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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

Have you seen what the Republicans did to Obama?

They stole a supreme court pick from him.

And now Trump wants "unity". So it's not overly simplistic when the other side engages in shady stuff like that.
Colin supposedly left the Republican party, why didn't his magical reason and discussion skills work on them to change their minds? Where did he actually try to change their minds? Where is he actually trying to change their minds right now instead of lecturing liberals to sit down and shut up and take it while he votes for Johnson doing nothing to fight against Trumps ideals? What are you accomplishing?
Good points. Again, he is so full of shit.
It's even more than that.

The person, when it really came down to it, would be a Trump supporter. So what he's really doing is scolding you for not talking to him and people like him the way he demands you talk to him. It's disgusting.

Paradox of Tolerance and the abuse of decency. Play by the rules set for everyone while I ignore them. Treat me with respect even if I don't treat you with respect.
Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.
Look i am 100% convinced Trump is a piece of shit and his voters are racist at least some of them are. However comparing Trump with Hitler seems to be missing the point in just how bad Hitler and the Nazis actually were. If there is one thing Trump wont do is put millions of people in gas chambers and kill them. This kind of comparison is actually disgusting and disrespectful to all the people who died in WW2 under the Nazi regime.

I have a question.

Do you think the German people thought Hitler was going to begin gassing Jews before he started doing it to?
Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

So you don't think that they told Trump supporters to fuck off due to the fact that Trump is signing anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT EOs?
I dont agree with colin about Trump supporters at all. There is no building bridges with people who "Still" support him. Anybody that is Pro-trump is automatically not worth talking with until they denounce their golden god.

"Maybe they voted him because of economic differences, maybe because of jobs, maybe because of finances, maybe because of religion"

and to that I say, "Fuck You"

You're supporting the man to be president of the United States, A man who is supposed to represent the people, represent America to the world. You're not voting for a man to represent your paycheck, or your house, or your car or what god you worship. You're voting for a person is to be a "Leader" to the people. Who is supposed to be the example to look up to, and make the important decisions that affect "EVERYONE".

When you vote out of selfishness and self interests, you're a fool.

Everyone in the entire world told you how terrible this man was, everyone in the world told you how selfish and egomaniacal this man was. Everyone could see how he was blatantly lying and deceiving his followers. You were too stupid to see it over your self important world view and will get fucked over when it comes time for Trump to say that he doesnt need you.

I will not give leeway to the people who supported a power that decides, I'm not a citizen of my country, that the color of my skin is what defines me, that which god I pray to is more important the who I am as person, to the people that say I dont matter because "Fuck you I need a paycheck"

Fuck you trump supporters, wake the fuck up or stay the fuck out of my life.
joe2187 was right 🔥🔥🔥

Tired of being told to compromise with people who hate my existence just for being who I am. Don't tread on me indeed.
Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

And you continue to not understand what discrimination really is.


More and more when people come and say "lets come together", or "reach across the aisle". They mean stop talking about stuff I don't like. How can a reasonable person look at the last 2 weeks and think there is any value siding with trump unless you are a straight white male making 150 K a year?

Every action of this administration is to enact oppression or take away the safety of everyone. If you are a single issue voter just say "I got mine", i can respect that above some wishy washy bullshit


Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

They aren't discriminating.

They aren't a bakery refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, they are saying that Trump supporters can fuck off, but they can't stop them from buying their game.

It's not like you have to fill out a quiz on your political standings before ordering ROM on Steam.


Canadians burned my passport
Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

There's a vast difference between people who "disagree with you" and people who support policies that aim to destroy your livelihood and strip you of rights based off of your ethnicity or orientation, because supporting facist policies is not a valid political opinion.
Ok, the comic is basically is distillation of a overly simplistic view of the world mixed with a smug sense of self satisfaction of painting everyone on the other side as racist bigoted assholes. It does nothing other than basically hand wave away the team that you disagree with. Pro-tip: it convinces no one on the other side, or is even close to actual reality. But go ahead. Keep on it.

Jeez, will you dang liberals stop painting white nationalists as racist bigoted assholes already! And when will Neo-Nazis catch a break? SMH, what a sorry state of affairs.


Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

if the only discrimination i ever faced was a video game developer telling me not to play their game and fuck off holy shit would i be happy


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Good and informative video in the first half, but for the second half I side with this 100%:

I dont agree with colin about Trump supporters at all. There is no building bridges with people who "Still" support him. Anybody that is Pro-trump is automatically not worth talking with until they denounce their golden god.

