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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.


Fuck this dude and anyone who supports him.
The Steve Bannon tweet will probably stop me listening to their podcasts. Not seeing through that scumbag's lies and mistruths means Colin's too far down the rabbit hole for me.


So the end sucked. But the piece about the economics was legitimately really good work with some nuance to it.

Let's not lynch the dude for being caught in the two-sides thing, I've seen reasonable people get caught there often, and there is a spectrum betwren doing what he did here and being an outright alt-right troll.

The comment to Ismail's tweet was way worse in that regard. Is there any more context than the "did you see the final five minutes?"-tweet?

He's not just doing the both sides thing. He's also a dick, and acts like he's a lot more conservative than he lets on. He seems to admire Steve Bannon, makes fun of safe spaces, tells people worried about the election results to just calm down and it will be fine. His lack of empathy towards the plight of minorities and defending white supremacists at their expense is borderline racism.


The Steve Bannon tweet will probably stop me listening to their podcasts. Not seeing through that scumbag's lies and mistruths means Colin's too far down the rabbit hole for me.

It's not just that tweet. If you go down that thread you'll see people posting awful, indefensible garbage (unless you're a piece of shit) Bannon has said or approved to be posted on Breitbart, and Colin dismisses it all.
Is he still telling people they are being over dramatic and exaggerating? Or did he quietly slink away from that god awful position like the rat fuck he is?


Is he still telling people they are being over dramatic and exaggerating? Or did he quietly slink away from that god awful position like the rat fuck he is?

Well now he seems to be pretending he doesn't know what Breitbart is.


While at the same time disregarding everything Breitbart has posted with Bannon's approval.



And of course, after having read this garbage, he still thinks Bannon is onto "something unforeseen."



It's fine to say "fuck you" and other means of belittling in private, but don't let that be the crux of what you bring to discussions. What Colin points out, and what I have come to conclude on my own, is that it is not a productive endeavor to belittle to change another's viewpoints. Highlight what the problem is and provide a positive solution to change that policy. It will not work once for someone who actively avoids evidence based reasoning, but for those that do, that positivism is a good way to gain support.

Edit: Of course, one can preach a message but not follow it themselves, as evident in those tweets.


Can we talk about the actual content of the video instead of the personality behind them?

I've worked in themed entertainment, games, and the software industry. The U.S. does not, in any way shape or form, produce enough software programmers to meet the demands of industry. Even the 7 nation 'pause' in immigration (man it feels dirty to use the revisionist phrasing) is affecting people's ability to work and discourages highly talented people from coming here. If the rumors about H1B changes are true it will be the start of the end for the US tech industry's prowess. For some reason, people in the US don't study programming and computer science, at least not enough to meet the demand. And, sorry fellow 'Murricans, there isn't something special in the water that just magically makes US citizens smarter than the rest of the world - the strongest asset we've always had is the great environment for people to start business and do work which brings the best and brightest from around the world to one place.

So yeah, the video is right - restricting immigration, making the country look bad internationally will dramatically reduce the quality of games in the US. Maybe other countries will spring up to take the lead - but it'll be rough waters for a while.

Also lots of papers have been talking about how moving "manufacturing" of tech isn't just "build the iPhone/PlayStation in the US" - being right next to where all the components are made is a requirement for the mass production of gadgets. And moving ALL of that to the US in any kind of short time frame is ludicrous. So best case, we get faux-manufacturing like Sony and Microsoft do in Brazil - which doesn't really create that many "jobs" and still just ends up jacking the price up for end consumers.
Colin is just going to keep on keeping on when he has renowned Game Devs backing him up.


"This fucking guy keeps knocking it out of the park... If you are part of the game industry, I consider this a must watch."

Yep. I even tweeted at Neil hoping it was some sort of mistake.

But nope, no change. Really disappointing and disgusting that Neil agrees with Colin's views.


Yep. I even tweeted at Neil hoping it was some sort of mistake.

But nope, no change. Really disappointing and disgusting that Neil agrees with Colin's views.
Is it really disgusting? Like I get that people are sick of the "unity" calls, but I find it hard to see it as a disgusting view. It's at worst naive for having too much faith in the human nature of the Trump voters.


Is it really disgusting? Like I get that people are sick of the "unity" calls, but I find it hard to see it as a disgusting view. It's at worst naive for having too much faith in the human nature of the Trump voters.
Pay attention to the past couple weeks to see why people are disgusted.


It's fine to say "fuck you" and other means of belittling in private, but don't let that be the crux of what you bring to discussions. What Colin points out, and what I have come to conclude on my own, is that it is not a productive endeavor to belittle to change another's viewpoints. Highlight what the problem is and provide a positive solution to change that policy. It will not work once for someone who actively avoids evidence based reasoning, but for those that do, that positivism is a good way to gain support.

Edit: Of course, one can preach a message but not follow it themselves, as evident in those tweets.

The problem of discussing a problem is even when there is ample evidence that there is a problem. It does little good if opposing viewpoints don't accept and don't believe the evidence, e.g. Climate Change.

