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Considering the importance Nintendo puts on software ip diversity, why do you think they don’t have something like Gow:18/Rag or TLOU? Inability?

Why don't they offer anything in that lane? Not asking for mature content, just narrative focused

  • They don't have the ability to create those titles, so they shy away from them

    Votes: 33 17.2%
  • They have the ability but not the desire, as those tastes are better served elsewhere

    Votes: 121 63.0%
  • Scrimblo Bimblo doesn't want their angst to be delved into

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • Not enough developers to pull from current tasks n create a whole new engrossing ip

    Votes: 7 3.6%
  • Idk, go ask your uncle who works at Nintendo!

    Votes: 29 15.1%

  • Total voters
Because they make games that are fun to play. Not games I have to watch.

But if that isn’t an answer, they do have narrative games, it’s their RPG’s.
WTF? Yall still pushing this console war narrative? Nintendo releases a physics simulator in the World of Zelda and now they are the pinnacle of gaming innovation? :messenger_tears_of_joy: The games Nintendo make are damn near the same games you could play 20 years ago, but the crazy part is that Playstation is the reason why Nintendo only makes those kid games now.

I See You Reaction GIF by Laff

F31 Leopard

I rather have Nintendo to make a racing franchise akin to Gran Turismo and Forza. If they were to make something in the lines of Uncharted I would like them to reboot Disaster Day of Crisis with complete gameplay and story overhaul. They can also reboot The Mysterious Murasame Castle with a more "mature" tone. Have Team Ninja develope it.
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Their target audience is 12yr olds and they make family content. They are not going for hardcore audience.
But GoW, TLoU are not aimed at hard-core audiences either. Their are linear casual "filmic" games for teenagers and young adults. Hellblade TLoU, God of War, all fills the same roles...


Gold Member
WTF? Yall still pushing this console war narrative? Nintendo releases a physics simulator in the World of Zelda and now they are the pinnacle of gaming innovation? :messenger_tears_of_joy: The games Nintendo make are damn near the same games you could play 20 years ago, but the crazy part is that Playstation is the reason why Nintendo only makes those kid games now.

Yet another "tell me you didn't play the new Zelda without telling me you didn't play it" post, and it even starts with "yall are still pushing this console war narrative?"

That's what someone would say who just looks at their games without playing them.

No need to when you already know everything!


Nintendo's opening segments are some of the worst unskippable cutscenes in the medium. However, they have the nostalgia crowd working overtime for them. Remember when Nintendo last released a great game that inspired other developers? Pepperridge Farm remembers.


Ah yes, because COD and GoW have inspired sooo many young developers...


Gold Member
This is what a "Disney Adult" would say.

No. Fortnite is definitely for kids. It's just considerably more complex than anything Nintendo has ever created so it appeals to a wider range of player.

So when adults like Fortnite, it's because it was a kids game that's also complex. But when adults like Zelda, it's because it's a kids game and they're just a "Disney/Nintendo adult".

Got it!
WTF? Yall still pushing this console war narrative? Nintendo releases a physics simulator in the World of Zelda and now they are the pinnacle of gaming innovation? :messenger_tears_of_joy: The games Nintendo make are damn near the same games you could play 20 years ago, but the crazy part is that Playstation is the reason why Nintendo only makes those kid games now.

I See You Reaction GIF by Laff
Was going to respond to this but why bother. Looking forward to the next innovative 3rd person, cinematic, over the shoulder action game from Sony. Now with extra pixels!


Nintendo's opening segments are some of the worst unskippable cutscenes in the medium. However, they have the nostalgia crowd working overtime for them. Remember when Nintendo last released a great game that inspired other developers? Pepperridge Farm remembers.

2017 wasnt that long ago old man


So, the above was my facaetious answer.

It’s simple. Sony has development studios that are experienced in narrative driven stories, as well as licensed movie tie in games. It’s what they do.

Nintendo has some untouchable IPs in Mario and Zelda. It’s what they do. They also use inferior hardware and focus on gameplay.

Narrative games need to look good, to try and disguise the boredom.


Because they make games that are fun to play. Not games I have to watch.

But if that isn’t an answer, they do have narrative games, it’s their RPG’s.
Though to be fair, BotW should have had cinematic scenes that were longer than just a few seconds at a time. I hate the story structure of that game. I don't expect the cinematics to be as long as a Naughty Dog game, but more improvement could not have hurt the story scenes either. Also the order of them. So many times a scene would start, and then end just as fast and I would be left barely remembering what I saw or what the point was.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Nintendo’s games are different than Sonys, you’ll receive the Mario’s and Zelda.


Gold Member
Their systems focus on family fun at a budget price. Their first party games have always been geared to the younger crowd and families. They wont mess up the brand image of Mario in one hand, and Super Blood Sniper Shooter in the other hand.

