation.

Alright guys, lets keep it easy with the insults or non-GAF KF fans are going to tweet at him "that GAF thread huh?" and then he will be able to continue to dismiss the site.

well that's on him for staying in his safe space and not leaving his bubble to get out of that echo chamber
Just google the phrase. You'll find all the answers you are looking for.

Huh. I guess it makes sense that was a Revolutionary War motto, but living in Maryland, I see quite a lot of the D.C. plates. I do hope that vote leads to statehood for them. Interestingly, I read the land where the White House, Lincoln Memorial, National Mall, Smithsonian, and Capital Building are, would remain a separate entity. Apparently, it has something to do with security. Not sure why it would be any less secure if it was part of a state.

uh...no? no taxation without representation and the gadsden flag are both from the american revolution. people living in washington dc most definitely pay taxes, so their motto is taxation without representation.

Ah. Right. Well never mind then! My mistake.


People of the opinion "no taxation without representation" should really be more concerned about the repeated attempts to disenfranchise tax payers under the pretense it is combatting voter fraud that there is no particular evidence really exists.

I mean, if its just a fairness issue, it seems strange that there isn't more outcry about that from people using that motto.

I wonder why that is.




Glad he was able to amend his statement


When the right finally sees what fools they're being played for, maybe we can come together. But if they are still blind and deaf to the sirens and red flags everyone else sees,

Fuck em.

I'm neither right nor left, and I utterly despise Trump. Unfit, terrible policies, etc etc. Sucks people are suffering because of him, though people also suffered because of Obama, it just didn't make headlines. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme though.

However, the right is never going to come together and be peaceful with the left, when the left is basically unwilling to even attempt to meet them somewhere in the middle. They are justifiably upset that Trump is president and the policies going into play and how it affects everyone, but they are ignoring, in general, the causation that lead to the right essentially uniting (as a voter base, many actual politicians on the right don't like Trump), and boiling every single person on the right that voted for trump as essentially being Trump. Being racist, sexist, and all of that, and that's just a completely unfair assessment in general and blatantly ignores the real issues that brought the right together in their unified refusal to have another left side president.

Your attitude towards the right exemplifies why the right and left cannot ever meet in the middle. The left is, generally, completely tone deaf to the legit reasons the right united that extend way beyond racism and sexism, which only truly represent a small minority of the right in the first place. They are tone deaf to how the Obama administration negatively impacted their lives, often to a severe degree. They are tone deaf to the real issues the right care about that have nothing to do with racism, walls, and sexist acts. Issues that get overshadowed by Trump's radical remarks, but issues that Trump has addressed directly through his campaign in a manner that would positively impact his voters.

Likewise, much of the right is tone deaf to the way the left sees the world, and the desires and impacts things have on them. Much of this, of course, deals with the fact that city life and rural life are two entirely different beasts that have different issues and concerns on a day to day basis, and neither the right, nor the left, considers the wider impact over both rural and city based people when they consider what they want or desire from their government.

I live in Wisconsin. Wisconsin went Trump. People I know who voted for him in my own state do not fit the descriptions often thrown at them by the left, because the left is completely ignoring the issues the right truly care about. They can't fathom how they right could vote in a racist, sexist, pig into the whitehouse, because they can't fathom,. o really truely understand, the life they lead and how bad it's gotten for them.

Essentially, you're hoping for the right to "admit they got played" (despite the fact Trump is doing, so far, everything he said he would do... though we have no idea about this "Make America Great Again" stuff because it needs many more years and much more context to really determine the full impact long haul), while failing to admit that the right has some actual reasons to vote the way they did that aren't framed by the kind of person Trump ultimately is.

But it is what it is. That's what Colin's issue is with that one developers remark towards the end. Because it's close minded and narrow focused, essentially telling the 62 million americans who voted for him, most of which are not sexist, racist, pigs, that they simply do not matter.

That's not the way you ever get both sides to get along.

