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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


It's up to you where you're going to draw you're own lines, even if you choose not to ignore them it's still important to discuss it with them and explain why they made a mistake (assuming you think they did)

That's my view. And yes, voting for Trump was a mistake. But it's just that. I'll be much more effective with these people speaking from a place of reason, and there's plenty of reasons to dislike Trump, just give it time. Or not. They are smart people and things are happening fast, so maybe they regret it already, I'm not sure.


Yep, points completely missed in posts like this. Here's a little secret: The KKK, 5,000 members in the US. No one panders to them because there is no fucking point. The Alt-Right, the real fucking alt right with assholes like Spencer? On the day of their greatest fucking victory, when they had their big get together? 200 of them. There were more protesters outside their event than there were inside. The biggest Neo-nazi group in the US? Around 400 people IIRC.

So let's assume that those numbers are far too low, and let's say that it's a grand total of 50,000 white supremacists across the country. That's minuscule. At 500,000 that's still a TINY number when you consider our population. But yeah, everyone is on the side of the racists. I

Honestly though, I think I'm just amazed that Colin, a left leaning libertarian from everything I have ever seen him say, is being attacked in this thread and called alt right because he only spent 75% of his video criticizing Trump policies, and had the temerity to say that we should have discussions and not demonize the other side.

What a dick.

Your numbers are bullshit pulled from your ass and you show your true stance by being intentionally disingenuous by trying to peddle that. You know damn well there is a hell of alot more to being racist and bigoted than just being a member of the KKK. People knew the platform Trump was running on and all the awful shit he said and done. Again, the comic is very apt. If you know neo nazi's and the KKK are endorsing a candidate common-fucking-sense should tell you "Hey self, maybe there is something wrong with this picture" Of course if you have no problems with those ideals being part of the platform or are so single issue minded you can put everything else vile he stands for aside for that one thing then the common sense meter isn't going on. Not saying thats any better, just that you have no right to say you sympathize with those issues or are an ally when all you do is pay lip service and vote against those minority groups rights and interests.
Just finished the video and I thought it was really well done. I'm glad Colin is making this series cause he does his research and I always like to hear his opinions. I may disagree with him a lot, but I admire how articulate and passionate he can be with his opinions. He's really interesting to listen to.
It's not an equivalency, so stop with that nonsense. It's frankly bullshit. Trump supporters think less of someone because they are Muslim, or gay, or black. I think less of Trump supporters because they are racists, or xenophobic, or homophobic, or mysoginists. Do you not see a difference? If the KKK says they hate black people, and I say I hate the KKK, does that put us on equal moral footing? Enough with that shit already.

I'm late AF getting to this thread, but I love you Ninja Scooter.


He really needs to change the name from "Colin was right" to something else. It's antithetical to the quality and effort he is trying to convey. It comes off as childish and immediately puts me in "defensive mode" before even watching.

How about Colin callin' it?
Remind me, why are you running away again? What did they say to you here, besides dantevsninjas, that makes you want to run away?

I didn't even think I was all that agressive. This shit is getting tiresome though. We've got pages of people normalizing this bullshit, and this whole 'difference of opinion' meme is bonkers.

Yes, not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist. But best case scenario, they were all "just following orders"; they're all complicit in legitimizing white nationalism in this country.


I'll never understand nor sympathize with the sentiment of finding someone to blame instead of putting that same effort in fixing stuff.

I keep reading how more important it is to hate the side that is in the wrong instead of finding middle ground to make things better for everyone.
I feel like the video plays out like an episode of a child's cartoon, where Colin turns the narrative into a moral lesson for us all. It's cringe worthy and I think his overall conclusions are too black and white for my taste, similar to how they're presented in children TV shows. This isn't helped by the fact that despite efforts to interview publishers and discuss the issues with meaningful figures in the industry, his investigative efforts get us nothing beyond the obvious. The majority of publishers did not respond, and his video game developer friend failed to interject anything beyond the opinion already expressed by users on neogaf and other communities.

Colin also down plays Midboss's intent to take their stance, suggesting that the aggressive and exclusionary stance is always negative and essentially, part of the problem - I disagree. Every person or collective organisation is going to have their boundary where they will feel they need to take a hard stance against whatever they're facing, and it's important that they do so when these situations present themselves. It's important to make it clear that they do not and will not support what is happening around them, and the people associated with it. I personally think that blaming everyone that voted for Trump is a poor decision on their part, but the latter half of the comment suggests that they believe his 'regime' is fascist, and they do not want money from those that support fascism. Provided this is a genuine belief, I do not feel that their stance is unreasonable, in fact I would argue that it's important to take a hard stance if you feel threatened by bullies, or in this case, facism.

