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Considering the importance Nintendo puts on software ip diversity, why do you think they don’t have something like Gow:18/Rag or TLOU? Inability?

Why don't they offer anything in that lane? Not asking for mature content, just narrative focused

  • They don't have the ability to create those titles, so they shy away from them

    Votes: 33 17.2%
  • They have the ability but not the desire, as those tastes are better served elsewhere

    Votes: 121 63.0%
  • Scrimblo Bimblo doesn't want their angst to be delved into

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • Not enough developers to pull from current tasks n create a whole new engrossing ip

    Votes: 7 3.6%
  • Idk, go ask your uncle who works at Nintendo!

    Votes: 29 15.1%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Confused Little Girl GIF


Those type if games way riskier and very expensive (like 10x with actors and high end gfx)

…. And still they sell worse than Mario Party

Your question should instead be: why does not Sony and MS make games like nintendo (focus on gameplay). Cheaper and sells more, look at the sale figures


Nintendo games are family friendly.

The most they make outside of that is weaboo oriented games like Xenoblade, which have the typical anime fan service that is expected from that, but that's it.

Last time that Nintendo had a more mature game was probably on game cube when they published Eternal Darkness.

My guess is: since they're extremely successful doing what they do, there's no point going after those type of games.

In the same way, Sony probably realized that triple A, blockbuster, cinematic games works best for Playstation gamers, so doing smaller games isn’t worth it.

They're basically the opposites, which is a good thing.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Nintendo makes games. Not movies. Although to be fair they made a great Mario Movie.

If you are hoping for something like Eternal Darkness I think that ship sailed a long time ago.

As far as narrative/story driven games that would be good Fire Emblem games like Shadows of Valentia or the Xenoblade games.

Beyond that I'll always keep Golden Sun close.

Nintendo is always gameplay first and story second. And half the time the story is in the details.


Nintendo considered farming out Kid Icarus to Factor 5 and ze German emo boys insisted on making it darker, with an epic storyline and a Pit covered in tribal tattoos. Despite Nintendo's gentle prodding to keep it softer and kid friendly.

Nintendo makes games for everyone, not edgy 8'th graders.


Those type if games way riskier and very expensive (like 10x with actors and high end gfx)

…. And still they sell worse than Mario Party

Your question should instead be: why does not Sony and MS make games like nintendo (focus on gameplay). Cheaper and sells more, look at the sale figures
Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

I’d take more games like gravity rush and Astrobot over games like the last of us etc any day of the week.

This is something Microsoft should be looking at now with there ip and studios, having studios focusing on Nintendo style, gameplay focused ideally single player games as I think they have the multiplayer angles covered for that (sea of thieves, grounded, mine craft etc).
They do throw a few filler titles in here and there lol

It was that super annoying mid-2000s phase where they outsourced all DK games to this external developer and there were like 3 bad ones in a row. And then internally they also had no idea what to do with DK so they had the Mario Sunshine team make DK Jungle Beat. A game that could’ve been decent but it required bongos to play. So no one bought it 😆

Glad they eventually figured out the nice balance we have now of making great games that people want.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Just something where the story is the point
They put out visual novels recently. Famicon Detective Club. Pretty enjoyable.

Its no secret that Miyamoto intentionally limits story and cutscenes. They have a completely different design philosophy and view that as a negative most of the time. They usually prioritize interactivity like they are making a physical toy, not like they are making a movie.


Lmao @ Nintendo "doesn't make you watch movies". Stop thinking that a game having narrative and cutscenes make it a movie. Also probably play Xenoblade and Fire Emblem as well.


All they need to do is improve the online play and games.
Still dreaming for a online co-op plus pvp with proper voice chat Starfox as a start.


I don't care, as long as they keep providing me with games like Totk I'm good. Other games? Master Race of course


Of course they have the ability to, that's just nonsense. They employ sime of the best computer game developers who have ever existed.

It's simply neither in their company philosophy nor their business interest to sink millions into cutscenes.


I've only ever played a single GoW game but that game certainly wasn't aimed at an adult audience, nor did it have any kind of good story. It was just a teenage power fantasy.

But anyways, that style of game is something Nintendo doesn't have much of experience with and don't really need either so I'm guessing they just don't see a need. They already have plenty of story driven games in other genres after all.


This thread is dumb af, why would they even have to pull something like gow? Its a kids console for one and TOTK is one of greatest technical achievements since red dead redemption 2 imo something GOW devs havnt even attempted to pull off id rather every dev avoided walking simulators with repetitive comvat, voice acting is nice though


Definitely not what they want for their public, this is not the kind of Nintendo culture.

Super Mario GIF by Gaming GIFs
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Nintendo has a diverse catalogue of game IPs because they are hyper focused on producing new genre kings that might be iterated generation after generation.
Nintendo isn't a reactionary company that copies what is already popular just to cash in, they are a trend-setter by vocation.
Fire Emblem Three Houses might sell "just" 5 million units but there isn't any other strategy RPG that sell as well.
Xenoblade 2 might sell "just" 2-3 million units but it's distinctive compared to any other RPG on the market.
Metroid Dread might sell "just" 3-4 million units but the franchise gaves the name of a whole genre and no other game in the genre sell as much at $60 a pop.
Mario Kart might be classified as a racing game but the underlying game mechanics are totally different from the games in the same genre that preceded it, so much that it create its own sub-genre. Same for Splatoon.
When Virtua Fighter and Tekken were all the rage and everybody were releasing copycats, Nintendo released a certain fighting game with completely new game mechanics.

In the past Nintendo has funded games targeted more toward an adult audience like for example Eternal Darkness and Spirit Camera (the Project Zero spin-off for 3DS) however in both cases it was the game mechanics that enticed them (for the former the Sanity System which Nintendo has patented, for the latter the augmented reality integration with the "cursed" booklet).
More than the characters, lore and story, it's about (a successful) new game formula what Nintendo is after.
Characters, lore and story are (among other things) what dress the gameplay.