Fact remains, they probably never will, and America, no matter who is president, will eventually implode on itself.


uh...no? no taxation without representation and the gadsden flag are both from the american revolution. people living in washington dc most definitely pay taxes, so their motto is taxation without representation.

well that's on him for staying in his safe space and not leaving his bubble to get out of that echo chamber

It's ironic you mention safe spaces considering:

I'm neither right nor left, and I utterly despise Trump. Unfit, terrible policies, etc etc. Sucks people are suffering because of him, though people also suffered because of Obama, it just didn't make headlines. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme though.

However, the right is never going to come together and be peaceful with the left, when the left is basically unwilling to even attempt to meet them somewhere in the middle. They are justifiably upset that Trump is president and the policies going into play and how it affects everyone, but they are ignoring, in general, the causation that lead to the right essentially uniting (as a voter base, many actual politicians on the right don't like Trump), and boiling every single person on the right that voted for trump as essentially being Trump. Being racist, sexist, and all of that, and that's just a completely unfair assessment in general and blatantly ignores the real issues that brought the right together in their unified refusal to have another left side president.

Your attitude towards the right exemplifies why the right and left cannot ever meet in the middle. The left is, generally, completely tone deaf to the legit reasons the right united that extend way beyond racism and sexism, which only truly represent a small minority of the right in the first place. They are tone deaf to how the Obama administration negatively impacted their lives, often to a severe degree. They are tone deaf to the real issues the right care about that have nothing to do with racism, walls, and sexist acts. Issues that get overshadowed by Trump's radical remarks, but issues that Trump has addressed directly through his campaign in a manner that would positively impact his voters.

Likewise, much of the right is tone deaf to the way the left sees the world, and the desires and impacts things have on them. Much of this, of course, deals with the fact that city life and rural life are two entirely different beasts that have different issues and concerns on a day to day basis, and neither the right, nor the left, considers the wider impact over both rural and city based people when they consider what they want or desire from their government.

I live in Wisconsin. Wisconsin went Trump. People I know who voted for him in my own state do not fit the descriptions often thrown at them by the left, because the left is completely ignoring the issues the right truly care about. They can't fathom how they right could vote in a racist, sexist, pig into the whitehouse, because they can't fathom,. o really truely understand, the life they lead and how bad it's gotten for them.

Essentially, you're hoping for the right to "admit they got played" (despite the fact Trump is doing, so far, everything he said he would do... though we have no idea about this "Make America Great Again" stuff because it needs many more years and much more context to really determine the full impact long haul), while failing to admit that the right has some actual reasons to vote the way they did that aren't framed by the kind of person Trump ultimately is.

But it is what it is. That's what Colin's issue is with that one developers remark towards the end. Because it's close minded and narrow focused, essentially telling the 62 million americans who voted for him, most of which are not sexist, racist, pigs, that they simply do not matter.

That's not the way you ever get both sides to get along.

Fact remains, they probably never will, and America, no matter who is president, will eventually implode on itself.

Hear, hear


However, the right is never going to come together and be peaceful with the left, when the left is basically unwilling to even attempt to meet them somewhere in the middle.

Whats the compromise position with someone who believes all people of a certain colour or religion should be expelled from the country out of interest?
They don't need to be expelled, they can just be stripped of their citizenship? They can live in reservations?

What is the compromise position?
I'm neither right nor left, and I utterly despise Trump. Unfit, terrible policies, etc etc. Sucks people are suffering because of him, though people also suffered because of Obama, it just didn't make headlines. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme though.

However, the right is never going to come together and be peaceful with the left, when the left is basically unwilling to even attempt to meet them somewhere in the middle. They are justifiably upset that Trump is president and the policies going into play and how it affects everyone, but they are ignoring, in general, the causation that lead to the right essentially uniting (as a voter base, many actual politicians on the right don't like Trump), and boiling every single person on the right that voted for trump as essentially being Trump. Being racist, sexist, and all of that, and that's just a completely unfair assessment in general and blatantly ignores the real issues that brought the right together in their unified refusal to have another left side president.

