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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Since Trump is being deceptive and taken advantage of peoples ignorance it is pretty important to try and reach those deceived and ignorant people so opposition grows. Is just like any resistance really, educate other people if mainstream media isn't helping, that is the best way to rally support. Dividing is what the winning side wants, it's how they won the elections basically.

How do you propose educating those deceived and ignorant people when they only believe sources that reinforce their own beliefs?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Man, if things happen how Colin predicted, the price of almost everything (not just video games) will go up. So many of the things we buy rely on components/resources from all around the world. Almost nothing is fully 100% made in America, even if it is manufactured here. Practically everything we own has some part/component that originated in another country (especially things that are mined from the ground). Some necessary parts just don't exist natively here and can only be found in other countries. If those things are tariffed, that would probably lead to higher prices on the final product.

You are hearing this first from Colin? lol. His "prediction" has been said by everyone and is a mere fact.
Since Trump is being deceptive and taken advantage of peoples ignorance it is pretty important to try and reach those deceived and ignorant people so opposition grows. Is just like any resistance really, educate other people if mainstream media isn't helping, that is the best way to rally support. Dividing is what the winning side wants, it's how they won the elections basically.

It's true but this really only works with either close family or friends trying to convince them. I remember a post here on GAF of a son speaking to his father in the way Colin's suggesting. That was extremely powerful. Sure that might work and you know what? Anyone in that position is likely doing it already. Because generally people do speak respectfully to family and friends even when they disagree. At least I hope people with friends and family who support Trump are doing this.

Scolding people and telling them to be nice and respectful to literal strangers who want them dead or gone is silly. I'm not going to walk up to David Duke and try to respectfully reason with him why his beliefs are misplaced. I mean come on.


I think its hugely unfair to suggest all supporters of Emperor Palapatine are Stormtroopers.
I know I voted for him for the employment opportunities of building a new death star and for potential tax cuts, not because I have anything against Jedis.
Some of my best friends are Jedis

Order 66 is clearly about the security of the republic and to stop the bad ones, and to imply otherwise is frankly insulting.



Whenever he talks politics might I suggest "Colin Was White"? Would definitely give better context for his completely tone deaf opinions.

lol If "Colin is right" really is an inside joke and is him poking fun at himself...he'd take the L and change the name of his show to this for certain topics.


Unconfirmed Member
It's true but this really only works with either close family or friends trying to convince them. I remember a post here on GAF of a son speaking to his father in the way Colin's suggesting. That was extremely powerful. Sure that might work and you know what? Anyone in that position is likely doing it already. Because generally people do speak respectfully to family and friends even when they disagree.

Scolding people and telling them to be nice and respectful to literal strangers who want them dead or gone is silly. I'm not going to walk up to David Duke and try to respectfully reason with him why his beliefs are misplaced. I mean come on.

Not even then sometimes... :(
I think its hugely unfair to suggest all supporters of Emperor Palapatine are Stormtroopers.
I know I voted for him for the employment opportunities of building a new death star and for potential tax cuts, not because I have anything against Jedis.
Some of my best friends are Jedis

Order 66 is clearly about the security of the republic and to stop the bad ones, and to imply otherwise is frankly insulting.
If you call a Stormtrooper a Stormtrooper you might as well go put a white helmet on because that makes you no better than a Stormtrooper

boiled goose

good with gravy
So.... He is right on some points, but then he applies a crazy double standard.

The trigger for his video seems to have been the "fuck you to Trump supporters" tweet.

He supports not dehumanizing each other. Great!

When Trump calls Mexican immigrants rapists, wants to ban Muslims, insults women and African Americans left and right, mocks disabled people... isn't THAT dehumanizing???

Or are those things part of the civil and respectful conversation.

Seems Colin knows Trump supporters with whom to have this type of conversation, but perhaps he doesn't know enough PoC or Muslims with whom he would be embarrassed to even begin breaching these dehumanizing topics.

Whenever he talks politics might I suggest "Colin Was White"? Would definitely give better context for his completely tone deaf opinions.

Perfect. Glad I'm not the only one who felt that way.


LGBT people are about to lose equal access to employment, education, housing, and government services

Why should we assume good faith that Trump will not take access to basic human rights from us as well?

Uh, what? I fall in that group and I haven't heard anything like that.

Edit: Oh, you're talking about the rumored EO. I'm watching that, but I'll wait for something official. Also, shitty fact, my state already allows people to get fired for sexual orientation. People have been trying to add it as a protected group, but it always gets shot down. Luckily, my company has taken a strong LGBT stance.
Uh, what? I fall in that group and I haven't heard anything like that.

