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Considering the importance Nintendo puts on software ip diversity, why do you think they don’t have something like Gow:18/Rag or TLOU? Inability?

Why don't they offer anything in that lane? Not asking for mature content, just narrative focused

  • They don't have the ability to create those titles, so they shy away from them

    Votes: 33 17.2%
  • They have the ability but not the desire, as those tastes are better served elsewhere

    Votes: 121 63.0%
  • Scrimblo Bimblo doesn't want their angst to be delved into

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • Not enough developers to pull from current tasks n create a whole new engrossing ip

    Votes: 7 3.6%
  • Idk, go ask your uncle who works at Nintendo!

    Votes: 29 15.1%

  • Total voters


Snake Oil Salesman
Which proves what we are saying. Both Nintendo and Disney products are enjoyed by people of a variety of ages.

You don't need to be a specific age to enjoy Smash Bros., Zelda or Xenoblade, just like you don't need to be a specific age to enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean or Zootopia.

Look at it this way...

If Nintendo really was for everybody, then why have M rated games historically performed poorly for them?


Gold Member
This entire conversation is funny given how much impact on open world games BOTW had, or the flurry of farming sim games following New Horizons’ explosive success. Anyone pretending Nintendo is no longer putting out games that inspire other developers has their head in the sand and can’t be reasoned with, so why bother
Breath of the Wild is an anemic open world title a decade after the design's kinks were ironed out by others and poorly emulated by Nintendo. Nintendo fans are somehow deluded enough to think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
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Breath of the Wild is an anemic open world title a decade after the design's kinks were ironed out by others and poorly emulated by Nintendo. Nintendo fans are somehow deluded enough to think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Tell that to the multiple developers who have cited it as a groundbreaking lesson in open world design and directly cited it as an inspiration then, I guess

I guess those developers are deluded Nintendo fans too tho


Gold Member
Tell that to the multiple developers who have cited it as a groundbreaking lesson in open world design and directly cited it as an inspiration then, I guess

I guess those developers are deluded Nintendo fans too tho
The developers talk more than they walk. I am inclined to believe that if they were to actually sit down and plan anything they would have to actually do some research. Research that would lead to the conclusion that modern Nintendo is filled with hacks backed by one of the biggest mindshares in mainstream gaming. I have yet to see anything as bad as BotW release since its inception.
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Gold Member
Look at it this way...

If Nintendo really was for everybody, then why have M rated games historically performed poorly for them?
How is an M-rated game for everybody? The point was that their games, regardless of rating, appeal to a wide variety of consumers.

Your evidence doesn't actually support your point.


They don't make those kinds of games.

And as a rule of thumb, they make stuff for Japan first and try to sell it over here with some consideration to what appeals in the US and European market.


The developers talk more than they walk. I am inclined to believe that if they were to actually sit down and plan anything they would have to actually do some research. Research that would lead to the conclusion that modern Nintendo is filled with hacks backed by one of the biggest mindshares in mainstream gaming. I have yet to see anything as bad as BotW release since its inception.
Gotcha, so you know more than the developers developing the games

I believe it, Miyazaki, gtfo, NeverYouMind from NeoGAF is here to tell you what's what


Look at it this way...

If Nintendo really was for everybody, then why have M rated games historically performed poorly for them?
Because the M rated games are not something they do often or put a lot of budget into. For the type of games Nintendo makes, there's very little incentive to give them an M rating.

For example, Ring Fit is not rated M, but it didn't sell over 15 million copies because kids really love daily fitness routines. Its a game that can appeal to adults with out being M rated.

This applies to non-Nintendo games too. Gran Turismo, EA FC, Sea of Thieves and Flight Simulator are not M rated either, but it would be foolish to label these games as "for kids".

The other big tell for me is marketing. If Nintnedo was for kids, they wouldn't consistently feature adults in their adverts.


Gold Member


A Venn diagram showing Nintendo adults in one circle and Disney adults in the other...


