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Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 |OT|

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Pachterballs said:
OMFG. that was hilarious. the maybe gay kid and the sewing machine; michael j fox and then the swastika. Also loved the full circle story with the parking and the excuses to get out of charity work with children. so good.

going to miss CYE. I hope there's season 9
If the way GAF has been reacting to the episodes is anything to go by, it definitely will be.

Another brilliant episode.

Such a good show.


mooooose said:
I honestly feel this is the strongest season of Curb since Season 2. Season 7 was very good but I feel Season 8 stands on its own and shows that even without a real hook, Larry can put out amazing TV.

Season 8 saw Larry stand on his own, as a character, an actor, and even in real life. He totally came through. His acting ability has gone through the roof. From his line delivery, to physical acting, to his facial experessions.

Off the charts great season. I thought some of this episode was a little weak, and I thought that the opener and the Safe House were bad, but the rest of it has been GOLD. I am very sad to see it go.

2 > 8 > 7 > 1 > 3 = 6 > 4 > 5

Challenge me, motherfucker.

i don't give a fuck to what season you think is best. this tv show is funny.

you've been challenged, prick. come at me


Fantastic episode! I was surprised Michael J Fox was so open about Larry joking about Parkinson's. The part where Larry was in front of the board and he was talking about Mr. Parkinson, I lost it.
most of the seasons just kind of run together in my mind

i can only really differentiate between pre-leon and post leon

dont think i could ever rank them.. it's all consistently pretty pretty good


brianjones said:
most of the seasons just kind of run together in my mind

i can only really differentiate between pre-leon and post leon

dont think i could ever rank them.. it's all consistently pretty pretty good
Yup... I think people just get too obsessed with eras and ranking things and shit when in reality they're all amazing.

Everyone seems to think season 5 is the worst and I've laughed just as hard this season as any other (I'm going through in order).


Doc Holliday said:
Wtf this is the last ep???? Feels like the shortest season ever for some reason.

I haven't been counting but this season was 10 episodes right? Standard length for Curb but in comparison to other shows, yeah it kind of is.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Superimposer said:
When you find out he goes to Paris, that was probably the hardest I've ever laughed at Curb.

That's the thing, I'm listening to Fox speak and I'm laughing thinking "this is how he ended up in New York to begin with...where to next" and bam! Motherfucker is eating Taco Bell in Paris. I laughed hysterically the whole episode.
Possibly the best season yet... and that's VERY high praise from me.

I never thought the show would go back to the quality of 1-3, but it did. Amazing.


Jesus holy christ, that was stellar, fucking again.

I can't believe how good this season was, almost every episode had me in tears... at least twice.

The day CYE stops airing is the day humanity starts its decline :(
Gowans007 said:

I'm sure it's been hundred-ed by now. Loved the kid.

Fake Paris looked laughably bad but it was great to hear Larry yell at the parker in French. And a fuckin Chalupa in Paris laaaaaaaaawl.

Best episode of the season (MJFox ruled too).
"you cant judge who I am based off of how attractive my wife is!"

"ehhhhhhhh.....yeah I can."

Is that whole "ehhhhhhhhh" thing new this seasons because I cant recall him ever doing that in earelier episodes.
JumpingTheGun said:
"you cant judge who I am based off of how attractive my wife is!"

"ehhhhhhhh.....yeah I can."

Is that whole "ehhhhhhhhh" thing new this seasons because I cant recall him ever doing that in earelier episodes.
He's always done it, I think.

Discotheque said:
Fake Paris looked laughably bad but it was great to hear Larry yell at the parker in French. And a fuckin Chalupa in Paris laaaaaaaaawl.
It was bad but it was done with the knowledge it was bad. I loved that. They didn't try to sell it as actually being France.

I loved the fact the Eiffel tower was perfectly placed for all of the shots.


That was a near-perfect capper to a wonderful season! If I had to rank this season overall, season 2 and 4 are my faves, this would be somewhere in the middle of those.

Michael J. Fox guest-starring is perfect timing since the recent unveiling of the Back to the Future product placement with Nike. He is such a cool motherfucker to be able to joke around with his Parkinson's. There was even a subtle Back to the Future reference in there when he was talking about Larry watching his movies in 1985 and he said it was getting weird with the "time travelling" LOL!

Larry talking to Jeff during the Fox Parkinson's fundraiser, saw that coming

Violin sidegag pays off wonderfully, Mayor Bloomberg casting Larry David out of NY rofl

Epic stare down with Michael for max lulz

Leon always a great commentator, MICHAEL J FUCKED UP!

Flamboyant gay 7 year old to me kinda oversold that shit but was still funny, and a bit disturbing. Swastika loving gay kid who is already annoyed by jews hahahaha

The Jeff/Suzie storyline was definetly a last minute tacked on bit to give them something to do, taking a bullet for Suzie without having it be fatal or life threatening. Those two are Together Forever.

And the great thing is, Cheryl didn't somehow make a miraculous appearance and reconciliation with Larry that I feared could happen.