If they any get third party support for gritty blood splattering games, they'll allow it. But the target audience and system power are totally opposite of that. So devs dont bother, or they do a shitty port years later.

All the big third party devs... EA/UBI/Activision/T2/Namco etc.... seem to launch most of their games across PC/Xbox/PS. But Nintendo is always left out. No point as the games wont sell. EA has always been the most multiplatting publisher ever. Theyd even do N-Gage ports. But if Nintendo systems get a tiny sliver of even gravy train sports ports, it goes to show the gamer base doesnt care. If they do care, they'll play it on the other platforms since the graphics, modes and online are better.
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ידע זה כוח
All the big third party devs... EA/UBI/Activision/T2/Namco etc.... seem to launch most of their games across PC/Xbox/PS. But Nintendo is always left out. No point as the games wont sell. EA has always been the most multiplatting publisher ever. Theyd even do N-Gage ports. But if Nintendo systems get a tiny sliver of even gravy train sports ports, it goes to show the gamer base doesnt care. If they do care, they'll play it on the other platforms since the graphics, modes and online are better.
This is the first year Switch has parity with other platforms for EA Sport FC24, and sales went up. MK1 was also released on the console after the previous entry port sold well enough.

The whole third parties don't sell on Switch is an old argument and proven false, and should be retired.


Exactly what a Disney exec would say. It's just marketing.

It's for kids.
That's your reply when shown the age distribution of the annual active userbase on Switch from late 2021?
If you want to keep your head stuck inside your ass so be it.
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It's not something Nintendo has the ability to do. The types of PS first party games you're describing aren't in Nintendo's wheelhouse, don't fit in with their branding, and aren't compatible with the philosophy of their game development. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. People buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo titles, not The Last Of Us. I've never believed that Nintendo needs a TLOU anymore than I believe PlayStation needs a Mario title. They're different ecosystems and let them be different. If Nintendo were to start apeing Sony's first party titles, all it would really do is erode Nintendo's identity. Why should they try to make a game like TLOU when TLOU already exists? Nintendo is doing just fine without TLOU. As a PS only gamer, if I were forced to literally become PS, Xbox, or Nintendo for the rest of my existence, I'd choose to become Nintendo, because they are in the strongest position and the least subject to market fluctuations and turmoil. They're doing great, and they don't need to emulate their competitors in order to thrive.


Gold Member
Ah yes, because COD and GoW have inspired sooo many young developers...
We literally had God of War clones coming out every few months at one point... Darksiders, Dante's Inferno, Heavenly Sword, Castlevania LoS, Asuras Wrath (sort of), a whole host of PS2-PS3 era super hero games.


Nintendo doesn't want to spend 300-500m on a IP like some meme studio's that has limited audience on there platform.

Nintendo's strength is that its a safe heaven for kids, so adults and kids can enjoy there games and trust in the content on it. While having games that are easy to understand and there for the main focus has to be gameplay.


Gold Member
It's not something Nintendo has the ability to do. The types of PS first party games you're describing aren't in Nintendo's wheelhouse, don't fit in with their branding, and aren't compatible with the philosophy of their game development. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. People buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo titles, not The Last Of Us. I've never believed that Nintendo needs a TLOU anymore than I believe PlayStation needs a Mario title. They're different ecosystems and let them be different. If Nintendo were to start apeing Sony's first party titles, all it would really do is erode Nintendo's identity. Why should they try to make a game like TLOU when TLOU already exists? Nintendo is doing just fine without TLOU. As a PS only gamer, if I were forced to literally become PS, Xbox, or Nintendo for the rest of my existence, I'd choose to become Nintendo, because they are in the strongest position and the least subject to market fluctuations and turmoil. They're doing great, and they don't need to emulate their competitors in order to thrive.

I agree with everything other than that they don't have the ability. I'm pretty sure that if the CEO of Nintendo gave instructions to release a $500 box with a story-driven graphics-heavy game, they would simply execute it. I don't think it would be a good idea, but that's a different question


Because Sony's narrative experience are boring? Nintendo may lean to "anime" tropes (yeah some of them are annoying) but I'd rather have these than Marvel's super heroes and zombi apocalypse.

Oh and I guess Link can still be a white male while ganondorf doesn't need to be white faced to keep being qualified as a vilain lol.


Nintendo sells gameplay, not stories. Vice versa and Nintendo wouldn't exists as a hardware company anymore.
It may sound overblown, but telling fantastical stories is a easy to come by commodity but coming up with new engaging gameplay is not.
I agree with everything other than that they don't have the ability. I'm pretty sure that if the CEO of Nintendo gave instructions to release a $500 box with a story-driven graphics-heavy game, they would simply execute it. I don't think it would be a good idea, but that's a different question
The reason I say "they don't have the ability" is because that just isn't the type of game Nintendo's spate of programmers makes. Sure, Nintendo could easily spend a fortune on hiring a team to create PS-style cinematic story titles, but it's not in Nintendo's DNA or in their culture. It's not what they do. And I believe it would be very difficult for them to make a finished product that wouldn't seem like a pale imitation of a first party Sony title.