Your attitude towards the right exemplifies why the right and left cannot ever meet in the middle. The left is, generally, completely tone deaf to the legit reasons the right united that extend way beyond racism and sexism, which only truly represent a small minority of the right in the first place. They are tone deaf to how the Obama administration negatively impacted their lives, often to a severe degree. They are tone deaf to the real issues the right care about that have nothing to do with racism, walls, and sexist acts. Issues that get overshadowed by Trump's radical remarks, but issues that Trump has addressed directly through his campaign in a manner that would positively impact his voters.

Likewise, much of the right is tone deaf to the way the left sees the world, and the desires and impacts things have on them. Much of this, of course, deals with the fact that city life and rural life are two entirely different beasts that have different issues and concerns on a day to day basis, and neither the right, nor the left, considers the wider impact over both rural and city based people when they consider what they want or desire from their government.

I live in Wisconsin. Wisconsin went Trump. People I know who voted for him in my own state do not fit the descriptions often thrown at them by the left, because the left is completely ignoring the issues the right truly care about. They can't fathom how they right could vote in a racist, sexist, pig into the whitehouse, because they can't fathom,. o really truely understand, the life they lead and how bad it's gotten for them.

Essentially, you're hoping for the right to "admit they got played" (despite the fact Trump is doing, so far, everything he said he would do... though we have no idea about this "Make America Great Again" stuff because it needs many more years and much more context to really determine the full impact long haul), while failing to admit that the right has some actual reasons to vote the way they did that aren't framed by the kind of person Trump ultimately is.

But it is what it is. That's what Colin's issue is with that one developers remark towards the end. Because it's close minded and narrow focused, essentially telling the 62 million americans who voted for him, most of which are not sexist, racist, pigs, that they simply do not matter.

That's not the way you ever get both sides to get along.

Fact remains, they probably never will, and America, no matter who is president, will eventually implode on itself.

Good post. Might I ask, which are these issues that the "left" is tone-deaf about, and that are somehow caused by Obama and his administration? Is it unemployment? Because I was under the impression that those numbers have basically been brought back down to pre-crash numbers?
I'm neither right nor left, and I utterly despise Trump. Unfit, terrible policies, etc etc. Sucks people are suffering because of him, though people also suffered because of Obama, it just didn't make headlines. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme though.

However, the right is never going to come together and be peaceful with the left, when the left is basically unwilling to even attempt to meet them somewhere in the middle. They are justifiably upset that Trump is president and the policies going into play and how it affects everyone, but they are ignoring, in general, the causation that lead to the right essentially uniting (as a voter base, many actual politicians on the right don't like Trump), and boiling every single person on the right that voted for trump as essentially being Trump. Being racist, sexist, and all of that, and that's just a completely unfair assessment in general and blatantly ignores the real issues that brought the right together in their unified refusal to have another left side president.

Your attitude towards the right exemplifies why the right and left cannot ever meet in the middle. The left is, generally, completely tone deaf to the legit reasons the right united that extend way beyond racism and sexism, which only truly represent a small minority of the right in the first place. They are tone deaf to how the Obama administration negatively impacted their lives, often to a severe degree. They are tone deaf to the real issues the right care about that have nothing to do with racism, walls, and sexist acts. Issues that get overshadowed by Trump's radical remarks, but issues that Trump has addressed directly through his campaign in a manner that would positively impact his voters.

Likewise, much of the right is tone deaf to the way the left sees the world, and the desires and impacts things have on them. Much of this, of course, deals with the fact that city life and rural life are two entirely different beasts that have different issues and concerns on a day to day basis, and neither the right, nor the left, considers the wider impact over both rural and city based people when they consider what they want or desire from their government.