There's a thread on OT talking about the leaked executive order that would protect "religious freedom" in all walks of life:

The four-page draft order, a copy of which is currently circulating among federal staff and advocacy organizations, construes religious organizations so broadly that it covers “any organization, including closely held for-profit corporations,” and protects “religious freedom” in every walk of life: “when providing social services, education, or healthcare; earning a living, seeking a job, or employing others; receiving government grants or contracts; or otherwise participating in the marketplace, the public square, or interfacing with Federal, State or local governments.”


Noooo Neil, don't fall for Colin's white moderate 'why can't we come together with the nazis' bullshit


So.... He is right on some points, but then he applies a crazy double standard.

The trigger for his video seems to have been the "fuck you to Trump supporters" tweet.

He supports not dehumanizing each other. Great!

When Trump calls Mexican immigrants rapists, wants to ban Muslims, insults women and African Americans left and right, mocks disabled people... isn't THAT dehumanizing???

Or are those things part of the civil and respectful conversation.

Seems Colin knows Trump supporters with whom to have this type of conversation, but perhaps he doesn't know enough PoC or Muslims with whom he would be embarrassed to even begin breaching these dehumanizing topics.

It's the whole "being sexist to sexists makes you worse than them"/"being racist to racists makes you worse than them" shit all over again.
Noooo Neil, don't fall for Colin's white moderate 'why can't we come together with the nazis' bullshit



I would politely point out the bs in the second half of the video but I don't want my twitter to be brigaded


Yes I am. You don't seem to have demonstrable knowledge of Pre-WW2 Germany, the rise of the Nazi Party, or WW2 Germany.

Either you learned some alternative history that i was not aware exists. However as far as i know post WW1 Germany was in a vastly different place from modern day USA. In fact the situation could not be more different. This is the equivalent of Russian ambassador being assassinated in Turkey a couple of months back and people comparing it to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand as some sort of parallel that could lead to WW3.


How do you propose educating those deceived and ignorant people when they only believe sources that reinforce their own beliefs?

Would someone, anyone that keeps talking about reasoning with Trump voters answer this damn question already. Please. Extra credit for marching over to r/thedonald and providing evidence of it working.
Not even then sometimes... :(

Well hopefully they still try. My family in Taiwan didn't support Trump but they had agreed with some of the things they were proposing regarding the economy. I sat them down and eventually got through to them that even many of his economic ideas are rooted in the discriminatory nature of his nature and that you have to take him for the entire package not just nitpick things you may like.

Getting someone to change their belief isn't about some magic word that causes a sudden 180 but rather a gradual chipping away of the foundation of that belief. So I hope people with close friends and family who obviously aren't going to be the target of discrimination by those family and friends do keep trying.


Colin does have a point that America needs to come together and stop this fascist President in office whether you are a liberal or conservative. We need to talk to each other because our Democracy is being threatened right now.

I would have like to see him take this a step further and truly mean what he is saying. At the end of the video, it would have been great if Colin announced what Kind Of Funny is doing to help the cause or even told viewers what they can do to help the industry that we love.

Something like instead of bitching, moaning, and tearing the house down over this Muslim ban and its threat to the video game industry, Kind Of Funny donated some of its proceeds to the ACLU. You can too.

Even raising money for the ACLU would go a long way to making his argument stronger and more meaningful. At the very least, there should be a link to the ACLU. Maybe they did, but Colin should have announced it to show that something positive can be done.


Since Trump is being deceptive and taken advantage of peoples ignorance it is pretty important to try and reach those deceived and ignorant people so opposition grows. Is just like any resistance really, educate other people if mainstream media isn't helping, that is the best way to rally support. Dividing is what the winning side wants, it's how they won the elections basically.

yeah, don't get me wrong, i'm totally against insulting every single person who voted for Trump. Because i still believe, just like many Democrats, many Republicans underestimated him, too.

I'm judging every person who still sides with him, though.

And i'm judging people who want to discourage protest. Nothing is going to stop Trump, other than continuous public resistance. And sometimes protests end up in damaged property - that's just how things go - because even amongst the most peaceful protesters there's bound to be some bad apples. It's super shitty and shouldn't happen, but in the big picture, a few smashed shop windows are a low price to pay in the fight against the deconstruction of democracy, the dismantling of critical press, the destruction of the environment and the removal of so many people's rights.
Because often times, insurance will cover those damages.
There is no insurance that will pay off your deportation, your new found lack of civil rights or a society that discriminates against you.
Would someone, anyone that keeps talking about reasoning with Trump voters answer this damn question already. Please. Extra credit for marching over to r/thedonald and providing evidence of it working.
Yeah, for the amount of people who spout this stuff, how many actually try?