I think the video itself earns more credit than it's worth because Colin himself is quite articulate. While the opinion expressed is relatively pedestrian, typical of exchanges on forums like these, and the investigative journalism goes no where, the video and Colin's views are excellently presented, albeit unremarkable. Had he spent more time, spoken to more developers, and participated in some real investigative journalism then the video might have been a little more interesting, but in the end it felt like a pretty generic take on the current political climate surrounding the video game industry, with very little to offer anyone already familiar with the issues.
Whenever he talks politics might I suggest "Colin Was White"? Would definitely give better context for his completely tone deaf opinions.


This is great journalism but I do agree his comments about alienating audiences are slightly misdirected. He said he wouldn't have problems with a socialist consuming his content but socialism at its core has really high values and aspirations. Trump promised during the campaign and has done since his inauguration things which are really horrific for some people. I'm all for breaking bubbles and opening dialogues but you have to keep in mind the context as to why so many are hostile to his supporters at this time.
I'll never understand nor sympathize with the sentiment of finding someone to blame instead of putting that same effort in fixing stuff.

I keep reading how more important it is to hate the side that is in the wrong instead of finding middle ground to make things better for everyone.

Have you been watching anything that has happened over the past week? Tell me, which one of Trump's decisions has pointed us towards this mythical middle ground? What exactly has he done to make you think he gives a fuck about what the other side thinks? Obama spent years trying to work with these people and it got him fucking nowhere. They don't want us to work with them. They want us to work for them.


I'll never understand nor sympathize with the sentiment of finding someone to blame instead of putting that same effort in fixing stuff.

I keep reading how more important it is to hate the side that is in the wrong instead of finding middle ground to make things better for everyone.
Unfortunately, the middle ground is so far right these days.


Oh God...

I remember joining some random stream and this dumbo was ranting on and on about how Hilary is as bad as Trump (in other words worse than Trump). Yea nice job.


I am glad Danny O'Dwyer called him out on his tweet when Trump got elected. This tweet sums up his tone deaf position.



Have you been watching anything that has happened over the past week? Tell me, which one of Trump's decisions has pointed us towards this mythical middle ground? What exactly has he done to make you think he gives a fuck about what the other side thinks? Obama spent years trying to work with these people and it got him fucking nowhere. They don't want us to work with them. They want us to work for them.

Exactly, we spent eight years trying to work with them. They've been using our own need to find compromise against us, and they are still doing it. Classic fascist technique.


The problem is that if racism is an economical gain, then people like Colin will have no problem being racist and perhaps even defend it.
A lot of these people don't care about the moral argument though. It's more productive to try to reason with them in a way that they'll actually listen to instead of having the "They're people and it's wrong" "So?" argument over and over.

When I asked him why, all he could say was, "The Mafia is an inherently white concept, it doesn't make any sense to have a black protagonist in a mafia game/movie."
Which is pretty funny considering that Italians weren't "white" in America until at least the 40s


I'll never understand nor sympathize with the sentiment of finding someone to blame instead of putting that same effort in fixing stuff.

I keep reading how more important it is to hate the side that is in the wrong instead of finding middle ground to make things better for everyone.

Why in the hell is it my job to find middle ground with people that hate me or don't care enough about what his policies could do to minorities?

We all told you what Trump is about. Either they agreed with all Trump said or they didn't care because his policies wouldn't negatively impact them. Either way these people don't ever get to say they are an ally when they explicitly voted for someone as divisive as Trump.

The man literally has a White Supremacist in his ear all day. Did Colin say anything about that? But I'm supposed to go out of my way and sit down and find reason and middle ground with someone who doesn't give a fuck about me? Please.

Question: has Collin said anything about the protestors that shit on Obama for no other reason other than they were racist? Has he ever criticized the GOP congress for refusing to function simply because they wanted to discredit Obama.

Did he ask people in the rust belt to talk to Obama voters and ask why they voted for him to better understand and find some middle ground? But suddenly in this situation I have to go out of my way?

Spare me the bullshit.


He really needs to change the name from "Colin was right" to something else. It's antithetical to the quality and effort he is trying to convey. It comes off as childish and immediately puts me in "defensive mode" before even watching.

Maybe it's a pun on him being an ex-right winger, since now he's off the charts, out in libertarian land?
first google comment I looked at was "Trump = Hitler"

Btw, Hitler's first move was to have an armed, non-governmental terrorist militia under his complete control. His second move was to destroy democracy. The Trump = Hitler, or Trump voters = Nazis works no better than those who labeled Obama Kenyan Muslim communist in 08-09.
If Trump was asking all those conservative, armed to the teeth militas throughout the country to rise up in his support, what do you think would happen? I'm curious.

That's just besides the fact we already had an armored Navy SEALS convoy driving through a city sporting Trump campaign flags a few days ago.

I'm aware Clinton was a bad candidate. What happened with the Clinton Campaign and Michigan and Wisconsin was ridiculous.

But that's not enough to explain what happened by itself, because Trump was a horrendous candidate. He lost every debate. He made constant gaffes. He hurled insults at everyone. He was a NYC billionaire who said not paying his workers and taxes makes him smart. He constantly and blatantly lied. He bragged about sexual assault on tape.

