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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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I agree that Damian is best when written by Morrison but Tomasi is doing a fine job as well. There are moments in Batman and Robin where his Damian shines. And that zero issue with Damian in the cape and cowl is heart-explodingly sweet.


My favorite comic moment of the year. It was also the moment I knew... :(


No Scrubs
I agree that Damian is best when written by Morrison but Tomasi is doing a fine job as well. There are moments in Batman and Robin where his Damian shines. And that zero issue with Damian in the cape and cowl is heart-explodingly sweet.


Damn you Joker, damn you.
Claremont is probably second only to Alan Moore for writing for his artist. He worked with a lot of talented people guys on his various X-books and he always managed to work around their styles.
Good god Ham, even on this flat screen I can see how thick the layers of MS Paint are getting. :O

LOL - I didn't even intend to go that far with it. Before I knew it I had this and dammit I was going to use it. But if you want to fix it then by all means. I've reached the limits of what GIMP can teach me.

Jedeye Sniv

Magneto. Professor X. Batman. Robin.

X-Men stuff maybe, but no other writer has done Batman as well IMO. Bruce as Batdad is one of the best things about his run, it's wonderful. And all his Robins were spot on the mark (apart from maaaaaybe Jason, but that's because he was trying to take the character in another direction and was promptly ignored).

Jedeye Sniv

Wait, so it happened? For reals?


Are we talking about Damian dying? I really hope not. For starters, his main book and story arc is not done with in Incorporated yet, plus killing a Robin has already been done before and if it happens again it will just be very very boring to read because we know exactly how everything will play out. Not to mention that Damian's age makes it especially squicky.

My vote is for Tim, he's a third wheel now, they ruined his character and he's not even a proper Robin. No great loss.
Noooo, Tim needs to survive so a good writer can reboot Red Robin and introduce his partners Cass Cain and Stephanie Brown and fix his costume :p

DC where is RED ROBIN!!
I don't see any way in the nu blood and guts DC that happens to Damien without Dick or Talia killing Joker. I dunno, I think he'd have a lot of people out for his head. Like I'm not even worried


I don't see any way in the nu blood and guts DC that happens to Damien without Dick or Talia killing Joker. I dunno, I think he'd have a lot of people out for his head. Like I'm not even worried

Maybe the Joker does die. I think they were hinting at making a new one in Batman #14. Harley was saying that maybe Batman could be like the old Joker after he takes the acid bath.
I agree that Damian is best when written by Morrison but Tomasi is doing a fine job as well. There are moments in Batman and Robin where his Damian shines. And that zero issue with Damian in the cape and cowl is heart-explodingly sweet.


Many manly tears are going to be shed if Damian dies. I, like many, started out hating him and found myself loving him. Such a great character. Love the vulnerable moments he shows.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I don't think it is worth reading, but my old roommate, Chris Hunt, has his first published cover art coming out this month.

I was around when he was working on this last summer and the originals were so much cooler than how the finished product turned out. It didn't have the gradients and the ass ugly logo. I'm really proud of him, and I hope he gets more work soon. He's studied a lot under Paul Pope and I think that in time, he'll get somewhere. His work on promoting this local musician, Magic Sword, is pretty rad, as well as this other project called Super Salaryman Robot.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Just out of curiosity: Did anyone in here ever try to actually write a comic script? I want to try to draw again, but I'm completely out of ideas at the moment, and I need something to push me. Also, I can't really draw well.

Edit: Damn, someone should totally do a "draw this panel, gaf" thread. Make up a description of a comic site or panel or short comic, and let peeps draw it. That would be awesome.
if damien dies I will be pissed. Why do the big two always shit on Grant Morrisons creations Zauriel completly disappeared, Aztek was killed off, Xorn became a mess, and only 2 of the Seven Soldiers got carried over to the new DC continuity. Such a shame.


Just read 29-33 of Secret Avengers in the last couple days since the last issue, 35, came in my last dcbs order. Didn't really like bringing in a different artist for issue 33 and the story feels a little jumbled.


I was gonna say I would stop buying Batbooks if Damian dies, but then realized I won't be buying any after Inc ends anyways.

I tried B&R, Tec, and the self titled, but none of them did anything for me.


I was gonna say I would stop buying Batbooks if Damian dies, but then realized I won't be buying any after Inc ends anyways.

I tried B&R, Tec, and the self titled, but none of them did anything for me.

after Inc i'll still read the main Batman, but that's it. It was a slow drop-off for me though, first Batgirl after #5, then Batman and Robin after #13, now Batwoman after #17.
I was gonna say I would stop buying Batbooks if Damian dies, but then realized I won't be buying any after Inc ends anyways.

I tried B&R, Tec, and the self titled, but none of them did anything for me.