You dig up the girliest thing Nintendo has ever done, an unreleased Princess Peach game that hasn't even come out yet, and use it as some sort of weird proof that Nintendo fans are somehow akin to adults that go to Disney World. Even if this somehow made sense, using it to insult Nintendo relies on the assumption that there is something somehow wrong or "too kiddie" with going to Disney. Honest question, have you ever been there?

Look at it this way...

If Nintendo really was for everybody, then why have M rated games historically performed poorly for them?

We're saying Nintendo games are for everyone, not that any type of game will be successful on their platforms.

Super Smash Bros. is like the game equivalent of The Avengers. Of course it's kid-friendly, but it's also a real movie that the adults aren't expected to just suffer through for the kids. You might even watch it without a kid around. In other words -it's for everyone. Titles with strong gameplay that are appropriate for kids end up being popular with adult gamers, for some reason...it makes total sense for Fortnite, but with Nintendo the only possible explanation must be mental illness or immaturity.

iF diSney mOviez R 4 eVery1, wHy iSnT tHerE aN r-RaTed MoVie?


Snake Oil Salesman
Even if this somehow made sense, using it to insult Nintendo relies on the assumption that there is something somehow wrong or "too kiddie" with going to Disney. Honest question, have you ever been there?

I would sooner commit Sudoku on myself than walk around that Black Mirror episode.

We're saying Nintendo games are for everyone, not that any type of game will be successful on their platforms.

Then they're not for everyone. If they were for everyone, there would be a sizable audience of mature gamers on the platform.

Mature gamers do not embrace the platform because Nintendo does not make games for them.


Gold Member

I would sooner commit Sudoku on myself than walk around that Black Mirror episode.

I know the guy in that video says he's 40 but if you're anywhere close to 40 I honestly feel sad for you if this is your outlook at that age. I think the fact that you think being a "40 year old man" is a basis not to go to Disney World says everything.

You'll never know what the place is really like because a Real Man would never go there, just like they would never play a Nintendo game.

Then they're not for everyone. If they were for everyone, there would be a sizable audience of mature gamers on the platform.

Mature gamers do not embrace the platform because Nintendo does not make games for them.

Can you define "mature gamer"? Is it a gamer that buys M rated titles? Is it an adult gamer, but excluding all adults whom you conceptualize as Disney clients? This would be required for you to somehow cope with the stats which you always urge people to look up for literal objectivity. Mature gamers =/= gamers buying M rated games. I thought gamers got over this bullshit notion when we moved on from gamefaqs and graduated from the mental/emotional age of 17. JFC the last time I played a game BECAUSE I perceived it as mature, I was 12 and the game was Turok Dinosaur Hunter.

You could at least be consistent and be too afraid to try Fortnite lest it shrivel your manhood. But you're in some sort of deep "have my cake and eat it too" psychosis.

Edit: Can we all just agree that the very most mature gamers out there A) Like good games and B) Have fucking kids? My best friend since grade school now has a wife, 3 kids, works like a dog, pays a big mortgage, and mentioned a few weeks ago while playing Mario RPG (not kidding) that as an adult man, the undocked Switch is a lifesaver for gaming. He still calls me on the phone to geek out about the games and future hardware prospects. He has no interest at all in Xbox or Playstation, sometimes he plays Steam games in a 1060.

Clearly, this man is not mature, he is a baby, we can tell from his gaming preferences.
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Gold Member
Honestly they aren't capable

Nintendo knows their strengths and what they do is even more successful than Sonys games

But unless you have that sort of infrastructure for cinematic games and technologically advanced projects, you can't make up the difference. Sony has been doing it for closing on 20 years now. Really only a few others like Rockstar, Remedy, Capcom, Kojima have led a similar path and are making similar styles of projects
Then they're not for everyone. If they were for everyone, there would be a sizable audience of mature gamers on the platform.

Mature gamers do not embrace the platform because Nintendo does not make games for them.
Let me guess, your definition of Mature is sex and violence?

That's what teenagers think mature means. Only teenagers think being mature means watching violent films, smoke cigars, get drunk on cheap alcohol, and fire guns into the air. That is what teenagers think adults do.

Guess what; mature ratings are only there so that adults get to decide what bad products to consume at their own risk with no one to stop them. It is far from what actual adults ending up enjoying.


