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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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What is the consensus for the Fable series? I have a gigantic backlog of comics to read through (the second compendium of TWD and the first compendium of Darkness), but I am interested in this IP as well.

Fables was really good for awhile but the excitement has dwindled.
I sort of blame the Gotham legal system for this one, throw his ass in a supermax. Throw him in that prison Luthor's in. Shit, it's an entire prison just for him I'm sure they've got an extra room in there for Joker. Just don't put him back in Arkham since he ALWAYS seems to escape. It's obviously story reasons, but still Gotham City DA's must be incompetent and what kind of morons serve on their juries?

Yea story potential is the most obvious lol.

I also think Gotham should have some blame since its become a running joke by now, but hey i still see some of it going to Bats as a critique. And whats stopping Joker from escaping that prison somehow :p

Eh. There were plenty of continuing stories with Third Army just being a backdrop. Kyle and Ganthet bromancing for example.

Yep. Kingdom Come is the result of someone taking it to the logical extreme and just killing Joker.


Yea I wasn't expecting any of that

I just read this and got damn you weren't kidding.

That's fucked up.

That might be the
biggest L Superman has to hold in/on his chest.
Aquaman #16: Interesting as to who the final villain is in the issue.

Superman #16: Hel on Earth is gonna end next issue but wow what a run its been since the beginning. I hope there is a focus on Clark's blog job in the next few issues but it seems that Krypton is the main focus.

Thats pretty much it for comics for me this week.


Third Army stuff got pretty entertaining. The Annual was pretty kick ass actually.

I'm also glad someone here recommended Talon. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would.

Should I bother with any of the H'el stuff? Nothing Superman interests me outside of Action right now, sadly.


Fables was really good for awhile but the excitement has dwindled.

That's a little disappointing. Oh well, I'll get Witchblade instead. I'm going to go all Top Cow up in here.

I also want to break into the DC Sphere. Young Justice piqued my interest, and I loved Teen Titan when I was younger. I would ask my friends for their assistance on this manner if they weren't diehard Marvel fans, i.e. hating DC is second nature to them.


Yeah, I've only read that first Fables arc so far and it was good stuff.

That's a little disappointing. Oh well, I'll get Witchblade instead. I'm going to go all Top Cow up in here.

I also want to break into the DC Sphere. Young Justice piqued my interest, and I loved Teen Titan when I was younger. I would ask my friends for their assistance on this manner if they weren't diehard Marvel fans, i.e. hating DC is second nature to them.

Are you looking for newer stuff or just DC in general?


Yeah, they didn't use the SoCal chromium mines this time I heard. You read it yet?

Yeah, just finished it. That was the quickest "extra size" issue I've ever read.

So, that was a super fake out. What a fucking lame end for Dinosaurus, and how the fuck did he do a 180 so quickly because of one speech by Mark? All of a sudden this guy just gives up his entire existence because Mark was like NOT COOL DUDE. The fake moons made me lol. So basically no one answers for what happened and Mark is back to being at square one working for Cecil. Whatever. At least Kirkman didn't kill him.

Will buy Invincible Universe.
Third Army stuff got pretty entertaining. The Annual was pretty kick ass actually.

I'm also glad someone here recommended Talon. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would.

Should I bother with any of the H'el stuff? Nothing Superman interests me outside of Action right now, sadly.

You might want to wait for the issues after H'el but give #14 a shot. See if you like it and then continue on from there.
Yeah, just finished it. That was the quickest "extra size" issue I've ever read.

So, that was a super fake out. What a fucking lame end for Dinosaurus, and how the fuck did he do a 180 so quickly because of one speech by Mark? All of a sudden this guy just gives up his entire existence because Mark was like NOT COOL DUDE. The fake moons made me lol. So basically no one answers for what happened and Mark is back to being at square one working for Cecil. Whatever. At least Kirkman didn't kill him.

Will buy Invincible Universe.
Your not reading Guarding the Globe brah?

And other brah, so not buy Fables. Worse mistake of my life was reading that.
Finally caught up with A Death of The Family so far.

How the HELL does Starfire's writing get past editing? How does it get through at all? So groan-worthy.

"What is a Joker?"

Eat shit and die, Starfire.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Glad I stuck with The Flash when it felt like it was losing some steam a couple months ago. This Grodd shit is coming to a head and they're really doing a good job tying all the plot threads together pretty nicely. Manapul's art has been crazy good these last couple issues.
Oops, Batman: The Dark Knight .

Wait, this is a thing? How come I have never read this 'till now?

DC is milking Batman as much as they can get away with to some various degree of success. Batman by Snyder is one of the best selling comics around and is the best selling DC series besides Justice league I believe. Dunno about Batman Inc. or Batman: Dark Knight.


Batman, Inc is pre-new52 madness. Finishing up what Morrison started earlier. And for that, I cling to it. But I will admit the new Joker story is pretty good. The whole delayed reveal angle is a bit annoying though. DC loves those reveals.
DC is having a black history month digital sale, they will change out titles every Thursday.

This week is Green Lantern staring John Stewart and the New 52 Mister Terrific.

I hope to see Static Shock in the near future and more New 52 sales.
As someone who's had nothing but praise for Invincible, issue 100 was a huge letdown.
What kind of shitty cop out was this? Yeah, let's kill Dino dude and go back to Cecil. And let's have n years of angsting over all these dead people.