Calling back to previous episodes, Larry escapes doing an act of chairty by lying he has to be somewhere else in the world so he chooses Paris, and apparently can speak fluent french... who knew? Bitching out a Parisian Pig Parker(PPP)

Despite this episode was burning with all cylinders, some bits felt a bit predictable but still very funny pay offs. 9.5/10


The best part about Paris is that he's going to be there for 2 months. So good. :lol And yeah, it looked terribly fake on purpose.. just a little nod and a wink to the audience. Jeff's suppository being called (and shaped like) the bullet was genius.

By the way, was this staredown of Michael J. Fox the best ever? I love it when Larry does that. "Hmm... okay."
Fox's staredown with Larry was completely reminiscent of his staredowns with Biff in BTTF. Thats what I thought they mightve been going for. The angle of Fox's face and his expression is spot on Marty Mcfly.


Fox is such an awesome person.

I would love to spend an afternoon with him. He seems so.. down to earth and cool.
When do the CYE seasons typically appear in purchasable/downloadable form? I didn't have access to HBO this season, and I ain't going to pirate. I want to give u my monies, HBO, just give me a way to watch this show!!!
Meier said:
By the way, was this staredown of Michael J. Fox the best ever? I love it when Larry does that. "Hmm... okay."

That was a great staredown but my favorite had to have been the one with Gervais. He knew Larry caught him lying and yet he still went with it lol. Spot on David Brent there.


DBebm5 said:
When do the CYE seasons typically appear in purchasable/downloadable form? I didn't have access to HBO this season, and I ain't going to pirate. I want to give u my monies, HBO, just give me a way to watch this show!!!
You can watch it now and then buy it :)
Medalion said:
There was even a subtle Back to the Future reference in there when he was talking about Larry watching his movies in 1985 and he said it was getting weird with the "time travelling" LOL!

I don't think you understand what subtle means.

Thought the episode was great and also thought that the ending means that Larry will be doing another season. Just don't see him allowing the series to end like that.


Meier said:
The fuck? How is it possible for someone to be so wrong about something? This was quite arguably the best season yet.

It wasn't even the best season with Leon in it. Most of the episodes were misses for me, but a few I'd rank as some of the best episodes of the show. That comes out to average, and coming off the last two seasons it just didn't satisfy in the same way.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
SolKane said:
It wasn't even the best season with Leon in it. Most of the episodes were misses for me, but a few I'd rank as some of the best episodes of the show. That comes out to average, and coming off the last two seasons it just didn't satisfy in the same way.

Yeah, I think there were 3 or 4 truly excellent episodes and the rest were pretty ordinary. Still one of the funniest shows on TV but not as consistently great as some of the other seasons. I think it really needed something to tie the season together like the Seinfeld reunion, the restaurant, the Blacks, the Producers, this season just felt like two random months in the life of Larry David and it was all a bit haphazard.


Ushojax said:
Yeah, I think there were 3 or 4 truly excellent episodes and the rest were pretty ordinary. Still one of the funniest shows on TV but not as consistently great as some of the other seasons. I think it really needed something to tie the season together like the Seinfeld reunion, the restaurant, the Blacks, the Producers, this season just felt like two random months in the life of Larry David and it was all a bit haphazard.
You wanted an overall story arc like previous seasons, yeah I could see that

But for a serialized season still quite good

The story arc loosely is exploring bachelor Larry without Cheryl in his life in the backdrop of New York


I pray there is a scene next season with Leon and Greg



The only negative thing about this season for me wa that some of my favorite characters like Funckhouser, Richard Louis and Larry David's cousin and father weren't on the season enough or not at all.


Ushojax said:
Yeah, I think there were 3 or 4 truly excellent episodes and the rest were pretty ordinary. Still one of the funniest shows on TV but not as consistently great as some of the other seasons. I think it really needed something to tie the season together like the Seinfeld reunion, the restaurant, the Blacks, the Producers, this season just felt like two random months in the life of Larry David and it was all a bit haphazard.

Yeah, I agree. BUT that is true for all seasons. There are typically 3 or 4 standout episodes and the rest are mediocre. Last night's episode was one of the best though.


IceCold said:
The only negative thing about this season for me wa that some of my favorite characters like Funckhouser, Richard Louis and Larry David's cousin and father weren't on the season enough or not at all.
Totally forgot about them :lol

I'm not too bothered really. Would be nice to see them but since it didn't pop into mind before you mentioned it, I can safely say I don't care.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Hmm that feminine boy, was he actually played by a girl? I don't know why but I keep thinking of one of Louis CKs daughters in Louie.


Corky said:
Hmm that feminine boy, was he actually played by a girl? I don't know why but I keep thinking of one of Louis CKs daughters in Louie.

yeah thats most certainly a boy...and a great little actor too :)
Meier said:
The fuck? How is it possible for someone to be so wrong about something? This was quite arguably the best season yet.

"quite arguably" implies that you aren't very confident in your opinion, even less so than if you had just used a plain "arguably".

nitpicking aside, the season and episode were great, and I desperately need a gif of MJF handing larry a soda, and the ensuing explosion. Get to it GAF!


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Didn't think the finale hit it out of the park quite like the other episodes this season...but this was an outstanding season of Curb.

Need more! MORE LARRY!
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