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CVG: Microsoft to reveal 'major 3rd party game' comes free with X1 [MCV: FIFA 14]

How much would an exclusive cost tho?

FIFA 13 had sold about 14,5M worldwide (or so a quick Google tells me).

Say that the average price of it, as sold to retailers, was 30$. And you'd want some compensation for the decreased exposure of your IP and the risk it poses to future sales, and the DLC revenue shortfall.

... And that's a lot of money. (Or I'm way off base, that happens too)

This is NOT a exclusive.






Not a bad move if true - although given it still leaves the XBone a bit more expensive - according to the rumour - it's not likely to have huge impact outside UK I'd reckon.

The move seems to assume the Kinect will tip the value scales but the evidence I believe shows in Europe that's just not the case.

This will help them in UK and to an extent but I doubt it's going to swing too many votes their way if it is Fifa pack in and if the total bundle is still higher than PS4 plus Fifa separate purchase.

It would be interesting to know if this was real recent (and no doubt costly) move to try and tip scales in Europe or something planned earlier which was originally intended to make XBone look really attractive in Europe assuming it would be building on 360 momentum rather than recovering from a really bad pre-launch dip.

I guess all will be clearer tomorrow.


If it's timed exclusive to Xbone then this is a great move by MS

If it's not and you can get FIFA on PS4 before Xbox One and for cheaper, LOL at MS, this changes nothing, good waste of money their, could have spent that on marketing or price reduction.

That's weird. Are you repeating yourself in this thread?
I've said this a few times in this thread but it gets ignored. This is the reality; MS releases a $500 console with no game or MS releases a $500 console with a game. Is one a better deal? Yes. Then what they accomplished is making the 180 a better deal than it was. Not everything is a "bullet-point list-war". It's probably never going to beat PS4 on price, ever. The only people arguing that point from either side are those with an agenda, considering the facts will remain the facts.

It's seems unnecessary. I don't know the breakdowns but if the article is right in that the game will retail at 54 pounds, why not eat like 40 or so pounds a unit for the price of the box instead? This comes off as something that's gonna be short lived.
What is this? Because a pack in game with xbone means absolutely nothing in MS' competition with Sony.

If next gen FIFA (think we already know PC is getting current gen version?) is xbone exclusive, that is huge. Yes, the PS3 will still have that version of FIFA 14. But exclusive NG version on xbone is big.

But if it's just a free game. That's nothing to anyone, unless you were already buying an xbone and enjoy FIFA, and not worth moneyhats.
The Xbox One just became £50 cheaper for A LOT OF people in Europe because many of them would have bought Fifa along with their console purchase.
And although £80 might have been a steep price for Kinect, it might be more reasonable and justifiable for people at just £30 over the PS4 price.

This increases the value of the system. And psychologically makes the price of the Kinect to be much more agreeable. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Anyone claiming that the tides have completely turned or that this is a huge game changer is being foolish. But a nice bonus is a nice bonus
Well yeah MS has no money left to spent after this

MS has a ton of money, but they have also never came out on top in their gaming division. OG Xbox cost them a ton of money and the amount of money they spent on the 360 was insane (exclusivity deals and the RROD issue which alone cost them $3 billion). So I doubt the MS investors would be too pleased with them trying to spend their way to success with the Xbone, especially after the lackluster launch of their entire Windows 8 lineup (PCs, phones, tablets).

So while yes they have money still, it is not infinite. I have to believe that this money would be better spent on funding a new game(s) at MS instead. Especially considering this Fifa bundle is as effective as preaching to the choir.


This is very good move from Microsoft. I really wonder how much money did they give to EA?
Between This and other exclusive deals from some EA games (Titanfall, BF4 dlc), it must cost them a lot.


Leave it to GAF to spin free games as a negative for Microsoft.

*rolls eyes*

I would compile an embarrassing list of posts like Mama did in the Uncharted review thread, but I'm too lazy.
It's just a pack in game.
If it were complete exclusivity then credit would be due.

A free game that is possibly one of gaming's biggest franchises at no extra cost is a pretty big deal. Hell, even a new major Batman game being included for free would be a big deal, but what makes Fifa (still unconfirmed of course) a potentially bigger deal is the popularity of this franchise, especially in Europe.

Right now my most played game is Fifa 13, so this is a pretty huge deal for me.
Wait, it's STILL cheaper go buy a ps4 and Fifa seperately? This bundle is great for people who have already made up their mind to get an x1, but otherwise who is this bundle for?

This probably cost ms a lot of money. Very strange move.

Probably to stop people cancelling preorders in favour of the PS4. A person might consider doing so because the PS4 and FIFA would be available earlier, and cheaper.
Just think - if Sony announce tomorrow an October release for the system, and Microsoft is not until November (and in much fewer territories, and more expensive) then why would people wait?
Well, now people who have a preorder have a reason to wait; free game.


