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COMICS! |OT| July 2013. Celebrate liberty with the ultimate patriotic superhero.

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Daredevil #29
GI Joe #6

That's gonna be my last issue of GI Joe, it's been pretty fun but i've gotta start budgeting, so i'll probably continue in trades. Also dropping Star Wars and Star Wars Legacy for the same reason. I might pick up X-Men #3, but i've yet to read the issues I already have.


This cover is tight


Pizza Dog
Monday morning list time!

Daredevil #29
FF #10

Uncanny X-Men #9
X-Men #3
Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #5
Indestructible Hulk #11
Sex #5

Daredevil and FF are top-tier, always.


With the way Ares was taken out. Dude needs to stay gone for awhile.
Remender actually planned to bring Ares back in Uncanny Avengers as one of the Four Horsemen (as War, obviously), but changed his mind when he decided to have them all be Death and used The Sentry instead due to the history between him and Thor.

Jedeye Sniv

Reposting because it got burred at the end of a page and apparently no one saw it.

Also, can anyone recommend some good classic Batman arcs? I feel like I have a good enough grasp on the character that I can jump in at the start of a new arc and not be lost. I'd really like to read some good Mr. Freeze arcs as he's probably my favorite batman villain outside of the Joker, and I'd welcome any recommendations!

Batman: Snow by JH Williams and Seth Fisher is a really good Mr Freeze story with fantastic artwork. Got a good origin for Freeze plus a quirky subplot where Batman forms a team, set in the early years.

There are actually lots of good stories to come form the old title Legends of the Dark Knight as well as Snow. There's a great Two Face story by Matt Wagner called Faces, Venom is a great Batman-on-drugs take and Shaman and Gothic are both very good late 80's feeling dark mysteries.

As for other stuff, Hush is always easy to recommend since it's kinda a 'greatest hits' style story and is a lot of fun. The Knightfall saga is really long and is collected in a good value phonebook-style book. It's very 90s but when read all together is a pretty impressive story about what happens when Batman loses.
Reading old X-men books again, I forgot the Limbo issue where Evil demon Nightcrawler totally molested Kitty Pryde. Shocked they got away with that in a 1982 Comics Code Approved book mainly aimed at kids



List! With commentary!

Animal Man Annual #2 - I honestly have no clue what the story is, just that Foreman is back on art

Batman Inc #13 - I miss you already

Flash Annual #2 - Hal and Barry! In a brave and the bold style team up on an alien world!

Guardians of the Galaxy #5 - I honestly forgot this was out this week. Now with more Angela, I guess? Yay?

Trinity of Sin Pandora #2 - Trinity War tie in hell yeah!

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Reading old X-men books again, I forgot the Limbo issue where Evil demon Nightcrawler totally molested Kitty Pryde. Shocked they got away with that in a 1982 Comics Code Approved book mainly aimed at kids

They also molested the German language in the process.


We finally set up a little section of our home dedicated to the geekdom that we have acquired that I would like to share.


Love the pictures! I'm digital only and don't want the clutter but that looks great. More people should show off their comic rooms if they have one.
Love the pictures! I'm digital only and don't want the clutter but that looks great. More people should show off their comic rooms if they have one.

Thanks! I think ill take another pic tonight. Right above the monitor and below the poster I hung up my replica light saber hilt and glowing blade. Looks neat.
Just X-Men #3 for me this week.

I would pick up Daredevil, but I'm about five issues behind still. I need to catch up since its such a great series.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
"Ich sprechen Deutsch!" Xavier says to a Nazi guard in #161. I think it should be "Ich spreche Deutsch", or even "Ich kann Deutsch sprechen".

Yeah, I sprechen Deutsch is such a basic conjugation mistake. It's like "I speaks German". I really prefer them to do the <foreign language> dialog thing instead of inserting random ass foreign words in the middle of an English phrase and sounding retard to anyone with a basic comprehension of the language. Looks worse in text too for some reason. Cartoon Gambit can come across as a corny suave motherfucker, but look like a total idiot when you read some of his dialog in a comic. Same with Rogue and the "Ah" instead of "I" fixation. It's even more grating when a long run ends and the next writer goes completely overboard on that kind of stuff. Like Ultimate X-Men had a run where Nightcrawler transitioned from a dude with pretty normal dialog while still communicating his foreignness to someone who inserts at least one awkward German word per sentence.
Thanks for the comments. Thats just out graphic novel section. We have 2 other book shelfs in another room full of books. My wife loves books. Not just for reading but for looks and smell. She thinks old book stores smell great.

Lost at Sea I have not read.

Nice target shopping you did. I've got like 4 similar bookshelves. Those things are super-cheap for what you get.


What's the deal with all of the "My name is ____" intros in comics today?

Who are they talking to?

I personally liked how Morrison did it during his JL run, off the top of my head, it would almost always be used when a character needs to re-assure himself, if not to remind the reader that the character is a freakin' badass.
To clarify it's mainly used by Wally and Kyle
Dont know much about Daredevil but I bought End of Days because of David Mack. I started reading it and wow what a great story so far. I didnt want to put it down but it was late and wife wanted the light out. Will finish tonight.
Animal Man Annual #2
Batman Annual #2
Batman Inc #13
Pandora #2

Daredevil #29
FF #10
Indestructible Hulk #11
Uncanny X-men #9
X-men #3

maybe Red Lanterns and Flash Annual
or that Animal Man omnibus..

found this today, I'm excited


Anyone know where the hell I can watch Beware The Batman in Canada? I can't find it on any cartoon station and it's really pissing me off.


Saint Nic
I've been playing Marvel: Avenger's Alliance and Marvel Heroes more. I'm sort of intrigued by all the various Marvel heroes/villains. Where's the best place to start?


I have a question regarding green lantern. How come abin sur or any other lanterns have never visited planet earth before Hal Jordan?


I have a question regarding green lantern. How come abin sur or any other lanterns have never visited planet earth before Hal Jordan?

In the comics they have visited Earth plenty of times. There just wasn't shit going on with caveman Earth, so fuck that place. They don't always make themselves known. Hell, Martian Manguy wanted to be a Green Lantern when he grew up...aeons ago.

Yo this Beware the Batman cartoon is awesome.

I will never...


So since I am new back into comics my stack of books is getting a bit out of hand and I like to organize things. I was searching the web and found this software


Anyone here have any experience with it? Seems rather expensive so just curious if those that use it think its worth it.
Nightrunner is doing a flash kick ya'll


the game don changed

also Man-of-bats and his son is fighting a skeleton soldier in a confederate outfit


So my <1 year old Dog needs surgery to remove a cyst/tumor from his ear.....and I decide it would be a great idea to reread We3.

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