"Maybe they voted him because of economic differences, maybe because of jobs, maybe because of finances, maybe because of religion"

and to that I say, "Fuck You"

You're supporting the man to be president of the United States, A man who is supposed to represent the people, represent America to the world. You're not voting for a man to represent your paycheck, or your house, or your car or what god you worship. You're voting for a person is to be a "Leader" to the people. Who is supposed to be the example to look up to, and make the important decisions that affect "EVERYONE".

When you vote out of selfishness and self interests, you're a fool.

Everyone in the entire world told you how terrible this man was, everyone in the world told you how selfish and egomaniacal this man was. Everyone could see how he was blatantly lying and deceiving his followers. You were too stupid to see it over your self important world view and will get fucked over when it comes time for Trump to say that he doesnt need you.

I will not give leeway to the people who supported a power that decides, I'm not a citizen of my country, that the color of my skin is what defines me, that which god I pray to is more important the who I am as person, to the people that say I dont matter because "Fuck you I need a paycheck"

Fuck you trump supporters, wake the fuck up or stay the fuck out of my life.

That's the bottom line. It'd be hard to have any sympathy for Trump supporters after he created this nightmare in only a few weeks.
When people find themselves defending, siding and voting with bigots and racists and not even trying to use their supposedly great discussion skills to get them to change their minds or openly denounce what they are doing then yes, that comic is pretty fucking apt. If you find yourself identifying more with racists and bigots than those denouncing racists and bigots then maybe their isnt anything more to discuss. What is there to discuss?

Colin supposedly left the Republican party, why didn't his magical reason and discussion skills work on them to change their minds? Where did he actually try to change their minds? Where is he actually trying to change their minds right now instead of lecturing liberals to sit down and shut up and take it while he votes for Johnson doing nothing to fight against Trumps ideals? What are you accomplishing?


"Ponn, I understand your concern, but Colin was right. We all need to listen to each other, respect each other's views and come together for the greater good. That's the America I know, that I grew up in. Colin, please continue"


Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

In a perfect world where both parties are acting in good faith, then yes, pushing people away who disagree with you is counterproductive to the goal of unity.

In a scenario where one side has no intention of ever acting in good faith, and will gladly fight and oppress you to your literal death, no matter what respect you extend to them, then no, fuck them.
More and more when people come and say "lets come together", or "reach across the aisle". They mean stop talking about stuff I don't like. How can a reasonable person look at the last 2 weeks and think there is any value siding with trump unless you are a straight white male making 150 K a year?

Every action of this administration is to enact oppression or take away the safety of everyone. If you are a single issue voter just say "I got mine", i can respect that above some wishy washy bullshit
Seriously. It's not like the views were being asked to compromise with are "trickle down economics DO work" and "we should be spending more on the military". It's "you shouldn't be in our country because of the colour of your skin", "we hate you because of your God" and "we hate the environment and think it needs to go". Add in the very obvious conflicts of interest the president has, and you'll see why people don't want to fucking compromise with this shitty administration.
Man, if things happen how Colin predicted, the price of almost everything (not just video games) will go up. So many of the things we buy rely on components/resources from all around the world. Almost nothing is fully 100% made in America, even if it is manufactured here. Practically everything we own has some part/component that originated in another country (especially things that are mined from the ground). Some necessary parts just don't exist natively here and can only be found in other countries. If those things are tariffed, that would probably lead to higher prices on the final product.
Colin is saying exactly what I was saying in the Read Only Memories thread and got shit for. I stand by the opinion that pushing people away who disagree with you is unproductive, and at it's core, discrimination for discrimination's sake.

That's true to a degree. Sadly, there are many of these people out there who aren't going to be reached either way.
When people find themselves defending, siding and voting with bigots and racists and not even trying to use their supposedly great discussion skills to get them to change their minds or openly denounce what they are doing then yes, that comic is pretty fucking apt. If you find yourself identifying more with racists and bigots than those denouncing racists and bigots then maybe their isnt anything more to discuss. What is there to discuss?