And he won.

So what does that say about the people who voted for him? That seriously looked at a person like that and said "I think this guy is the right one for the job?" A lot of those same people are now cheering his decision to ban immigrants from countries based on... What?


I feel like this post by Colin should be read, because a lot of people seem to think that he's just about the economic issues, and not the other ones that are being discussed ITT.


I feel like this post by Colin should be read, because a lot of people seem to think that he's just about the economic issues, and not the other ones.

Most Americans rightfully believe our immigration policy has gotten out of hand. Because it has.

shockingly different opinion to expectations.

Come you poor, you huddled masses, then fuck off home. Muricas full.


Thankfully my family and most of my friends turned on Trump with the whole 'Judge not being able to do his job because he's a Mexican' thing.

I can get a quick reading on if someone that supported Trump did it out of ignorance or wanted to support him while being informed. If it's the latter I don't want anything to do with that person.


since he tried to normalise Bannon I pretty much stopped listening to Colin.

I guess he's still relevant in the industry because he's the co-host of the biggest ps podcast out there.


Man, that video really took a turn in the last few minutes. I was with him until then. Now I think he's yet another self-serving conservative hypocrite who only cares about civility insofar as it's directed (vaguely) at him. As someone who's live in both Texas and California, I also got a laugh at Silicon Valley being the worst political bubble he's ever witnessed. Maybe that's just another little privilege he didn't realize he enjoyed.


since he tried to normalise Bannon I pretty much stopped listening to Colin.

I guess he's still relevant in the industry because he's the co-host of the biggest ps podcast out there.

This can't be understated. No one should take Colin seriously, his political ideas are cringe and he's an apologist for extreme right wing ideology

Not to mention he discourages people from playing metal gear


for someone with a penchant for politics it sure is strange that he would be clueless about who he is or what breitbart represents.


I can laugh or I can scream, or I can just not even be surprised anymore.

If you dont know who Steven Bannon is by now, or have before.

He is a literal fucking Nazi, he is the fucking Geobbels to Trumps Hitler.

If colin is anyway interested in reading or hearing about this total shit stain not even worthy to be called a human being, then Colin is way too far gone.


Damn, that burn by Danny:

I really hate how being "smart" is this untouchable quality that is somehow more important than being a good person and utilizing your intelligence to better the world. I see this opinion a lot these days, especially from Trump supporters. "Like him or hate him, you gotta admit Trump is a smart business man!". I mean, ignoring the fact that it's not true, why is this such a noble thing?

If Bannon was stupid he wouldn't be so dangerous, much like a lot of the alt-right figureheads at the moment. Like yeah, he's a smart dude. He's also a fucking evil parasite.
...This tweet just reinforces my belief that Colin (whom both devs certainly know personally - Druckmann more than Ismail, i think) is certainly meaning well, but is just being 'clumsy' with his suggestions of how to 'reach out', which some of us would consider showing a lack of empathy and to be a rather naive idea. Something they seem to be able to overlook, in the grand scheme of things. I can totally accept that...

Glad [Rami Ismail] was able to amend his statement

I wonder if Neil will react to this. I am seriously disappointed in him.

The normalizing of Bannon (below) is the most shocking thing I've learned in this thread about Colin, about whom I admittedly knew little prior to this thread.

Unless Neil Druckmann and Rami Ismail were simply unaware, it is hugely disappointing that they would choose to amplify his voice.

for someone with a penchant for politics it sure is strange that he would be clueless about who he is or what breitbart represents.


Damn, that burn by Danny:



I'm currently arguing with several people on KF's Facebook group who are defending Bannon and douchebag Milo so that tells you all you need to know about who laps up garbage like that video....

Already been called a "snowflake" "PC fuck" and "alt-left" so yeah....grrrrrreat bunch of people....
Colin is the worst should be the title of his show. Glad he did some research on what he was saying this time but the end is so cringe worthy. Him trying to take some fake moral high ground and give us a message. Like sure they're putting into place really sexist, racist and soon to be anti gay agendas but let's try to work with them and unite. Easy as a white straight male to say.


I'm currently arguing with several people on KF's Facebook group who are defending Bannon and douchebag Milo so that tells you all you need to know about who laps up garbage like that video....

Already been called a "snowflake" "PC fuck" and "alt-left" so yeah....grrrrrreat bunch of people....
I've tried (not specifically within the KF community) to reason with those people before. Nothing seems to work. Even when I try to approach the situation calmly, I can't get anywhere. It's disheartening, to say the least.


I've tried (not specifically within the KF community) to reason with those people before. Nothing seems to work. Even when I try to approach the situation calmly, I can't get anywhere. It's disheartening, to say the least.

Right...I'm about to be done with that group and KF period. I like some of the stuff they do but the "God worship" mentality and mob mentality that exists on there is ridiculous...tonight is the last straw.
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