The idea just goes against the very grain of what Nintendo is and how they've been succeeding for decade after decade. It would be a foolish and illogical endeavor, and I don't believe Nintendo as we know it is capable of producing something like this. They could expand and change, certainly, but why not stick with what has been making them huge bank for 40 years now?


Gold Member
The reason I say "they don't have the ability" is because that just isn't the type of game Nintendo's spate of programmers makes. Sure, Nintendo could easily spend a fortune on hiring a team to create PS-style cinematic story titles, but it's not in Nintendo's DNA or in their culture. It's not what they do. And I believe it would be very difficult for them to make a finished product that wouldn't seem like a pale imitation of a first party Sony title.

The idea just goes against the very grain of what Nintendo is and how they've been succeeding for decade after decade. It would be a foolish and illogical endeavor, and I don't believe Nintendo as we know it is capable of producing something like this. They could expand and change, certainly, but why not stick with what has been making them huge bank for 40 years now?

I think Nintendo just makes whatever they decide to do. Does it go against the grain of what has made them a success? Absolutely. Is it a bad idea? Definitely. If they decided to make this type of game with hardware parity, they could probably do it and embarrass the competition, given they made TOTK on a shitty old phone. This has nothing to do with how foolish or illogical it would be (which is really why they don't do it).


Snake Oil Salesman
That's your reply when shown the age distribution of the annual active userbase on Switch from late 2021?
If you want to keep your head stuck inside your ass so be it.


A Venn diagram showing Nintendo adults in one circle and Disney adults in the other...


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Is OP talking about cinematic games? I don't think those are worth developing on the scale of GoW or TLoU, not to mention their hardware can't handle a game like that adequately. Besides their brand is "family friendly", its not in their DNA to bring games with tons of blood, sex or whatever other people classify as "mature".

Agreed. I think this the root of what limits their diversity. I also think they focus on the "fun" factor of games more than anything else, a lot of "cinematic" games can really fall short in that area.


Why should they do what other people are already doing. Nintendo could do it. But it would not continue to be part of their market differentiation. Their IP is their greatest asset. I don't think it would be worth the effort to try and bring a new mature IP that they develop to their platform.


Gold Member
I stated works that inspire not works that are deriviative...
the naked gun facepalm GIF

And even if it were true, where are the works inspired by them?
vincent GIF

When Ocarina of Time was released, it was extremely derivative of Link to the Past. This did not prevent the game from being inspirational. For that matter, Super Mario Bros 3 is extremely derivative of SMB1. Can we logically conclude based on this fact alone that the game was not inspirational? You need something way better than this.

I do think that TOTK is the first game in a while to make developers really take a hard look at themselves. I don't think the influence will be as direct or obvious as seeing copycat games within 7 months. For that matter, OOT influenced gaming greatly but not in a way demonstrable with blatant copies of it.

I really think most of you would stop thinking the developers who spoke about TOTK are wrong/silly/nostalgia baited were you to play the game instead of just assume what it is from discussions and youtube videos (yes, you would need to progress beyond the opening cutscenes for it to count).




A Venn diagram showing Nintendo adults in one circle and Disney adults in the other...


Which proves what we are saying. Both Nintendo and Disney products are enjoyed by people of a variety of ages.

You don't need to be a specific age to enjoy Smash Bros., Zelda or Xenoblade, just like you don't need to be a specific age to enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean or Zootopia.
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When Ocarina of Time was released, it was extremely derivative of Link to the Past. This did not prevent the game from being inspirational. For that matter, Super Mario Bros 3 is extremely derivative of SMB1. Can we logically conclude based on this fact alone that the game was not inspirational? You need something way better than this.

I do think that TOTK is the first game in a while to make developers really take a hard look at themselves. I don't think the influence will be as direct or obvious as seeing copycat games within 7 months. For that matter, OOT influenced gaming greatly but not in a way demonstrable with blatant copies of it.

I really think most of you would stop thinking the developers who spoke about TOTK are wrong/silly/nostalgia baited were you to play the game instead of just assume what it is from discussions and youtube videos (yes, you would need to progress beyond the opening cutscenes for it to count).
This entire conversation is funny given how much impact on open world games BOTW had, or the flurry of farming sim games following New Horizons’ explosive success. Anyone pretending Nintendo is no longer putting out games that inspire other developers has their head in the sand and can’t be reasoned with, so why bother
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