I live in Wisconsin. Wisconsin went Trump. People I know who voted for him in my own state do not fit the descriptions often thrown at them by the left, because the left is completely ignoring the issues the right truly care about. They can't fathom how they right could vote in a racist, sexist, pig into the whitehouse, because they can't fathom,. o really truely understand, the life they lead and how bad it's gotten for them.

Essentially, you're hoping for the right to "admit they got played" (despite the fact Trump is doing, so far, everything he said he would do... though we have no idea about this "Make America Great Again" stuff because it needs many more years and much more context to really determine the full impact long haul), while failing to admit that the right has some actual reasons to vote the way they did that aren't framed by the kind of person Trump ultimately is.

But it is what it is. That's what Colin's issue is with that one developers remark towards the end. Because it's close minded and narrow focused, essentially telling the 62 million americans who voted for him, most of which are not sexist, racist, pigs, that they simply do not matter.

That's not the way you ever get both sides to get along.

Fact remains, they probably never will, and America, no matter who is president, will eventually implode on itself.

What are the things that the left is tone-deaf on and what are the things that the right truly care about?


I'm neither right nor left, and I utterly despise Trump. Unfit, terrible policies, etc etc. Sucks people are suffering because of him, though people also suffered because of Obama, it just didn't make headlines. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme though.

However, the right is never going to come together and be peaceful with the left, when the left is basically unwilling to even attempt to meet them somewhere in the middle. They are justifiably upset that Trump is president and the policies going into play and how it affects everyone, but they are ignoring, in general, the causation that lead to the right essentially uniting (as a voter base, many actual politicians on the right don't like Trump), and boiling every single person on the right that voted for trump as essentially being Trump. Being racist, sexist, and all of that, and that's just a completely unfair assessment in general and blatantly ignores the real issues that brought the right together in their unified refusal to have another left side president.

Your attitude towards the right exemplifies why the right and left cannot ever meet in the middle. The left is, generally, completely tone deaf to the legit reasons the right united that extend way beyond racism and sexism, which only truly represent a small minority of the right in the first place. They are tone deaf to how the Obama administration negatively impacted their lives, often to a severe degree. They are tone deaf to the real issues the right care about that have nothing to do with racism, walls, and sexist acts. Issues that get overshadowed by Trump's radical remarks, but issues that Trump has addressed directly through his campaign in a manner that would positively impact his voters.

Likewise, much of the right is tone deaf to the way the left sees the world, and the desires and impacts things have on them. Much of this, of course, deals with the fact that city life and rural life are two entirely different beasts that have different issues and concerns on a day to day basis, and neither the right, nor the left, considers the wider impact over both rural and city based people when they consider what they want or desire from their government.

I live in Wisconsin. Wisconsin went Trump. People I know who voted for him in my own state do not fit the descriptions often thrown at them by the left, because the left is completely ignoring the issues the right truly care about. They can't fathom how they right could vote in a racist, sexist, pig into the whitehouse, because they can't fathom,. o really truely understand, the life they lead and how bad it's gotten for them.

Essentially, you're hoping for the right to "admit they got played" (despite the fact Trump is doing, so far, everything he said he would do... though we have no idea about this "Make America Great Again" stuff because it needs many more years and much more context to really determine the full impact long haul), while failing to admit that the right has some actual reasons to vote the way they did that aren't framed by the kind of person Trump ultimately is.

But it is what it is. That's what Colin's issue is with that one developers remark towards the end. Because it's close minded and narrow focused, essentially telling the 62 million americans who voted for him, most of which are not sexist, racist, pigs, that they simply do not matter.

That's not the way you ever get both sides to get along.

Fact remains, they probably never will, and America, no matter who is president, will eventually implode on itself.

Please do enlighten us, what exactly is the legitimate reason to vote Trump? I get that these people don't necessarily exhibit racist behavior, but "voting on the party line" is not an excuse to elect this disease. Economic anxiety and homeland security aren't legitimate reasons, they are based on fear.