I love what Cappz is doing on Batman but Snyder's tics really grate on me.


I know right. I read them just to see if it what they were talking about happened to be based on anything, now I regret it.
They were spoiler tagging this shit when those solicits first hit, great job keeping that up everyone!
I really hope not. For starters, his main book and story arc is not done with in Incorporated yet,.

Incorporated isn't part of the NU52 so he can still be a live in there.

Also I'm going to look past the wishing Tim dead, for now.....................for now.

Tim Drake Robin is Best Robin.

Jedeye Sniv

if damien dies I will be pissed. Why do the big two always shit on Grant Morrisons creations Zauriel completly disappeared, Aztek was killed off, Xorn became a mess, and only 2 of the Seven Soldiers got carried over to the new DC continuity. Such a shame.

Yeah totally, it's a shame. And he's so good at incorporating other writers' stuff into his own work too (like his JLA run, it's amazing how he managed to deal with month-in, month-out changes and keep the stories brisk and fun). He chucks out some of the best ideas in the medium, and other writers crap all over it. Actually think that Lemire and Snyder have been the best at picking up some of his old threads.

I love what Cappz is doing on Batman but Snyder's tics really grate on me.

What tics are these? I think if anything, Snyder can be a little too long-game for his own good, and he does really seem to like his villains monologuing. What else have I missed? The guy is a dab hand with the page turn and fucked up reveal.
What tics are these? I think if anything, Snyder can be a little too long-game for his own good, and he does really seem to like his villains monologuing. What else have I missed? The guy is a dab hand with the page turn and fucked up reveal.

Pretty much every first page he writes is the same first page.

Jedeye Sniv

Incorporated isn't part of the NU52 so he can still be a live in there.

Also I'm going to look past the wishing Tim dead, for now.....................for now.

Tim Drake Robin is Best Robin.

Yeah it is... kinda :p he references Tomasi's run in recent issues.

I agree that Tim WAS the best Robin though. He was my Robin. I was 12 when I first started reading his series with the awesome Mike Weiringo artwork (and stayed with it through the next hundred issues of crap). I loved that Tim, I could relate to him. He was great in Titans and Young Justice and Red Robin was fantastic (fuck yeah Marcus To!).

But nu52 Tim is not Tim Drake. At all. So he can die and I won't mind a jot.


Yeah totally, it's a shame. And he's so good at incorporating other writers' stuff into his own work too (like his JLA run, it's amazing how he managed to deal with month-in, month-out changes and keep the stories brisk and fun). He chucks out some of the best ideas in the medium, and other writers crap all over it. Actually think that Lemire and Snyder have been the best at picking up some of his old threads.

What tics are these? I think if anything, Snyder can be a little too long-game for his own good, and he does really seem to like his villains monologuing. What else have I missed? The guy is a dab hand with the page turn and fucked up reveal.

One of my favorite moments from N52 Animal Man was Lemire acknowledging Morrison's run on the book.
Are we talking about Damian dying? I really hope not. For starters, his main book and story arc is not done with in Incorporated yet, plus killing a Robin has already been done before and if it happens again it will just be very very boring to read because we know exactly how everything will play out. Not to mention that Damian's age makes it especially squicky.

My vote is for Tim, he's a third wheel now, they ruined his character and he's not even a proper Robin. No great loss.

Tim pretty much runs Teen Titans. They will kill Damian before they touch the others.

I don't see any way in the nu blood and guts DC that happens to Damien without Dick or Talia killing Joker. I dunno, I think he'd have a lot of people out for his head. Like I'm not even worried

I've been calling that Dick kills Joker since this started. He's going to cross the line Bruce never could and it will split the family in two. Essentially "killing the family" like the arc implies. I also wouldn't be surprise if that isn't really the Joker.
Most comics seem to follow the "my name is blahblah and let me regurgitate the same back story" model for first pages.

If that's the only dig, and the stories remain excellent, I'll take it. Barely even an issue.

Snyder has yet to write a bomb story. That cannot said about most of the other writers awe praise monthly here.

Jedeye Sniv


Point taken. I think this stems from Snyder's desire to make each of these stories personal to the character. It's both a strength to his writing and perhaps, as you've pointed out, a weakness. But I do like this about his work, and I think it's what makes his Batman run stand out so much - it's not just a Batman story where he fights a baddie, it strikes right at the heart of the human characters in the stories rather than the narrative signposts they're usually used as.

Maybe he does need to vary it up in his structure (although he does teach writing, so it's perhaps unsurprising that he hits beats like they're from a textbook), but I think it's a shame to condemn him for trying to make the stories have a personal impact. It's not like most other hack writers get accused of the same thing very often.

And as the article points out, many many other writers have similarly predictable tics (the Rucka one made me chuckle). It just depends as to whether you can stomach the formula or not.
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