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Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says any Cowboy player disrespecting the flag won't play


"We as a team are very much on the page together," Jones said. "We made our expression. I'm very supportive of the team, but under no circumstances will the Dallas Cowboys, I don't care what happens, under no circumstances will we as an organization, coaches, players, not support and stand and recognize and honor the flag. Period."

Jones spoke with President Donald Trump after the Cowboys played the Cardinals. Jones said Trump said the entire issue could have been avoided if the NFL enforced a rule stating players must stand for the national anthem, however, that is not in the NFL's game operations manual.

According to the manual, "During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking."

"If it comes between the impression or the perception that we're not standing together, supporting each other, or the perception that we're disrespecting the flag, the perception that we're not together will be secondary to not respecting the flag," Jones said. "Respecting the flag is first."




Dolphins no longer allowed to kneel
So it sounds like the reason they staged the walkout was to create the perception that the administration had used a walkout to get the nfl "Back in order".

What a load of shit. This whole thing was planned out.


They should all kneel. Then what? Have no players play? And here we thought Jerry was being cool when he knelt with all the players last time.

This just looks bad when you come out and say this, specially after all the Trump vomit.


Jerry is only going to fracturing the locker room with this attitude, Dallas will continue to lose under his drunken rule
I wish these idiots took as much offense to black people being murdered by police as they did to them taking a knee during the national anthem.

Uzumaki Goku

Junior Member
As an Eagles fan, keep throwing your team into disarray Jerry. We don't mind. Oh and you donated money to Trump so get fucked


How clever, then, to never define what "disrespect" means. Appeal to the idolatry-patriots in language, while leaving himself room to interpret kneeling as whatever he wants.


If I was a player I'd bring my own flag out onto the field and fucking burn it. They want to make this about flag idolatry so bad, fine.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man it's so tiring to see all these assholes missing the point

They aren't missing the point. They are actively trying to change the meaning of the action to make it look like Black People are disrespectful and anti-American and make that dominate the conversation.


As a Cowboys fan I say fuck him. Everyone should kneel now.

Edit: Also, I think he's just mad at the loss. Either way, fuck him for saying this. BUT, it is his team so he can do what he wants lol.
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