Colin supposedly left the Republican party, why didn't his magical reason and discussion skills work on them to change their minds? Where did he actually try to change their minds? Where is he actually trying to change their minds right now instead of lecturing liberals to sit down and shut up and take it while he votes for Johnson doing nothing to fight against Trumps ideals? What are you accomplishing?
if the only discrimination i ever faced was a video game developer telling me not to play their game and fuck off holy shit would i be happy

Add to that the people who were told to fuck off from buying RAM could change their thinking and not support Trump and would therefore be welcome by the devs.

I can't change my skin color.


I have a question.

Do you think the German people thought Hitler was going to begin gassing Jews before he started doing it to?

No but it seems allot of people think Trump has or at the very least is considering committing Genocide. You know a conclusion that you have to jump about a thousand hoops to get to. To compare Trump to the worst person in history! That is the definition of hyperbolic. This kind of comparison only serves to deflate your argument. By all means call out Trump for shit he has done or is planning to do. Seriously comparing him to a man who lead the world to WW2 and is responsible for the deaths of 11 million people seems to be a huge stretch.


Man, if things happen how Colin predicted, the price of almost everything (not just video games) will go up. So many of the things we buy rely on components/resources from all around the world. Almost nothing is fully 100% made in America, even if it is manufactured here. Practically everything we own has some part/component that originated in another country (especially things that are mined from the ground). Some necessary parts just don't exist natively here and can only be found in other countries.

Some folks just going to have to learn the hard way. No money for games when you are paying 12 bucks for milk and bread.


Man, if things happen how Colin predicted, the price of almost everything will go up. So many of the things we buy have components/resources from all around the world. Almost nothing is fully 100% made in America, even if it is manufactured here. Practically everything we own has some part/component that originated in another country (especially things that are mined from the ground). Some necessary parts just don't exist natively here and can only be found in other countries.

Oh yeah, this reminds me: I wonder if during his research about outsourcing of manufacturing and international trade, Colin wondered about the labor conditions of those who produce his gaming hardware, where the minerals come from, and how labor in the Global South is exploited by US companies.

Maybe he did, but instead deemed the economic costs of such things much more important.


Look i am 100% convinced Trump is a piece of shit and his voters are racist at least some of them are. However comparing Trump with Hitler seems to be missing the point in just how bad Hitler and the Nazis actually were. If there is one thing Trump wont do is put millions of people in gas chambers and kill them. This kind of comparison is actually disgusting and disrespectful to all the people who died in WW2 under the Nazi regime.

The point is that it's the same sort of trajectory Big T is on. Hitler was at this stage once too. I still don't really like the comparison either but the parallel is there.
No but it seems allot of people think Trump has or at the very least is considering committing Genocide. You know a conclusion that you have to jump about a thousand hoops to get to. To compare Trump to the worst person in history! That is the definition of hyperbolic. This kind of comparison only serves to deflate your argument. By all means call out Trump for shit he has done or is planning to do. Seriously comparing him to a man who lead the world to WW2 and is responsible for the death of 11 million people seems to be a huge stretch.

LGBT people are about to lose equal access to employment, education, housing, and government services

Why should we assume good faith that Trump will not take access to basic human rights from us as well?


Man, if things happen how Colin predicted, the price of almost everything (not just video games) will go up. So many of the things we buy rely on components/resources from all around the world. Almost nothing is fully 100% made in America, even if it is manufactured here. Practically everything we own has some part/component that originated in another country (especially things that are mined from the ground). Some necessary parts just don't exist natively here and can only be found in other countries. If those things are tariffed, that would probably lead to higher prices on the final product.

The horror.

"The world is not ending. We will be OK. Look at the way the market's rebounded today!"

This is who Colin Moriarty is. People and their concerns and fears are nothing. Everything comes down to dollar signs.

"I don't understand why these people whose families are being deported back to syria are overreacting, my portfolio is on fire!"


Some folks just going to have to learn the hard way. No money for games when you are paying 12 bucks for milk and bread.

All Colin has got to worry about is the price of his video games (or milk and bread in your scenario), while Muslims and black & brown folks worry whether or not they'll be killed by white supremacists, sucked up by the prison industrial complex, or separated from their families by racist border policies.

Must be nice.
No but it seems allot of people think Trump has or at the very least is considering committing Genocide. You know a conclusion that you have to jump about a thousand hoops to get to. To compare Trump to the worst person in history! That is the definition of hyperbolic. This kind of comparison only serves to deflate your argument. By all means call out Trump for shit he has done or is planning to do. Seriously comparing him to a man who lead the world to WW2 and is responsible for the deaths of 11 million people seems to be a huge stretch.