It's incongruent these days with Nintendo's carefully crafted brand identity. Imagine something akin to the games the OP mentioned and have a Nintendo logo on them, and stack them up next to Nintendo's evergreen lineup. It's obvious they would look out of place. And I think it's a shame, because there did exist a brief time in the earlier N64 days when Nintendo's brand was more elastic and it didn't seem weird at all to get a Nintendo Power in the mail and have Doom 64, Turok, or Goldeneye on the cover and have them receive a Nintendo-endorsed marketing push.

It's been a hope of mine for a long time that Nintendo would open up a development complex in America with a few studios housed there, and to see some new western IP's infused with some Nintendo culture and philosophy. But with all the success Nintendo just had with the Switch by not doing that, it's looking very unlikely.


Gold Member
It's incongruent these days with Nintendo's carefully crafted brand identity. Imagine something akin to the games the OP mentioned and have a Nintendo logo on them, and stack them up next to Nintendo's evergreen lineup. It's obvious they would look out of place. And I think it's a shame, because there did exist a brief time in the earlier N64 days when Nintendo's brand was more elastic and it didn't seem weird at all to get a Nintendo Power in the mail and have Doom 64, Turok, or Goldeneye on the cover and have them receive a Nintendo-endorsed marketing push.

It's been a hope of mine for a long time that Nintendo would open up a development complex in America with a few studios housed there, and to see some new western IP's infused with some Nintendo culture and philosophy. But with all the success Nintendo just had with the Switch by not doing that, it's looking very unlikely.
You wont get the full range of third party games unless Nintendo makes a new piece of hardware similar in power to PS and Xbox. A lot of those game require good tech and online functionality. But given Nintendo's focus on lower specs and rock bottom hardware pricing, at best you get some cruddy Witcher port years later at dubious quality.

But I hear ya. When SNES came out, I got that to pair up with Genesis. Genesis had great games too, but the third party games on SNES were incredible. Capcom and Konami games at their 16-bit best on SNES. All those JRPGs which were SNES only etc... You dont get that anymore. Nintendo systems have been a first party focus for generations. Great for gamers who just focus on Mario, Zelda etc... Not great if you want the latest cool third party games. Need to go PS, Xbox, PC for that.
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Considering fact that they are producing better games than RAgnarok/TLOU 2, I would say that it is not necessary. I doubt Nintendo players are very interested in playing sad dad simulators.


May I have a cookie?
LOL at Nintendo games no longer being influencial.
There are BOTW clones, Splatoon clones, Pokemon clones, Animal Crossing clones, classic Zelda clones, Metroidvanias, Kart racers, Mascot crossover fighters, casual sports and party games, motion based games, fitness games. Out of Nintendo's big franchises perhaps the only one that hasn't been copied to death is 3D Mario and that's probably more to do with how few developers have the expertise to make such a game. Even smaller franchises like Advance Wars and Pikmin have inspired multiple indie games this gen.
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Snake Oil Salesman
I know the guy in that video says he's 40 but if you're anywhere close to 40 I honestly feel sad for you if this is your outlook at that age. I think the fact that you think being a "40 year old man" is a basis not to go to Disney World says everything.
Are you a Disney kidult?

You'll never know what the place is really like because a Real Man would never go there, just like they would never play a Nintendo game.
A real man or a real woman. It's not gendered. Anyone over the age of 14 really.

Can you define "mature gamer"? Is it a gamer that buys M rated titles? Is it an adult gamer, but excluding all adults whom you conceptualize as Disney clients? This would be required for you to somehow cope with the stats which you always urge people to look up for literal objectivity. Mature gamers =/= gamers buying M rated games. I thought gamers got over this bullshit notion when we moved on from gamefaqs and graduated from the mental/emotional age of 17. JFC the last time I played a game BECAUSE I perceived it as mature, I was 12 and the game was Turok Dinosaur Hunter.
Read the title of the OP. Nintendo isn't making TLoU or GoW type games because they know their audience. Don't attack me for agreeing with Nintendos strategy.