Green Lantern Corps Annual was better than I expected. I found it highly entertaining and really liked how all these dangling threads from the various books came into one kickass climax. The DBZ formula used since the Sinestro Corps War of building up an even bigger bad guy after every event is getting a bit stale but it's still enjoyable. The shitty part is that the main GL book feels totally out of sync with the rest. I like the new guy but between Hal, Sinestro and him, it feels like a mess and it's moving really slowly.

For whoever asked about Fables, I'd recommend the 75 first issues. The overall arc was pretty great with some really high points. I feel the book hasn't managed to find its pace since then though.


Can someone explain the Batman new 52 variants to me? I've only read Batman by Snyder and I'm currently reading through Nightwing at the moment which seems to follow parallel to Batman, but how do all the other series fit in time wise?


Knows the Score
As someone who's had nothing but praise for Invincible, issue 100 was a huge letdown.
What kind of shitty cop out was this? Yeah, let's kill Dino dude and go back to Cecil. And let's have n years of angsting over all these dead people.

It's probably
another cop-out where Dinosaurus isn't actually dead or Mark is still in a sim or something else silly.


Can someone explain the Batman new 52 variants to me? I've only read Batman by Snyder and I'm currently reading through Nightwing at the moment which seems to follow parallel to Batman, but how do all the other series fit in time wise?

Yes I need an explaination as well, especially with Batman & Robin and how that fits in with everything else. I always thought it was an alternate/parallel universe kind of thing.


Yes I need an explaination as well, especially with Batman & Robin and how that fits in with everything else. I always thought it was an alternate/parallel universe kind of thing.

All the Batman titles are set in the same universe.

*Batman focuses more on Batman.

*Batman & Robin focuses on Damian, and his relationship with Bruce.

*I haven't read Detective Comics and The Dark Knight recently, but they are also solo Batman titles.

*Batman Inc. focuses on Batman and his extended family/friends ("Batman Incorporated").

These titles sometime make references to each other, or have tie-ins. Detective Comics 15 and Batman & Robin 16 recently had a death of the family tie-in.


Aquaman 16 was awesome. I want to say I wish Throne of Atlantis was longer, but this feels like the perfect length for the story.
Yeah, just finished it. That was the quickest "extra size" issue I've ever read.

So, that was a super fake out. What a fucking lame end for Dinosaurus, and how the fuck did he do a 180 so quickly because of one speech by Mark? All of a sudden this guy just gives up his entire existence because Mark was like NOT COOL DUDE. The fake moons made me lol. So basically no one answers for what happened and Mark is back to being at square one working for Cecil. Whatever. At least Kirkman didn't kill him.

Will buy Invincible Universe.

That comic was so fucking awful. Don't know what I was thinking.

"Hey! You seem like an AMAZING artist. How are you at drawing around 45,000 gigantic speech balloons?"

The most awful comic.
It's probably
another cop-out where Dinosaurus isn't actually dead or Mark is still in a sim or something else silly.

I'm sure they'll spend way too many issues and panels talking about it while Ryan Ottley is figuring out how to occupy the remaining 95% of artistic skill in his incredible artist brain that's going unused.

Can't stress enough how awful and wasteful a comic Invincible is.
So a BENDIS comcis?

Ready to get your mind blown? Bendis' Mamet dialogue? The stops and starts?

Smaller balloons. More art.

Kirkman having Principals give their office hours IN PANEL (THIS ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED IN AN INVINCIBLE COMIC) and trundle on and on speaking in paragraphs no human could ever muster?

Big round balloons. No art.
Anyone think superior would be better without Peter. I feel like Slott made him a parody of the Internet on purpose

Also i think I remember that issue. Virtumite was was dope !
That damn Avengers issue with Bachalo. You get Chris Bachalo and you waste him on 20 pages of talking heads.....

Oh, and SS #2 was hilarious. The cock-blocking is GODLIKE
Bachalo actually draws amazing talking heads pages, but Bendis makes the dialogue snappy enough that he gets to draw amazing faces and re-acks. Kirkman has no such consideration.
The thing about Kirkman is that he thinks he is so clever, but he is probably the worst writer in comics. He thinks Invinxible 100 was some social commentary on the comics industry and story
Ines judging by his CBR interview.
Still gonna by it cuz of Ryan Ottley and the colorist.
haha I love this



The thing about Kirkman is that he thinks he is so clever, but he is probably the worst writer in comics. He thinks Invinxible 100 was some social commentary on the comics industry and story
Ines judging by his CBR interview.
Still gonna by it cuz of Ryan Ottley and the colorist.
Rauch is the coolest.


No Scrubs
Bendis says you should be buying Guardians of the Galaxy for nerd street cred (and other reasons, too)

At least he's not making Earth the origin point of all life in the universe, right? ...Right?

I've seen a show with that sort of logic before. Basically until a world can achieve a certain technological standpoint (something like warp drive) they have to be left alone. It's pretty standard sci-fi stuff.

haha I love this


Oh man, so creepy. Where'd you get it?
The thing about Kirkman is that he thinks he is so clever, but he is probably the worst writer in comics. He thinks Invinxible 100 was some social commentary on the comics industry and story
Ines judging by his CBR interview.
Still gonna by it cuz of Ryan Ottley and the colorist.

He really thinks that omfg
The thing about Kirkman is that he thinks he is so clever, but he is probably the worst writer in comics. He thinks Invinxible 100 was some social commentary on the comics industry and story
Ines judging by his CBR interview.
Still gonna by it cuz of Ryan Ottley and the colorist.

I am glad I got the book to see Ottley's stuff again (and I got the Art Adams cover) but god damn it makes me mad.
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