No dialogue or bipartisan solution can occur if you say "here's the problem and here is 10,000 pages that highlight the evidence. Here is our solution do you have any ideas to solve this?" And then the other side says, "There's nothing to solve. You're lying."
Misguided opinion on the 2064 ROM tweet. The fascists and Nazi's can't be reasoned with or "turned" so it's not even worth trying to cater to them. Fuck em.

Stay wrong, Colin

"We have to reason with the fascists" is the most white-privilege sentiment going around in liberal circles these days and it drives me nuts. These people want minorities dead, there is no reasoning. None.


Colin is just going to keep on keeping on when he has renowned Game Devs backing him up.


"This fucking guy keeps knocking it out of the park... If you are part of the game industry, I consider this a must watch."

Yep. I even tweeted at Neil hoping it was some sort of mistake.

But nope, no change. Really disappointing and disgusting that Neil agrees with Colin's views.

Maybe he's just praising the work put into the video?
I mean, outside of Colin's ideals, it's still a pretty well done research with a lot of work put into it.
And it's always nice when someone goes to such lenghts to make an informative video for everyone to see.


Is it really disgusting? Like I get that people are sick of the "unity" calls, but I find it hard to see it as a disgusting view. It's at worst naive for having too much faith in the human nature of the Trump voters.

Having a call to "unity" sounds nice and all but it comes down to who you are directing your call to. In the case of the white "moderate", it always seems to be directed towards the people fighting for their rights to fall in line, which is pretty disgusting. I wonder how much more quickly social progress would be made if the gut reaction wasn't to undermine the civil rights movement but to criticize the people who make the movement necessary in the first place.


Pay attention to the past couple weeks to see why people are disgusted.
I bet Druckman is also disgusted by Trump's politics, but this is simply about the way of how to fight it. If you don't agree with their approach you're understandably disappointed, but it's also clear that they're still on the right side, so I'm not so sure what's the point of grilling Druckman over it.
Is it really disgusting? Like I get that people are sick of the "unity" calls, but I find it hard to see it as a disgusting view. It's at worst naive for having too much faith in the human nature of the Trump voters.
The context can be disgusting if calls of unity are used to talk down to non-white people to just suck it up and ignore issues affecting them in racially some colour-blind manner.


The context can be disgusting if calls of unity are used to talk down to non-white people to just suck it up and ignore issues affecting them in racially some colour-blind manner.
Was Colin talking about ignoring issues? I dont remember that.

Having a call to "unity" sounds nice and all but it comes down to who you are directing your call to. In the case of the white "moderate", it always seems to be directed towards the people fighting for their rights to fall in line, which is pretty disgusting. I wonder how much more quickly social progress would be made if the gut reaction wasn't to undermine the civil rights movement but to criticize the people who make the movement necessary in the first place.
I didnt see a call to fall in line but the hope to reason with Trump supporters. That's something that can definitely be taken as naive but I didn't get the message that people should stop fighting.
OMG, he completely missed the dig lol.

He didn't. He knows better, he is just being asshole Colin. Colin if you're reading this I want you to know that I as a proud New Yorker am so ashamed you claim to be a New Yorker let alone, claim that you're from the island.

You're smug and I don't like it.


Was Colin talking about ignoring issues? I dont remember that.

I didnt see a call to fall in line but the hope to reason with Trump supporters. That's something that can definitely be taken as naive but I didn't get the message that people should stop fighting.

Considering how his "chill the fuck out" and tone-policing statements seem to be only directed towards people on the receiving end of abuse, I don't see any way to interpret Colin's stance other than that he wants to undermine the side for civil rights. Why single out the individual that says "fuck off" in response to those calling for their ethnic cleansing? Even his criticisms of Trump focus on how much it will cost him to buy a new game, which makes it clear systematic oppression of groups of people is not really his concern.
Other posters have said it eloquently, in that the "middle ground" people like Colin are calling for happens to be much closer to the Trump's side.


Colin thinks that Rami's clarification about his stance on the end of the video was due to bullying and 'censorship'


He simply doesn't get it.

I'm sorry, I have no idea how anyone can see Colin as anything but a douche. I know he has his supporters on Gaf (and a cult-like support system on KF), but this kind of attitude deserves a slap.

His tweet could have unironically ended with "Sad!" and it wouldn't have looked out of place at all.
Well now he seems to be pretending he doesn't know what Breitbart is.


While at the same time disregarding everything Breitbart has posted with Bannon's approval.



And of course, after having read this garbage, he still thinks Bannon is onto "something unforeseen."


something unforseen!!!! LMAO

And yeah, Danny's comment just went completely over his head. Or maybe he's just pretending he didn't get it. Like he pretends not to know what fucking Breitbart is!
Is it really disgusting? Like I get that people are sick of the "unity" calls, but I find it hard to see it as a disgusting view. It's at worst naive for having too much faith in the human nature of the Trump voters.

Yes when you scold the oppressed and demand that they play nice with their oppressors and blame the oppressed for the state of things. Yes that's disgusting.
Yes when you scold the oppressed and demand that they play nice with their oppressors and blame the oppressed for the state of things. Yes that's disgusting.