You could at least be consistent and be too afraid to try Fortnite lest it shrivel your manhood. But you're in some sort of deep "have my cake and eat it too" psychosis.
We need to stop comparing Fortnite to anything Nintendo has ever done. Epic Games made an aircraft carrier of a game. It single handedly dragged the industry into its next phase. War has fundamentally changed. Nintendo is still working on lowly battleships right now. They are not to be compared.


Gold Member
Nintendo could make an "adult" story driven game in their sleep if they wanted too. They have the talent for it....some of the best in the biz, if not the best (from a design/technical perspective), that's just not their thing.

Before any more Big Boy console owners come into this thread rehashing the same tired "Nintendo make kiddy games" narrative, one more point...
however the media and other console manufacturers like to dress this business up, ALL videogames and consoles are glorified electronic toys.


Gold Member
Are you a Disney kidult?
What is that? Frankly, if you want to say people over the age of 14 who buy Nintendo are "kidults", you need to assign this label to a wide swath of people making Nintendo money hand over fist. It's so many people that if it's strange or a problem, it's an "everybody is crazy except me" situation. If you want to tell me you think everyone is crazy except you, I can accept that. But telling me I need to accept the literal objectivity of stats in one moment and coming up with a reason "they don't count" in the next breath is just loony.

The target market for the Nintendo Switch is broad, ranging from young children to adults. However, the company’s primary focus is on the casual gamer, who is interested in playing games for fun and entertainment rather than competitive gameplay. The Nintendo Switch’s portability and versatility appeal to busy adults and families who want to play games on the go or together in the living room.

They’ve also picked up a large amount of pure nostalgic Nintendo fans, recreating most of the old classic games. In this way, they’ve reached their fan base and target audiance in more ways than one.

Switch age demographics in 2017


And 2021


Interestingly enough, children only make up for a small portion of Switch players. Ages 10-12 are the biggest demographic among minors, but the numbers pale in comparison to what we see from adults. Again, this can probably be traced back to the fact that Nintendo made a clear choice to market the Switch to older audiences leading up to and after its launch. The Switch also has much more mature games than most previous consoles from the company.

Who the hell do you think these people are?? Where do they come from??? Are you just going to handwave them all away as "not counting" because they are, in your view, "kidults"? I mean, if your barometer of whether an adult is mature is whether they buy Nintendo, then of course not a single mature adult can ever buy Nintendo; as soon as they do, they are no longer mature and can't be counted!

A real man or a real woman. It's not gendered. Anyone over the age of 14 really.
So you're 15?
Read the title of the OP. Nintendo isn't making TLoU or GoW type games because they know their audience. Don't attack me for agreeing with Nintendos strategy.

We need to stop comparing Fortnite to anything Nintendo has ever done. Epic Games made an aircraft carrier of a game. It single handedly dragged the industry into its next phase. War has fundamentally changed. Nintendo is still working on lowly battleships right now. They are not to be compared.

The reason I'm bringing up Fortnite is because it's practically your favorite game, which you said yourself is for kids. Which is bizarrely hypocritical. If you liked a different kids game, I'd use that. I never attacked you for agreeing with Nintendo's strategy, which I also agree with. You're just being evasive using fallacies, and embarrassing yourself.

Happy New Year.


Snake Oil Salesman
What is that?

Switch age demographics in 2017

Moms and Dads buy the Switch for their children.

And 2021


This reads like overt Disney adult propaganda. I don't trust those numbers one iota. Always maintain a healthy degree of skepticism.

Who the hell do you think these people are?? Where do they come from??? Are you just going to handwave them all away as "not counting" because they are, in your view, "kidults"? I mean, if your barometer of whether an adult is mature is whether they buy Nintendo, then of course not a single mature adult can ever buy Nintendo; as soon as they do, they are no longer mature and can't be counted!
You must see the fallacy in your reasoning. I'm simply agreeing with Nintendos own policy. They don't invest in games that target adults because they understand that's not their player base.

So you're 15?
I'm a man! I'm 40!

