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Conor Mcgregor mentions Rocky III "dancing monkeys"; says meant circus-like celeb gym

Who the fuck is supporting domestic violence or racist stereotyping against asians?

In the thread where the white dude said something fucked up, instead of acknowledging it, you people try to explain away other peoples feelings and continue in whataboutism.

You get to be idiots or racists, pick one, because the cognitive dissonance on display is too strong.

Nobody once supported the black man's actions. On the contrary, many here seem to support the white man's actions.

If both are bad, why is there an argument?

Because, racism, or stupidity. But since we're on GAF, try to understand your fellow
black, liberal, open-minded
man! It's the only luxury we're afforded in discussions like this, as opposed to other corners of the internet, where people really don't give a shit.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but many Mayweather fanboys defend his terrible actions including on GAF in the same way we have McGregor fanboys defending him.
The context is that it's a known racist saying it. That context is, inherently, racially charged.

Like, what more do you need, Chuck
I need proof before slinging stones, sorry. I am more than happy to call him out for "boy", and would too for this statement if what he said actually reflects the thread title. But the fact is it doesn't. He isn't asked about, does not refer to black people and doesn't even reference a scene that involves black people

Anyway, I don't think either of us will change our stance but I appreciate your point of view

M.J. Doja

"reminisced" is rather hyperbolic, and it was promotional + a tactic to get into Jose Aldo's head. I'm not offended by it, nor the boy thing. They are products of differing cultural sensitivity. The monkeys comment need some explanation, which im sure we'll get tomorrow.

Who fucking cares if youre offended, troll-boy? LOL

The point is, you don't have the proper complexion required to be offended by racist comments. Your complexion gives you the option to not care.

M.J. Doja

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but many Mayweather fanboys defend his terrible actions including on GAF in the same way we have McGregor fanboys defending him.

Too bad the burden of proof is on you to prove where anybody in this thread did that.

You're not gonna convince me that the average GAF user would support domestic violence or saying some shit like "we're gonna cook you [asian person] with the cats and dogs". Nope.


Who fucking cares if youre offended, troll-boy? LOL

The point is, you don't have the proper complexion required to be offended by racist comments. Your complexion gives you the option to not care.

I was asked the question.

The rest of your post makes little sense, and you're rather aggressively rude, so goodbye.


They're both mostly trashy humans I cannot begin to respect for different reasons (and despite Mayweather's hard early life) so I can't even cheer for anyone in this fight.

They're just making a shitload of money. The outcome is pretty inevitable. It'd be a HUGE shock if anything different happened.

I guess if I had to pick one, I'd still go with Ffloyd since racism is something I find considerably worse than being a generally arrogant asshat, obviously. Unless Mayweather has done shit I don't know about. I don't follow these guys or these events usually. This one is just too big and mainstream to ignore.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Too bad the burden of proof is on you to prove where anybody in this thread did that.

You're not gonna convince me that the average GAF user would support domestic violence or saying some shit like "we're gonna cook you [asian person] with the cats and dogs". Nope.

You do have people saying they hope Floyd wins in this very thread, after all that he has done and said. Not in direct reply to something he recently did like Conor, but if you are choosing a side in this fight, no matter what you are choosing to side with a racist.


Who the fuck is supporting domestic violence or racist stereotyping against asians?

In the thread where the white dude said something fucked up, instead of acknowledging it, you people try to explain away other peoples feelings and continue in whataboutism.

You get to be idiots or racists, pick one, because the cognitive dissonance on display is too strong.

Nobody once supported the black man's actions. On the contrary, many here seem to support the white man's actions.

If both are bad, why is there an argument?

Because, racism, or stupidity. But since we're on GAF, try to understand your fellow
black, liberal, open-minded
man! It's the only luxury we're afforded in discussions like this, as opposed to other corners of the internet, where people really don't give a shit.

People in this very thread have said what Conor said is just as bad as everything Floyd has done. That they're equivalent. I shouldn't have to explain why thats an offensive and boneheaded thing to say.

Also, in the fight thread, there was some real bullshit. Syphon Filter came in with the "they're just allegations" line hardcore Floyd stans like to use. And then there were 2 or 3 different people who told me to "get over it" and that domestic violence is just something you have to accept.

I'm not giving Conor a pass, and I hope no one else is either. In my opinion, though, the equivocating between these two guys is shameful and the outrage shown in this thread outweighs anything I've ever seen directed at Floyd. It's as if people just accept all of the horrible shit associated with Floyd and say "well that's just how he is", but with Conor its something else entirely.


I can't believe a man that gets punched in the face for a living said something stupid.

This, as a fight fan, annoys me. The perception that Conor, and Floyd, are not smart, talented people. Neither make a living "getting punched in the face", in fact they make their living planning on how precisely not for that to happen. Both are ridiculously talented and skilled men.

M.J. Doja

Well my contribution to the thread is done. If it continues I hope the dialogue changes to a productive one. Otherwise keep handwaving and "both sides" as much as possible.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Well my contribution to the thread is done. If it continues I hope the dialogue changes to a productive one. Otherwise keep handwaving and "both sides" as much as possible.

We replied to you in a civil manner, and you are just saying see ya with no response?


Well my contribution to the thread is done. If it continues I hope the dialogue changes to a productive one. Otherwise keep handwaving and "both sides" as much as possible.

You're so transparent. You haven't even read the posts you're trying to dismiss.
The benefit of the doubt being extended in this thread is just another example of privilege.

That kind of shit is way more damaging than the blatant examples of racism that people seem to look for while ignoring shit like this.

