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Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 |OT|

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That was such a good episode. This season really has superseded any of my expectations.

Love the dinner party table splitting, if I was in Larry's situation I'd have probably walked out.


i_am_not_jon_ames said:
A gif of the Gervais/LD staredown, please? :)


Donna was cute. I like her.

I thought it was an okay episode...but true to Curb form. I was delighted to see Ricky scared in the subway like a little girl. That was fucking hilarious.


This season is fantastic so far. Definitely makes Mondays easier to handle in the absence of Game of Thrones (and in the presence of the horrifyingly bad Entourage)
I felt like this was Ricky Gervais playing what "Ricky Gervais" from Extras would've been. They both seemed to have a lot of fun.
wasnt as great as i was hoping a gervais and larry episode would have been

still some good momments

"you gave me the gift of wine. i gave you the gift of art"

and larry unsheathing the bread like a sword was classic

Angry Fork

Misanthropy said:
One of the best episodes of all time. Broke the curse of good-bad-good-bad. Man, did Gervais look like a total dousche in that episode. In fact, I think he does it so well that he actually is a douche.
After listening to all his Radio stuff and podcasts he's definitely not a douche imo. He seems like a nice down to earth guy who's just really good at acting like a douche when he wants to.


I didn't like the newest episode. The show is always unbelievable but now and then it is just over the top but doesn't work (other examples include unwittingly swearing at a guy who reads sign language and passing a crumpled dirty bill around and having people react with huge hostility). It also really telegraphed all the "THIS WILL GO WRONG" moments.

Otherwise, the season has been excellent.
It was an okay episode, but the one thing I really didn't like was Susie blurting out, "Oh, that's how Larry stopped the guy on the airplane!"

That was pretty clunky for Curb.
McNei1y said:
Amazing episode tonight! Definitely one of the top ones, IMO. Every scene was great. I really enjoyed the whole shoelace thing and the talking during play scenario. Also, Larry and Susie "rivalry" just keeps getting better.

I didn't think this episode was any better than average, but I did like the rivalry when Larry was describing to Ricky how ugly "that woman" was that was making the noise, and Susie corrects Larry and says no, she was actually very attractive, or whatever. lol
BertramCooper said:
It was an okay episode, but the one thing I really didn't like was Susie blurting out, "Oh, that's how Larry stopped the guy on the airplane!"

That was pretty clunky for Curb.

yeah seriously

also the shoelace thing was kind of silly.. just cut the damn things ! sometimes the show can be frustrating in that regard.

i know its all for the sake of humor but it gets a little much sometimes


Surprised no one remarked onto Ricky's observation about Seinfeld to Larry about a laugh track, how his show didn't have or need one, to remind people when to laugh

Like a lot of other people here who dislike laugh track shows, even Seinfeld for that problem
Decent episode, should have been...more for a gervais/david episode.

I really like when Larry David was calling Ricky out on that lie though with the staredown. Felt like it was straight out of the Office.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Medalion said:
Surprised no one remarked onto Ricky's observation about Seinfeld to Larry about a laugh track, how his show didn't have or need one, to remind people when to laugh

Like a lot of other people here who dislike laugh track shows, even Seinfeld for that problem

Oh I noticed it. I thought it was a hilarious line.
Medalion said:
Surprised no one remarked onto Ricky's observation about Seinfeld to Larry about a laugh track, how his show didn't have or need one, to remind people when to laugh

Like a lot of other people here who dislike laugh track shows, even Seinfeld for that problem

But curb doesn't have a laugh track....


Btw I hated Seinfeld and that stupid jingle that would play btw scenes...

Loved cye though. Real good


I'm always astounded when people hate on Seinfeld.

That show is unassailable.

It tends to make sense though, because those people later admit to being "more of a Friends fan." :X
markot said:
Seinfeld was filmed infront of an audience, so is it really a laugh track? Its not like the Flinstones!

isn't the result the same?

KingGondo said:
I'm always astounded when people hate on Seinfeld.

it's great but the laugh track really dates it for me.

i cant rewatch it like i can with say, the simpsons


Episode was great, I really enjoyed it. My favourite of the season I think (yeah, better than Palestinian Chicken in my mind).

"When I first saw you I thought you were a Spaniard.... I'm glad you're not"


KingGondo said:
I'm always astounded when people hate on Seinfeld.

That show is unassailable.

It tends to make sense though, because those people later admit to being "more of a Friends fan." :X


I know way too many people that love Friends and despise Seinfeld. Makes me sick.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Death Dealer said:
Yeah at the end I thought, just take off your damn shoe. Better than getting mangled and dragged by a subway train.
Ah yes, the weekly moment where someone doesn't realize they're taking a fictional comedy show just a hair too seriously.