The reason I'm bringing up Fortnite is because it's practically your favorite game, which you said yourself is for kids. Which is bizarrely hypocritical. If you liked a different kids game, I'd use that. I never attacked you for agreeing with Nintendo's strategy, which I also agree with. You're just being evasive using fallacies, and embarrassing yourself.
Fortnite is Sun Tzus Art of War. Competition and combat are baked into the DNA of man. Fortnite embraces the masculine nature because it's kill or be killed. Progress or go back to lobby. It represents the harshest realities of life in the purest way.

Nintendo doesn't embrace the philosophy of man. Nintendo embraces the philosophy of child and family.
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A Venn diagram showing Nintendo adults in one circle and Disney adults in the other...


Wow check out Billy Big Cock over here who only plays 18 games. Not only that, but he feels the need to comment on games that other people choose to play. I wish I could be such a Chad one day.


Snake Oil Salesman
Wow check out Billy Big Cock over here who only plays 18 games. Not only that, but he feels the need to comment on games that other people choose to play. I wish I could be such a Chad one day.

We must not gatekeep topics to mute conversation. All are welcome to share their opinion about life, love, philosophy, and Princess Peach Adventures. Embrace the differing of opinions, do not shy away from it.


We must not gatekeep topics to mute conversation. All are welcome to share their opinion about life, love, philosophy, and Princess Peach Adventures. Embrace the differing of opinions, do not shy away from it.
Agreed, which is why I’m sharing my reverence for your god like approach to gaming.


Gold Member
Moms and Dads buy the Switch for their children.
The stats are about users. I don't think many kids under 12 were counted because they went to the store and bought a Switch on their own, yet they're represented. This information is collected differently than just "whose credit card was it".
This reads like overt Disney adult propaganda. I don't trust those numbers one iota. Always maintain a healthy degree of skepticism.

You must see the fallacy in your reasoning. I'm simply agreeing with Nintendos own policy. They don't invest in games that target adults because they understand that's not their player base.

I'm a man! I'm 40!

Fortnite is Sun Tzus Art of War. Competition and combat are baked into the DNA of man. Fortnite embraces the masculine nature because it's kill or be killed. Progress or go back to lobby.

Nintendo doesn't embrace the philosophy of man. Nintendo embraces the philosophy of child and family.

It would be easier to laugh at you handwave away stats you don't agree with as false if not for the fact that like, one thread ago you said

You must learn to identify fake narratives and use reliable data to inform your beliefs. Don't just do what feels good.

Jesus man get help


Snake Oil Salesman
The stats are about users. I don't think many kids under 12 were counted because they went to the store and bought a Switch on their own, yet they're represented. This information is collected differently than just "whose credit card was it".
I'm going to need to see more than an infographic.
It would be easier to laugh at you handwave away stats you don't agree with as false if not for the fact that like, one thread ago you said
The stats support my position. Nintendo doesn't pursue M rated games because it doesn't have an M audience to support those games. The discussion begins and ends there.


Gold Member
I'm going to need to see more than an infographic.

You can go look yourself any time, like you should have before this conversation. I did you a favor by putting jpegs, quotes and links in your face. Keep looking if you so desire.

The stats support my position. Nintendo doesn't pursue M rated games because it doesn't have an M audience to support those games. The discussion begins and ends there.

The stats, which say that the majority of people playing Switch are adults, constitutes irrevocable proof that mature people don't use it. Conversation over.

Wow check out Billy Big Cock over here who only plays 18 games. Not only that, but he feels the need to comment on games that other people choose to play. I wish I could be such a Chad one day.

Oh, give the guy a break. We all know that the larger your cock, the less you want anything to do with Princess Peach.


Snake Oil Salesman
You can go look yourself any time, like you should have before this conversation. I did you a favor by putting jpegs, quotes and links in your face. Keep looking if you so desire.
"Who had the strongest desire to purchase a Nintendo Switch?"

Dads + Moms.
The stats, which say that the majority of people playing Switch are adults, constitutes irrevocable proof that mature people don't use it.
"Who had the strongest desire to purchase a Nintendo Switch?"

Case dismissed indeed.

*Always read the fine print


Gold Member
"Who had the strongest desire to purchase a Nintendo Switch?"

