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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump

Colin, if you are reading this, that was exceptional. You hit every nail on the head with great research and anecdotal evidence. Absolutely fantastic episode and it made me really quite angry at some of the people out there, but also more sympathetic and understanding to others.

America needs to be hopeful in a time where hope isn't in much quantity. Instead people are making it darker and harder for people to communicate to each other about their problems.

It starts from the top down. If you want people to be hopeful and inclusionary, don't elect a fucking racist, fascist, unqualified reality show star to the highest position in the land, and if you did, you have no place to tell people to be nicer or to stop being divisive.

Ah this comic. I'm amazed that people think that it's either clever or accurate. It always shows up as if its an actual argument or adds anything to the discussion.


With all these complaints about the title of the show, which is clearly supposed to be tongue and cheek, I wonder why I don't see these same complaints filling the Jimquisition threads to such a degree when being arrogant and condescending is part of his whole shtick. (that is also clearly tongue and cheek)

Because as you said, it's a shtick. Colin is actually arrogant and condescending, it's not a shtick.

The only thing "tongue and cheek" about this show is the name, the show itself is serious. The "Colin was right" could be seen as an inside joke created by his community, but for the people who know how Colin behaves, it's impossible to see it as a joke. And people who don't know him can't know about the joke.

He loves reminding everyone of all the times he has been right, I lost count of the times he said how he said before anyone else that Rocket League was going to be a hit, or how he was one of the few that didn't cave into No Man's Sky hype.

If "Colin was right" was really a joke, he wouldn't had quit NeoGAF just because he was faced with facts showing he was wrong.


Looking forward to watching this. Seems like a topic that Colin could bring something interesting to the table. Thanks for posting.
who are you now more angry at? who are you now more sympathetic and understanding towards?

More angry at the people who say if you believe in this "fuck off" I've got no conversation to have with you. This is just incredibly ignorant and gets us no where.

More sympathetic to those being deeply affected by this executive order of banning immigration. (Not that I wasn't before.)


"Don't let Trump divide us!".
Lmao, again with this drivel.
Trump isn't dividing shit, Trump isn't a demon from another dimension, he's the embodiment of what a large part of the US already thinks and feels, the divide is already there.


I was on board with this video before that, though. It was a largely fair video, but I find it ironic at how Colin is so clueless and unaware of how privileged he is to be a person NOT on the receiving end of hate speech and toxic/destructive laws that seek to target specific people in this country. So I don't think his argument holds water at all.

He lives in San Francisco FFS. How tone deaf can a person be?


Why the hell are we giving a gaming commentator attention on his (shitty) political views on the gaming side of the forum?

because the video is about the current political climate as it relates to the gaming industry

as to why you're giving him attention, that's a question that only you can answer


He should change the name of his show.

Calling himself right especially on such controversial issues is not conducive to good discussion.

He presupposes he's right on every thing he talks about in these episodes ? That's just silly.
It's not just unhealthy, it's absolutely dangerous. People are okay with committing violence against Nazis (like Richard Spencer), but the definition of who a Nazi is has been watered down so much that you have some people calling half the country Nazis. This is crazy. And it's coming from the 'progressive', 'empathetic', left.

Do you think the progressive, empathetic left in Germany during the 1930s were too nice about the whole thing or did they go overboard a bit.

Ah this comic. I'm amazed that people think that it's either clever or accurate. It always shows up as if its an actual argument or adds anything to the discussion.

The discussion is usually sunk before it even began due to the people on the left being told that their arguments for reason and basic human decency now have to share equal moral ground with bigoted, xenophobic views.
He should change the name of his show.

Calling himself right especially on such controversial issues is not conducive to good discussion.

He presupposes he's right on every thing he talks about in these episodes ? That's just silly.

It's even funnier when you look at something like his post on the 2016 Election on his FB which shows how hilariously inept his political analysis can be.


He lives in San Francisco FFS. How tone deaf can a person be?

Given his consideration of the plight of others, I could imagine that this might be representative of the diversity of friends that Colin surrounds himself with:

You say that, but then you don't make any arguments against it being accurate.

Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.
Found the episode insightful and great. Can't say I found much of a problem with it. As for the title, it's just an inside joke. I don't know why it bothers people so much.
If you're referring to half the country as Nazis, you're the one with a problem.

I mean I get your distinction. The citizenry back in Germany when it was ruled by Nazis, weren't technically "Nazis", but when you support the government and watch as they do really shitty stuff and would serve in its military to advance their philosophies, I don't really think that's a distinction with a difference.
Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

The guy talking isn't painted as a racist or a bigot. Just a white guy standing along racists and bigots.

And I'm sure the illustration serves as a visual tool to depict what people look like when they argue "middle ground" instead of a persuasive tool.


Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

Who's trying to convince people on the other side? Let them rot.
He should change the name of his show.

Calling himself right especially on such controversial issues is not conducive to good discussion.

He presupposes he's right on every thing he talks about in these episodes ? That's just silly.

Whenever he talks politics might I suggest "Colin Was White"? Would definitely give better context for his completely tone deaf opinions.


Given his consideration of the plight of others, I could imagine that this might be representative of the diversity of friends that Colin surrounds himself with:

Lol at that one black person in the top left. Picture is on point.


Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

They voted for a racist, bigoted asshole for no one else's gain but their own. So they either are racist and bigoted, or they support one.

Also, the comic fits pretty dang well with this thread considering how Colin was talking right after the election.