Look, i never liked Kinect/Move, but when I found the move pack for $50us I bought it. And I probably would do the same with kinect. So paying a little more but getting the kinect is a great deal for lot of people.

I'm not saying that ps fans will suddenly turn to MS, but this will push most people who had interest in buying the X1.

Yea I agree with you there, like I said earlier it will also defiantly benefit those who were interested in getting an xbone ( more interested in that than the ps4) and will most likely be enough to persuade them to order it since it's a nice incentive for them ( unless they actually hate fifa, or prefer pes but this is Europe so both are unlikely)
It's seems unnecessary. I don't know the breakdowns but if the article is right in that the game will retail at 54 pounds, why not eat like 40 or so pounds a unit for the price of the box instead? This comes off as something that's gonna be short lived.

It will be £39 on release day, and £29 in supermarkets. It happens every single year.
If it were completely exclusive I'd tip my hat to Microsoft for doing what I thought was impossible.

Meanwhile... are you getting Dead Rising 3 for free as well somehow...?

if it were exclusive people would be bashing MS for getting that BIG exclusivity, when people seems to easily forget about someSony exclusiveness, like PES back in the day (PS2 era)

Amazon.es is selling XB1 for 478€ then they have a new promo offering you a 20€ off from some XB1 games, and DR3 is like 51,99€, so the total sum is 509,99


The Xbox One just became £50 cheaper for A LOT OF people in Europe because many of them would have bought Fifa along with their console purchase.
And although £80 might have been a steep price for Kinect, it might be more reasonable and justifiable for people at just £30 over the PS4 price.

This increases the value of the system. And psychologically makes the price of the Kinect to be much more agreeable. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Anyone claiming that the tides have completely turned or that this is a huge game changer is being foolish. But a nice bonus is a nice bonus

I am shocked but I agree - people shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth...
Wait, it's STILL cheaper go buy a ps4 and Fifa seperately? This bundle is great for people who have already made up their mind to get an x1, but otherwise who is this bundle for?

This probably cost ms a lot of money. Very strange move.

It is a very good value add for MS if it is true and will sway some people to get the xbox one over a ps4.


Leave it to GAF to spin free games as a negative for Microsoft.

*rolls eyes*

I actually want to start a drinking game. One shot for every negative post in a MS thread that deals with good news but I fear I would be dead by page 5


Sony should ship wi free 30/90 day Ps+ sub,and then they can say 'comes with free driveclub, Indy game 1, Indy game 2 etc)*


Since apparently Kinect and XBLA studios don't count now...

They also made Microsoft Games Victoria, which is a 90 person studio AAA oriented studio, and Microsoft Games Osaka, which Matrick said is a studio built for creating AAA retail experiences for Xbox One. They also built Team Dakota, who are currently making Project Spark. They've also forged close 2nd party relationships with Playground Games (Forza Horizon 1 & 2) and Undead Labs (State of Decay and Class 4)

Here is a link to a good comparison between Sony and MS studios

As you can see Sony is without a doubt more superior when it comes to delivering more first party games. You want6 proof, that list as well as the last couple of years of support the PS3 got in comparison to 360. Why do you think MS is moneyhatting Dead Rising 3, outsourcing Killer Instinct, time exclusive for TitanFall and etc. Because they lack first parties it is quite obvious.


Mother of God, look at them fanboy-goggles

Microsoft has opened more studios in the past 3 years than Sony.
Sony has closed more studios than Microsoft in the past 3 years.
Sony is likely paying Viacom 100s of millions for TV channels.
Sony's has paid quite a few developers for exclusive content (See: Rockstar for Grand Theft Auto, Ubisoft for AC4 & Watchdogs, Bethesda for Elder Scrolls Beta, etc...)
And while one one hand you chastize Microsoft for making a deal with EA you froth at the mouth for Sony pushing PES.

And I'm sure you guys were singing the same tune when Sony Liverpool was closed who was developing Wipeout and another PS4 exclusive. Or when Zipper Interactive was closed and took SOCOM and Unit 13 with them. Or when SOE Denver, SOE Seattle and SOE Tuscan were closed and development on The Agency was shelved.

The sheer conviction with which you guys paint one company as doing something evil or sleazy as if it's any different than what every other company is doing is sad. Like seriously, how does the cognitive dissonance not set in?

You call them out for having 'fanboy goggles' but yet your post is no different. You leave out many important points about closure of those studios as well as being dishonest about expansion of studios.

This is like arguing sales of a console increased by 100% when it was selling like shit before. MS is expanding because they 'need' to. It was never their strength and they realize they need to do something about it.

Sony closed a few studios that under-performed. As much as it's adorable you set a '3 year' limit to this argument of yours just so it fits your biased rant we know MS is no stranger to this. And I don't even want to start on what they have done to studios like Rare. We will see how well the new studios perform as time goes and I hope they do well.