That’s not what Nintendo is about. Just like why Sony doesn’t make something like Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing.
Unlike Nintendo*, Sony actually has an history of funding copycats inspired by other companies genre kings like for example Final Fantasy Tactics (Jeanne D'Arc), Smash Bros (PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale) and Zelda (Alundra).
But all those attempts resulted in games that sold much less than the source material and that could not sustain themselves for many generations.
Nowadays producing games is much more expensive than in the past which is why Sony reduced such practice.

* It could be argued that the whole Mario Tennis/Golf series got birthed due to the success of Everybody's Golf however what really happened is that the original creator of Everybody's Golf, Camelot Software Planning, broke off from Sony early on and allied with Nintendo.
Sony would eventually (after two decades) stop producing new Everybody's Golf because the series have never taken off outside Japan and the japanese sales kept declining whereas to this day Camelot continues churning out Mario-branded arcade sport games for Nintendo consoles (and Everybody's Golf spiritual successor by Clap Hanz was also released for Switch).
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Luigi sweaty gay sex scene with Toad, Mario beaten to death with a golf club, Peaches dies with Syphilis and Bowser moves to the realm of Greek mythology to cope with aging.
Meanwhile Kirby copes with drug addiction and suicidal tendencies and gets involved with prostitutes and organized crime in a depressing film noir inspired game.

It would sell millions to children all over the world!


Pretty straightforward.

People will say because the games they already make outsell those enormously.

But yet, they make Metroid/Fire Emblem/Xeno, etc which sell a pittance compared to their bigger titles.

So they clearly see the point in having a variety of experiences to meet the tastes of many, especially considering 3P support isn't a done deal the way it is for Sony.

Mind you, I'm not saying bloody, mature titles because the sky knows we don't need more games that sprinkle profanity for the sake of profanity.

But just linear narrative titles where the story IS the focus, with an action adventure tinged backdrop.

Or hell, something like BG3 or Alan Wake? Just something where the story is the point




You want them to make more of these...?
They are known for family entertainment and don’t want to mess up their brand. Same reason Disney took flack for owning Miramax films back in the 1990’s. Disney actually banned them from releasing some films.
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Does Nintendo need a third person shooter dad simulator?
More than that, Kamiya compares Bayonetta to God of War in an interview. It's possible they see both as character action games.
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But yet, they make Metroid/Fire Emblem/Xeno, etc which sell a pittance compared to their bigger titles.
Fire Emblem usually hits upwards of 5 million units or more, and those titles don't cost $100 million plus to make. Nintendo makes their games with a simple budget and focus on game play.

They don't feel they need to make cinematic experiences and the audience who buys their products feel the same.


Gold Member
They cater to Japanese tastes first and foremost.
Japan cares little about bearded father figures, and when they have video game characters defeating gods it’s through the power of a ragtag team of improbable friends, not an angsty brute single-handedly tearing heads off shoulders and punching people to a bloody pulp.
The Japanese also usually make better stories overall, but western people hardly know this because they can’t make it past the anime presentation.


Poor use of resources.

Their market is children.
Nintendo's market is everybody, including children.
But I agree with you that producing games, only to tell stories would be a terrible use of Nintendo's resources.


Nintendo focus is 90% on nostalgia, since the 80" they make the same games and thats It, almost no new shit.

Once the 80,90 gamers stop playing or starts dropping dead, Nintendo consoles sales ll go down fast ( Japan is safe )
Pst, I tell you a secret: Nintendo games on Switch are hitting a new level of popularity never seen before.
Not only that but the gamers from the '80s and '90s are parents and grandparents today.
Guess what videogames they might choose for their sons/daughters/nephews/nieces?

And Nintendo is well aware of this trend so much to single it out a few months ago during a presentation (October 2022):



ידע זה כוח
I think people here are severely underestimating the complexity behind games like GOW or TLOU. Nintendo games are mobile games next to them.
Ah yes, the mature plot where everyone around gets introduced and dies, and the other holds your hand to tell you what to do so you won't need to trouble your little head. So complex.

I think Nintendo just doesn't do story first and gameplay later, they demo gameplay and build a scenario around it.


Snake Oil Salesman
Nintendo's market is everybody, including children.
But I agree with you that producing games, only to tell stories would be a terrible use of Nintendo's resources.


Pst, I tell you a secret: Nintendo games on Switch are hitting a new level of popularity never seen before.
Not only that but the gamers from the '80s and '90s are parents and grandparents today.
Guess what videogames they might choose for their sons/daughters/nephews/nieces?

And Nintendo is well aware of this trend so much to single it out a few months ago during a presentation (October 2022):


Nintendo is for "everyone" in the same way Disney is for "everyone".


Why would they want to be able to make games like that? Totally unnecessary to hire all those hundreds, maybe even thousands more employees, to make games that probably wouldn't even sell that well, because the people who buy them would turn their noses up at Nintendo hardware.


Gold Member
I don't know why Nintendo fans are quick to dismise every OP pointing out stuff like this, but funnily enough I was thinking about this a bit ago. Their family-friendly approach while effective, has sadly made so every game that doesn't go that route to be a low-budget project for a niche audience.
It really makes you think that something like Alien Isolation, a high-budget western game aimed at older audiences from fellow SEGA, would never be made by modern Nintendo. Well, kinda, I really hope Metroid Prime 4 breaks the mold.
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Gold Member
Nintendo's opening segments are some of the worst unskippable cutscenes in the medium. However, they have the nostalgia crowd working overtime for them. Remember when Nintendo last released a great game that inspired other developers? Pepperridge Farm remembers.

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