And of the few who do, how many succeed?

The whole proposition of let's talk this out comes from a place of inaction, it gives people a moral high ground without having to do anything

boiled goose

good with gravy
Would someone, anyone that keeps talking about reasoning with Trump voters answer this damn question already. Please. Extra credit for marching over to r/thedonald and providing evidence of it working.

I honestly don't know.
In the US we still regard religion as some special type of protected belief. Politics has entered the same realm.

We have to decide collectively as a society if we actually care about believing things based on reality, facts, evidence, and reason.... or not. You can't say these things apply to everything except religion now... because politics now gets added in.

So, if you are a religious moderate who opposes Trump? Where do you personally stand? How can you tell people to care about facts? To have standards to justify beliefs?


It's true but this really only works with either close family or friends trying to convince them. I remember a post here on GAF of a son speaking to his father in the way Colin's suggesting. That was extremely powerful. Sure that might work and you know what? Anyone in that position is likely doing it already. Because generally people do speak respectfully to family and friends even when they disagree. At least I hope people with friends and family who support Trump are doing this.

Scolding people and telling them to be nice and respectful to literal strangers who want them dead or gone is silly. I'm not going to walk up to David Duke and try to respectfully reason with him why his beliefs are misplaced. I mean come on.

I agree with you in that if someone is threatening you, you shouldn't put up with it, like hate speach and so on. But, and i think this is very important not to forget, when we make claims like "all nazis should die" even if it sounds right it isn't, we are taking every individual that fits the term "nazi" and making them equal, wich is not how reallity works, they are individuals at the end of the day, and not everyone is as commited or sure of what they are being a part of just because they fit the bag.


yeah, don't get me wrong, i'm totally against insulting every single person who voted for Trump. Because i still believe, just like many Democrats, many Republicans underestimated him, too.

I'm judging every person who still sides with him, though.

And i'm judging people who want to discourage protest. Nothing is going to stop Trump, other than continuous public resistance. And sometimes protests end up in damaged property - that's just how things go - because even amongst the most peaceful protesters there's bound to be some bad apples. It's super shitty and shouldn't happen, but in the big picture, a few smashed shop windows are a low price to pay in the fight against the deconstruction of democracy, the dismantling of critical press, the destruction of the environment and the removal of so many people's rights.
Because often times, insurance will cover those damages.
There is no insurance that will pay off your deportation, your lack of civil rights or a society that discriminates against you.

The only difference before the election was he was only saying all the awful shit he was going to do, he just couldnt do it yet. If people who voted for him are JUST NOW figuring out their mistake, they are either idiots or cowards. I have no sympathy for either of those.
Sadly, the approach of "diplomacy" has failed with the Nazis. Appeasement doesn't work, understanding their position doesn't work because their position is one of intolerance. These are the same people who love to call people "triggered libtard snowflakes" for being outaged at the actions of the right wing, but then get all upset when media doesn't pander to them - politics in TLOUP2, boycots of Rogue One etc or when companies come out in defence of minorities. Colin has, time and time again, put finance above people. He's a businessman, I don't blame him. I think he's intelligent and well read, but the Ayn Rand bullshit is just that, bullshit. So, no, it's not time for the industry to try to make common ground or for anyone to make common ground with Nazis. Resist. Question everything. Be a pain in the ass because if there's one thing they can't handle it's people not falling in line.
The only difference before the election was he was only saying all the awful shit he was going to do, he just couldnt do it yet. If people who voted for him are JUST NOW figuring out their mistake, they are either idiots or cowards. I have no sympathy for either of those.
Yeah, there's no excuse for anyone who voted Trump. He never hid who he was and what he wanted to do. If you voted for him you don't get to acted shocked and appalled now.


Great video by Collin and I'm sympathetic to the "don't dismiss people with different politics" view. But yeah, this is not really a matter of politics. Trump is evil. There's no debate around this. It's not hyperbolic or sensationalist or biased. It's plain fact for any moral person. There is no "coming together" with that.
He was doing so well until the very end. The developer said they didnt want Trump voters to play their game, not "conservatives" so they didn't tell Colin to "fuck off" just for being a conservative. He claims he didn't vote Trump so I dont get his last bit.

Otherwise that was a great video
Not like this. Maybe he just hasn't gotten to the second half?
Wouldn't surprise me, he doesn't seem to have very much time. Most of his games have like 1% or 2% for trophy completion lol.

But when tweeting about politics you really should make time, especially with the current situation as awful as it is.
He was doing so well until the very end. The developer said they didnt want Trump voters to play their game, not "conservatives" so they didn't tell Colin to "fuck off" just for being a conservative. He claims he didn't vote Trump so I dont get his last bit.

