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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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I've seen a show with that sort of logic before. Basically until a world can achieve a certain technological standpoint (something like warp drive) they have to be left alone. It's pretty standard sci-fi stuff.
Yeah, it's total Prime Directive material.

haha I love this
Sejic drew one of my favorite pieces of DotF "fan" art. Because, it's so obvious.



Bendis says you should be buying Guardians of the Galaxy for nerd street cred (and other reasons, too)

At least he's not making Earth the origin point of all life in the universe, right? ...Right?

But Bendis also looked to his own past as a retailer in Chicago, for why the comic may appeal…

When I used to be a retailer there was a large section of our customers that wanted to be ahead of the curve. Almost everyone buying comics knows that the Guardians of the Galaxy movie is coming and they are going to want to be able to tell their friends: ‘Oh, I’ve been reading that book for years.’

.....and their friends say " you read comics? Hah. "


*reads bleeding cool thing about first issue prices on some image books*

I think i gave my #1 issue of Peter Panzerfaust away for free some time ago.....or maybe i'm getting paranoid and never bought it in the first place.
Man, I think I'm so over Deadpool in comics. He's still my favorite character, but there aren't many people that know how to write him. His current on-going sucks and DP vs. the Marvel Universe and Deadpool Killustrated are both awful.

On the plus side, I got FF#1 and I loved it. DAT ART :bow DAT AWKWARD GROUPING THAT WORKS SO WELL TOGETHER :bow

Also, I think I'm done with Uncanny Avengers. I don't particularly like the art and I'm kinda eh on the story.
*reads bleeding cool thing about first issue prices on some image books*

I think i gave my #1 issue of Peter Panzerfaust away for free some time ago.....or maybe i'm getting paranoid and never bought it in the first place.
Article? What article?



Oh man I have Peter Panzerfaust #1 too! How is it worth so much?!?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
On the plus side, I got FF#1 and I loved it. DAT ART :bow DAT AWKWARD GROUPING THAT WORKS SO WELL TOGETHER :bow

i wish She Hulk was able to be in Avengers like Hickman wanted but FF is so good on it's own right i ain't even mad.

i really need to find a She Hulk sleeveless tee for Coachella...


Man, I think I'm so over Deadpool in comics. He's still my favorite character, but there aren't many people that know how to write him. His current on-going sucks and DP vs. the Marvel Universe and Deadpool Killustrated are both awful.

I'm on board with this. Deadpool is suppose to be a very particular blend that so many writers don't understand especially now that he has gotten popular. At least to me, Deadpool is at his best when he's portrayed as funny, but also competent and dangerous. I always describbed him to friends as a combination of Spider-Man, Wolverine, and The Punisher. He comes across more like a violent version of a Bugs Bunny character these days.
Got caught up with Batwoman.

I thought book really fumbled when they kicked Amy Reeder off of it and got that dude who did gates of gotham to try and imitate JH3 which failed miserably.

Recently with the WW team-up its come back around for me. Love the latest issue.


I remember reading a Guardians book a few years back. I enjoyed it. But it seemed like those trades were overly expensive for some reason.
It went from this weird Warren Ellis-esque psychobabble, to one of the most interesting books of Marvel NOW. X-Men Legacy is fucking awesome. Issue 5 was just perfect.
Poor Ruthie :(((


Article? What article?



Oh man I have Peter Panzerfaust #1 too! How is it worth so much?!?

I have no idea, i didn't think it was special or even that good. I have #1s of Fatale, I zombie, unwritten, bedlam, etc etc, but i always seem to not buy the ones that are worth the most. In peter's case i'm still not sure if i actually bought it or not in the first place.


I chose Clone #1 over Nowhere Men #1 when it was pre-ordering time, but i'm definitely picking up Nowhere Men in trades.

Looks like i chose poorly, Clone #1 was alright.
Not enough talk, also, about how phenomenal Hawkguy was. Doin tri state proud, man.

There was definitely feel-good moments, Brooklyn vs. New Jersey, and the usual awesome of Hawkguy in the issue.

...Also love the fact that just because Kate is a girl doesn't mean Clint will treat her like one. Them arguing over who gets to sleep where was a nice touch.


There was definitely feel-good moments, Brooklyn vs. New Jersey, and the usual awesome of Hawkguy in the issue.

...Also love the fact that just because Kate is a girl doesn't mean Clint will treat her like one. Them arguing over who gets to sleep where was a nice touch.
Hawkguy stays having the best Kate characterization.


i thought you were done after those spoilers leaked? or am i thinking of someone else?
Lol I think I said something like that in the heat of the moment. In reality I'm a super fan and will probably never stop reading the book. 100 was pretty bad though.


Just read Hawkeye. Still reaffirms its awesomeness.

Who's the artist on this issue? There was some news a few pages back about some guest artist in an upcoming issue?


Just read Hawkeye. Still reaffirms its awesomeness.

Who's the artist on this issue? There was some news a few pages back about some guest artist in an upcoming issue?
"Fuck Yeah" Francavilla is doing a couple issues coming up. Aja is doing the rest of what's been solicited at this point.
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