Dads + Moms.
So the you're telling me the main user of Nintendo Switch is the most mature subset of adults possible? Okay!

Again, this isn't just buyers. It's users. Some parents buy a Switch for their kids, and the kids use it. Those kids are represented in the numbers. Other parents use it way more than their kids themselves. This is my best friend. Actually, he brought an extra so there would be one just for him, and now he's sad because the kids' Switch got dunked in the toilet and broke. Back to a 1 Switch household, he wants to use it as excuse to buy OLED but is uneasy about Switch 2 announcement.

This guy is way, way, way more mature than a dude on game forums who feels he would be a lesser man for playing Nintendo and shouts it from the rooftops everywhere.


Snake Oil Salesman
So the you're telling me the main user of Nintendo Switch is the most mature subset of adults possible? Okay!

Again, this isn't just buyers. It's users. Some parents buy a Switch for their kids, and the kids use it. Those kids are represented in the numbers. Other parents use it way more than their kids themselves. This is my best friend. Actually, he brought an extra so there would be one just for him, and now he's sad because the kids' Switch got dunked in the toilet and broke. Back to a 1 Switch household, he wants to use it as excuse to buy OLED but is uneasy about Switch 2 announcement.

This guy is way, way, way more mature than a dude on game forums who feels he would be a lesser man for playing Nintendo and shouts it from the rooftops everywhere.

Read the fine print in the poll YOU linked.

It asked who had the strongest desire to buy a Nintendo Switch.

I wonder what the results of the same poll would be for Huggies and Pampers?



Gold Member
Read the fine print in the poll YOU linked.

It asked who had the strongest desire to buy a Nintendo Switch.

I wonder what the results of the same poll would be for Huggies and Pampers?

It's not there. The closest thing is this: The results also showed solid interest among those aged 10 to 19, which Nintendo believes could signal future growth in its consumer base.

Not exactly the "fatality" you present it as. I even found the financial briefing with the survey on Nintendo's JP server to be sure. If the data is there, please call me blind and reference it.


I'm going to need to see more than an infographic.

The stats support my position. Nintendo doesn't pursue M rated games because it doesn't have an M audience to support those games. The discussion begins and ends there.
Those infograohics have stats which don't support your position at all, since they show that the vast majority of Switch users are adults.

We have both the 2017 US survey of who wants to buy the platform, and the 2022 age breakdown of who actually uses the platform.

If it was only Mums and Dad's buying the platform for kids, then the graph of users would have the majority of users as under 18. But it clearly doesn't.

Hence the stats don't support your position at all.


Snake Oil Salesman
It's not there. The closest thing is this: The results also showed solid interest among those aged 10 to 19, which Nintendo believes could signal future growth in its consumer base.

Not exactly the "fatality" you present it as. I even found the financial briefing with the survey on Nintendo's JP server to be sure. If the data is there, please call me blind and reference it.

Why is it more comfortable to hold a Milwaukee power drill than it is to use a Nintendo Switch?

Because the power drill is designed for use by 18+ men and the Nintendo Switch is designed for use by small children.

Nintendo Corp and Men_in_Boxes agree.

Nintendo kidults disagree.

We can all be satisfied with that arrangement!


The real question should be why Sony and Microsoft with all that system power and money can’t make the games that Nintendo are able to on hardware a fraction of the power of the others.

What’s their excuse? Where’s the game diversity there?
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Gold Member
Why is it more comfortable to hold a Milwaukee power drill than it is to use a Nintendo Switch?

Because the power drill is designed for use by 18+ men and the Nintendo Switch is designed for use by small children.

Nintendo Corp and Men_in_Boxes agree.

Nintendo kidults disagree.

We can all be satisfied with that arrangement!

I ask you to verify the fine print fueling your FATALITY and you come back with some story about a Milwaukee power drill? Dude have some self respect.



I ask you to verify the fine print fueling your FATALITY and you come back with some story about a Milwaukee power drill? Dude have some self respect.

The fine print is written below the 2017 graph. Though it isnt a fatality because it doesn't show how many of the adults are parents.
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