Please do enlighten us, what exactly is the legitimate reason to vote Trump? I get that these people don't necessarily exhibit racist behavior, but "voting on the party line" is not an excuse to elect this disease. Economic anxiety and homeland security aren't legitimate reasons, they are based on fear.

A major tenet of his platform in fact was that "traditonal" politics - ie of compromise - is broken and that if elected he would do everything he could to refuse to work within that system.


A major tenet of his platform in fact was that "traditonal" politics - ie of compromise - is broken and that if elected he would do everything he could to refuse to work within that system.

So people elected him because he promised to blatantly violate the Constitution? Good job guys, you did it
All his views seem liberal. It's odd.

He's a self-proclaimed "Rockefeller Republican (at least, he was, before he announced he was leaving the party). In the 60's/70's, there were two main branches of Republicanism: Rockefeller Republicans (aka Liberal Republicans, named after former NY Governor Nelson Rockefeller), which held more socially liberal viewpoints and Conservative Republicans. From my understanding, many (if not most) Rockefeller Republicans hail from the Northeast (particularly New York), which is where Colin is from. However, since the 80's, the latter form of Republicanism has sort of became the dominant branch (i.e. Reagan, Bush).



That sounds unbelievably vague.

Hilary Clinton is a career politician, and a large portion of the left 'base' distrust her precisely because she has been shown repeatedly to compromise with the right to push through non-partisan legislation. It probably cost her the election.

How'd the right treat her? Why is it the lefts job to meet 'half way'?


2) We've been trying to "change their minds" in this country since the 1800s. It looks like it's not working.
I really hate this statement people keep making. It basically means "I'm tired of fighting, I want to give up". Well that's nice for you but for some of us we really don't have a choice in this.

But it's nice that you want to go through life trying to ignore the problem. I'm happy at least YOU can do that.


I am on the side of game developers, there is no debate on this, we live in a wonderful multicultural world and being different is the beauty of it.
Okay, that's go-

On the other hand I would love to ask game developers, in the last 40+ years of the gaming industry, how many games we had with the lead character being a muslim, a person that originated from the middle east countries, or how many games dare to touch on the issues people deal with in these war torn countries?

An how many black or latin (or other minorities) people are lead characters in games, and I don't event want to mention women.

All these minorities are usualy used as cannon fodder and presented in games as the evil of all evils in the majority of games.

So before game developers get judgmental and talk about racism, they should take a deep look inside their design decisions.

Also politics is a double edge sword, and it makes me wonder why no one reacted when Obama bombarded all these countries (and killed innocent people, plus his policy created the refugee crisis) for 8 years vs Trump just banning people from entering the US (something I strongly disagree).

And lets don't forget that Trump got elected from 60+ million people with a specific agenta, so maybe its time to listen to the voices of all these people and understand why they have their political views.

Please don't make this a Trump vs Obama, republicans va democrats, but what us people consider the right thing to do.

I consider gamers to be the smartest of people, we all have experienced some form of racism in our lifes (school, uni, community etc), and all of us together can make wonderful things if we want to.
LOL this fucking guy


I really hate this statement people keep making. It basically means "I'm tired of fighting, I want to give up". Well that's nice for you but for some of us we really don't have a choice in this.

But it's nice that you want to go through life trying to ignore the problem. I'm happy at least YOU can do that.

Lol buddy if I said what I REALLY wanted to do, I would be permabanned from this forum

Remember what happened in the 1800s? Maybe that's what it will take.


Neighbours from Hell
Wow, a lot of hate for Colin. He does come off as pompous and arrogant at times, but I've never met the guy so I'm not going to pretend like I know him. I try not to judge people I don't know personally. But everyone I respect who does know him speaks highly of him as a person, and I don't think his heart is in the wrong place. You can do a lot worse in this world than Colin Moriarty. Seems like a genuinely good dude, who has flaws, like all of us do.