"Don't let Trump divide us!".
Lmao, again with this drivel.
Trump isn't dividing shit, Trump isn't a demon from another dimension, he's the embodiment of what a large part of the US already thinks and feels, the divide is already there.
Too damn true.


Whenever he talks politics might I suggest "Colin Was White"? Would definitely give better context for his completely tone deaf opinions.
Haha. So good.

Tbf, that feels like a lot of the Games Internet voices. Colin just layers his individualism on top of it.


When did he ever say this? Also are we actually comparing Hitler with Trump and his voters with Nazis!?

You must not use much social media. I've been told countless times to not be rude to white supremacists and told to treat them with respect.

I told those people to fuck off.


Neo Member
What does help when the other side wants reasoned arguments for why you should be allowed to live?
If someone says you shouldn't be allowed to live in the US because of your skin or religion, I believe we need to absolutely stand up and fight for what's right. I think we should protest and stand together and support those who are hated on simply for their skin or religion. The problem is telling people they are idiots on much smaller issues only alienates and pushes them further away from the middle and when big issues like the muslim ban come up there is little constructive conversation going on. And this isnt simply one sides fault. The right going over the top in criticism of the left for minor disagreements did the same over the last 8 years.

I dont mean to derail the thread, just simply giving my two cents. Im just tired of all the hatred. I have no idea what the solution is.


The guy talking isn't painted as a racist or a bigot. Just a white guy standing along racists and bigots.

And I'm sure the illustration serves as a visual tool to depict what people look like when they argue "middle ground" instead of a persuasive tool.

Yup, he has a name "Moderate Man".
He says he left the Republican Party over Trump, but if it was down to just the two of them, he would pick Trump over Hillary. So in spite of everything bad that Trump represents that caused Colin to leave the party, he still thinks that would have been a better choice than Hillary. Then there's his Twitter comment after the election that claimed people were overreacting, pretty much disregarding how a large group of people would be affected.

He's basically taken the Palmer Luckey defense of "I'm not a trump supporter/republican, I'm a liberterian now and support Gary Johnson!" Meanwhile Luckey and his girlfriend still went to rallies and wore Make America Great again hats.

What does help when the other side wants reasoned arguments for why you should be allowed to live?

I mean of course Colin would never admit this, but he's pretty much saying this is how the white left should talk to the white right. He's not someone who can actually put himself in the shoes of a minority. Which also happens to be why his political opinions often come off as super shitty.


This "reach across the aisle" bullshit only works if you somehow managed to ignore the fucking insanity of the last two weeks... and Trump's campaign... and the attitude from his supporters the entire fucking time.

Trump voters had months and months to hear what he had to say about muslims, about Mexicans, about women, to do 10 minutes of research behind what anything he said could actually mean. And despite all of that and despite the damage he has managed to do over the last two fucking weeks, some white dude is saying "well you just aren't taking the time to understand them."

Where the fuck is our understanding? Where the fuck was that when he called Mexicans rapists? Where the fuck was these acts of conscience when he was revealed to have sexually assaulted numerous fucking women? Where was the Republican empathy when Muslim families were being torn apart from eachother over the last couple weeks? Where was the concern when he hired his cabinet full of homophobic assholes? They had months to see this shit and realize it was not okay, and instead they just shrugged. And even if you wanted to claim "you don't know how their economic situation is," anyone with a fucking brain can see just how uninterested the GOP actually is in helping low-income families.

So no, Colin, you don't get to try and pull all this "hey guys let's just come together" shit during this presidency. Almost any other? Fine. But not this time. Bigots don't get to fucking worm their way out of this.


If you're referring to half the country as Nazis, you're the one with a problem.
I just want to remind you that this is a quote from the person you support to lead the free world.

”When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Said person has now banned immigrants from seven countries because of the fear any one of those individuals can be a terrorist.


"Don't let Trump divide us!".
Lmao, again with this drivel.
Trump isn't dividing shit, Trump isn't a demon from another dimension, he's the embodiment of what a large part of the US already thinks and feels, the divide is already there.

People just can't deal with this truth.


Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

When people find themselves defending, siding and voting with bigots and racists and not even trying to use their supposedly great discussion skills to get them to change their minds or openly denounce what they are doing then yes, that comic is pretty fucking apt. If you find yourself identifying more with racists and bigots than those denouncing racists and bigots then maybe their isnt anything more to discuss. What is there to discuss?

Colin supposedly left the Republican party, why didn't his magical reason and discussion skills work on them to change their minds? Where did he actually try to change their minds? Where is he actually trying to change their minds right now instead of lecturing liberals to sit down and shut up and take it while he votes for Johnson doing nothing to fight against Trumps ideals? What are you accomplishing?


Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

No, it's pretty much a criticism of the moderate 'both sides' person who preaches neutrality and moderation in the face of literal oppression.

We saw such people during Gamergate ("have victims of terrorism come together with their bigoted harassers!"). And now we're seeing it with Trump and his fascist Republican cohorts who are enacting the most vile policies you can imagine, where so-called 'moderates' preach neutrality.

You're not going to go 'Kumbaya' with those who'll oppress, dominate, and ultimately murder you. As such, the comic is pretty much on point.
The person telling you to be reasonable and discuss things has no intention of actually voting to help minorities and those he's lecturing.

It's even more than that.

The person, when it really came down to it, would be a Trump supporter. So what he's really doing is scolding you for not talking to him and people like him the way he demands you talk to him. It's disgusting.
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