No one tries jumping through mental gymnastics to excuse someone like LeVar Ball when he says outrageous things like this. People generally take what he says at face value.

And lastly, invoking Floyd Mayweather's well documented racist fuckery in a thread about Conor's current shenanigans is classic Deflection Tactics 101.
It's the battle of world class douchebags.
I still want to see Conor get clowned because once again he's getting a fight he didn't earn.
Floyd's a scumbag but this is a sporting event and he defended his title time after time.
Conor never defended his title once.
This, as a fight fan, annoys me. The perception that Conor, and Floyd, are not smart, talented people. Neither make a living "getting punched in the face", in fact they make their living planning on how precisely not for that to happen. Both are ridiculously talented and skilled men.

Great fighter doesn't equal great person. It's not out of the question for a professional fighter to not have the most progressive ideas in the world. Sorry if I question the moral fiber of a wife beater and a guy talking about dancing monkeys. What the hell was I thinking?


Neo Member
Oh and Kif, have the boy lay out my formal shorts.




You should sit down unless you want to try and defend "they're unproven allegations", the post you ran from in the other thread.

And lastly, invoking Floyd Mayweather's well documented racist fuckery in a thread about Conor's current shenanigans is classic Deflection Tactics 101.

Floyd is being invoked because people in this thread said they "love him more" because of this.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
And lastly, invoking Floyd Mayweather's well documented racist fuckery in a thread about Conor's current shenanigans is classic Deflection Tactics 101.

This is bullshit. Floyd's past racist comments are being brought up because people are saying they are siding with Floyd because Conor is a racist, and they hope Floyd beats him up.

M.J. Doja

It's actually the most effective way to troll on a site as heavily moderated as GAF.

And quite popular.
You're 100% right.

I guess I just like the old school 10-15 years ago trolling.

We replied to you in a civil manner, and you are just saying see ya with no response?

I'm not gonna engage in such a tone-deaf, pedantic discussion. (Starting with two douchebag professional fighters, and the things they say after they spent a career having their head knocked around.) My responses were food for thought. It's nothing new or abstract. It's 2017 and I have no patience to explain the nuance to people who don't want to see where I'm coming from. That's how you get banned on this site.


Great fighter doesn't equal great person. It's not out of the question for a professional fighter to not have the most progressive ideas in the world. Sorry if I question the moral fiber of a wife beater and a guy talking about dancing monkeys. What the hell was I thinking?

A spectacular strawman post, didn't remotely address what I said.

You implied fighters are stupid, I'm telling you they are not. Conor and Floyd are about to bank 100 mil and 200 mil respectively. They are not stupid men.
This is bullshit. Floyd's past racist comments are being brought up because people are saying they are siding with Floyd because Conor is a racist, and they hope Floyd beats him up.

Way to quote the wrong person. I said that, not Regginator.

Also, show me where people are denying Floyd said racist shit or giving him the benefit of the doubt like people are bending themselves into knots to do for Conor.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Way to quote the wrong person.

Also, show me where people are denying Floyd said racist shit or giving him the benefit of the doubt like people are bending themselves into knots to do for Conor.

I'm not even sure how that quote happened like that. All I did was trim to the piece I was replying to. Never even messed with the user quoted or the post number.

People are either ignoring what Floyd said or openly supporting a racist to win against another racist for racist things the latter said.


Way to quote the wrong person. I said that, not Regginator.

Also, show me where people are denying Floyd said racist shit or giving him the benefit of the doubt like people are bending themselves into knots to do for Conor.

Explain to me how someone can say "I love this person" without justifying that persons behavior.
Explain to me how someone can say "I love this person" without justifying that persons behavior.

The entire reason this thread is 14 pages long is because you have multiple people trying to give Conor the benefit of the doubt where he doesn't deserve it.

Pointing to A person that says I love Mayweather doesn't undo that.


You're entitled to your opinion, but im not waving the pitchforks at him just yet. He fights (and trains) in a black dominated sport, he embraces black culture, he rode a bicycle up the street singing snoop dogg. I really dont think he's a racist.

Oh and he is super business minded, he will respect the absolute hell out of Mayweather Promotions.


When has enjoying hip-hop or rap stopped people being racist?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
what he did that was racist?

”As soon as we come off vacation, we're going to cook that little yellow chump ... Once I kick the midget ass, I don't want you all to jump on my dick. So you all better get on the bandwagon now ... Once I stomp the midget, I'll make that mother fucker make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice ... we're going to cook him with some cats and dogs."

If you support Conor or you support Floyd in this fight you are supporting a racist. They are both shit bags.


The entire reason this thread is 14 pages long is because you have multiple people trying to give Conor the benefit of the doubt where he doesn't deserve it.

Pointing to A person that says I love Mayweather doesn't undo that.

Massive bullshit deflection at its finest. You asked me to point to people justifying and defending Floyd, I pointed to them. Just look through the thread. Look at Syphon Filter's post history.
The benefit of the doubt being extended in this thread is just another example of privilege.

That kind of shit is way more damaging than the blatant examples of racism that people seem to look for while ignoring shit like this.

No one tries jumping through mental gymnastics to excuse someone like LeVar Ball when he says outrageous things like this. People generally take what he says at face value.

And lastly, invoking Floyd Mayweather's well documented racist fuckery in a thread about Conor's current shenanigans is classic Deflection Tactics 101.

Benefit of the doubt is being given because you have to perform some serious mental gymnastics to take McGregor saying "dancing monkeys" in a movie scene with no black people and assume he is applying to black people
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