I'm not a political guy, but I can't agree all Trump supporters are racists. Well, it depends on what you mean by supporters. People who staunchly support his policies? A lot of them probably are. But people who voted for him? You'd be surprised how many people vote know absolutely nothing about politics.

Out of the 62 million people who voted for Trump, how many of those even know anything about Trump other than he's a Republican? A lot fewer than I think most would suspect. I think people underestimate how many people go into a voting booth and just vote for 'R' or 'D' and get the hell out of there as fast as they can so they can go about their lives.

Now is that a problem? Of course. People should be educated on who they vote for, but that is another discussion entirely. But I don't think nearly as many people went into voting booths thinking "Go Trump! Monorities burn! Here's my vote, Donald" as people think. I'm sure a lot did too, but I literally spoke to people who voted for Trump and they told me the reason they voted for him was "He's a rich guy, he must know stuff about money, and our economy sucks, so I voted Trump." People who don't know, don't care to know, but don't have a racist bone in their body.


If anyone wants to see Colin at his rawest, check out his appearance on Jared Petty's Pockets Full of Soup. It was some very heartfelt stuff, you don't typically hear from him (Greg's was good, too).
I will have to check that out since I really don't like him on kinda funny but I enjoyed the times he was on the comedy button. Thanks for the suggestion.
I really hate this statement people keep making. It basically means "I'm tired of fighting, I want to give up". Well that's nice for you but for some of us we really don't have a choice in this.

But it's nice that you want to go through life trying to ignore the problem. I'm happy at least YOU can do that.

You read that statement wrong, I think. It's basically "I'm tired of not fighting enough".
I'm not a political guy, but I can't agree all Trump supporters are racists. Well, it depends on what you mean by supporters. People who staunchly support his policies? A lot of them probably are. But people who voted for him? You'd be surprised how many people vote know absolutely nothing about politics.

Out of the 62 million people who voted for Trump, how many of those even know anything about Trump other than he's a Republican? A lot fewer than I think most would suspect. I think people underestimate how many people go into a voting booth and just vote for 'R' or 'D' and get the hell out of there as fast as they can so they can go about their lives.


And that somehow absolves them or puts them above criticism? In their ignorance they elected a racist with a racist platform. You lay with dogs, you get fleas. Sorry if I have zero fucks to give about their guilt by association when real people are having to deal with the real repercussions of their ignorance. You can save that bullshit.
I will have to check that out since I really don't like him on kinda funny but I enjoyed the times he was on the comedy button. Thanks for the suggestion.

That whole series is good. If you enjoy that episode, maybe check out the others. Jared is a very unique interviewer. The show has a very calm and relaxing vibe to it all.
I really hate this statement people keep making. It basically means "I'm tired of fighting, I want to give up". Well that's nice for you but for some of us we really don't have a choice in this.

But it's nice that you want to go through life trying to ignore the problem. I'm happy at least YOU can do that.

Your reading that post wrong. It's more, "I'm tired of having to remind people, mainly white people, that there are plain as day injustices that have effected minorities for generations."


Neighbours from Hell
And that somehow absolves them or puts them above criticism? In their ignorance they elected a racist with a racist platform. You lay with dogs, you get fleas. Sorry if I have zero fucks to give about their guilt by association when real people are having to deal with the real repercussions of their ignorance. You can save that bullshit.

I already addressed that here Now is that a problem? Of course. People should be educated on who they vote for, but that is another discussion entirely.

Of course ignorance has its repercussions, but that's a completely different thing than those people being racists.


You read that statement wrong, I think. It's basically "I'm tired of not fighting enough".
We're not in the type of world anymore where you can just say things and just assume they're on your side. We assumed a lot in 2016 and look where that got us.

Lol buddy if I said what I REALLY wanted to do, I would be permabanned from this forum

Remember what happened in the 1800s? Maybe that's what it will take.
Fair enough then I see a lot of people who are real defeatist about this kind of shit and give up and that frustrates the shit out of me. I took what you said at face value.
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