And where have you seen people say Trump is literally Hitler?

What I have seen is lots of people parallel the steps his admin is taking to the ones Hitler's took and they are frighteningly similar.

It's not like Hitler first move on the scene was to start building the gas chambers you know.


All Colin has got to worry about is the price of his video games (or milk and bread in your scenario), while Muslims and black & brown folks worry whether or not they'll be killed by white supremacists, sucked up by the prison industrial complex, or separated from their families by racist border policies.

Must be nice.

Privilege is the greatest super power of all


All Colin has got to worry about is the price of his video games (or milk and bread in your scenario), while Muslims and black & brown folks worry whether or not they'll be killed by white supremacists, sucked up by the prison industrial complex, or separated from their families by racist border policies.

Must be nice.

That's pretty assumptive.

he probably gets his games for free
Colin's track record if being right with these videos is spotty at best

Anyone saying we need to build bridges and not walls is saying so from a position of extreme privilege and aren't having their lives constantly altered and threatened by this hateful administration and their hateful supporters


No but it seems allot of people think Trump has or at the very least is considering committing Genocide. You know a conclusion that you have to jump about a thousand hoops to get to. To compare Trump to the worst person in history! That is the definition of hyperbolic. This kind of comparison only serves to deflate your argument. By all means call out Trump for shit he has done or is planning to do. Seriously comparing him to a man who lead the world to WW2 and is responsible for the death of 11 million people seems to be a huge stretch.

So calling out the man who is openly talking about WW3 and is enacting the same populist ideals and policy and burning bridges with all our foreign allies and actively encouraging a war and seclusion of a people based on their religion is too little to compare him to.

We just need to give him the chance to kill a few million people.



the whole 'we should reach across the aisle and unite' narrative is really hard to go with when it comes to Trump's politics.
Doesn't Colin realize that when even he admits some might consider him an 'optimist' during times like these, it can only be because he's in an incredibly privileged situation.

Beyond that, well researched and informative episode.

Since Trump is being deceptive and taken advantage of peoples ignorance it is pretty important to try and reach those deceived and ignorant people so opposition grows. Is just like any resistance really, educate other people if mainstream media isn't helping, that is the best way to rally support. Dividing is what the winning side wants, it's how they won the elections basically.
LGBT people are about to lose equal access to employment, education, housing, and government services

Why should we assume good faith that Trump will not take access to basic human rights from us as well?

No they're not, what are you talking about? Some bad things are happening to some people because of certain policies but the fear mongering needs to stop.
Since Trump is being deceptive and taken advantage of peoples ignorance it is pretty important to try and reach those deceived and ignorant people so opposition grows. Is just like any resistance really, educate other people if mainstream media isn't helping, that is the best way to rally support. Dividing is what the winning side wants, it's how they won the elections basically.

Opposition is growing though, a pretty clear majority of people oppose Trump's stance on Syrian refugees, the wall, and the Muslim ban.

No they're not, what are you talking about? Some bad things are happening to some people because of certain policies but the fear mongering needs to stop.

Uh, there's an executive order that enables people to deny things, including all of the things I said, to LGBT people based on "sincerely held religious beliefs"

Maybe more important than reduced fearmongering, you should consider reading

The four-page draft order, a copy of which is currently circulating among federal staff and advocacy organizations, construes religious organizations so broadly that it covers ”any organization, including closely held for-profit corporations," and protects ”religious freedom" in every walk of life: ”when providing social services, education, or healthcare; earning a living, seeking a job, or employing others; receiving government grants or contracts; or otherwise participating in the marketplace, the public square, or interfacing with Federal, State or local governments."
If he had empathy he might be able to see past his position of privelage and understand why some people might find it difficult to try and come together with individuals who believe them to be subhuman.

That would require him to step out of his little bubble of ignorance. And we all know he doesn't want to do that.

Whenever he talks politics might I suggest "Colin Was White"? Would definitely give better context for his completely tone deaf opinions.

Colin was Alt-Right

lmao you guys are savage


I think its hugely unfair to suggest all supporters of Emperor Palapatine are Stormtroopers.
I know I voted for him for the employment opportunities of building a new death star and for potential tax cuts, not because I have anything against Jedis.
Some of my best friends are Jedis

Order 66 is clearly about the security of the republic and to stop the bad ones, and to imply otherwise is frankly insulting.
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