Sony have also expanded their teams. Just because they don't have a new name doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Building multiple teams under the banners of GG, SSM and ND is just smart business. Add new additions such as Sucker Punch and MM to the mix and they have done a great job.

Now about this thread..it's just bloody embarrassing from both fronts thanks to a few posters. IF this is true it's a great move by MS and they will definitely benefit from it. On the other hand it took only one rumor to bring some MS fans to try and downplay Sony's situation too.

So please, next time if you want to call someone else out for something like this, don't do it yourself as well..it just looks stupid
Microsoft's reactionary politics are showing how clueless they are. This is going to cost them dearly in this gen.

Sony should ship wi free 30/90 day Ps+ sub,and then they can say 'comes with free driveclub, Indy game 1, Indy game 2 etc)*

No they shouldn't, they should exactly stick to their plan. MS is playing catchup here.
You're certainly off to a good start with 9 replies in this thread so far. Not top of the leaderboard quite yet, but keep working at it!


I guess Microsoft is trying to buy their way to prosperity. It would have been better if they'd spent their money on actually creating something.

I thought thats what they were doing by also investing in all those new studios and new IPs.

I'm guessing that doesn't count, much like XBLA don't count in exclusivity list wars/


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Wow at the people saying "just a free game". This would be a packin that doesnt change the original price at all. It's a very aggressive move on their part.
well if that rumour is true then it will save me 60~€ which is a good thing because I would get XB1 + DR3 + FIFA 14 for 500€

Well yeah. But you were getting one anyway, so it is hardly is worth moneyhats. It has no effect on what console people will buy.

But, we don't know what this is really. This is all just pointless rumour-mongering.
No way to spin it, it's a good move that adds to the value of the box in that territory.

At this point I think people are just happy for next gen. I think MS has erased enough issues with their box that they'd go for it so long as it came first, but I can't see people being that patient.
Except they're not increasing the price of the bundle, so it's not the same.
Yeah - I think the key point the poster was trying to make though is that it isn't an exclusive and won't cause EA lost revenue, so no point looking up how much it has sold and it isn't going to lose and DLC sales, only potentially increase them.


Another point, FIFA is a series that some dedicated retailers in the UK pretty much rely on. Since retailers make next to nothing on consoles, wouldn't this dent them really hard? Would MS have to compensate THEM as well as EA?


Leave it to GAF to spin free games as a negative for Microsoft.

*rolls eyes*

I would compile an embarrassing list of posts like Mama did in the Uncharted review thread, but I'm too lazy

I have read through all the pages so far and it seems to me most people are being positive. There are some that are being negative of course but I don't think they represent a majority. Others are stating that it won't matter or is a waste of resources since the PS4 is still cheaper, which I guess that just comes down to personal preferences.


hide your water-based mammals

The irony is that most of the "good" news has been fed to us by MSFT themselves. They aren't going to truthfact us like CBOAT. There's no irony. As I mentioned in the post yesterday, I'd rather have a clearer and unfiltered MSFT spouted message than one that skews reality and hides/sidesteps things. If it wasn't for CBOAT, we would never have gone to the extent of fighting the DRM campaign earlier this year. In the end it was something that was better for gamers.


The Xbox One just became £50 cheaper for A LOT OF people in Europe because many of them would have bought Fifa along with their console purchase.
And although £80 might have been a steep price for Kinect, it might be more reasonable and justifiable for people at just £30 over the PS4 price.

It's also not available for a lot more people in Europe following this week. It could potentially be a lot of money to spend for a very small amount of people to get FIFA - that's my concern, a free game is a free game - no one is doubting that.


I actually want to start a drinking game. One shot for every negative post in a MS thread that deals with good news but I fear I would be dead by page 5

Microsoft offers free pack in game:

"Reeks of Desperation"
"Panic mode!"
"It doesn't change anything"

Sony offers free pack in game:

"Wow Sony is really generous"


In the UK MS need to get the One under £399, minimum - added value is only relevant to those interested in the bundled item.

Remove Kinect, remove FIFA, drive the console price down as low as possible, let consumers make the choices.
MS has a ton of money, but they have also never came out on top in their gaming division. OG Xbox cost them a ton of money and the amount of money they spent on the 360 was insane (exclusivity deals and the RROD issue which alone cost them $3 billion). So I doubt the MS investors would be too pleased with them trying to spend their way to success with the Xbone, especially after the lackluster launch of their entire Windows 8 lineup (PCs, phones, tablets).

So while yes they have money still, it is not infinite. I have to believe that this money would be better spent on funding a new game(s) at MS instead. Especially considering this Fifa bundle is as effective as preaching to the choir.

Yeah they don't fund new games
Seriously,there even has a exclusive games develop by Platinum Games rumor at yesterday,but i guess even they announce 100 new ips at same time it still won't enough for you
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