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COMICS! |OT| July 2013. Celebrate liberty with the ultimate patriotic superhero.

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Doom out, yo.
Allred's art has convinced me to buy the full run of iZombie.

Ayone still reading Nova? I thibk that book has been ghostwritten by Zeb Wells the entire time, cannot notice a difference at all. Anyone else reading The Mysterious Strangers? Gotta support these brahs at Oni. And the Directors Cut for Superman Unchained is INSANE.
No one. I'm not sure why Marvel even bothered buying the character. Spawn sold 16k issues last month. People stopped caring 10 years ago.

It's because shit dragged on way too long. Should have finished the story off ages ago and start a new story (there is a new spawn now not Al). They also should have expanded on other characters and give them their own series. Shit went on longer than like 99% of mangas out there.


Oh and I finished the first volume of Wonder Woman. Seriously no fucking idea what was going on in that book. The art is great but I just cant understand it. the whole story. I am never good at linking relationships in books so this is pretty hard for me. can someone explain the first volume to me in spoiler text just the basic plot lol

New 52? Here goes:

I'll just explain the relationships.

Wonder Woman: first lady of the DC Universe; bastard daughter of Zeus and Hippolyte; currently charged with protecting Zola from her new extended family; the character you came to see, but isn't really the focus of the book 80-90% of the time lol

Zola: woman under WW's care; pregnant with another of Zeus's bastards; useless

Hermes: messenger god; WW's half-brother; informs WW to protect Zola from Hera and the other gods

Lennox: made of rock; WW's half-brother; appears to help protect Zola and his yet to be born sibling (fun fact that isn't relevant to this series at all: Lennox is the father of Wonder Girl from the Teen Titans, making that character WW's niece)

Hippolyte: Wonder Woman's mom; lied about Wonder Woman's true parentage to protect her and the amazons from Hera; currently a clay statue :(

Hera: queen of the gods whose sick of her husband's shit; now targeting Zola's baby and Wonder Woman; turns the Amazons into snakes and Hippolyte into a clay statue as punishment for the latter sleeping with Zeus; gets tricked by Team Wonder Woman to be stuck in her realm, unable to see what they're doing

Strife: the goddess of discord; Wonder Woman's half-sister; a class A shit stirrer; reveals to Wonder Woman her true parentage

War: the god of, well, war; Wonder Woman's half-brother; not really a player yet

Zeus: King of Olympus, god of thunder, and Wonder Woman's (and most of the cast's) dad; knocked up Zola and started this whole mess; current whereabouts unknown

Poseidon: Zeus's brother and Wonder Woman's uncle; aims to claim Zeus's realm in his brother's absence

Hades: Zeus's brother and Wonder Woman's uncle; aims to claim Zeus's realm in his brother's absence; kidnaps Zola at the end of vol 1

Apollo: god of the sun; Wonder Woman's half-brother; recieves a prophecy in the beginning that says bad shit is coming for his family and that Zola's child is the key to it all; hasn't really done anything of note yet

That's about it. Anything else you need to know?
I just started watching Young Justice

Yo...Batman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Flash all have ice villains...why? Like really.
Ice manipulation can lead to some interesting battles and stuff.
It's also a common elelment in many scifi stuff. Remember we have many decades of stories. You can find very similar villains in most long running superhero serials.


New 52? Here goes:

I'll just explain the relationships.

Wonder Woman: first lady of the DC Universe; bastard daughter of Zeus and Hippolyte; currently charged with protecting Zola from her new extended family; the character you came to see, but isn't really the focus of the book 80-90% of the time lol

Zola: woman under WW's care; pregnant with another of Zeus's bastards; useless

Hermes: messenger god; WW's half-brother; informs WW to protect Zola from Hera and the other gods

Lennox: made of rock; WW's half-brother; appears to help protect Zola and his yet to be born sibling (fun fact that isn't relevant to this series at all: Lennox is the father of Wonder Girl from the Teen Titans, making that character WW's niece)

Hippolyte: Wonder Woman's mom; lied about Wonder Woman's true parentage to protect her and the amazons from Hera; currently a clay statue :(

Hera: queen of the gods whose sick of her husband's shit; now targeting Zola's baby and Wonder Woman; turns the Amazons into snakes and Hippolyte into a clay statue as punishment for the latter sleeping with Zeus; gets tricked by Team Wonder Woman to be stuck in her realm, unable to see what they're doing

Strife: the goddess of discord; Wonder Woman's half-sister; a class A shit stirrer; reveals to Wonder Woman her true parentage

War: the god of, well, war; Wonder Woman's half-brother; not really a player yet

Zeus: King of Olympus, god of thunder, and Wonder Woman's (and most of the cast's) dad; knocked up Zola and started this whole mess; current whereabouts unknown

Poseidon: Zeus's brother and Wonder Woman's uncle; aims to claim Zeus's realm in his brother's absence

Hades: Zeus's brother and Wonder Woman's uncle; aims to claim Zeus's realm in his brother's absence; kidnaps Zola at the end of vol 1

Apollo: god of the sun; Wonder Woman's half-brother; recieves a prophecy in the beginning that says bad shit is coming for his family and that Zola's child is the key to it all; hasn't really done anything of note yet

That's about it. Anything else you need to know?