Colin, a white guy who has admitted he'd vote for Trump over Hillary, is scolding and demanding that the oppressed play nice with their oppressors.

Dudes a damn loon if he thinks anyone should take him seriously.


It seems this thread is divided into two camps. Camp 1 thinks Colin made a good but probably flawed attempt at a video with a call for decency. Camp 2 says "fuck Colin and fuck anybody who agrees with this." This does not bode well for unifying the left in future elections.

Throwing this out, did Colin ever comment on anyone being decent with Obama? I can't imagine he did. Let that sink in. Always question the intent of someone calling for "finding middle ground" and "working together".

My brother is exactly the same way. He pretends to be a libertarian and that "both Dems and Republicans are bad", but all he ever posts is anti-dem garbage on Facebook. So transparent. If you're going to say you're in the "middle" you damn well better have the receipts to back it up.
Throwing this out, did Colin ever comment on anyone being decent with Obama? I can't imagine he did. Let that sink in. Always question the intent of someone calling for "finding middle ground" and "working together".


I appreciate the reasoned tone Colin brings to a topic surrounded by hysteria.

I think his first premise, that Trump and Congress could agree to serious tariffs, is far-fetched. Most of Trump's rhetoric on the subject seems like saber-rattling to push China and others to lower their strong barriers to U.S. products (how he "makes deals"), and even if not he'd have serious opposition from both parties to a trade war or anything remotely approaching Brazil's tariffs.

I also doubt the 90-day travel ban from the seven (Obama-selected) countries will have a major impact on gaming. It's very limited in scope and will be over soon.

Colin really is right, though, when it comes to ROM and divisive rhetoric. Telling people to "fuck off" is a great way to ensure they will never see things from your point of view and will lean harder the other way. If you care only about venting rather than winning hearts and minds, go for it, but don't be surprised when the ranks of your enemies grow larger and more entrenched.


I don't get his point about Romney. Is he suggesting that I as someone on the left and someone who loved Obama should have voted for Romney? Or is he saying that no one should have spoken against Romney because it's a boy who cried wolf situation?

The first one
I don't get his point about Romney. Is he suggesting that I as someone on the left and someone who loved Obama should have voted for Romney? Or is he saying that no one should have spoken against Romney because it's a boy who cried wolf situation?

Yes hes saying we should have voted Romney as Trump wouldn't have run against an incumbent Romney. Its stupid and just another thing to point out what a dirt bag Colin actually is.


Video games is the point of their content and why their viewers watch and support them. I'm not sure you get that. There's always something bigger than video games. Plenty of news sources someone can go to for broader effects of the immigration ban.

Colin is the one making it a habit to exit his lane and make simply asinine political statements.


It's a shame this happening

I do like KF and have listened to Greg and Colin for years now going back to IGN. I enjoy a lot of their content

But they have to be losing fans due to his attitude. And at times it stinks. They do have hardcore fans who seem to just agreee with everything they do, but I'm not sure they can keep on sustaining the conterversial stuff he comes out with


People called Romanes they go the house?
Lol @ the deflection in 'did he say or write that?'

He directly allowed the damn things to be published, Colin. Clearly, he either doesn't have a problem with it, or has less of a problem with it compared to the money he was raking in.

Neither of which inspires confidence in Bannon as a charitable human being.


I find it hilarious that Colin left the Republican because of Trump's antics and not his policies yet will go on about gay rights. Dude loves his tax breaks, I guess.

His whole shtick about being a better than thou moderate (lol) who's above the left and right is aggravating. Some self prescribed smugness about being better than everyone else.
The first one

No, it's definitely the second one (although "spoken against" is a bit softer than he is insinuating). I distinctly remember Colin pointing to all of the past couple Republican candidates and complaining about how no one will listen to liberals when they demonize Trump because it's boy who cried wolf. Which of course is fucking inane to suggest that that's a problem for liberals when Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton were never, ever, ever demonized by conservatives. Ever.

Either way it's inane though so shrug/


I find it hilarious that Colin left the Republican because of Trump's antics and not his policies yet will go on about gay rights. Dude loves his tax breaks, I guess.

His whole shtick about being a better than thou moderate (lol) who's above the left and right is aggravating. Some self prescribed smugness about being better than everyone else.

There's always something innately delicious about seeing a white upper-middle class man arguing for the status quo and claiming the "moderate" position. It's just so fucking self-serving and oblivious.

"Guys, let's try and keep things civil so I don't have to feel bad about reaping all the benefits of a one-sided society while minorities and women have their rights stripped away"


The fucking irony in this is delicious. The guy who thinks Hillary Clinton is evil and corrupt is upset about Mitt Romney being demonized?

Yeah, the hypocrisy is astounding.

But they have to be losing fans due to his attitude. And at times it stinks. They do have hardcore fans who seem to just agreee with everything they do, but I'm not sure they can keep on sustaining the conterversial stuff he comes out with

Unlikely. I'd say the bulk of their fans, just like your average fanbase, doesn't think too deeply (or at all) about these things, they're perfectly happy to excuse these kinds of opinions. Many might just even be like him.
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