Catching up on the past few episodes and man it's great.

I laughed out loud at the part where Larry tells 'Dog' that his show stinks.

'I believe that's called a smiley face'
Thought this episode was pretty weak compared to the rest of the season. Was bound to happen eventually. Gervais is really hit or miss for me and this was a miss.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Thought this episode was pretty weak compared to the rest of the season. Was bound to happen eventually. Gervais is really hit or miss for me and this was a miss.

Yeah, I also didn't think it was "great" or a "classic" like others are proclaiming but it was still decent for Curb.

Palestinian Chicken set the bar high this season.
Alright I'm gonna third the last three comments, Palestinian Chicken was God Tier, it will be very hard to top, I don't think we'll see a better episode than P.C. this season.

Yeah this Ep. didn't do it for me, it almost felt like an imitation of a good Curb Ep. If you know what I mean?!? The set up and the pay offs of the jokes were too rushed and a little forced. Lotta awkward moments, like someone Said Susie blurting out the "Shoelace on the plane" incident, I also didn't care for Hank's (Parnell's) wife spazing out on Larry in the stairwell.
Gervais, doesn't do much for me in comedy acting, I love the guy's podcasts in the company of Merchant and Pilkinton, maybe some of his stand ups are ok too, but I really don't care for seeing him in the "Curb Universe"


Palestinian chicken episode was pretty lame I thought. Not really funny at all. This week's episode was MUCH funnier. The whole plot line with Gervais was great, from ordering the $500 bottle of wine to bringing a dvd of Extras to the dinner party to making Larry pay for the show tickets.

So far for me, the only good episodes this season were the first episode, the episode with Dog taking Larry's cabinet, and this episode. But I think all seasons have had these hit or miss episodes.


LM4sure said:
Palestinian chicken episode was pretty lame I thought. Not really funny at all. This week's episode was MUCH funnier. The whole plot line with Gervais was great, from ordering the $500 bottle of wine to bringing a dvd of Extras to the dinner party to making Larry pay for the show tickets.

So far for me, the only good episodes this season were the first episode, the episode with Dog taking Larry's cabinet, and this episode. But I think all seasons have had these hit or miss episodes.

May I ask why you thought it was lame?
IAmtheFMan said:
I felt like this was Ricky Gervais playing what "Ricky Gervais" from Extras would've been.

uh-oh, that doesn't bode well.

i'll get round to watching this one soon, but i just wanted to say that my favourite part of last week's was when vance was mouthing about the ice cream and jeff was like "hose? what do you want a hose for? why are you telling me about your helicopter ride now!". second favourite episode of the (so far almost 100% awesome) season, after palestinian chicken.


favourite episode thus far is the one with the battered women's home and how perfectly all the stories within weave together.
Griffith said:

Also, I realize Gervais is a great guy in real life and never the douche, but even this stare down felt too contrived and out of character.

If you watch all the previous Larry stare downs, they usually consist of Larry Staring DOWN on someone who is aware that they just lied but trying so hard to keep a cool face, it's usually Larry that's the dominant one in these scenes, (he's at a higher elevation, sometimes even on his tippy toes) and his "victims" if you will, don't move their pupils around like that, not that fast, there's no eyebrow movement, no expression changes, they simply follow Larry's eyes in a very still and subtle way. This whole thing felt rushed and careless.

So basically what I am trying to say as a hard core fan of the show, Gervais either intentionally didn't take any directions from the director to do this scene right, or no one cared to explain him how it should be done, or to do a retake. it basically sucked, didn't even make it to the top ten staredowns for me. [/RANT]


EricHasNoPull said:
Also, I realize Gervais is a great guy in real life and never the douche, but even this stare down felt too contrived and out of character.

If you watch all the previous Larry stare downs, they usually consist of Larry Staring DOWN on someone who is aware that they just lied but trying so hard to keep a cool face, it's usually Larry that's the dominant one in these scenes, (he's at a higher elevation, sometimes even on his tippy toes) and his "victims" if you will, don't move their pupils around like that, not that fast, there's no eyebrow movement, no expression changes, they simply follow Larry's eyes in a very still and subtle way. This whole thing felt rushed and careless.

So basically what I am trying to say as a hard core fan of the show, Gervais either intentionally didn't take any directions from the director to do this scene right, or no one cared to explain him how it should be done, or to do a retake. it basically sucked, didn't even make it to the top ten staredowns for me. [/RANT]

True, the staredown felt contrived and forced.
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