Otherwise that was a great video

It confused me too. Though I can only assume he was stretching it out to "conservatives in general" when he said "people like me"


I think its hugely unfair to suggest all supporters of Emperor Palapatine are Stormtroopers.
I know I voted for him for the employment opportunities of building a new death star and for potential tax cuts, not because I have anything against Jedis.
Some of my best friends are Jedis

Order 66 is clearly about the security of the republic and to stop the bad ones, and to imply otherwise is frankly insulting.
People keep talking about how "The Empire's gonna blow up a planet! The Empire's gonna blow up a planet!" It's been nearly twenty years since we got an Emperor and the Empire still hasn't blown up a planet. Typical Rebel hysteria. But I do know the Emperor's bringing back our jobs from those damn Wookies.


He was doing so well until the very end. The developer said they didnt want Trump voters to play their game, not "conservatives" so they didn't tell Colin to "fuck off" just for being a conservative. He claims he didn't vote Trump so I dont get his last bit.

Otherwise that was a great video
I took it more as a broader statement on developers not wanting certain groups (no matter who they are) playing their games, which he touches on. He probably misaligned himself with them to make a point, but I agree with the bigger picture view that games should be played by everyone, and that a differently expressed opinion, if compelling, can change someone's view on something (hopefully for the better).


Anyone if one more pseudo-intellectual white boy tells me I just have to be nice to the Nazis I'm gonna blow a stack

"We may be advocating the banning of a group of people based on their religion and nation of origin and actively try and take away the rights, freedoms and entitlements you so vigorously spent the last 100 years fighting for, but aren't you guys the 'real nazis' when you disagree with us?"


Really liked the episode and I though it was well researched and he had reached to a lot of the involved parties. The last part about ROM's tweet was a stretch from him though.

One missing points regarding tariff is retaliatory tariffs from other countries which could further spike prices.
...[X] is such a misguided view of how discourse with bigots work...

If bigots acting only in their self interest can be persuaded that discrimination is wrong on a purely functional economic level, you know... I'll take that as a partial win.

This reminded me of something Lime mentioned before. Was that post ever confirmed?

Also would be interested in any research or other type of material that discusses how best to approach debates with folks who are (slightly to moderately) bigoted. My naive thoughts on how best to discuss contentious issues within the relatively friendly confines of NeoGAF obviously wouldn't work.
I didn't watch the whole video, its 20 minutes long, but it seems like Colin is more angry about the 2064 devs telling trump voters to fuck off than he is with Trump telling tens of millions of immigrants in 7 countries to fuck off with his bullshit ban
I didn't watch the whole video, its 20 minutes long, but it seems like Colin is more angry about the 2064 devs telling trump voters to fuck off than he is with Trump telling tens of millions of immigrants in 7 countries to fuck off with his bullshit ban

Seems par for the course. Colin was one of the first people to talk about my game in the press, but then he also had a video talking about immigrants that was super ignorant and I immediately went into, well fuck that guy, territory.

Shame he hasn't changed.


I didn't watch the whole video, its 20 minutes long, but it seems like Colin is more angry about the 2064 devs telling trump voters to fuck off than he is with Trump telling tens of millions of immigrants in 7 countries to fuck off with his bullshit ban

Did he say he disagrees with Trump? Did he say he disagrees with 2064 ROM devs?

I think your answer is in there
Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

1) You said discrimination. That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
2) White Supremacy is not an opinion. Fascism is not an opinion. This is not a difference of opinion, stop pretending it is.
3) You and Colin are both wrong.


I'm not mad at Colin for this. I definitely don't agree with the last 10 minutes or so. Anybody failing to see a vote for Trump as an expression of enfranchised bigotry is naive. Trump supporters deserve all the rebuke they're getting. Given the social and financial ramifications Trump's policies are having on the games industry, devs have no reason to extend an olive branch to the same people who willfully put them in peril. Colin's hearts and minds argument is, as he almost admits, overly optimistic, but I can't be mad at optimism.


Anyway if one more pseudo-intellectual white boy tells me I just have to be nice to the Nazis I'm gonna blow a stack

Fucking this.

I'm a half-black, half-asian muslim who looks mexican. Under Trump's administration I'm being attack on all three fronts.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with racists? Why is the onus on me to reach out and come to a compromise with them? How do you even reason with racist bigots? Give them a hug and kiss them when they make a boo boo?

Colin can fuck off with this "coming together" bullshit. That's easy to say when you're in the position of privilege and power (aka being a white American)
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