This is really helpful. Thanks for explaining it.

Why is poseidon
a massive fish lol


I just finished the first story arc of John's Teen Titans run. Did the Connor Kent Superboy really go a decade (from his creation) without having a name other than Superboy?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Reading more Atomic Robo...

I'm pretty sure Dr Dinosaur is the most singularly hilarious creation in comics. His childlike mind combined with ridiculous science talk and his bonkers facial expressions are always hysterical. Atomic Robo has a lot of good laugh-out-loud moments already, but when Dr Dinosaur shows up that gets amped up to 11.



Unconfirmed Member
I just bought the first TPB of Atomic Robo the other day. After I finish reading my comics from this week I'll probably start that. It just looks like a fun comic.
Oh, man! Atomic Robo is where the party's at! There are like half a dozen free AR comics on Comixology, too. The current AR Kickstarter has 12 days left and the offerings are tight. I dipped for the Special Mission Pack. Shirts, a signed hardcover, plus all the bells (stickers!) and whistles (posters!). So much good loot for the privilege of supporting an awesome, indie, all-ages comic.

In other news, the Spirit/Rocketeer crossover is stupid, Iron Badger.


This is an incredibly petty complaint, but Doom saying 'You're wrong' doesn't sound right. He wouldn't use the contraction, he should be saying "You are wrong."

Yes, I'm a huge whiny nerd and I'm going to die alone.

No I also agree with you.....I'm so alone.


How did DC's Manhunter series (the female character, not the Martian) from the mid 2000s age? Is it still worth tracking down and reading?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh, man! Atomic Robo is where the party's at! There are like half a dozen free AR comics on Comixology, too. The current AR Kickstarter has 12 days left and the offerings are tight. I dipped for the Special Mission Pack. Shirts, a signed hardcover, plus all the bells (stickers!) and whistles (posters!). So much good loot for the privilege of supporting an awesome, indie, all-ages comic.

I've been weighing this for a few days now. I think I'm going to do it, just because I love these guys and the guide should be fun. The shirts, mug and prints would be cool too. I may go all in and do the $100 option. Plus, it feels like they've put in some good research and won't be getting in over their heads. They seem to be protecting themselves from some common problems with delivering on Kickstarters.


Atomic Robo is indeed awesome, I remember months ago when I was enlightening many a GAFfer to its awesomeness =3


Reading more Atomic Robo...

I'm pretty sure Dr Dinosaur is the most singularly hilarious creation in comics. His childlike mind combined with ridiculous science talk and his bonkers facial expressions are always hysterical. Atomic Robo has a lot of good laugh-out-loud moments already, but when Dr Dinosaur shows up that gets amped up to 11.

Dr Dinousaur appears in a shockingly low amount of issues :( :( :(


I need to read some Atomic Robo. I've wanted to give Super Dinosaur a try too, I've heard it's similarly good.

I forget how many issues i read but i really disliked it, it definitely felt like it was for kids without redeeming value for older folks.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Dr Dinousaur appears in a shockingly low amount of issues :( :( :(

I have no problem with that. I'd hate for the character to wear out his its welcome. It's always better to leave you wanting more than to be tired of someone's schtick. Too many series, across all forms of media, latch onto breakout characters and drive them into the ground.
Ok, once again, if you don't know the story I just got into comics around April. My wife and I have both been collecting with her collecting even longer than me. She was a graphic design major and her senior project was actually a comic series she wrote and drew called anti-girl. She wasn't into super hero comics and was almost against them until I started to get into them. She now likes them. Anyways, thanks to this community and my own curiosity, its a hobby we enjoy together. We finally set up a little section of our home dedicated to the geekdom that we have acquired that I would like to share.






A small collection that will sure to grow. Im proud of this hobby and grateful for this community. Thanks for the help so far.
Nice one, KoruptData! I love seeing people's bookshelves. You've got some variety there. It shows that two people are collecting. You've got a Chester Brown book that I was checking out the other day. I've read one book by him that I loved (Louis Riel) and one that I didn't (Paying for It). Anyway, thanks for sharing!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I may or may not have had one too many gin and tonics at my neighbor's house and then read some Cap-Wolf issues on Marvel Unlimited.
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