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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed to November 19th


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Again, that's what you're assuming. Unless you can source CDPR saying people will get the patch then the full blown next gen version with smart delivery?

By your logic it doesn't support smart delievry. So why would they say it's smart delievry if it's not?

I'm not assuming anything. That's what the verbage is for smart delievry. You buy the game once and it pulls whatever code is best for your machine.

By them saying it support smart delievry they are saying you will get the series X version. Because if you didn't then it wouldn't be smart delievry.

What do you think smart delievry is?


It was being reported on different sites back at the start of the year that current gen consoles were having some performance issues for it.

It makes me wonder if they figured those issues out or had to sacrifice some things to hack it down to work on current gen. Which would also imply some issues for the inevitable and separate next-gen version they will want to double dip with unless enough time passes that they can put things back in.


Witcher 3 had issues on both the Pro and X1X. CP2077 is gonna be more graphically impressive plus way more dense than Witcher 3 with a lot more shit happening at any given time. I can't imagine how shitty CP2077 will be on the Pro or X1X.
It was being reported on different sites back at the start of the year that current gen consoles were having some performance issues for it.

It makes me wonder if they figured those issues out or had to sacrifice some things to hack it down to work on current gen. Which would also imply some issues for the inevitable and separate next-gen version they will want to double dip with unless enough time passes that they can put things back in.
As a primarily PC-focused gamer, delays and cutbacks due to a console bottleneck irritates me to no end.
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As a primarily PC-focused gamer, delays and cutbacks due to console bottleneck irritates me to no end.
Yeah, not only because you have to wait, but just knowing that there could have been really cool things cut from the game just because of some extremely low-end 2013 hardware contractually having to be able to run the game.

This isn't the thread for it, but this is exactly why I fucking hate the idea of a low-end Xbox mucking up the entire generation for 3rd parties just because Microsoft wants to be able to say they have a low-priced option.


I could make a post saying I am glad they are delaying to ensure quality, but I could also say I am gutted they are delaying it more than once after having shared two previous release dates which is the same that happened with Witcher 3.

I am somewhere inbetween. I want them to make the game the best they can, but I am also disappointed by optimistic release date announcements only to have the same happen every single time rendering release dates completely useless.


They underestimated the number of genders the character creator now had to support after caving in and removing the male/female toggle.


Expected from them but it’ll be insanely worth it for them to polish 60% of the day one bugs and hopefully get some more testers in there to really run through the content.
Lmao just make it a next gen launch title. Leave PS4 and Xbox One behind. Its probably launching on the exact day of PS5 and Series X. If they miss the launch, then its going to get overlooked by next gen hype.


Rodent Whores
Cool. Do what you gotta do, like that Miyamoto quote.

The other side of that coin is the Bethesda experience. Pick your poison.

Hopefully the new GPUs from Nvidia and AMD are out by then.


Hopefully this makes it as a next gen launch title. Ps5 lineup isn't enticing enough to jump in day 1.
Heard og xb1 was giving them trouble. Wonder how that worked out and if they gimped all the other versions/og xb1 ver will be shit. But suspect this launch is more about timing than polish.
Don't worry I'm sure the game is just as content complete and playable from beginning to end as it was a year ago when they said the same thing.

They definitely aren't stalling due to deep development issues causing them to strip away more and more features from the game. Definitely not. Preorder now!


Interesting that journalists will play both TLOU II and CP2077 in the same month. GoTY season starts this week.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with:

2.new consoles
3.new gpus

I understand they're trying to make it good and I respect that but jesus fucking, shut the fuck up with the early release dates. Just make the game in silence and announce when you're truly done with it. Delaying over and over is just annoying.
Upon reflection, I acknowledge yet again how the term "gaming community" proves itself to be a meaningless abstraction.

Imagine a developer like CDPR taking disparate voices and lumping them all together under the "gaming community" moniker. It'd be like listening to a schizophrenic :

- I don't want developers to crunch
- I want the game as soon as possible
- I won't pay more than 60 bucks
- I don't want a buggy mess
- I want it to meet the deadline
- Don't underpay your staff
- Game has to be GoTY
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Somehow, i knew it was gonna be like this. The first release date always seemed unrealistic to me. Great news for PC gamers though, wait until Black Friday and pick yourself up some sweet PC deals.


Fack. Just seen this.

I'm super pumped for this game so this sucks big time for me, but I rather wait a bit more for a more polished product.

Perfect time for some holiday crushing though. This better be backwards compatible with PS5 as soon as both launch.
I’m ok with this. Playing on next gen consoles for sure now. I was considering waiting until the next gen consoles were out anyway.

tLOu2 and GoT should keep me busy until then.


PS5, Miles Morales, Cyberpunk 2077, AC: Valhalla...cannot wait!!!

Will be one hell of a holiday season for me...:messenger_ok:


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I don’t mind the delays as long as it is a polished experience from day 1.
It sure seems like this game has a lot to live up to. If it is just a first-person RPG-lite shooter with lots of cinematic cutscenes I think people are setting themselves up for disappointment.


Probably evil Sony strikes again.

I’m not sure how take that news because I believe it is a better release date for the game.

So it is good news I guess.
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